c======================================================================= PROGRAM MAIN c======================================================================= c------------------- Last updated 9 February 2004 --------------------- c======================================================================= ccc INCLUDE 'arrsizes.h' c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Utility routine to summarize dimensioning of arrays c----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER mxdata,mxisp,mxfsp,mxnj,mxnp,mxntp,mxprm,mxv,mxfs,mxisot, 1 mxsets,mxfreq REAL*8 CCM,PI c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c mxdata - maximum number of input data points c mxisp - maximum number of points for initial state potential array c (also used for number of points in transition moment array) c mxnj - maxiumum value of j quantum number allowed c mxfsp - maximum number of points for final state potential array c mxnp - maximum number of parameters total c mxntp - maximum number of turning points to be read in c mxprm - maximum number of parameters for final state pot'l or TMF c mxv - largest value for the v quantum number c mxfs - maximum number of final states allowed c mxisot - maximum number of isotopomers allowed c mxsets - maximum number of data sets allowed c mxfreq - maximum number of data points allowed in a given set c----------------------------------------------------------------------- PARAMETER (mxisp=16001) PARAMETER (mxnj=20) PARAMETER (mxfsp=16001) PARAMETER (mxntp=9999) PARAMETER (mxprm=6) PARAMETER (mxv=200) PARAMETER (mxfs=5) PARAMETER (mxisot=3) PARAMETER (mxsets=11) PARAMETER (mxfreq=501) PARAMETER (PI=3.141592653589793238d0) PARAMETER (mxnp=2*mxprm*mxfs+mxsets-1) PARAMETER (mxdata=mxfreq*mxsets) PARAMETER (CCM= 299792458d2) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER AN1,AN2,C,CHARGE,ERR,FITIT,FREQYN,MN1(mxisot),MN2(mxisot), 1 GEGS1,GEGS2,GNS1,GNS2, I,IFR,IFS,ILRF,IP,IR2F,IROUND,ISET, 2 ISO,IVJ,IWRSCH,IWROVR,J,JFRPW,JREF,K,LNPT,LPDER,LPFS,LPRINT, 3 LPTMF,LPRWF,M,MAXV,MCALC, N,NCNF,NCNI,NFS,NIN,NISTP,NPRS,NPRF, 4 NPRM,NDATA,NBEG,NEND,NPTOT,NPPFREE,NSETS,NUSEF, PRINTYN,RPD,V, 5 NGPRND, BOLTZ(mxsets),DTYPE(mxsets),IFRPW(mxsets),ISOT(mxsets), 6 J1ST(mxsets),VMAX(mxsets),JMAX(mxsets),NFREQ(mxsets),NJ(mxsets), 7 NVJ(mxsets),PUNITS(mxsets),PQR(mxsets),SCALE(mxsets), 7 GFS(mxfs), 8 CD(mxsets,mxfs),CN(mxsets,mxfs),STYPE(mxfs),FSVAR(mxprm,mxfs), 9 FSTYPE(mxfs),NFSPRM(mxfs),NTPFS(mxfs),OMEGA(0:mxfs),OTMF(mxfs), a TMFTYP(mxfs),TMFVAR(0:mxprm-1,mxfs),V1ST(mxsets),VFIX(mxfreq), b JFIX(mxfreq),XCOORD(mxfs), INNER(0:mxv,mxisot),INNR(0:mxv) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL*8 AB1,AB2,ADD,AVALUE(mxfs),BFCT(mxisot),BVALUE(mxfs), 1 CM(mxnp,mxnp),CNNF,DFREQ,dIdT(0:mxprm-1,mxfreq,mxfs,mxsets), 2 DFACT,DSE,EPS,FACTOR(mxsets),FCT(mxfsp),FREQ(mxfreq,mxsets), 3 FREQ1,FSPRM(mxprm,mxfs),MASS1(mxisot),MASS2(mxisot), 4 GV(0:mxv),RCNST(7),MCI(0:mxv,0:7,mxisot),MU(mxisot), 5 OBS(mxfreq,mxsets),OVRCRT,OUTPUT(mxfreq,mxsets),POPCRT, 6 PS(mxnp),PU(mxnp),PV(mxnp),RAD(mxfsp),REXFS,REXTMF,RFACTF,RH, 7 RMAX,RMAXOUT,RMIN,RMS(mxsets),RTP(2,mxfs),RTPF(mxfsp), 8 SF(mxsets), 8 SQRTMU(mxisot),TMFPRM(0:mxprm-1,mxfs),TEMP(mxsets),TSTPS,TSTPU, 9 UNC(mxfreq,mxsets),VFACTF,VF(mxfsp,mxfs),VI(mxisp,mxisot), a VIS(mxisp),VLIMI,VLIMF(mxfs),VSHFTF(mxfs),VTP(2,mxfs), b RM2(mxisp),VICD(mxisp,mxisot),VTPF(mxfsp),WAVL(mxfreq,mxsets), c XM2(mxfsp),YD(mxdata),YO(mxdata),YU(mxdata),zfs(mxfsp,mxfs), d WF1(mxisp),ztmf(mxisp,mxfs),TWOPIC, PMAX,BvWN,GAMA, UCUTOFF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER*2 N1,N2,NAME1(mxisot),NAME2(mxisot) CHARACTER*75 TITLE CHARACTER*70 INFO(mxsets) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON /MF/ BFCT,EPS,FACTOR,FREQ,MCI,OBS,UNC,OVRCRT,POPCRT,TEMP, 1 VI,VICD,VLIMI,WAVL,BOLTZ,CD,CN,DTYPE,FITIT,INNER,ISOT,IWRSCH, 2 IWROVR,J1ST,JFIX,JFRPW,JMAX,MCALC,NJ,OMEGA,PQR,printyn, 3 V1ST,VFIX,VMAX COMMON /MD/ DFACT,FSVAR,LPDER,NPPFREE COMMON /MGt/ REXTMF COMMON /MGf/ AVALUE,BVALUE,REXFS,RTP,VTP,zfs,FSTYPE,XCOORD COMMON /MFD/ dIdT,OUTPUT,SF,IFRPW,NFREQ,NFS,NSETS,NVJ,RPD,SCALE, 1 TMFVAR,INFO COMMON /MFGf/ VF,VLIMF COMMON /MFGt/ XM2,ztmf,LPTMF,NIN,TMFTYP COMMON /MDGf/ FSPRM,NFSPRM COMMON /MFGtGf/ RAD COMMON /MFDGt/ TMFPRM,OTMF,GFS c????? real*8 xtmf c????? c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c LNPT needed in prepot.f (must be greater that zero here) c NPRS needed in prepot.f subroutine genint c MCALC - specifies how radial overlap calculations are performed c <= 0 to use delta function approximation (UNAVAILABLE) c > 0 for exact quantal calculation c EPS is converged precision (in cm-1) of calculated eigenvalues c POPCRT is fraction of initial-state population to be included when c the thermal sums terminate in direct sums over the rotational c or vibrational populations. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA LNPT/1/,NPRS/1/,NDATA/0/,NGPRND/1/ EPS= 1.d-05 POPCRT= 0.9999d0 MCALC= 1 TWOPIC= 2.d0*PI*CCM c======================================================================= c TITLE is a title or output header of up to 75 characters, read on a c single line enclosed between single quotes: e.g. 'title of problem' c======================================================================= READ(5,*) TITLE c======================================================================= c AN1 - atomic number of atom 1 c AN2 - atomic number of atom 2 c CHARGE - +/-(integer) charge on the molecule c NISTP - number of isotopomers to be considered c NFS - number of final state potentials considered c NSETS - the number of data sets to be predicted or fitted to c FITIT - if > 1 do a fit to experimental data c if = 0 do forward calculation only c======================================================================= READ(5,*) AN1, AN2, CHARGE, NISTP, NFS, NSETS, FITIT c======================================================================= IF(NSETS.gt.mxsets) THEN WRITE(6,617) mxsets STOP ENDIF IF(NISTP.gt.mxisot) THEN WRITE(6,619) mxisot STOP ENDIF IF(NFS.gt.mxfs) THEN WRITE(6,621) mxfs STOP ENDIF WRITE(6,600) TITLE,NISTP DO iso= 1,NISTP c** Loop over isotopomers: read mass numbers & calcuate reduced masses c Read data for lightest isotomer first and repeat for subsequent ones c======================================================================= c MN1(iso) - mass number of atom 1 of isotopomer 'iso' c MN2(iso) - mass number of atom 2 of isotopomer 'iso' c======================================================================= READ(5,*) MN1(iso), MN2(iso) c======================================================================= IF((AN1.GT.0).AND.(AN1.LE.109)) THEN CALL MASSES(AN1,MN1(iso),NAME1(iso),GEGS1,GNS1, 1 MASS1(iso),AB1) ELSE c ... If particle-1 is not a normal stable atomic species, read in a c particle name (2-characters surrounded by 's) and mass in [u] c======================================================================= READ(5,*) NAME1(iso), MASS1(iso) c======================================================================= ENDIF IF((AN2.GT.0).AND.(AN2.LE.109)) THEN CALL MASSES(AN2,MN2(iso),NAME2(iso),GEGS2,GNS2, 1 MASS2(iso),AB2) ELSE c ... If particle-2 is not a normal stable atomic species, read in a c particle name (2-characters surrounded by 's) and mass in [u] c======================================================================= READ(5,*) NAME2(iso), MASS2(iso) c======================================================================= ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- MU(iso)= MASS1(iso)*MASS2(iso)/(MASS1(iso)+MASS2(iso)) SQRTMU(iso)= DSQRT(MU(iso)) WRITE(6,602) NAME1(iso),MN1(iso),NAME2(iso),MN2(iso), 1 MASS1(iso),MASS2(iso),MU(iso) ENDDO c======================================================================= c RH - radial mesh size (in angstroms) for numerical integration c RMIN - lower limit (in angstroms) for numerical integration c RMAX - upper limit (in angstroms) for numerical integration is c internally set to the smaller of the read-in RMAX, or the c largest distance allowed by array dimensions c OVRCRT - convergence criterion for exact quantal calculation of c continuum wavefunctions c======================================================================= READ(5,*) RH, RMIN, RMAX, OVRCRT c======================================================================= IF(FITIT.GT.0) THEN WRITE(6,606) NSETS ELSE FITIT= 0 WRITE(6,610) NSETS ENDIF IF(MCALC.GT.0) THEN WRITE(6,626) OVRCRT ELSE WRITE(6,628) STOP ENDIF NIN= (RMAX - RMIN)/RH + 1 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c NIN is the number of initial-state potential mesh points c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(NIN.GE.mxisp) NIN = mxisp RMAXOUT= RMIN + NIN*RH WRITE(6,652) RMIN,RMAXOUT,RH c====================================================================== c IWRSCH controls print level in matrix element subroutines in SCHRQ c < 0 allows only printing of errors/warnings [normal setting] c = 0 prevents all printing there c > 0 prints results; > 1 more details; ; > 2 even more details; ... c IWROVR controls print level inside OVRLAP and OVRPD c < 0 allows only printing of errors/warnings [normal setting] c = 0 no print c = 1 prints overlap integrals and converged amplitudes c > 1 prints additional details c======================================================================= READ(5,*) IWRSCH, IWROVR c======================================================================= IF(FITIT.GT.0) THEN c======================================================================= c IROUND controls rounding in nllssrr subroutine c not equal 0 causes sequential rounding and re-fitting to be c performed, with each parameter being rounded at the |iround|th c significant digit of its local uncertainty c > 0 rounding selects in turn remaining parameter w/ largest c relative uncertainty c < 0 rounds parameters sequentially from last to first c = 0 simply stops after full convergence (no rounding) c LPDER : if greater than zero, partial derivative array is written c to channel 10 c UCUTOFF : ignore input data with uncertaities > UCUTOFF c DFACT : (real) scaling factor in calculation of derivatives by c differences in dyidpj subroutine; typically set to 1.0 (this c is still under development) c LPRINT : specifies the level of printing inside nllssrr.f c = 0 no print except for failed convergence. c < 0 only converged, unrounded parameters, PU & PS's c >= 1 print converged parameters, PU & PS's c >= 2 also print parameter change each rounding step c >= 3 also indicate nature of convergence c >= 4 also print convergence tests on each cycle c >= 5 also parameters changes & uncertainties, each cycle c======================================================================= READ(5,*) IROUND, LPDER, UCUTOFF, DFACT, LPRINT c======================================================================= IF(IROUND.NE.0) WRITE(6,607) IABS(IROUND) IF(IROUND.GT.0) WRITE(6,608) IF(IROUND.LT.0) WRITE(6,609) ENDIF DO 10 iset= 1,NSETS c======================================================================= c INFO is a name for the data set, of up to 70-characters, read in on a c single line, enclosed in single quotes: e.g. 