Associate Provost, Co-operative and Experiential Education en Value and Impact of an Internship Activity to Increase Awareness of and Engagement with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals | WACE 4th International Research Symposium 2022 <p>Associate Provost, Co-operative and Experiential Education, Dr. Norah McRae (she/her) and Director of International Strategic Initiatives, Shabnam Ivković were <a href="">awarded best paper</a> at WACE’s 4th International Research Symposium on Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education in September, 2022.</p> Tags: UN SDGs, Academic publications, Co-op, Work-integrated learning, Future-proof, Future of work Wed, 31 Aug 2022 12:00:00 +0000 Dr. Norah McRae and Shabnam Ivkovic Co-op students can play a bigger role in advancing United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals | <p>New study finds that 13 per cent of students in the University of Waterloo’s Faculty of Environment carried out work related to the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Waterloo created a pilot program to help increase both co-op student and employer awareness of SDGs.</p> Tags: In the news, UN SDGs, Co-op, Work-integrated learning Wed, 17 Nov 2021 12:00:00 +0000 University of Waterloo Student & Employer Engagement with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals | WACE <p>Norah McRae and Shabnam Ivkovic launched a pilot program to help co-op students on international work terms engage their employers in meaningful discussions about the SDGs in the context of the organization. They share the results of the pilot and how the conversations helped bring more awareness of the SDGs and their application to co-op students.</p> Tags: WIL, Association, UN SDGs, Work-integrated learning, Experiential learning, Co-op, Speaking engagements Tue, 27 Apr 2021 12:00:00 +0000 Dr. Norah McRae and Shabnam Ivkovic From capstone project to international success <p>Michael Litt (BASc ’11) and Devon Galloway (BASc ’10), cofounders of video sharing app Vidyard, credit their success to the hands-on skillset they gained from co-op. With Vidyard now having over 12 million users, the founders have started a venture capital firm to invest in new talent and support the next generation of innovators.</p> Tags: Co-op, In the news Wed, 26 Apr 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Rose Simone There’s something in the Water(loo) <p>University of Waterloo alumni reflect on how the tech-centered university was crucial in their success in the field. The unique combination of accessible tech courses and hands on learning prepares students to find innovative solutions in a competitive space.</p> Tags: Co-op, In the news Wed, 26 Apr 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Kira Vermond 'Very eye-opening': UW students work at overrun hospital in Ottawa | CTV News <p>When The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario was overcapacity with children battling illnesses in November, two University Waterloo Pharmacy students, who were already in Ottawa for their co-op positions, stepped up to help. Parsa Ali and Duaa Osman brought an “injection of energy” to the hospital during a tough time.</p> Tags: In the news, Co-op, Experiential learning Wed, 25 Jan 2023 12:00:00 +0000 CTV News Supporting pediatric care in a time of need <p>Pharmacy students from the University of Waterloo are helping to fill clinical roles at CHEO, a pediatric hospital in Ottawa, due to the surge in respiratory virus patients.</p> Tags: Co-op, In the news Wed, 11 Jan 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Milana Madzarac A passion for health technology <p>Thanks to the University of Waterloo co-op program and her passion for improving the healthcare system through technology, Madison McBay (BSc ‘22) co-founded the startup TAMVOES, an online platform for individuals to store and share their health information with family members and professionals.</p> Tags: Co-op, In the news Mon, 09 Jan 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Angelica Marie Sanchez AI to enable a dynamic workforce | Waterloo News <p>Esteban Veintimilla (BMath ’18, MBET ’22), a University of Waterloo alum and co-founder of 1Mentor, believes his platform provides critical data on student interests and program comparison to the job market. Using AI, the platform also helps students explore career paths and identifies upskilling opportunities to prepare for their desired jobs.</p> Tags: Co-op, In the news Mon, 09 Jan 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Esteban Veintimilla 5 Charts: University of Waterloo vs. California’s Top Tech Schools | Waterloo EDC blog <p>The University of Waterloo is compared to Californian schools in Computer Science by overall rank, student employability, program size, research capabilities and entrepreneurship.</p> Tags: In the news, Co-op, Experiential learning Mon, 14 Nov 2022 12:00:00 +0000 Waterloo EDC