Welcome to the Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Provost

James Rush, Vice-President, Academic and Provost

The University of Waterloo is one of the most exciting academic institutions in the world. As Vice-President, Academic and Provost, I am honoured to be part of this team.

I work closely with the President and Vice-Chancellor to deliver academic and administrative excellence across the entire institution, in large part by leading and supporting our excellent team of deans, faculty members, and staff. I serve as chief academic and budget officer, and carry responsibility for day-to-day operation of the university.

In everything we do, our office is committed to the principles of communication, teamwork, and providing excellent service to our colleagues on and off campus.

Send us your feedback about this site - what works for you and where you need more information – and thank you for visiting.

James W.E. Rush
Vice-President, Academic and Provost


The University and FAUW agreed to Arbitration (Final Offer Selection) as per the Memorandum of Agreement section 10.8 and the hearing was held on March 25, 2024. Final response briefs were submitted April 8,2024 and the arbitrator, Kevin Burkett, decision is now available on FAUW and the Provost's websites.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Fall Operating Budget Update

Last Spring, the Board of Governors approved the University’s 2023/24 operating budget. At the time, we committed to providing an extraordinary Fall operating budget update because we knew that it was going to be a challenging financial year. Now that we have some critical pieces of information, I have provided an update to Senate and the Board of Governors, and can provide an update to our community.