'name for data set' c ISOT specifies the isotopomer to be considered for this data set c BOLTZ > 0 for calculation with Boltzman population of initial states c = 0 does calculation for a specific (v,J) level c DTYPE = 1 if property is (a sum) of final-state intensities c = 2 if property is ratio of (sums of) final-state intensities c IFRPW identifies type of data in this set c = 0 for predissociation c = 1 for (decadic) molar absorption coefficients c = 3 for spontaneous emission c = -1 for constant freqency factor in absorption c = -3 for constant freqency factor in emission c PQR = 0 if using the Q-branch approximation (J'= J") c = 1 if the P, Q, and R braches are calculated, weighted by the c Honl-London factor and summed over. c======================================================================= READ(5,*) INFO(iset) READ(5,*) ISOT(iset), BOLTZ(iset), DTYPE(iset), IFRPW(iset), 1 PQR(iset) c======================================================================= WRITE(6,637) iset,INFO(iset) IF(NFS.LE.1) THEN CN(iset,1)= 1 ELSE IF(DTYPE(iset).EQ.1) THEN c======================================================================= c If property is sum of intensities for multiple final states, read c integer final-state weight coefficients here c E(tot)= CN1*E(fs1) + CN2*E(fs2) + ... + CNnfs*E(nfs); CNi = 1 or 0 c======================================================================= READ(5,*) (CN(iset,ifs), ifs= 1,NFS) c======================================================================= WRITE(6,629) NFS,(CN(iset,ifs),ifs= 1,NFS) ELSEIF(DTYPE(iset).EQ.2) THEN c======================================================================= c If property is ratio of intensities, read (integer) numerator (CN) c and denominator (CD) final-state sum weight coefficients here. c E(ratio) = {CN(1)*E(fs1) + CN(2)*E(fs2) + ... + CN(nfs)*E(nfs)}/ c {CD(1)*E(fs1) + CD(2)*E(fs2) + ... + CD(nfs)*E(nfs)} c CN(i) = 1 or 0 c CD(i) = 1 or 0 c======================================================================= READ(5,*) (CN(iset,ifs), ifs= 1,NFS) READ(5,*) (CD(iset,ifs), ifs= 1,NFS) c======================================================================= WRITE(6,630) iset,(CN(iset,ifs),ifs= 1,NFS) WRITE(6,631) (CD(iset,ifs),ifs= 1,NFS) ELSEIF((DTYPE(iset).LE.0).OR.(DTYPE(iset).GE.3)) THEN WRITE(6,633) iset,DTYPE(iset) STOP ENDIF ENDIF TEMP(iset)= 0.d0 JFRPW= IABS(IFRPW(iset)) IF((JFRPW.NE.0).AND.(JFRPW.NE.1).AND.(JFRPW.NE.3)) THEN WRITE (6,604) IFRPW(iset) STOP ENDIF IF(JFRPW.EQ.1) WRITE(6,632) IF(JFRPW.EQ.3) WRITE(6,634) BFCT(ISOT(iset))= MU(ISOT(iset))*RH*RH/16.85762908d0 IF(JFRPW.EQ.0) FACTOR(iset)= 9.17555390D10*SQRTMU(ISOT(iset)) IF(JFRPW.EQ.1) FACTOR(iset)= 8.4397201D0*SQRTMU(ISOT(iset)) IF(JFRPW.EQ.3) FACTOR(iset)= 2.4313849D-8*SQRTMU(ISOT(iset)) IF(PQR(iset).GT.0) WRITE(6,613) IF(PQR(iset).LE.0) WRITE(6,615) c c** Data/control parameter input for fit/prediction of predissociation c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(IFRPW(iset).EQ.0) THEN BOLTZ(iset)= 0 NJ(iset)= 0 c======================================================================= c NVJ is number of (v,J) states for which predissociation calculated c In forward calculation, if NFV=0, perform for specified (v,J) range c======================================================================= READ(5,*) NVJ(iset) c======================================================================= IF(FITIT.LE.0) THEN IF(NVJ(iset).GT.0) THEN c** For No-FIT predictions: either read in (v,J)'s for predissociating c levels (if NVJ > 0), ... OR (if NVJ=0) read integers to specify a c range of initial-state levels V1ST.le.v.le.VMAX; J1ST.le.J.le.JMAX c======================================================================= c If NVJ > 0 read in list of initial (v,J) levels. c VFIX - specific value of v for level (v,J) in forward calculation c JFIX - specific value of J for level (v,J) c======================================================================= READ(5,*) (VFIX(ivj), JFIX(ivj), ivj= 1,NVJ(iset)) c======================================================================= VMAX(iset)= 0 DO ivj= 1, NVJ(iset) VMAX(iset)= MAX0(VMAX(iset),VFIX(ivj)) ENDDO WRITE(6,645) NVJ(iset),iset,NAME1(ISOT(iset)), 1 MN1(ISOT(iset)),NAME2(ISOT(iset)),MN2(ISOT(iset)), 2 (VFIX(ivj),JFIX(ivj),ivj= 1,NVJ(iset)) ELSEIF(NVJ(iset).LE.0) THEN c======================================================================= c If read-in NVJ=0 , calculate predissociation rates for all levels c from v= V1ST up to VMAX, for J= J1ST up to JMAX c======================================================================= READ(5,*) V1ST(iset),VMAX(iset), J1ST(iset), 1 JMAX(iset) c======================================================================= WRITE(6,649) V1ST(iset),J1ST(iset),VMAX(iset), 1 JMAX(iset) ENDIF c ELSEIF(FITIT.GT.0) THEN IF(NVJ(iset).LE.0) THEN WRITE(6,603) iset,NVJ(iset),FITIT STOP ENDIF c======================================================================= c PUNITS > 0 for predissociation data input as widths (FWHM in cm-1) c = 0 for predissociation data input as lifetimes (seconds) c < 0 for predissociation data input as rates (inverse seconds) c [Predissociation internally treated as rates (in s-1), so convert c values if in other units. For not fitting, PUNITS is dummy variable] c FWHM(cm-1) = RATE(s-1)/2*pi*c = 1/TAU(s)*2*pi*c c ** 1/(2*pi*c) = 0.5308837458D-11 c======================================================================= READ(5,*) PUNITS(iset) c======================================================================= ivj= 1 DO i= 1,nvj(iset) c======================================================================= c For a FIT, need to read each predissociation datum OBS and its c uncertainty UNC for each initial-state level (v,J)= (VFIX,JFIX) c Note: PUNITS (above) specifies units of input OBS and UNC values; c calculation done as rates (s-1) so OBS and UNC converted internally c======================================================================= READ(5,*) VFIX(ivj), JFIX(ivj), OBS(ivj,iset), 1 UNC(ivj,iset) c======================================================================= IF(UNC(ivj,iset).LT.UCUTOFF) ivj= ivj+1 ENDDO nvj(iset)= ivj-1 IF(PUNITS(iset).LT.0) THEN WRITE(6,643) NVJ(iset),iset,(VFIX(ivj),JFIX(ivj), 1 OBS(ivj,iset),UNC(ivj,iset),ivj= 1,NVJ(iset)) ELSEIF(PUNITS(iset).EQ.0) THEN WRITE(6,647) NVJ(iset),iset,(VFIX(ivj),JFIX(ivj), 1 OBS(ivj,iset),UNC(ivj,iset),ivj= 1,NVJ(iset)) DO ivj= 1,NVJ(iset) OBS(ivj,iset)= 1.d0/OBS(ivj,iset) UNC(ivj,iset)= 1.d0/UNC(ivj,iset) ENDDO ELSEIF(PUNITS(iset).GT.0) THEN WRITE(6,648) NVJ(iset),iset,(VFIX(ivj),JFIX(ivj), 1 OBS(ivj,iset),UNC(ivj,iset),ivj= 1,NVJ(iset)) DO ivj= 1,NVJ(iset) OBS(ivj,iset)= TWOPIC*OBS(ivj,iset) UNC(ivj,iset)= TWOPIC*UNC(ivj,iset) ENDDO ENDIF VMAX(iset)= 0 cc JMAX(iset)= 0 DO ivj= 1,nvj(iset) c ... now - finally save OBS in correct units for fitting. NDATA= NDATA+1 YO(NDATA)= OBS(ivj,iset) YU(NDATA)= UNC(ivj,iset) VMAX(iset)= MAX(VMAX(iset),VFIX(ivj)) cc JMAX(iset)= MAX(JMAX(iset),JFIX(ivj)) ENDDO NFREQ(iset)= NVJ(iset) ENDIF c??? (not clear why Geoff set these ... but ... NFREQ(iset)= 1 FREQ(1,iset)= 0.d0 WAVL(1,iset)= 0.d0 ENDIF c ... end of input for case of a predissociation dataset c IF(IFRPW(iset).NE.0) THEN c** Case of absorption or emission data sets for either thermal initial c state or transitions (normally emission) from one initial (v,J) IF(BOLTZ(iset).GT.0) THEN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** Data/control parameter input for a "thermal" property: BOLTZ > 0 c======================================================================= c TEMP is the Kelvin temperature of the current input data set c VMAX is the upper bound cutoff v value for the thermal sum over v c NJ specifies how sum over a thermal rotational population is done c < 0 for direct sum from J= 0 to J= |NJ| c = 0 perform all calculations with J= 0 c > 0 sums over nj average J values in nj equally weighted c segments of the rotational population for that v c======================================================================= READ(5,*) TEMP(iset), VMAX(iset), NJ(iset) c======================================================================= WRITE(6,625) TEMP(iset),NAME1(ISOT(iset)), 1 MN1(ISOT(iset)),NAME2(ISOT(iset)),MN2(ISOT(iset)),VMAX(iset) WRITE(6,624) POPCRT IF(NJ(iset).GT.mxnj) THEN WRITE(6,611) mxnj,NJ(iset),NJ(iset) NJ(iset)= -NJ(iset) ENDIF IF(NJ(iset).LE.0) THEN JMAX(iset)= IABS(NJ(iset)) IF(JMAX(iset).GT.0) WRITE(6,618) JMAX(iset) IF(JMAX(iset).EQ.0) WRITE(6,620) ELSE JMAX(iset)= NJ(iset)-1 WRITE(6,622) NJ(iset) ENDIF ELSEIF(BOLTZ(iset).LE.0) THEN c** Control parameters for non-thermal absorption/emission from the c particular initial-state level: v= V1ST, J= J1ST c======================================================================= READ(5,*) V1ST(iset), J1ST(iset) c======================================================================= WRITE(6,623) NAME1(ISOT(iset)),MN1(ISOT(iset)), 1 NAME2(ISOT(iset)),MN2(ISOT(iset)),V1ST(iset),J1ST(iset) VMAX(iset)= V1ST(iset) JMAX(iset)= J1ST(iset) NVJ(iset)= 0 ENDIF c IF(FITIT.LE.0) THEN c** For Non-FIT forward calculation, specify frequencies for calculations c======================================================================= c* For forward calculation, specify desired transition energy mesh c NFREQ is the number of transition energies (in cm-1) for this set c FREQ(i)= FREQ1 + (i-1)*DFREQ ; values negative for emission c======================================================================= READ(5,*) NFREQ(iset), FREQ1, DFREQ c======================================================================= IF(NFREQ(iset).GT.mxfreq) THEN c** If number of requested frequencies exceeds array size - STOP!) WRITE(6,888) 888 FORMAT(/' *** ERROR *** input NFREQ=',i10,' > array dimension', 1 ' mxfreq=',i6) STOP ENDIF DO ifr= 1,NFREQ(iset) FREQ(ifr,iset)= FREQ1 + (ifr-1)*DFREQ WAVL(ifr,iset)= 1.d7/FREQ(ifr,iset) ENDDO WRITE(6,640) NFREQ(iset),(FREQ(ifr,iset), 1 ifr= 1,NFREQ(iset)) ENDIF c IF(FITIT.GT.0) THEN c** For a FIT, read experimental absorption/emiss. intensities or ratios c======================================================================= c NFREQ is the number of data to be read in the current set c FREQYN > 0 if read-in ordinate values are energies in (cm-1) c = 0 if read-in ordinate values are wavelengths in (nm) c======================================================================= READ(5,*) NFREQ(iset), FREQYN c======================================================================= IF(NFREQ(iset).GT.mxfreq) THEN WRITE(6,616) mxfreq STOP ENDIF ifr= 1 DO i= 1, NFREQ(iset) c======================================================================= c FREQ input transition energies (cm-1) [or wavelengths (nm)] c (for emission, values should be negative) c OBS experimentally observed intensity values for current set c UNC uncertainties in the experimental values c======================================================================= READ(5,*) FREQ(ifr,iset), OBS(ifr,iset), 1 UNC(ifr,iset) c======================================================================= IF(UNC(ifr,iset).LT.UCUTOFF) ifr= ifr+1 ENDDO NFREQ(iset)= ifr-1 DO ifr= 1,NFREQ(iset) NDATA= NDATA+1 YO(NDATA)= OBS(ifr,iset) YU(NDATA)= UNC(ifr,iset) ENDDO IF(FREQYN.GT.0) THEN c** As required ... generate wavelengths/frequencies for calculation DO ifr= 1,NFREQ(iset) WAVL(ifr,iset)= 1.d7/FREQ(ifr,iset) ENDDO ELSE DO ifr= 1,NFREQ(iset) WAVL(ifr,iset)= FREQ(ifr,iset) FREQ(ifr,iset)= 1.d7/WAVL(ifr,iset) ENDDO ENDIF WRITE(6,638) NFREQ(iset),iset,(FREQ(ifr,iset), 1 WAVL(ifr,iset),OBS(ifr,iset),UNC(ifr,iset),ifr= 1,NFREQ(iset)) ENDIF ENDIF IF(IFRPW(iset).LT.0) WRITE(6,644) JFRPW,FREQ(1,iset),JFRPW 10 CONTINUE c======================================================================= c ... end of loop to input data/cases for performing calculations c======================================================================= DO iset= 1,NSETS SCALE(iset)= 0 SF(iset)= 1.d0 ENDDO IF((FITIT.GT.0).AND.