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Upcoming events
4:00 pm
Climate Speed Hack
Come race against the clock to find innovative solutions to important problems!
Open to all UW students, regardless of technical background. NO TECHNICAL BACKGROUND REQUIRED!
Rapid version of a hackathon, participants will be teamed up at the event and work together to ideate, research and brainstorm solutions to problems in the domains of climate change adaptation, GHG reduction, and generating climate hope, all in 3-hours.
12:00 am
Future Cities Innovation Challenge
$20,000 in cash prizes up for grabs!!
Ready to make a real impact in the future of cities and communities? Join the Future Cities Institute and Velocity for the first-ever Future Cities Innovation Challenge.
12:00 am
UPSTART 25 Student Work Festival
The UpStart festival is a juried one-act play festival hosted by the University of Waterloo Theatre and Performance program. All these plays are written, directed, and performed by students. They will be presented March 19th-22nd from 7:00pm - 9:00pm EST in the Theatre of the Arts. Three shows make up the festival.