Vision 2010: A Blueprint for Excellence in Engineering Education and Research (2005-2010)

In 2004, Waterloo Engineering initiated a comprehensive planning exercise.  Following 18 months of self-study, analysis, broad engagement and external reviews, Vision 2010: A Blueprint for Excellence in Engineering Education and Research was published in May 2006.

By all measures, Waterloo Engineering moved forward significantly over the Vision 2010 plan period. In line with our strategic goals, over the Vision 2010 plan period Waterloo Engineering:

  • increased research funding by over 80%
  • increased our faculty complement by almost 25%
  • added 10,500 net assignable square metres of space; this will reach 21,500 additional nasm when all construction projects started during the Vision 2010 plan period are completed
  • decreased the undergraduate student-to-faculty ratio by 4%
  • increased graduate student enrolment by 54%
  • increased undergraduate international enrolment by 170%