(NSETS.GT.1)) THEN c c** For a fit to multiple data sets, may wish to apply a global scaling c to certain data subsets to allow for (say) uncertainties in c concentration measurements for different isotopomers. c======================================================================= c SF(iset) is a multiplicative factor for scaling 2'nd, 3'rd, ... etc. c data set values relative to 1'st data set. c SCALE is a integer flag that tells whether or not scaling factors for c 2'nd, 3'rd, ...) data sets are to be held fixed or varied in a fit. c = 0 does not vary scaling factor for the set c = 1 all scaling factor to vary in the fit. c======================================================================= READ(5,*) (SF(iset), iset= 2, NSETS) READ(5,*) (SCALE(iset), iset= 2, NSETS) c======================================================================= ENDIF c======================================================================= c Preparation of Initial-State Potential c======================================================================= c Prepare distance array R = RAD(i) defining potential mesh points up c to the upper dimensioned limit mxfsp c Also prepare array XM2(i) = 1/R^2 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i= 1,mxfsp RAD(i)= RMIN + (i-1)*RH XM2(i)= 1.d0/RAD(i)**2 ENDDO c WRITE(6,656) c** Allow different isotopomers to have different initial-state potentials DO 20 iso= 1,NISTP DO i= 1,NIN RM2(i)= XM2(i) ENDDO CALL PREPOT(LNPT,AN1,AN2,MN1(iso),MN2(iso),NIN,OMEGA(0), 1 RAD,RM2,VLIMI,VIS,NCNI) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c prepot inputs: LNPT,MASS1(iso),MASS2(iso),VLIMI,NIN,RAD(i),RM2(i) c prepot outputs: VIS(i) - the generated initial-state potential array c in units cm-1 c NCNI - read inside subroutine regarding potential tail c RM2(i) - array may change to account for corrections c======================================================================= c in PREPOT: READ(5,*) NTPI, LPPOTI, OMEGA(0), VLIMI c======================================================================= c NTPI > 0 if reading in potential points and interpolating over c and extrapolating beyond them to get desired potential c = 0 to generate an analytic potential to be specified below c LPPOTI > 0 to print generated potential and its derivatives-by- c differences at every |LPPOTI|th point c = 0 to prevent such printing c OMEGA the (integer) total electronic angular momentum projection c quantum number (required for proper rotational intensities) c VLIMI - the absolute energy (in cm-1) at large R asymptote c======================================================================= c For pointwise potential (NTPI > 0) c in PREPOT: READ(5,*) NUSEI, IR2I, ILRI, NCNI, CNNI c in PREPOT: READ(5,*) RFACTI, EFACTI, VSHIFTI c in PREPOT: READ(5,*) (XI(I), YI(I),I=1,NTPI) c======================================================================= c NUSEI > 0 to use NUSEI-point piecewise polynomial interpolation for c read in potential points (typically 6,8,or 10) c = 0 to use cubic spline interpolation scheme c c IR2I > 0 causes numerical interpolation to be performed over YI*XI^2 c rather than over the potential YI themselves; this may c improve interpolation for a steep repulsive wall. c c ILRI specifies how to extrapolate beyond outer turning points c < 0 fits last 3 to: VLIMI - A exp[-b(R-R0)^2] c = 0 fits last 3 to: VLIMI - A R^p exp(-bR) c = 1 fits last 2 to: VLIMI - A/(R^B) c = 2 or 3 fit last 2 or 3 points to: c VLIMI - sum[C(NCNI+2m)/R^(NCNI+2m)]; m = 0,ILRI-1 c > 3 fits last few points to: c VLIMI - sum[C(NCNI+m)/R^(NCNI+m)]; m = 0,ILRI-1 c c NCNI is used (if ILR > 1) to specify limiting inverse-power behavior c of function tail; see ILRI. c c For ILRI > 1 cases, if CNNI.NE.0 fix limiting coefficient C(NCNI) at c this read-in value, rather than from fit to outermost turning points. c c RFACTI - factor to convert read-in turning point x-values to angstroms c EFACTI - factor to convert read-in turning point y-values to cm-1 c VSHIFTI - the energy (in cm-1) which must be added to the read-in c potential points to make then consistent with the VLIMI value. c c (Xi,Yi) - are the NTPI pairs of potential points c======================================================================= c Generate analytical initial-state potential (NTPI.LE.0) in PREPOT c* Potentials generated in cm-1 with potential asymptote at energy VLIM c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** IPOTL specifies the type of potential function to be generated. c** MPAR & NPAR are integers for specifying potential types. c** NVARB is number of (real*8) potential parameters read in. c** IBOB specifies whether (if > 0) or not (if .le. 0) atomic mass c dependent Born-Oppenheimer breakdown corrections will be included c** For all functions considered, well depth and equilibrium distance c are read as DSCM (cm-1) and REQ (Angstroms), respectively. c* [Most read-in parameters are dimensionless (scaled by DSCM & REQ).] c- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c** If IPOTL=1 generate an L.J.(MPAR,NPAR) potential. c** If IPOTL=2 generate an MLJ(NPAR) potential [JCP 112, 3949 (2000)] c If MPAR.ge.0 exponent parameter is polynomial of order (NVARB-1) c in z=(R-Re)/(R+Re), with the NVARB coefficients PARM(j) c If MPAR < 0 exponent polynomial in z has order (NVARB-4) with c coefficients PARM(i) (i= 1,NVARB-3), & includes a switching c function with exponent coefficient ALPHA= PARM(NVARB) and c RSW= PARM(NVARB-1), defined to yield limiting inverse-power c potential coefficient Cn= PARM(NVARB-2). c** If IPOTL=3 generate a Morse or Extended Morse Oscillator potential c with exponent factor "beta" defined as a power series of order c (NVARB-1) in z=(R-Re)/(R+Re) with NVARB coefficients PARM(i). c Set NVARB= 1 for conventional "simple" Morse potential. c* Special option #1: set MPAR= -1 to produce Wei Hua's 4-parameter c modified Morse function with b= PARM(1) and C= PARM(2). c* Special option #2: set MPAR= -2 to produce Coxon's "Generalized c Morse Oscillator" potential with exponent expansion in (R-Re)] c ... otherwise, set MPAR.ge.0 c** If IPOTL=4 use Seto's modification of Surkus' GPEF expansion in c z = [R^NPAR - Re^NPAR]/[a*R^NPAR + b*Re^NPAR] where c a=PARM(NVARB-1) & b=PARM(NVARB), which incorporates Dunham, SPF, c O-T and other forms: V(z) = c_0 z^2 [1 + c_1 z + c_2 z^2 + ...] c where c_0 [cm-1] is read in as DSCM, and the first (NVARB-2) c PARM(i)'s are the c_i (i > 0). [MPAR is dummy parameter here] c * For Dunham case: NPAR=1, PARM(NVARB-1)= 0.0, PARM(NVARB)= 1.0 c * For SPF case: NPAR=1, PARM(NVARB-1)= 1.0, PARM(NVARB)= 0.0 c * For Ogilvie-Tipping: NPAR=1, PARM(NVARB-1)= 0.5 = PARM(NVARB) c * NOTE that for Surkus NPAR < 0 case: z(NPAR,a,b)= z(|NPAR|,-b,-a) c Generate & return the D_e value implied by these coefficients. c** If IPOTL=5 generate generalized HFD(NPAR,6,8,10,12,14) potential. c PARM(1-3) are the parameters defining the HFD damping function c D(x)=exp[-pparm(1)*(PARM(2)/x - 1)**PARM(3)] {for x < PARM(2)} c PARM(4) the quadratic coefficient in the exponent, and c PARM(5) is the power of x=R/Req multiplying the repulsive term c AREP*x**PARM(5) *exp[-beta*x - PARM(4)*x**2] ; c PARM(6-11) are the reduced C_NPAR, C_6, C_8, C_10, C_12 and C14 c parameters (NPAR < 6), while AREP and beta are defined c by having the potential minimum at x=1. For NVARB < 11, higher c C_m coefficients automatically zero; necessarily NVARB.ge.7 . c- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c** IBOB > 0, add atomic-mass-dependent Born-Openheimer breakdown c correction functions to rotationless and/or centrifugal potential(s). c Both expressed as power series in z= (R-Re)/(R+Re) starting with the c constant term, using the mass shift convention of Le Roy [J.Mol.Spec. c 194, 189 (1999)]. Adiabatic B-O-B potential correction fx. defined c by polynomials of order NC1 with (NC1+1) coefficients {CA1(i)} for c atom-1 and order NC2 with (NC2+1) coefficients {CA2(i)} for atom-2, c while centrifugal correction fx. defined polynomial of order NG1 with c (NG1+1) coefficients {GA1(i)} for atom-1 a nd order NG2 with (NG2+1) c coefficients {GA2(i)} for atom-2. c** Input parameters IANi & IMNi are the atomic & mass number of atom-i c (i=1,2), while integers RMN1 & RMN2 read here are the mass numbers of c the reference isotopes defining the B-O-B correction functions. c** NC1 & NC2 are orders of polynomials DELTA(V,atom-i) defining c 'adiabatic' corrections to the rotationless potential for atoms 1 & 2 c DELTA(V)= (1-M1ref/M1)*DELTA(V,atom-1) + (1-M2ref/M2)*DELTA(V,atom-2) c** NG1 & NG2 are orders of polynomials q1(z) & q2(z) defining B-O-B c correction to the centrifugal potential: c V(centrifugal)= [1 + (M1ref/M1)*q1(z) + (M2ref/M2)*q2(z)]/R**2 c ... to omit a particular correction set associated NCi or NGi .lt.0 c** RX > 0.0 invokes Coxon's (older) expansions in (R-Re) for potential c correction and in [(R-Rx)**j - (Re-Rx)**j] for centrifugal corrn. c ... OTHERWISE (to use Le Roy B-O-B formalism) set RX.le.0.d0 !! c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** Read inside subroutine POTGEN c IF(LNPT.GT.0) THEN c READ(5,*) IPOTL, MPAR, NPAR, NVARB, IBOB, DSCM, REQ c IF(NVARB.GT.0) READ(5,*) (PARM(I), I=1,NVARB) c IF(IBOB.GT.0) THEN c READ(5,*) RMN1, RMN2, NC1, NC2, NG1, NG2, RX c IF(NC1.GE.0) READ(5,*) (CA1(I), I=0,NC1) c IF(NC2.GE.0) READ(5,*) (CA2(I), I=0,NC2) c IF(NG1.GE.0) READ(5,*) (GA1(I), I=0,NG1) c IF(NG2.GE.0) READ(5,*) (GA2(I), I=0,NG2) c ENDIF c ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i= 1,NIN c* Need to scale VIS(i) potential to internal units before entering ALF VIS(i)= BFCT(iso)*VIS(i) VI(i,iso)= VIS(i) VICD(i,iso)= RM2(i) ENDDO MAXV= 0 DO iset= 1,NSETS IF(VMAX(iset).GT.MAXV) MAXV= VMAX(iset) ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Automatic Level Finder ALF: c inputs: NIN,RMIN,RH,VIS,VLIMI,VMAX,ZMU,EPS,NCNI c outputs: GV(v) calculated eigenvalue array c INNR(v) associates level v with (=1) inner vs. outer (=0) well c ERR - value representing degree of subroutine success c----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ALF(NIN,RMIN,RH,VIS,WF1,VLIMI,MAXV,ERR,MU(iso),EPS, 1 NCNI,GV,INNR,IWRSCH) c** Now call CDJOEL to get CDC's needed for eigenvalue predictions JREF= 0 BvWN= RH**2/BFCT(iso) DO v=0,MAXV MCI(v,0,iso)= GV(v) INNER(v,iso)= INNR(v) CALL SCHRQ(v,JREF,GV(v),GAMA,PMAX,VLIMI,VIS,WF1,BFCT(iso), 1 EPS,RMIN,RH,NIN,NBEG,NEND,INNR(v),IWRSCH,LPRWF) CALL CDJOEL(GV(v),NBEG,NEND,BvWN,RH,IWRSCH,VIS,WF1,RM2, 1 RCNST) DO c= 1,7 MCI(v,c,iso)= RCNST(c) ENDDO ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- WRITE(6,662) NAME1(iso),MN1(iso),NAME2(iso),MN2(iso),MAXV, 1 (v,(MCI(v,c,iso),c= 0,5),v= 0,MAXV) WRITE(6,699) 20 CONTINUE c======================================================================= c REXFS - reference distance about which the final-state potentials c are expanded c REXTMF - reference point about which the transition moment functions c are expanded c LPFS > 0 causes every LPFS'th point of the final-state potential c arrays to be written to channel-9; otherwise no print-out. c LPTMF > 0 causes every LPFS'th point of transition moment function c arrays to be written to channel-9; otherwise no print-out. c For predissociation with derivative operator coupling, the c separate dW/dR and dPSIc/dR components are collected and c written WHEN FITIT = 0 (forward calc). c======================================================================= READ(5,*) REXFS, REXTMF, LPFS, LPTMF c======================================================================= c Preparation of Final-State Potentials and Transition Moment Functions c----------------------------------------------------------------------- WRITE(6,664) NFS NPTOT= 0 NPPFREE= 0 DO 60 ifs= 1,NFS c======================================================================= c* FSTYPE = 1 for exponential repulsive potential c VF = VLIMF + A * exp{-(R-REXFS)*[B + C*z + D*z^2 + E*z^3 + F*z^4}; c Values of A-F read as parameters FSPRM(i,ifs), i= 1-6 respectively c c* FSTYPE = 3 for Extended Morse Oscillator potential c VF = VLIMF + A1*[exp{-(R-A2)*(A3 + A4*z + ...)} -1]**2 - A1 c Values of A1-A6 read as parameters FSPRM(i,ifs), i= 1-6 respectively c c* FSTYPE = 2 for pot'l defined by NTPFS turning pts. [RTPF(i),VTPF(i)] c with a repulsive exponential inner wall attached to the 2 c innermost points. Interpolate to get potential array at required c mesh with NUSEF-point piecewise polynomials or cubic splines. c In this option, also add energy VSHFTF (cm-1) to the read-in c potential points to make them consistent with the stated VLIMF c value (often VSHFTF=Te). Read-in turning point distances and c energies are multiplied by RFACT and VFACT, respectively, c converting units to Angstroms and cm-1. c c Repulsive inner wall defined by fitting the 2 innermost read-in c turning points to the form: c c VF(R) = A + B exp[-(R-REXFS)*(b0 + b1*z + b2*z^2 + ... + b5*z^5) c c where A and B are determined by the first 2 turning points; c parameters b(j)= FSPRM[(j+1),nfsprm] c c OMEGA - is the total electronic angular momentum progection quantum c number. Required when calculating Honl-London factor needed c for P/Q/R intensity calculation for option 'PQR(iset)=1' c c NFSPRM - total number of final state parameters, fixed and free c c VLIMF - absolute energy (cm-1) at potential asymptote (large R) c c XCOORD is integer specifying expansion coordinate for the potential c = p (p=1-9) for zfs = (R^p - REXFS^p)/(R^p + REXFS^p) c = 10 for zfs = (R-REXFS)/R c = 11 for zfs = (R-REXFS)/(REXFS) c======================================================================= READ(5,*) FSTYPE(ifs), OMEGA(ifs), NFSPRM(ifs), VLIMF(ifs), 1 XCOORD(ifs) c======================================================================= IF(NFSPRM(ifs).GT.6) THEN NFSPRM(ifs)= mxprm WRITE(6,666) NFSPRM(ifs) ENDIF c======================================================================= c FSPRM(i) - array of nfsprm parameters defining the final state PES c======================================================================= READ(5,*) (FSPRM(j,ifs), j=1, NFSPRM(ifs)) c======================================================================= IF (FITIT.GT.0) THEN c======================================================================= c FSVAR(i) - specifies the variability of fsprm(i) c = 1 if parameter allowed to vary c = 0 if parameter fixed c======================================================================= READ(5,*) (FSVAR(j,ifs), j=1, NFSPRM(ifs)) c======================================================================= DO j= 1,NFSPRM(ifs) IF((DABS(FSPRM(j,ifs)).LT.1.d-5).AND. 1 (FSVAR(j,ifs).GE.1)) THEN FSPRM(j,ifs)= 1.d-3 WRITE(6,698) j,ifs ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF WRITE(6,667) ifs,OMEGA(ifs) IP= XCOORD(ifs) IF(XCOORD(ifs).EQ.1) WRITE(6,668) REXFS IF((XCOORD(ifs).GE.2).AND.