Useful Smartphone Apps for School

Maximize Productivity

Evernote (iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone)

Evernote logoEvernote is an app designed to make it easy to take notes on important things. Evernote allows users to save notes to their Evernote account and access these notes anywhere there is an internet connection. Evernote is great to use if you need to quickly remember something, such as a news article or a recipe.
There are also Evernote plugins available for web browsers that allow you to “snip” webpages and save parts of them for later viewing.

Google Drive/Dropbox/Skydrive (iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone)

Google drive logoThese apps are all part of cloud storage solutions. Cloud storage allows you to back up your files to a remote space and access these files anywhere you have an internet connection. These apps can be useful for backing up files, such as photos on your phone, or projects you’ll need to work on different computers for.

iTunesU (iOS only)

iTunesU logoiTunesU is an app available to all iOS users that gives you access to thousands of free courses offered at universities around the world, including schools such as MIT and Harvard. These courses are structured in the same way a normal in-class course would be, with weekly lectures, assignments, and tutorials. Some courses have websites or software packages available as well. These courses can be done at your own pace and do not have deadlines. However, these courses also cannot be used for credit, and are only useful for furthering your knowledge.

Download iTunesU

Wolfram Alpha (iOS, Android)

Wolfram Alpha is a computational engine that incorporates a massive amount of data on various topics, such as mathematics, history, and statistics. The free version of the app integrates with iPhone’s Siri assistant when asking questions. The paid version of the app provides access to all of Wolfram Alpha’s resources. Additional paid apps are available to help aid with various school courses and function as a personal assistant.

The basic app “Wolfram Alpha Viewer” is available for free. The main Wolfram Alpha app is $2.99 on the Apple App Store and $2.95 on the Google Android store.

Download Wolfram Alpha 

Kindle (iOS, Android, Blackberry)

Kindle is a free service provided by Amazon that allows you to purchase books digitally from Amazon and read them on your phone, tablet, or computer. Amazon has a large selection of digital books, including various school textbooks. Amazon’s “Whispersync” technology allows you to synchronize bookmarks, notes, and highlights across your devices.

Download Kindle

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[i] [Education Apps]. (n.d.). Retrieved from