(XCOORD(ifs).LE.9)) 1 WRITE(6,669) IP,IP,IP,IP,REXFS IF(XCOORD(ifs).EQ.10) WRITE(6,670) REXFS IF(XCOORD(ifs).EQ.11) WRITE(6,671) REXFS IF((XCOORD(ifs).LE.0).OR.(XCOORD(ifs).GE.12)) THEN WRITE(6,672) XCOORD(ifs) ENDIF IF(FSTYPE(ifs).EQ.1) THEN CALL GENFS(ifs) WRITE(6,674) VLIMF(ifs),(i,FSPRM(i,ifs),i=1,NFSPRM(ifs)) ELSEIF(FSTYPE(ifs).GE.3) THEN CALL GENFS(ifs) WRITE(6,675) VLIMF(ifs),(i,FSPRM(i,ifs),i=1,NFSPRM(ifs)) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c GENFS has ability to calculate and re-calculate new final state c potentials for fitting iterations or forward calculation c----------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSEIF(FSTYPE(ifs).EQ.2) THEN c======================================================================= c NTPFS - number of data points KNOWN for potential: see description c in PREPOT (above) for meanings of NUSEF, IR2F, ILRF, NCNF, CNNF c RFACTF - conversion factor so that radial array is in Angstroms c VFACTF - conversion factor so that potential array is in cm-1 c VSHFTF - the energy (cm-1) which must be added to the potential to c make it consistent with the chosen VLIMF value c RTPF(i) - radial array of turning points c VTPF(i) - potential array of turning points c======================================================================= READ(5,*) NTPFS(ifs) READ(5,*) NUSEF, IR2F, ILRF, NCNF, CNNF READ(5,*) RFACTF, VFACTF, VSHFTF(ifs) READ(5,*) (RTPF(i), VTPF(i), i= 1,NTPFS(ifs)) c======================================================================= IF(NUSEF.GT.0) WRITE(6,676) VLIMF(ifs),NUSEF,NTPFS(ifs) IF(NUSEF.LE.0) WRITE(6,677) VLIMF(ifs),NTPFS(ifs) IF(IR2F.GT.0) WRITE(6,678) IF((ILRF.GT.1).AND.(DABS(CNNF).GT.0.D0)) 1 WRITE(6,679) CNNF,NCNF WRITE(6,680) VSHFTF(ifs),RFACTF,VFACTF, 1 (RTPF(i),VTPF(i),i=1,NTPFS(ifs)) WRITE(6,681) DO i= 1,NTPFS(ifs) RTPF(i)= RTPF(i)*RFACTF VTPF(i)= VTPF(i)*VFACTF + VSHFTF(ifs) ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c RTP(i) and VTP(i) arrays are 1st and 2nd radial turning points c needed later in determination of inner repulsive wall. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i=1,2 RTP(i,ifs)= RTPF(i) VTP(i,ifs)= VTPF(i) ENDDO IF(IR2F.GT.0) THEN DO i= 1,NTPFS(ifs) VTPF(i)= VTPF(i)*RTPF(i)**2 ENDDO ENDIF NPRF= mxfsp CALL GENINT(LNPT,mxfsp,RAD,FCT,NUSEF,IR2F,NTPFS(ifs), 1 RTPF,VTPF,VLIMF(ifs),ILRF,NCNF,CNNF,NPRS,NPRF) WRITE(6,681) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c GENINT subroutine used to interpolate over the entire range and c extrapolate for both inner and outer regions of final state 2. The c inner region will later be overwritten as it is fit to experimental c data. Points found using GENINT will remain fixed for the mesh from c RTPF(2) and outward but inner points must be variable (to fit data); c mesh here will be determined by the added repulsive inner wall. c c GENINT inputs: LNPT, mxfsp, RAD(i), NUSEF, IR2F, {RTPF(i),VTPF(i)}, c VLIMF(ifs), ILRF, NCNF, CNNF, NPRS, NPRF cgtk NPRS - no purpose here (to be removed ?????) cgtk NPRF - no purpose here (to be removed ?????) c c GENINT outputs: FCT is 1-dimensional final-state potential array c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Now need to get Final State array into 2 dimensional form. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i=1,mxfsp VF(i,ifs)= FCT(i) ENDDO CALL GENFS(ifs) IF(FSTYPE(ifs).EQ.2) WRITE(6,601) AVALUE(ifs), 1 BVALUE(ifs),(j,FSPRM(j,ifs),j=1,NFSPRM(ifs)) ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Prepare Transition Moment Function arrays here c======================================================================= c GFS is a positive integer defining the electronic degeneracy of the c transition associated with this state. c TMFTYP specifies coordinate ztmf(R) in power series expansion c < 0 for predisociation case where the TMF is not a power c series but an operator instead c P= -hbar^2/2*mu {dW/dr + 2W*d/dr} c where W(r)= a/{4a^2 + (r - Rc)^2} c [TWO CASES: -1 for one Lorentzian, -2 for two Lorentzians] c * for the 1 Lorentzian case read in a, Rc as tmf parameters c * for the 2 Lorentzian case read in as a1, Rc1, a2, Rc2 c = 0 for TMF defined by read-in array of points c = 1 for ztmf = (r - Rextmf)/(r + Rextmf) c = p = 2-10 for ztmf = (r^p - Rextmf^p)/(r^p + Rextmf^p) c = 11 for ztmf = (r - Rextmf)/Rextmf [Dunham] c = 12 for ztmf = 1/r^2 c = 13 for ztmf = r [the distance R itself] c c OTMF - the order transition moment function power series in {ztmf} c - this is a DUMMY value for TMFTYP < 0 c======================================================================= READ(5,*) GFS(ifs), TMFTYP(ifs), OTMF(ifs) c======================================================================= IF(TMFTYP(ifs).LT.0) OTMF(ifs)= 2*IABS(TMFTYP(ifs)) - 1 IF(OTMF(ifs)-1.GT.mxprm) THEN WRITE(6,682) OTMF(ifs),mxprm-1 STOP ENDIF c======================================================================= c TMFPRM - coefficients of the transition moment function power series c - note that for TMFTYP = 0, these coefficients create a power c series in function defined by read-in points (usually want c linear function with leading coefficient fixed at zero) c - for TMFTYP = -1, enter the "a" and "Rc" as c parameters 0 and 1, respectively c - for TMFTYP = -2, enter the "a" and "Rc" values for the 1st c Lorentzian followed by the "a" and "Rc" values for the 2nd c======================================================================= READ(5,*) (TMFPRM(m,ifs), m=0, OTMF(ifs)) c======================================================================= IF(FITIT.GT.0) THEN c======================================================================= c TMFVAR(i) - specifies whether the TMFPRM(i) are fixed or free in fit c = 1 if parameter allowed to vary c = 0 if parameter fixed c======================================================================= READ(5,*) (TMFVAR(m,ifs), m=0, OTMF(ifs)) c======================================================================= ELSE DO m= 0,OTMF(ifs) TMFVAR(m,ifs)= 0 ENDDO ENDIF c======================================================================= c GENTMF SUMMARY c inputs - ifs, TMFTYP c outputs ztmf(i,ifs) - radial array for transition moment function c when TMFTYP .ge. 0 c - transition moment array itself when TMFTYP < 0 c======================================================================= c IF TMFTYP(ifs)= 0 , GENTMF implements the following reads statements: c READ(5,*) NPTMF, TMFLIM c READ(5,*) NUSETMF, ILRTMF, NCNTMF, CNNTMF c READ(5,*) RFACTMF, MFACTMF c READ(5,*) (Xi(i),Yi(i),i=1,NPTMF) c======================================================================= c RFACTMF - factor to convert read-in distances to angstroms c MFACTMF - factor to convert read-in y-values to moment fct. units c======================================================================= IF(TMFTYP(ifs).GE.0) THEN CALL GENTMF(ifs) WRITE(6,686)(TMFPRM(i,ifs),i=0,OTMF(ifs)) ENDIF IF(TMFTYP(ifs).EQ.-1) WRITE(6,695) (TMFPRM(i,ifs),i= 0,1) c IF(FITIT.GT.0) THEN DO i=1,NFSPRM(ifs) IF(FSVAR(i,ifs).GT.0) THEN NPPFREE= NPPFREE+ 1 NPTOT= NPTOT + 1 PV(NPTOT)= FSPRM(i,ifs) ENDIF ENDDO DO m= 0,OTMF(ifs) IF(TMFVAR(m,ifs).GT.0) THEN NPTOT= NPTOT + 1 PV(NPTOT)= TMFPRM(m,ifs) ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF 60 CONTINUE WRITE(6,654) (GFS(i),i= 1,NFS) WRITE(6,687) DO ifs= 1,NFS WRITE(6,688) (i,ifs,FSPRM(i,ifs),FSVAR(i,ifs),i=1,NFSPRM(ifs)) ENDDO WRITE(6,689) DO ifs= 1,NFS WRITE(6,690) (m,ifs,TMFPRM(m,ifs),TMFVAR(m,ifs),m=0,OTMF(ifs)) ENDDO IF((FITIT.GT.0).AND.(NSETS.GT.1)) THEN WRITE(6,691) DO iset= 1,NSETS IF(SCALE(iset).GE.1) THEN NPTOT= NPTOT + 1 PV(NPTOT)= SF(iset) ENDIF WRITE(6,692) iset,SF(iset),SCALE(iset) ENDDO ENDIF WRITE(6,699) IF(FITIT.LE.0) THEN printyn= 1 CALL FORWARD ENDIF IF(FITIT.GT.0) THEN printyn= 0 CALL NLLSSRR(NDATA,NPTOT,mxnp,IROUND,NGPRND,LPRINT,YO,YU,YD, 1 PV,PU,PS,CM,TSTPS,TSTPU,DSE) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c nllssrr input - ndata,nptot,mxnp,iround,lprint,yo,yu,pv c nllssrr output - yd,pv,pu,ps,cm,tstps,tstpu,dse c c write out the correlation matrix below c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(NPTOT.GT.1) THEN WRITE(6,693) CM(1,1) DO i= 2,NPTOT WRITE(6,694) i,(CM(i,k),k= 1,i) ENDDO ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Before doing final calculation, map final parameters from nllssrr c (pv values) back onto internal variables of bcont c----------------------------------------------------------------------- nprm= 0 DO ifs= 1,NFS DO n= 1,NFSPRM(ifs) IF(FSVAR(n,ifs).GT.0) THEN nprm= nprm + 1 FSPRM(n,ifs)= PV(nprm) ENDIF ENDDO DO m= 0,OTMF(ifs) IF(TMFVAR(m,ifs).GT.0) THEN nprm= nprm + 1 TMFPRM(m,ifs)= PV(nprm) ENDIF ENDDO CALL GENFS(ifs) IF(FSTYPE(ifs).EQ.2) WRITE(6,601) AVALUE(ifs), 1 BVALUE(ifs),(j,FSPRM(j,ifs),j= 1,NFSPRM(ifs)) ENDDO DO iset= 1,NSETS IF(SCALE(iset).EQ.1) THEN nprm= nprm + 1 SF(iset)= PV(nprm) ENDIF ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Now do final calculation of intensities c----------------------------------------------------------------------- printyn= 1 CALL FORWARD ENDIF IF(FITIT.GT.0) THEN i= 0 DO iset= 1,NSETS RMS(iset)= 0.d0 IF(BOLTZ(iset).GT.0) THEN c WRITE(8,802) iset,INFO(iset) DO ifr= 1,NFREQ(iset) i= i + 1 ADD= (OUTPUT(ifr,iset)-YO(i))/YU(i) ADD= ADD*ADD RMS(iset)= RMS(iset) + ADD c WRITE(8,803) FREQ(ifr,iset),YO(i),YU(i), c 1 OUTPUT(ifr,iset),OUTPUT(ifr,iset)-YO(i), c 2 (OUTPUT(ifr,iset)-YO(i))/YU(i) ENDDO ELSE c WRITE(8,804) iset,INFO(iset) DO ivj= 1,NVJ(iset) i= i + 1 ADD= (OUTPUT(ivj,iset)-YO(i))/YU(i) ADD= ADD*ADD RMS(iset)= RMS(iset) + ADD c WRITE(8,805) VFIX(ivj),JFIX(ivj),YO(i),YU(i), c 1 OUTPUT(ivj,iset),OUTPUT(ivj,iset)-YO(i), c 2 (OUTPUT(ivj,iset)-YO(i))/YU(i) ENDDO ENDIF IF(BOLTZ(iset).GT.0) RMS(iset)= RMS(iset)/NFREQ(iset) IF(BOLTZ(iset).LE.0) RMS(iset)= RMS(iset)/NVJ(iset) RMS(iset)= DSQRT(RMS(iset)) c WRITE(8,806) NFREQ(iset),iset,RMS(iset) WRITE(6,806) NFREQ(iset),iset,RMS(iset) ENDDO ENDIF c** If desired ... print potential & TMF arrays compactly to channel-9 DO ifs= 1, NFS IF (LPFS.GT.0) THEN WRITE(9,900) ifs,LPFS WRITE(9,902) (RAD(i),VF(i,ifs),i=1,NIN,LPFS) ENDIF IF (LPTMF.GT.0) THEN WRITE(9,904) ifs,LPTMF DO i= 1,NIN,LPTMF ztmf(i,5)= 0.d0 xtmf= 1.d0 DO m= 0,OTMF(ifs) zTMF(i,5)= zTMF(i,5) + TMFPRM(m,ifs)*xtmf xtmf= xtmf*ztmf(i,ifs) ENDDO ENDDO WRITE(9,902) (RAD(i),zTMF(i,5), i= 1,NIN,LPTMF) ENDIF ENDDO STOP c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 600 FORMAT(/1x,a75/1x,25('===')/' Consider',I3,' isotopomer(s)'/1x, 1 69('-')/6x,'Isotopomer',7x,'Mass of atom-1 Mass of atom-2 Re 2duced mass'/2x,'----------------- ',3(' --------------')) 601 FORMAT(/" Potential is type-2, so PREPOT's inward extrapolation is 1 replaced by"/10x,'a variable inner exponential wall ', 2 'of the form:'/' V(r)= A + B*exp{-(r - REXFS)*[A1 + A2*y + ', 3 'A3*y^2 + ...]};'/16x,'A =',f14.6/16x,'B =',F14.6/ 4 (15x,'A',i1,' =',F14.8)) 602 FORMAT(2x,A2,'(',i3,') - ',A2,'(',I3,')',3(3x,F14.9)) 603 FORMAT(/' *** ERROR *** Read-in NVJ(iset=',i2,')=',i3, 1 ' when FITIT=',i2) 604 FORMAT(/' **BCONT ERROR** ',I3,' is an invalid value for IFRPW.') 606 FORMAT(2x,69('-')//' Perform a Fit to',i3,' Set(s) of Experimental 1 Data.'/1x,48('=')) 607 FORMAT(/' Apply "Sequential Rounding & Refitting" at digit-', 1 i1,' of the (local) parameter') 608 FORMAT(3x,'uncertainty, selecting remaining parameter with largest 1 relative uncertainty.') 609 FORMAT(3x,'uncertainty, proceeding sequentially from the LAST para 1meter to the FIRST.') 610 FORMAT(2x,69('-')//' Perform Forward Calculations for',i3,' Cases' 1 /1x,52('=')) 611 FORMAT(/' Value of nj above upper limit, mxnj =',i3,'. Instead ', 1 'of dividing the population'/1x,'into',i3,' equal segments, do ', 2 'direct sum from J = 0 to J =',i3,'.') 612 FORMAT(' * Assume Boltzman population of initial states.') 613 FORMAT(' * Sum over P, Q and R branches for final-state rotational 1 levels') 615 FORMAT(' * Use Q-branch approximation for final state rotational l 1evels') 616 FORMAT(/' ** DIMENSIONING ERROR ** number of input frequencies ', 1 'cannot exceed ',i4) 617 FORMAT(/' ** DIMENSIONING ERROR ** number of input data sets ', 1 'cannot exceed ',i3) 618 FORMAT(' * Directly sum over thermally weighted rotational levels' 1 ,' from J = 0 to',I4) 619 FORMAT(/' ** DIMENSIONING ERROR ** number of input isotopes ', 1 'cannot exceed ',i2) 620 FORMAT(/' Fix J = 0 rather than summing over rotational ', 1 'distribution.') 621 FORMAT(/' ** DIMENSIONING ERROR ** number of final states ', 1 'cannot exceed ',i2) 622 FORMAT(/' Divide rotational distbn for each vib. level into',I3, 1 ' equally weighted segments.') 623 FORMAT(' Transitions from initial-state ',A2,'(',i3,')-',A2,'(', 1 i3,') level v=',i3,' J=',i4) 624 FORMAT(' * Initial-state thermal sum includes',F8.5,' of the vibra 1tional population') 625 FORMAT(' * Thermal T=',F7.2,'K initial state sum for ',A2,'(', 1 i3,') - ',A2,'(',i3,') has VMAX=',i3) 626 FORMAT( ' Calculations use exact (numerical) final-state continuum 1 wave functions'/' Amplitude convergence assumed when constant to' 2 ,1PD8.1,' at 3 successive maxima') 628 FORMAT(2x,69('-')/' Perform calculations using delta function appr 1oximation for final-state'/' continuum wave functions (reflectio 2n method).'//' *** NB. ONLY EXACT QUANTAL CALCULATION AVAILABLE ', 3 'AT THIS TIME ***') 629 FORMAT(' Property is sum of intensities over all',i2, 1 ' final states with weight factors:'/(5x,10I4)) 630 FORMAT(' Case',i2,' property is ratio of final-state intensities w 1ith'/8x,'Numerator weight coefficients:',10I4:/(38x,10I4)) 631 FORMAT(6x,'& Denomator weight coefficients:',10I4) 632 FORMAT(' * Units for calculated Molar Absorption Coefficients: ', 1 '(L/mol*cm)/(cm-1)') 633 FORMAT(/' *** ERROR *** For case',i2,' read-in DTYPE=',i2,' INVAL 1ID (Not equal 1 or 2)!') 634 FORMAT(' * Units of calculated Einstein Emission Intensity ', 1 'Coefficients: (sec-1)/(cm-1)') 637 FORMAT(/' Set-',i2,': ',A70/1x,35('==')) 638 FORMAT(/i4,' Set #',i2,' Experimental Intensity Coefficients:'/ 1 3x,69('-')/2(' FREQ/cm-1 WAVL/nm OBS UNC ')/ 2 2(3x,11('---'))/(2(f12.2,f10.4,f8.2,f6.2))) 640 FORMAT(/' Predict',i4,' Intensities at Frequencies (cm-1):'/ 1 (8f10.2:)) 643 FORMAT(/i4,' Experimental Predisociation Rates (s-1) in Data Set # 1',i2/1x,36('--')/2(' v J RATE(sec-1) UNC ',8x)/ 2 2(' - - ----------- ---------',8x)/ 3 (2(i4,i4,1PD13.4,D11.3,8x))) 644 FORMAT(/' **NOTE** For modelling purposes, replace (frequency)^', 1 I1,' factor'/' with the constant: (',F8.2,')^',I1) 645 FORMAT(/' Consider ',i3,' specific (v,J) Levels for Set #',i2,';', 1 2x,A2,'(',i3,') - ',A2,'(',I3,')'/ 2 1x,39('--')/(8(2x:'(',i2,',',i2,')')):) 647 FORMAT(/1x,i3,' Experimental Predisociation Lifetimes for Set ', 1 i2/1x,36('--')/2(' v J LIFETIME(s) UNC ',8x)/ 2 2(' - - ----------- ---------',8x)/ 3 (2(i4,i4,1PD13.4,D11.3,8x))) 648 FORMAT(/1x,i3,' Experimental Predisociation Linewidths (FWHM) for' 1 ,' Set ',i2/1x,36('--')/2(' v J WIDTH(cm-1) UNC ',8x)/ 2 2(' - - ----------- ---------',8x)/ 3 (2(i4,i4,1PD13.4,D11.3,8x))) 649 FORMAT(/' Perform calculations for ALL (v,J) levels ', 1 'between (',I3,',',I3,') and (',I3,',',I3,')') 652 FORMAT(' Integrate initial-state wavefunctions from RMIN =',f6.3, 1 ' to RMAX =',f7.3/5x,'with mesh RH =',f10.7,' [Angstroms].') 654 FORMAT(/' Calculations use electronic state degeneracy factors:', 1 8i4) 656 FORMAT(/' For the initial electronic state:'/1x,17('==')) 662 FORMAT(/' Data for ',A2,'(',i3,')-',A2,'(',I3, 1 ') uses initial-state levels up to v = ',I2/1x,12('=='),14x, 2 'whose molecular constants are:'/2x,'v',7x,'Gv', 3 9x,'Bv',9x,'-Dv',11x,'Hv',10x,'Lv',11x,'Mv'/1x,39('--')/ 4 (I3,0PF13.5,F11.7,1PD13.5,D13.5,D13.5,D13.5)) 664 FORMAT(/1x,25('==')/' Consider transitions to',i3,' separate final 1 state(s)'/1x,25('==')) 666 FORMAT(/' **CAUTION** Value for NFSPRM was too large, ', 1 'internally reduced to',I3) 667 FORMAT(/' Final State',i2,' with OMEGA=',i2/1x,13('=')) 668 FORMAT(' Radial expansion variable is y = (r - REXFS)/(r + REXFS 1) & REXFS=',F9.6) 669 FORMAT(' Radial expansion variable is y = (r^',i1,' - REXFS^', 1 i1,')/(r^',i1,' + REXFS^',i1,')'/11x,'where REXFS=',F9.6) 670 FORMAT(' Radial expansion variable is y = (r - REXFS)/r', 1 ' & REXFS=',F9.6) 671 FORMAT(' Radial expansion variable is y = (r - REXFS)/REXFS', 1 ' & REXFS=',F9.6) 672 FORMAT(/' *** Value for XCOORD(ifs)=',i3,' INVALID **** (must be 1 .ge.1 and .le.11).') 674 FORMAT(' Potential is type-1, an exponential of the form:'/7x, 1 'V(r) = VLIMF + A1*exp[-(r - REXFS)*(A2 + A3*y + A4*y^2 + ...)]'/ 2 6x,'VLIMF =',f17.8/(9x,'A',i1,' =',F17.8)) 675 FORMAT(' Potential is type-3, an Extended Morse Oscillator functi 1on:'/7x,'V(r) = VLIMF + A1*{exp[-(r - A2)*(A3 + A4*y + A5*y^2 + .. 2.)] - 1}**2 - A1'/6x,'VLIMF =',f17.8/(9x,'A',i1,' =',F17.8)) 676 FORMAT('- Absolute energy at potential asymptote:',T45,'VLIMF =', 1 F12.5,' cm-1'/'- Perform',I3,'-point piecewise polynomial interpo 2lation over',I5,' input points') 677 FORMAT('- Absolute energy at potential asymptote:',T45,'VLIMF =', 1 F12.5,' cm-1'/'- Perform cubic spline interpolation over the', 2 I5,' input points') 678 FORMAT('- Interpolation actually performed over modified input arr 1ay: V(i) * R(i)**2') 679 FORMAT('- Beyond read-in points extrapolate to limiting asymptotic 1 behaviour:'/20x,'V(R) = V(lim) - (',D16.7,')/R**',I2) 680 FORMAT('- To make input points V(i) consistent with V(lim), add' 1 ,' V(shift)=',F12.4/'- Scale input points: (distance)*', 2 1PD16.9,' & (energy)*',D16.9/13x,'to get required internal unit 3s [Angstroms & cm-1 for potentials]'/ 4 3(' R(i) Y(i) ')/3(3X,11('--'))/(3(0PF13.8,F12.4))) 681 FORMAT(1x,38('--')) 682 FORMAT(/' *** Fatal Error in TMF *** OTMF =',i3,' unallowed - ', 1 'must be less than ',I2) 686 FORMAT(' Coefficients of power series expansion for transition mom 1ent function are:'/(3x,6(f12.8):)) 687 FORMAT(/' Parameter Summary'/1x,17('=')/' i ifs FSPRM(i,ifs)', 1 ' FSVAR(i,ifs)'/' - --- ----------------- ------------') 688 FORMAT(1x,i1,2x,i1,1x,f18.10,9x,i1) 689 FORMAT(/' m ifs TMFPRM(m,ifs) TMFVAR(m,ifs)'/ 1 ' - --- ----------------- -------------') 690 FORMAT(1x,i1,2x,i1,1x,f18.10,9x,i1) 691 FORMAT(/' iset SCALING FACTOR SCALE '/ 1 ' ---- ----------------- -------------') 692 FORMAT(1x,i2,13x,f8.6,9x,i1) 693 FORMAT(/14x,'Correlation Matrix'/' 1',f7.3,4x,9('--')) 694 FORMAT(i3,20(f7.3)) 695 FORMAT(' Use Lorentzian Function for TMF; W= a/{4a^2 + (R-Rc)^2}' 1 /6x,'a= ',f12.8,/5x,'Rc= ',f12.8) 698 FORMAT(/' *WARNING* Variable Final State Param. cannot be zero, so 1 set FSPRM(',i1,',',i1,')= 0.001') 699 FORMAT(1x,39('--')) 802 FORMAT(/' Summary for data set #',i1/1x,a70/56x,'CALC-OBS'/ 1 ' FREQUENCY',5x,'Y(obs) UNC Y(calc) CALC-OBS', 2 5x,'/UNC'/1x,31('--')) 803 FORMAT(2(f11.3),f8.3,3(f11.4)) 804 FORMAT(/' Summary for data set #',i1/1x,a70/71x,'CALC-OBS'/ 1 2x,' v J ',5x,'Y(obs) UNC Y(calc) CALC-OBS', 2 5x,'/UNC'/1x,31('--')) 805 FORMAT(2(i4),5(1PD13.5),f13.4) 806 FORMAT(' RMS deviation for the',i4,' data of set-',i2,' = ',f8.3) 900 FORMAT(/1x,'Final State',I2,' potential array written at every ', 1 i3,'th mesh point.') 902 FORMAT((4(F8.3,F12.4)):) 904 FORMAT(/' Transition Moment Function for Final State',i2, 1 ' written every ',i3,'th mesh point.') c----------------------------------------------------------------------- END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE FORWARD c======================================================================= c-------------------- Last updated 9 February 2004 -------------------- c======================================================================= ccc INCLUDE 'arrsizes.h' c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Utility routine to summarize dimensioning of arrays c----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER mxdata,mxisp,mxfsp,mxnj,mxnp,mxntp,mxprm,mxv,mxfs,mxisot, 1 mxsets,mxfreq REAL*8 CCM,PI c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c mxdata - maximum number of input data points c mxisp - maximum number of points for initial state potential array c (also used for number of points in transition moment array) c mxnj - maxiumum value of j quantum number allowed c mxfsp - maximum number of points for final state potential array c mxnp - maximum number of parameters total c mxntp - maximum number of turning points to be read in c mxprm - maximum number of parameters for final state pot'l or TMF c mxv - largest value for the v quantum number c mxfs - maximum number of final states allowed c mxisot - maximum number of isotopomers allowed c mxsets - maximum number of data sets allowed c mxfreq - maximum number of data points allowed in a given set c----------------------------------------------------------------------- PARAMETER (mxisp=16001) PARAMETER (mxnj=20) PARAMETER (mxfsp=16001) PARAMETER (mxntp=9999) PARAMETER (mxprm=6) PARAMETER (mxv=200) PARAMETER (mxfs=5) PARAMETER (mxisot=3) PARAMETER (mxsets=11) PARAMETER (mxfreq=501) PARAMETER (PI=3.141592653589793238d0) PARAMETER (mxnp=2*mxprm*mxfs+mxsets-1) PARAMETER (mxdata=mxfreq*mxsets) PARAMETER (CCM= 299792458d2) c======================================================================= INTEGER c,FITIT,i,ifr,ifs,INNER(0:mxv,mxisot),iset,IV,ivj,IWRSCH, 1 IWROVR,j,JDP,JFRPW,JNNER,JMIN,jp,jpmax,jpmin,JPWR,KV,LPRWF,LPTMF, 2 m,MCALC,MISS,NBEG,NEND,NFS,NIN,NSETS,printyn,RPD,v,VMIN,VLAST, 3 BOLTZ(mxsets),CD(mxsets,mxfs),CN(mxsets,mxfs),DTYPE(mxsets), 4 GFS(mxfs),IFRPW(mxsets),ISOT(mxsets),J1ST(mxsets),JFIX(mxfreq), 5 JM(mxnj),JMAX(mxsets),NFREQ(mxsets),NJ(mxsets),NVJ(mxsets), 6 OMEGA(0:mxfs),OTMF(mxfs),PQR(mxsets),SCALE(mxsets),TMFTYP(mxfs), 7 TMFVAR(0:mxprm-1,mxfs),V1ST(mxsets),VFIX(mxfreq),VMAX(mxsets) c======================================================================= REAL*8 CHNG,EVIN,ESAV,FACT,FACT1,FRQFCT,FTST,GAMA,HLFACT,JSCALE, 1 EDIF,EFN,EJTST,EPS,OVR,OVRCRT,QTOT,QTOTI,QTST,RDF,RH,RMIN,SUM, 2 TCM,VLIMI,ZKLIM, 3 BFCT(mxisot),DER(0:mxprm-1),dIdT(0:mxprm-1,mxfreq,mxfs,mxsets), 4 ESEGM(mxnj),FACTOR(mxsets),FREQ(mxfreq,mxsets), 5 MCI(0:mxv,0:7,mxisot),OBS(mxfreq,mxsets),UNC(mxfreq,mxsets), 6 OUTPUT(mxfreq,mxsets), 6 POPCRT,POPF,PSI(mxfsp),QVB(0:mxv),RAD(mxfsp),SF(mxsets), 7 TMFPRM(0:mxprm-1,mxfs),TEMP(mxsets),TOTFS(mxfreq,mxfs,mxsets), 8 UMAX,UJ(mxfsp),VF(mxfsp,mxfs),VI(mxisp,mxisot), 9 VICD(mxisp,mxisot),VLIMF(mxfs),WAVL(mxfreq,mxsets),XM2(mxfsp), a ztmf(mxisp,mxfs),zin(mxisp) CHARACTER*70 INFO(mxsets) c======================================================================= COMMON /MF/ BFCT,EPS,FACTOR,FREQ,MCI,OBS,UNC,OVRCRT,POPCRT,TEMP, 1 VI,VICD,VLIMI,WAVL,BOLTZ,CD,CN,DTYPE,FITIT,INNER,ISOT,IWRSCH, 2 IWROVR,J1ST,JFIX,JFRPW,JMAX,MCALC,NJ,OMEGA,PQR,printyn, 3 V1ST,VFIX,VMAX COMMON /MFD/ dIdT,OUTPUT,SF,IFRPW,NFREQ,NFS,NSETS,NVJ,RPD,SCALE, 1 TMFVAR,INFO COMMON /MFGf/ VF,VLIMF COMMON /MFGt/ XM2,ztmf,LPTMF,NIN,TMFTYP COMMON /MFGtGf/ RAD COMMON /MFDGt/ TMFPRM,OTMF,GFS c======================================================================= DATA LPRWF/0/ c======================================================================= c LPRWF specifies print level for initial state wavefuntion (chan.8) c > 0 print wavefunction every LPRWF-th point. c < 0 print every |LPRWF|-th point of wave function starting at c R(NBEG) with step size |LPRWF|*RH c = 0 to avoid printing c----------------------------------------------------------------------- RMIN= RAD(1) RH= RAD(2)-RAD(1) ivj= 0 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c begin by zeroing state-intensity and partial derivative arrays c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO iset = 1,NSETS DO ifr = 1,mxfreq DO ifs = 1,NFS TOTFS(ifr,ifs,iset)= 0.d0 IF(RPD.GT.0) THEN DO m=0,OTMF(ifs) dIdT(m,ifr,ifs,iset)= 0.d0 ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Begin actual calculation ... consider NSETS of data c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(FITIT.GT.0) WRITE(12,1200) 1200 FORMAT(' VARIABLES = FREQ,OBS,unc,calc,int1,int2,int3,int4') 1201 FORMAT(/'zone t="',a70,'"') DO 1000 iset = 1,NSETS IF(printyn.EQ.1) THEN WRITE(6,697) WRITE(6,690) INFO(iset) ENDIF IF((IFRPW(iset).EQ.0).AND.(printyn.EQ.1)) THEN c ... for predissociation calculations WRITE(6,600) (ifs,ifs= 1,NFS) WRITE(6,699) IF(FITIT.GT.0) THEN WRITE(11,1105) (ifs,ifs= 1,NFS) WRITE(11,699) WRITE(12,1201) INFO(iset) ENDIF ENDIF IF(BOLTZ(iset).GT.0) THEN c ... for thermal absorption/emission calculations VMIN = 0 JMIN = 0 TCM= 0.6950387D0*TEMP(iset) ELSE c ... for a transition from a specified state V1ST,J1ST TCM= 9.d9 IF(NVJ(iset).GT.0) THEN c ... if that transition is predissociation VMIN= 1 VMAX(iset)= 1 JMIN= 1 JMAX(iset)= NVJ(iset) ELSE c ... if that transition is absorption/emission VMIN= V1ST(iset) VMAX(iset)= V1ST(iset) JMIN= J1ST(iset) JMAX(iset)= J1ST(iset) ENDIF ENDIF QTOT= 0.d0 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Specify rotational energy at which to cut off (direct) thermal J-sum c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF((NJ(iset).LT.0).AND.(BOLTZ(iset).GT.0)) 1 EJTST= -TCM*DLOG(1.d0-POPCRT) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Begin loop over vibrational levels c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO 250 v = VMIN,VMAX(iset) QVB(v)= 0.d0 IF((NJ(iset).GE.0).AND.(BOLTZ(iset).GT.0)) 1 CALL JAVGE(v,NJ(iset),JM,MCI(v,1,ISOT(iset)),TCM) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** JAVGE uses equally weighted segments of the rotational population c intead of doing complete sum over all J" values. c Inputs: v,NJ,{MCI(v,1,isot)= Bv},TCM c Output: JM(NJ)- the average J for each of the nj equally weighted c segments of the rotational population for vibrational c level whose rotational constant is BV c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c For predissociation, calculations, the counters below are used to c represent the jth predissociating state. j runs from 1 to NVJ(iset) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO 200 j = JMIN,JMAX(iset) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c j is the counter for loop over lower state J" (=JDP) c Loop to incorporate population scaling factor for absolute result c----------------------------------------------------------------------- ivj= ivj + 1 IF((BOLTZ(iset).GT.0).OR.(NVJ(iset).LE.0)) THEN IV= v IF(NJ(iset).LE.0) JDP= j IF(NJ(iset).GT.0) JDP= JM(j+1) ELSE IV= VFIX(j) JDP= JFIX(j) ENDIF EVIN= 0.d0 JPWR= 1 DO c= 0,7 EVIN= EVIN + MCI(IV,c,ISOT(iset))*JPWR JPWR= JPWR*JDP*(JDP+1) ENDDO JSCALE= DBLE(RH*RH*(JDP*(JDP+1)-OMEGA(0)**2)) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c now create centrifugally-distorted potential UJ(i) for initial state c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i= 1,NIN UJ(i)= VI(i,ISOT(iset))+ JSCALE*VICD(i,ISOT(iset)) ENDDO MISS= 0 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c UJ(i) above is used here for the initial state potential array c WARNING - definition changes later and is used for final state c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 KV= IV c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c SCHRQ Summary c inputs KV,JDP,EVIN,VLIMI,UJ,BFCT,EPS,RMIN,RH,NIN,INNER,IWRSCH,LPRWF c outputs KV - value of v may change inside program c EVIN - which is now more precisely calculated c GAMA - c UMAX - maximum value of potential barrier (real) c PSI - wavefunction array c NBEG - beginning mesh point for wavefunction array c NEND - final mesh point for wavefunction array c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c INNER specifies wave func'n matching (& initiation) condition (schrq) c = 0 match inward & outward solutions at outermost wave function c maximum; otherwise match at inner edge of classically allowed c region c < 0 uses zero slope inner boundary condition. c c For most cases set INNER = 0 but to find "inner-well-dominated" c solutions of an asymmetric double minimum potential, set INNER > 0 c To find symmetric eigenfunctions of a symmetric potential, set c INNER < 0 & start integration (set RMIN) at potential mid point c----------------------------------------------------------------------- JNNER= INNER(KV,ISOT(iset)) ESAV= EVIN CALL SCHRQ(KV,JDP,EVIN,GAMA,UMAX,VLIMI,UJ,PSI, 1 BFCT(ISOT(iset)),EPS,RMIN,RH,NIN,NBEG,NEND, 2 JNNER,IWRSCH,LPRWF) IF(KV.NE.IV) THEN c** If find the WRONG level, try to fix it up! MISS= MISS+1 IF(MISS.EQ.1) THEN c ... first, assuming a double-well problem, switch the value of INNER IF(INNER(KV,ISOT(iset)).GT.0) JNNER= 0 IF(INNER(KV,ISOT(iset)).LE.0) JNNER= 1 ELSE c ... otherwise ... just jiggle up or down with original INNER JNNER= INNER(KV,ISOT(iset)) IF(KV.GT.IV) THEN CHNG= (MCI(KV,0,ISOT(iset))- 1 MCI(IV,0,ISOT(iset)))*(KV-IV)/ABS(KV-IV+1) WRITE(6,602) IV,JDP,ESAV,KV,EVIN,ESAV-CHNG EVIN= ESAV - CHNG ELSE CHNG= (MCI(IV,0,ISOT(iset))- 1 MCI(KV,0,ISOT(iset)))*(IV-KV)/ABS(IV-KV+1) WRITE(6,602) IV,JDP,ESAV,KV,EVIN,ESAV+CHNG EVIN= ESAV + CHNG ENDIF ENDIF IF(MISS.GT.4) STOP GOTO 50 ENDIF IF((NJ(iset).GE.0).AND.(BOLTZ(iset).GT.0)) 1 ESEGM(j+1)= EVIN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c ESEGM(J") is the energy of the Jth equally weighted rotational segment c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(BOLTZ(iset).GT.0) THEN IF(NJ(iset).LT.0) THEN POPF=(2.d0*JDP + 1)* 1 DEXP(-(EVIN-MCI(0,0,ISOT(iset)))/TCM) ELSE POPF= DEXP(-(MCI(v,0,ISOT(iset))- 1 MCI(0,0,ISOT(iset)))/TCM)*TCM/ 2 (MAX(NJ(iset),1)*MCI(v,1,ISOT(iset))) ENDIF ELSEIF(BOLTZ(iset).LE.0) THEN POPF= 1.d0 ENDIF QVB(v)= QVB(v) + POPF QTOT= QTOT + POPF FACT1= FACTOR(iset)*POPF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Now loop over contributions from excited electronic final states c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO 150 ifs = 1,NFS c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Change TMF array dimensions from 2 to 1 (for ovrlap subroutine) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i= 1,NIN zin(i)= ztmf(i,ifs) ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c For model predissociation calculations, calculate bound-state c expectation value of transition moment function. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- cgtk - please check if this entire IF loop is even necessary cgtk IF(IFRPW(iset).EQ.0) THEN cgtk SUM= 0.d0 cgtk DO i= NBEG,NEND cgtk RDF= 1.D0 cgtk DO m= 0,OTMF(ifs) cgtk SUM= SUM + (TMFPRM(m,ifs)*RDF)*PSI(i)**2 cgtk RDF= RDF*ztmf(i,ifs) cgtk ENDDO cgtk ENDDO cgtk SUM= SUM*RH cgtk IF(printyn.EQ.1) WRITE(6,604) KV,JDP,EVIN,SUM cgtk ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c If PQR = 0, program collapses sum over final-state rotational c quantum numbers to the single (Q-branch) term c If PQR = 1, program allows for P,Q, and R branches with appropriate c Honl-London factors c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(PQR(iset).LE.0) THEN jpmin= JDP jpmax= JDP ELSE jpmin= JDP-1 jpmax= JDP+1 ENDIF DO 125 jp= jpmin,jpmax c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c jp = J', the upper state value of J c----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL HONL(HLFACT,JDP,jp,OMEGA,PQR(iset),ifs) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c HONL inputs: JDP,jp,OMEGA(i=0,ifs),PQR(iset),ifs c output: HLFACT - the Honl-London factor, divided by (2J+1), for c a specified branch for a given delta-omega value c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(HLFACT.LE.0.d0) GOTO 125 c** Include Electronic degeneracy factor ... HLFACT= HLFACT*GFS(ifs) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Add centrifugal term to final-state potential before overlap calcn. c Note that here UJ(i) is used for the final state potential array c since the initial potential is no longer needed - wavefunction array c already calculated and stored. c Note that final-state potential is in (scaled) internal units c----------------------------------------------------------------------- JSCALE= DBLE(RH*RH*jp*(jp+1)) DO i= 1,mxfsp UJ(i)= VF(i,ifs)*BFCT(ISOT(iset)) + 1 JSCALE*XM2(i) ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO 100 ifr= 1,NFREQ(iset) IF(JFRPW.EQ.3) THEN EFN= EVIN - FREQ(ifr,iset) ELSE EFN= EVIN + FREQ(ifr,iset) ENDIF IF((EFN.LE.VLIMF(ifs)).AND. 1 (IFRPW(iset).EQ.0)) THEN IF(printyn.EQ.1) 1 WRITE(6,606) IV,JDP,EFN,0.d0 OUTPUT(ivj,iset)= 0.d0 TOTFS(ivj,ifs,iset)= 0.d0 GOTO 200 ENDIF IF(EFN.LE.VLIMF(ifs)) GOTO 100 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c EFN must be above the lower asymptote for upper potential c----------------------------------------------------------------------- FRQFCT= 1.d0 IF(IFRPW(iset).GT.0) 1 FRQFCT= FREQ(ifr,iset)**IFRPW(iset) IF(IFRPW(iset).LT.0) 1 FRQFCT= FREQ(1,iset)**JFRPW ZKLIM= DSQRT(EFN - VLIMF(ifs)) FACT= FACT1*HLFACT*FRQFCT/ZKLIM c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Perform overlap integral calculation in OVRLAP or OVRPD c **OVRPD is the special case for PreDissociation with TMF as operator cgtk OVRDLT not available at this time c----------------------------------------------------------------------- cgtk IF (MCALC.EQ.0) CALL OVRDLT() c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (MCALC.GT.0) THEN IF(TMFTYP(ifs).GE.0) THEN CALL OVRLAP(BFCT(ISOT(iset)),DER,EFN,OVR,OVRCRT,PSI,RH,RMIN, 1 TMFPRM,UJ,VLIMF(ifs),zin,ifs,IWROVR,jp,NEND,OTMF(ifs),TMFTYP) ELSE CALL OVRPD(BFCT(ISOT(iset)),DER,EFN,OVR,OVRCRT,RAD,PSI,TMFPRM,UJ, 1 VLIMF(ifs),FITIT,ifs,IWROVR,jp,LPTMF,NEND,OTMF(ifs),TMFVAR) ENDIF ENDIF OVR= FACT*OVR IF(RPD.GT.0) THEN DO m= 0,OTMF(ifs) IF(IFRPW(iset).EQ.0) THEN dIdT(m,ivj,ifs,iset)= 1 FACT*DER(m)*SF(iset) c note that for predissociation, there is no accumulation of TOTFS c since dealing with only one frequency... easiest to add scaling c factor here for predissociation - scale abs/emmission cases later ELSE dIdT(m,ifr,ifs,iset)= 1 dIdT(m,ifr,ifs,iset)+ FACT*DER(m) ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF IF(IFRPW(iset).EQ.0) THEN c??? c??? Geoff Had SF scaling here???? TOTFS(ivj,ifs,iset)= OVR*SF(iset) c??? TOTFS(ivj,ifs,iset)= OVR ELSE TOTFS(ifr,ifs,iset)= 1 TOTFS(ifr,ifs,iset)+OVR ENDIF 100 CONTINUE c ... end of loop over frequencies c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 125 CONTINUE c ... end of loop over J' c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 150 CONTINUE c ... end of loop over final electronic states c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(IFRPW(iset).EQ.0) THEN CALL ADD(iset,ivj,NFS,DTYPE(iset),CN,CD,TOTFS, 1 RPD,OTMF,dIdT,OUTPUT) c subroutine "ADD" simply adds the contribution of each final state IF(printyn.EQ.1) THEN WRITE(6,606) KV,JDP,EFN,OUTPUT(ivj,iset), 1 (TOTFS(ivj,ifs,iset),ifs=1,NFS) IF(FITIT.GT.0) THEN WRITE(11,1106) KV,JDP,EFN,OBS(ivj,iset), 1 OUTPUT(ivj,iset),(TOTFS(ivj,ifs,iset),ifs=1,NFS) WRITE(12,1106) KV,JDP,EFN,OBS(ivj,iset), 1 OUTPUT(ivj,iset),(TOTFS(ivj,ifs,iset),ifs=1,NFS) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF IF((NJ(iset).LT.0).AND.(BOLTZ(iset).GT.0)) THEN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c In appropriate case, truncate direct sum over initial-state c rotational population when fraction POPCRT of the rotational c population for that vibrational level is accounted for. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF((EVIN-MCI(v,0,ISOT(iset))).GT.EJTST) THEN IF(printyn.EQ.1) 1 WRITE(6,608) KV,TEMP(iset),JDP,EVIN GOTO 210 ENDIF ELSEIF((BOLTZ(iset).LE.0).AND.(IFRPW(iset).NE.0)) 1 THEN WRITE(6,609) V1ST(iset),J1ST(iset) ENDIF 200 CONTINUE c ... end of loop over initial-state J" c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 210 IF((IFRPW(iset).NE.0).AND.(printyn.EQ.1).AND. 1 (NJ(iset).GT.0)) WRITE(6,610) KV,(JM(i),ESEGM(i),i=1,NJ(iset)) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** As appropriate, truncate thermal vibrational sum when fraction c POPCRT of possible levels have been accounted for. (Missing levels' c effect estimated using a harmonic approximation). c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF((v.GT.0).AND.(BOLTZ(iset).GT.0)) THEN IF (v.LT.VMAX(iset)) THEN EDIF= MCI(v+1,0,ISOT(iset))-MCI(v,0,ISOT(iset)) ELSE EDIF= MCI(v,0,ISOT(iset))-MCI(v-1,0,ISOT(iset)) ENDIF FTST= DEXP(-(EDIF+MCI(v,0,ISOT(iset))- 1 MCI(0,0,ISOT(iset)))/TCM)*TCM/MCI(v,1,ISOT(iset))/ 2 (1.d0-DEXP(-EDIF/TCM)) QTST= QTOT/(QTOT+FTST) VLAST= v IF(QTST.GT.POPCRT) GOTO 252 ENDIF 250 CONTINUE c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c ... 250 ends loop over initial-state v" c at this point multiply by scaling factor and boltzman factor for c absorption and emmission cases c----------------------------------------------------------------------- cc 252 IF(BOLTZ(iset).GT.0) THEN 252 CONTINUE IF(BOLTZ(iset).GT.0) THEN DO i= 0,VLAST QVB(i)= QVB(i)/(QTOT+FTST) ENDDO IF(printyn.EQ.1) WRITE(6,620) TEMP(iset),VLAST+1,QTST, 1 (i,QVB(i),i= 0,VLAST) cc ENDIF QTOTI= 1.d0/QTOT DO ifs = 1,NFS DO ifr= 1,NFREQ(iset) TOTFS(ifr,ifs,iset)= QTOTI*TOTFS(ifr,ifs,iset) 1 *SF(iset) c??? c??? Omit SF here ... property of OBS not of CALC !! c??? TOTFS(ifr,ifs,iset)= QTOTI*TOTFS(ifr,ifs,iset) c??? IF(RPD.gt.0) THEN DO m= 0,OTMF(ifs) dIdT(m,ifr,ifs,iset)= QTOTI* 1 dIdT(m,ifr,ifs,iset)*SF(iset) ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF CALL ADD(iset,NFREQ(iset),NFS,DTYPE(iset),CN,CD,TOTFS,RPD, 1 OTMF,dIdT,OUTPUT) IF((IFRPW(iset).NE.0).AND.(printyn.EQ.1)) THEN IF(SF(iset).NE.1.d0) WRITE(6,617) SF(iset) WRITE(6,699) IF(DTYPE(iset).EQ.1) THEN WRITE(6,614) iset,TEMP(iset),(ifs,ifs=1,NFS) WRITE(6,699) DO ifr=1,NFREQ(iset) WRITE(6,616) FREQ(ifr,iset),WAVL(ifr,iset), 1 OUTPUT(ifr,iset),(TOTFS(ifr,ifs,iset),ifs=1,NFS) ENDDO IF(FITIT.GT.0) THEN WRITE(11,1100) iset,TEMP(iset), 1 INFO(iset),(ifs,ifs=1,NFS) WRITE(11,699) WRITE(12,1201) INFO(iset) ENDIF ENDIF IF(DTYPE(iset).EQ.2) THEN WRITE(6,615) iset,TEMP(iset), 1 (CN(iset,ifs),ifs,ifs= 1,NFS) WRITE(6,623) (CD(iset,ifs),ifs,ifs= 1,NFS) WRITE(6,622) (ifs,ifs=1,NFS) WRITE(6,699) DO ifr=1,NFREQ(iset) WRITE(6,618) FREQ(ifr,iset),WAVL(ifr,iset), 1 OUTPUT(ifr,iset),(TOTFS(ifr,ifs,iset),ifs=1,NFS) ENDDO IF(FITIT.GT.0) THEN WRITE(11,1101) iset,TEMP(iset),INFO(iset), 1 (ifs,ifs=1,NFS) WRITE(11,699) WRITE(12,1201) INFO(iset) ENDIF ENDIF WRITE(6,698) IF(FITIT.GT.0) WRITE(11,699) DO ifr=1,NFREQ(iset) IF(FITIT.GT.0) THEN WRITE(11,1102) FREQ(ifr,iset), 1 OBS(ifr,iset),UNC(ifr,iset),OUTPUT(ifr,iset), 2 (OUTPUT(ifr,iset)-OBS(ifr,iset))/UNC(ifr,iset), 3 (TOTFS(ifr,ifs,iset),ifs=1,NFS) WRITE(12,1102) FREQ(ifr,iset), 1 OBS(ifr,iset),UNC(ifr,iset),OUTPUT(ifr,iset), 2 (TOTFS(ifr,ifs,iset),ifs=1,NFS) ENDIF ENDDO IF(FITIT.GT.0) WRITE(11,698) ENDIF 1000 CONTINUE RETURN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 600 FORMAT(' Predissociation Rates [s-1]'//3x,'v',3x,'J"',3x, 1 'E(v,J)',4x,'TOTAL RATE',5x,'State-',I1,4(8x:'State-',I1)) 602 FORMAT(' *** WARNING ... while searching for v=',I3,', J=',i3, 1 ' with EVIN=',f9.2/5x,'actually find v=',I3,' at E=',F9.2, 2 ' Reset EVIN=',f10.2,' & try again.') 604 FORMAT(' For E(v=',I2,' J=',I3,') =',F11.4,', <coupling ', 1 'function> =',G16.8) 606 FORMAT(1x,i3,1x,i3,f11.3,6(1PD14.6)) 608 FORMAT(1x,'Truncate v=',I2,' thermal T=',f7.2,'K rotational su 1m at E(v,J=',i3,')=',f8.2,'[wn]') 609 FORMAT(' Calculation is for initial-state level v=',i3,' J=', 1 I3) 610 FORMAT(' Initial-state level v =',I2,' has rotational sublevels'/ 1(4(3x:'E(',I3,')=',F10.3))) 614 FORMAT(' Calculated Transition Intensity Coefficients for set #', 1 I2,' [T = ',F6.1,']'/' FREQ/cm-1 WAVL/nm TOTAL', 2 5(4x:'State-',I1)/) 615 FORMAT(' Calculated Transition Intensity Ratios for set #',I2, 1 ' [Temp = ',F6.1,']'/11x,I2,'*I(fs',SS,I1,')', 2 5(SP,I3,'*I(fs',SS,I1,')':)) 623 FORMAT(' Ratio = ',60('-')/11x,I2,'*I(fs',SS,I1,')', 1 5(SP,I3,'*I(fs',SS,I1,')':)) 622 FORMAT(' FREQ/cm-1 WAVL(nm) Ratio',5(4x,'State-',I1:)) 616 FORMAT(f9.2,f10.4,f12.2,6(f11.5)) 617 FORMAT( ' Calculated absorption coefficients multiplied by scaling 1 factor:',f9.5) 618 FORMAT(f9.2,f10.4,f12.6,6(f11.5)) 620 FORMAT(' At T=',f7.2,'K population fraction factors for',I3, 1 ' vibrational levels containing'/5x,'population fraction',f11.8, 2 ' are: Fvib(v=',I2,')=',f12.9/(43x,'Fvib(v=',I2,')=',f12.9)) 690 FORMAT(1x,a70) 697 FORMAT(/40('==')) 698 FORMAT(40('==')) 699 FORMAT(40('--')) 1100 FORMAT(/' Calculated Transition Intensity Coefficients for ', 1 'Data Set #',I2,' [Temp = ',F6.1,']'/1x,a70/' FREQ(cm-1) ', 2 ' OBS UNC CALC [c-o]/u',5(2x:'State-',I1)/) 1101 FORMAT(/' Calculated Transition Intensity Ratios for ', 1 'Data Set #',I2,' [Temp = ',F6.1,']'/1x,a70/' FREQ(cm-1) ', 2 ' OBS UNC CALC [c-o]/u',5(2x:'State-',I1)/) 1102 FORMAT(f10.2,f9.3,f8.3,f9.3,f8.3,6(f9.3:)) 1105 FORMAT(/1x,79('-')/1x,'Calculated Predissociation Rates'//3x, 1 'v',3x,'J"',3x,'E(v,J)',4x,' OBS RATE ',4x,'CALC RATE',6x, 2 'State-',I1,4(8x:'State-',I1)) 1106 FORMAT(1x,i3,1x,i3,f11.3,7(1PD14.6)) END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE ADD(iset,n,nfs,type,cn,cd,totfs,rpd,otmf,dIdT,output) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Add individual intensity contributions to get total sum or ratio value c----------------------------------------------------------------------- ccc INCLUDE 'arrsizes.h' c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Utility routine to summarize dimensioning of arrays c----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER mxdata,mxisp,mxfsp,mxnj,mxnp,mxntp,mxprm,mxv,mxfs,mxisot, 1 mxsets,mxfreq REAL*8 CCM,PI c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c mxdata - maximum number of input data points c mxisp - maximum number of points for initial state potential array c (also used for number of points in transition moment array) c mxnj - maxiumum value of j quantum number allowed c mxfsp - maximum number of points for final state potential array c mxnp - maximum number of parameters total c mxntp - maximum number of turning points to be read in c mxprm - maximum number of parameters for final state pot'l or TMF c mxv - largest value for the v quantum number c mxfs - maximum number of final states allowed c mxisot - maximum number of isotopomers allowed c mxsets - maximum number of data sets allowed c mxfreq - maximum number of data points allowed in a given set c----------------------------------------------------------------------- PARAMETER (mxisp=16001) PARAMETER (mxnj=20) PARAMETER (mxfsp=16001) PARAMETER (mxntp=9999) PARAMETER (mxprm=6) PARAMETER (mxv=200) PARAMETER (mxfs=5) PARAMETER (mxisot=3) PARAMETER (mxsets=11) PARAMETER (mxfreq=501) PARAMETER (PI=3.141592653589793238d0) PARAMETER (mxnp=2*mxprm*mxfs+mxsets-1) PARAMETER (mxdata=mxfreq*mxsets) PARAMETER (CCM= 299792458d2) INTEGER i,ifs,m,n,nfs,cd(mxsets,mxfs),cn(mxsets,mxfs),rpd, 1 iset,otmf(mxfs),type REAL*8 dIdT(0:mxprm-1,mxfreq,mxfs,mxsets), 1 output(mxfreq,mxsets),sumnum,sumden, 2 totfs(mxfreq,mxfs,mxsets) c DO i= 1,n sumnum= 0.d0 sumden= 0.d0 DO ifs= 1,nfs IF(type.EQ.1) THEN sumnum= sumnum + cn(iset,ifs)*totfs(i,ifs,iset) ELSEIF(type.EQ.2) THEN sumnum= sumnum + cn(iset,ifs)*totfs(i,ifs,iset) sumden= sumden + cd(iset,ifs)*totfs(i,ifs,iset) ENDIF ENDDO IF((type.EQ.2).AND.(rpd.GT.0)) THEN DO ifs= 1,nfs DO m= 0,otmf(ifs) dIdT(m,i,ifs,iset)= dIdT(m,i,ifs,iset)* 1 (cn(iset,ifs)*sumden - cd(iset,ifs)*sumnum)/(sumden*sumden) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF IF(type.EQ.1) THEN output(i,iset)= sumnum ELSEIF(type.EQ.2) THEN output(i,iset)= sumnum/sumden ENDIF ENDDO RETURN END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** c last updated 5 Oct'01 rjl c======================================================================= SUBROUTINE GENFS(ifs) c======================================================================= c** Subroutine to prepare final-state potential: currently 3 options: c* FSTYPE= 1 : Repulsive exponential with variable exponent c V = VLIMF + A1*exp{-(r- Rexfs)*[A2 + A3*y + A4*y^2 ...]} c* FSTYPE= 2 : Numerical potential@ longer range with the 2 innermost c points defining B0 & B1 in expansion c V = B0 + B1*exp{-(r- Rexfs)*[A2 + A3*y +A4*y^2 ...]} c* FSTYPE= 3 : EMO potential c V = VLIMF + A1*[1 + exp{-(r- A2))*[A3 + A4*y + ...]}]^2 - A1 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c inputs FSPRM(j,ifs) - final state parameters (one set per final c state) c FSTYPE(ifs) - specifies the type of final state potential c ifs - final state counter c mxfsp - number of final state potential points c NFSPRM(ifs) - number of final state parameters c RAD(i) - radial distance array c REXFS - point about which potential is expanded c RTP(i,ifs) - (for FSTYPE=2) radial distance for turning c points i= 1 or 2 c VTP(i,ifs) - (for FSTYPE=2) potential value for turning c points i= 1 or 2 c XCOORD(ifs) - expansion COORDinate y for final-state potenl. c XCOORD = p (p=1-9) c for y= zfs= (r^p - REXFS^p)/(r^p + REXFS^p) c XCOORD = 10 for y= zfs= (r-REXFS)/r c XCOORD = 11 for y= zfs= (r-REXFS)/(REXFS) c c outputs VF(i,ifs) - final state potential array c----------------------------------------------------------------------- ccc INCLUDE 'arrsizes.h' c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Utility routine to summarize dimensioning of arrays c----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER mxdata,mxisp,mxfsp,mxnj,mxnp,mxntp,mxprm,mxv,mxfs,mxisot, 1 mxsets,mxfreq REAL*8 CCM,PI c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c mxdata - maximum number of input data points c mxisp - maximum number of points for initial state potential array c (also used for number of points in transition moment array) c mxnj - maxiumum value of j quantum number allowed c mxfsp - maximum number of points for final state potential array c mxnp - maximum number of parameters total c mxntp - maximum number of turning points to be read in c mxprm - maximum number of parameters for final state pot'l or TMF c mxv - largest value for the v quantum number c mxfs - maximum number of final states allowed c mxisot - maximum number of isotopomers allowed c mxsets - maximum number of data sets allowed c mxfreq - maximum number of data points allowed in a given set c----------------------------------------------------------------------- PARAMETER (mxisp=16001) PARAMETER (mxnj=20) PARAMETER (mxfsp=16001) PARAMETER (mxntp=9999) PARAMETER (mxprm=6) PARAMETER (mxv=200) PARAMETER (mxfs=5) PARAMETER (mxisot=3) PARAMETER (mxsets=11) PARAMETER (mxfreq=501) PARAMETER (PI=3.141592653589793238d0) PARAMETER (mxnp=2*mxprm*mxfs+mxsets-1) PARAMETER (mxdata=mxfreq*mxsets) PARAMETER (CCM= 299792458d2) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER FSTYPE(mxfs),i,ifs,IP,j,NFSPRM(mxfs),NUMIMP,XCOORD(mxfs) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL*8 AVALUE(mxfs),BETA,EF,ES,EXPON1,EXPON2,BVALUE(mxfs), 1 FSPRM(mxprm,mxfs),numer,R1,R2,RAD(mxfsp),REXFS,REQFS,RH,RMIN, 2 RTP(2,mxfs),VF(mxfsp,mxfs),VLIMF(mxfs),VTP(2,mxfs), 3 zfs(mxfsp,mxfs),z1,z2,ZZ,ZZ1,ZZ2 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON /MGf/ AVALUE,BVALUE,REXFS,RTP,VTP,zfs,FSTYPE,XCOORD COMMON /MFGf/ VF,VLIMF COMMON /MDGf/ FSPRM,NFSPRM COMMON /MFGtGf/ RAD c----------------------------------------------------------------------- RMIN= RAD(1) RH= RAD(2)-RAD(1) c IP= XCOORD(ifs) IF(FSTYPE(ifs).EQ.1) THEN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Final state type 1 has a purely repulsive analytic potential form: c VF = VLIMF + A1 * exp{-(R-REXFS)*[A2 + A3*y + ... + A6*y^4}; c Parameters A1-A6 are read in as FSPRM(i), i= 1-6 respectively. c Note that VLIMF is added to this potential in main program. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i=1, mxfsp numer= RAD(i)-REXFS IF(IP.EQ.0) zfs(i,ifs)= numer/REXFS IF(IP.EQ.1) zfs(i,ifs)= numer/(RAD(i)+REXFS) IF(IP.GE.2) zfs(i,ifs)= (RAD(i)**IP - REXFS**IP)/ 1 (RAD(i)**IP + REXFS**IP) BETA= 0.d0 ZZ= 1.d0 DO j= 2,NFSPRM(ifs) BETA= BETA + FSPRM(j,ifs)*ZZ ZZ= ZZ*zfs(i,ifs) ENDDO VF(i,ifs)= VLIMF(ifs) + FSPRM(1,ifs)*DEXP(-(numer)*BETA) ENDDO ENDIF IF(FSTYPE(ifs).EQ.2) THEN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Final State 2 is defined by NTPFS turning points [RTPF(i),VTPF(i)] c with a repulsive exponential inner wall attached to the 2 innermost c points. Outer portion was previously obtained by interpolating (in c GENINT) to get potential array with piecewise polynomials or cubic c splines. VSHFTF (cm-1) was added to the read-in potential points to c make them consistent with the stated VLIMF value. c Units for distance and energy are Angstroms and cm-1 repectively. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Repulsive inner wall is defined by fitting the 2 innermost read-in c turning points to the form: c VF(R) = A + B exp[-(R-REXFS)*(b0 + b1*y + b2*y^2 + ... + b5*y^5) c if XCOORD = 1 y = zfs(R) = (R-REXFS)/(R+REXFS) c if XCOORD = p(=1-9) y = zfs(R) = (R^p - REXFS^p)/ c (R^p + REXFS^p) c if XCOORD = 10 y = zfs(R) = (R-REXFS)/R c if XCOORD = 11 y = zfs(R) = (R-REXFS)/REXFS c where A and B are determined by the 2 turning points c and parameters b(j)= FSPRM[(j+1),ifs] c----------------------------------------------------------------------- R1= RTP(1,ifs) - REXFS R2= RTP(2,ifs) - REXFS IF (XCOORD(ifs).EQ.10) THEN z1= R1/RTP(1,ifs) z2= R2/RTP(2,ifs) ELSEIF (XCOORD(ifs).EQ.11) THEN z1= R1/REXFS z2= R2/REXFS ELSEIF (XCOORD(ifs).EQ.1) THEN z1= R1/(RTP(1,ifs) + REXFS) z2= R2/(RTP(2,ifs) + REXFS) ELSEIF ((XCOORD(ifs).GE.2).AND.(XCOORD(ifs).LE.9)) THEN z1=(RTP(1,ifs)**IP -REXFS**IP)/(RTP(1,ifs)**IP +REXFS**IP) z2=(RTP(2,ifs)**IP -REXFS**IP)/(RTP(2,ifs)**IP +REXFS**IP) ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Now solve two equations & two unknowns to get A and B parameters for c inner wall of final state 2 (force exponential to go through the c first two turning points). A= AVALUE and B= BVALUE below. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- ZZ1= 1.d0 ZZ2= 1.d0 EXPON1= 0.d0 EXPON2= 0.d0 DO j=1,NFSPRM(ifs) EXPON1= EXPON1 + FSPRM(j,ifs)*ZZ1 EXPON2= EXPON2 + FSPRM(j,ifs)*ZZ2 ZZ1= ZZ1*z1 ZZ2= ZZ2*z2 ENDDO ES= DEXP(-R1*EXPON1) EF= DEXP(-R2*EXPON2) BVALUE(ifs)= (VTP(1,ifs)-VTP(2,ifs))/(ES-EF) AVALUE(ifs)= VTP(1,ifs)-BVALUE(ifs)*ES c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c NUMIMP is NUMber of Inner Mesh Points (for repulsive inner wall) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMIMP= IDNINT((RTP(2,ifs) - RMIN)/RH + 1.d0) IF(NUMIMP.LE.0) NUMIMP= 1 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Now add on the exponential inner wall in region up to RTP(2,ifs) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i=1,NUMIMP numer= RAD(i)-REXFS IF(XCOORD(ifs).EQ.1) zfs(i,ifs)= numer/(RAD(i)+REXFS) IF((XCOORD(ifs).GE.2).AND.(XCOORD(ifs).GE.9)) 1 zfs(i,ifs)= (RAD(i)**IP -REXFS**IP)/(RAD(i)**IP +REXFS**IP) IF(XCOORD(ifs).EQ.10) zfs(i,ifs)= numer/RAD(i) IF(XCOORD(ifs).EQ.11) zfs(i,ifs)= numer/REXFS BETA= 0.d0 ZZ= 1.d0 DO j= 1,NFSPRM(ifs) BETA= BETA + FSPRM(j,ifs)*ZZ ZZ= ZZ*zfs(i,ifs) ENDDO VF(i,ifs)= AVALUE(ifs) + BVALUE(ifs)*DEXP(-(numer)*BETA) ENDDO ENDIF c IF(FSTYPE(ifs).EQ.3) THEN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** Generate an Extended Morse Oscillator final-state potential c V = VLIMF + A1*[1 + exp{-(R- A2)*[A3 + A4*y + A5*y^2 +...]}]^2 - A1 c* Parameters A1-A6 are read in as FSPRM(i), i= 1-6 respectively, while c VLIMF is added to this potential in main program. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i=1, mxfsp REQFS= FSPRM(2,ifs) numer= (RAD(i) - REQFS) zfs(i,ifs)= (RAD(i)**IP - REXFS**IP)/ 1 (RAD(i)**IP + REXFS**IP) BETA= 0.d0 ZZ= 1.d0 DO j= 3,NFSPRM(ifs) BETA= BETA + FSPRM(j,ifs)*ZZ ZZ= ZZ*zfs(i,ifs) ENDDO VF(i,ifs)= VLIMF(ifs) + FSPRM(1,ifs)* 1 ((DEXP(-numer*BETA)- 1.d0)**2 - 1.d0) ENDDO ENDIF RETURN END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE GENTMF(ifs) c======================================================================= c Last modified 6 October 2001 c======================================================================= ccc INCLUDE 'arrsizes.h' c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Utility routine to summarize dimensioning of arrays c----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER mxdata,mxisp,mxfsp,mxnj,mxnp,mxntp,mxprm,mxv,mxfs,mxisot, 1 mxsets,mxfreq REAL*8 CCM,PI c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c mxdata - maximum number of input data points c mxisp - maximum number of points for initial state potential array c (also used for number of points in transition moment array) c mxnj - maxiumum value of j quantum number allowed c mxfsp - maximum number of points for final state potential array c mxnp - maximum number of parameters total c mxntp - maximum number of turning points to be read in c mxprm - maximum number of parameters for final state pot'l or TMF c mxv - largest value for the v quantum number c mxfs - maximum number of final states allowed c mxisot - maximum number of isotopomers allowed c mxsets - maximum number of data sets allowed c mxfreq - maximum number of data points allowed in a given set c----------------------------------------------------------------------- PARAMETER (mxisp=16001) PARAMETER (mxnj=20) PARAMETER (mxfsp=16001) PARAMETER (mxntp=9999) PARAMETER (mxprm=6) PARAMETER (mxv=200) PARAMETER (mxfs=5) PARAMETER (mxisot=3) PARAMETER (mxsets=11) PARAMETER (mxfreq=501) PARAMETER (PI=3.141592653589793238d0) PARAMETER (mxnp=2*mxprm*mxfs+mxsets-1) PARAMETER (mxdata=mxfreq*mxsets) PARAMETER (CCM= 299792458d2) INTEGER I,ifs,IP,IR2TMF,J,LNPT,LPTMF,ILRTMF,m,NCNTMF,NIN,NPRS, 1 NPRF,NPTMF,NUSETMF,NROW, GFS(mxfs),OTMF(mxfs),TMFTYP(mxfs) REAL*8 CNNTMF,FCT(mxisp),MFACTMF,RAD(mxfsp),REXTMF,RFACTMF, 1 TMF(mxfsp),TMFLIM,TMFPRM(0:mxprm-1,mxfs),Xi(mxntp),xtmf, 2 XM2(mxfsp),Yi(mxntp),ztmf(mxisp,mxfs) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON /MGt/ REXTMF COMMON /MFGt/ XM2,ztmf,LPTMF,NIN,TMFTYP COMMON /MFGtGf/ RAD COMMON /MFDGt/ TMFPRM,OTMF,GFS c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA LNPT/1/,NPRS/1/,IR2TMF/0/ c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(TMFTYP(ifs).EQ.0) THEN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** Read NPTMP points of transition moment function with asymptotic c value of TMFLIM c* Interpolate with NUSETMF-point piecewise polynomials (or splines for c NUSETMF.le.0), which are extrapolated to the asymptote as specified by c parameters ILRTMF, CNC & CNN (see read #20). c RFACT - factor converts read-in distances to angstroms c MFACT - factor converts read-in moment values to debye (for absorption c or emission or cm-1 for predissociation). c======================================================================= READ(5,*) NPTMF, TMFLIM READ(5,*) NUSETMF, ILRTMF, NCNTMF, CNNTMF READ(5,*) RFACTMF, MFACTMF READ(5,*) (XI(i), YI(i), i=1, NPTMF) c======================================================================= WRITE(6,610) NPTMF, TMFLIM IF(NUSETMF.GT.0) WRITE(6,616) NUSETMF, NPTMF IF(NUSETMF.LE.0) WRITE(6,618) NPTMF IF((ILRTMF.GT.1).AND.(DABS(CNNTMF).GT.0.D0)) 1 WRITE(6,610) CNNTMF, NCNTMF WRITE(6,622) RFACTMF, MFACTMF NROW= (NPTMF+2)/3 DO J= 1,NROW WRITE(6,624) (XI(I), YI(I), I=J, NPTMF, NROW) ENDDO DO I= 1,NPTMF XI(I)= XI(I)*RFACTMF YI(I)= YI(I)*MFACTMF ENDDO 616 FORMAT(' Perform',I3,'-point piecewise polynomial interpolation ov 1er',I5,' input points' ) 618 FORMAT(' Perform cubic spline interpolation over the',I5,' input p 1oints' ) 622 FORMAT(' Scale input points: (distance)*',1PD16.9,' & (moment) 1*',D16.9/4x,'to get required units [Angstroms & debye (or cm-1 fo 2r predissociation)]'/ 3 3(' X(i) Y(i) ')/3(3X,11('--'))) 624 FORMAT((3(F12.6,F13.6))) NPRF= NIN CALL GENINT(LNPT,NIN,RAD,FCT,NUSETMF,IR2TMF,NPTMF,XI,YI, 1 TMFLIM,ILRTMF,NCNTMF,CNNTMF,NPRS,NPRF) DO i=1,NIN ztmf(i,ifs)= FCT(i) ENDDO ELSEIF((TMFTYP(ifs).GE.1).AND.(TMFTYP(ifs).LE.9)) THEN IP= TMFTYP(ifs) WRITE(6,614) IP,IP,IP,IP,REXTMF DO i=1,NIN ztmf(i,ifs)= (RAD(i)**IP - REXTMF**IP)/ 1 (RAD(i)**IP + REXTMF**IP) ENDDO ELSEIF(TMFTYP(ifs).EQ.10) THEN WRITE(6,623) REXTMF DO i=1,NIN ztmf(i,ifs)= (RAD(i) - REXTMF)/RAD(i) ENDDO ELSEIF(TMFTYP(ifs).EQ.11) THEN WRITE(6,613) REXTMF DO i=1,NIN ztmf(i,ifs)= (RAD(i) - REXTMF)/REXTMF ENDDO ELSEIF(TMFTYP(ifs).EQ.12) THEN WRITE(6,612) DO i= 1,NIN ztmf(i,ifs)= XM2(i) ENDDO ELSEIF(TMFTYP(ifs).EQ.13) THEN WRITE(6,611) DO i= 1,NIN ztmf(i,ifs)= RAD(i) ENDDO ELSEIF(TMFTYP(ifs).EQ.14) THEN WRITE(6,621) DO i= 1,NIN ztmf(i,ifs)= 2.d0 ENDDO ELSE WRITE(6,601) TMFTYP(ifs) STOP ENDIF RETURN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 601 FORMAT(/' *Fatal Error in GENTMF* TMFTYP =',i3,' unallowed ', 1 '- must be .LE. 14') 610 FORMAT(' Transition moment function defined by interpolating over' 1 ,I4,' read-in points'/5x,'and approaching the asymptotic value', 2 f12.6) 621 FORMAT(' Transition moment function is a power series in the CONST 1ANT 2.d0 {for testing}') 611 FORMAT(' Transition moment function is a power series in the dista 1nce R [Angstroms]') 612 FORMAT(' Transition moment function is a power series in the varia 1ble z = 1/R**2') 613 FORMAT(' Transition moment function is a power series in the Dunha 1m variable'/4x,'z = (R - REXTMF)/REXTMF with REXTMF =',F8.5, 2 ' [Angstroms]') 623 FORMAT(' Transition moment function is a power series in the SPF v 1ariable'/4x,'z = (R - REXTMF)/R with REXTMF=',F8.5, 2 ' [Angstroms]') 614 FORMAT(' Transition moment function is a power series in the Surku 1s variable'/4x,'z = (R^',i1,' - REXTMF^',i1,')/(R^',i1, 2 ' + REXTMF^',i1,') with REXTMF=',F8.5,' [Angstroms]') 820 FORMAT(' Coefficients of power series expansion for transition mom 1ent function are:'/(3x,6(f12.8):)) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE DYIDPJ(i,NDATA,NPTOT,YC,PV,PD,PS,RMSR) c======================================================================= c Last modified 29 April 2001 c======================================================================= c i - datum whose derivative is required c nptot - total number of parameters to be varied c yc - current Ycalc value c pv - parameter array, pv(n) c pd - partial derivative array, pd(i) c ps - parameter sensitivities, ps(i) c rmsr - root mean square residuals c----------------------------------------------------------------------- ccc INCLUDE 'arrsizes.h' c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Utility routine to summarize dimensioning of arrays c----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER mxdata,mxisp,mxfsp,mxnj,mxnp,mxntp,mxprm,mxv,mxfs,mxisot, 1 mxsets,mxfreq REAL*8 CCM,PI c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c mxdata - maximum number of input data points c mxisp - maximum number of points for initial state potential array c (also used for number of points in transition moment array) c mxnj - maxiumum value of j quantum number allowed c mxfsp - maximum number of points for final state potential array c mxnp - maximum number of parameters total c mxntp - maximum number of turning points to be read in c mxprm - maximum number of parameters for final state pot'l or TMF c mxv - largest value for the v quantum number c mxfs - maximum number of final states allowed c mxisot - maximum number of isotopomers allowed c mxsets - maximum number of data sets allowed c mxfreq - maximum number of data points allowed in a given set c----------------------------------------------------------------------- PARAMETER (mxisp=16001) PARAMETER (mxnj=20) PARAMETER (mxfsp=16001) PARAMETER (mxntp=9999) PARAMETER (mxprm=6) PARAMETER (mxv=200) PARAMETER (mxfs=5) PARAMETER (mxisot=3) PARAMETER (mxsets=11) PARAMETER (mxfreq=501) PARAMETER (PI=3.141592653589793238d0) PARAMETER (mxnp=2*mxprm*mxfs+mxsets-1) PARAMETER (mxdata=mxfreq*mxsets) PARAMETER (CCM= 299792458d2) INTEGER cycle,i,ifr,ifs,iset,m,n,idata,LPDER,NDATA,NFS,nprm, 1 NPTOT,NPPFREE,NSETS,RPD, GFS(mxfs), 2 FSVAR(mxprm,mxfs),IFRPW(mxsets),NFREQ(mxsets),NFSPRM(mxfs), 3 NVJ(mxsets),OTMF(mxfs),SCALE(mxsets),TMFVAR(0:mxprm-1,mxfs), 4 UPPER(mxsets) REAL*8 DELTAP(mxnp),dIdT(0:mxprm-1,mxfreq,mxfs,mxsets), 1 DTIVE(mxdata,mxnp),FSPRM(mxprm,mxfs), 2 OUTPUT(mxfreq,mxsets),PD(mxnp),DFACT,PS(mxnp), 3 PV(mxnp),RMSR,SF(mxsets),TMFPRM(0:mxprm-1,mxfs),YC, 4 YCALC(mxdata) CHARACTER*70 INFO(mxsets) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON /MD/ DFACT,FSVAR,LPDER,NPPFREE COMMON /MFD/ dIdT,OUTPUT,SF,IFRPW,NFREQ,NFS,NSETS,NVJ,RPD,SCALE, 1 TMFVAR,INFO COMMON /MDGf/ FSPRM,NFSPRM COMMON /MFDGt/ TMFPRM,OTMF,GFS c----------------------------------------------------------------------- SAVE DTIVE,YCALC,cycle DATA cycle/0/ c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c When called for first datum, create complete partial derivative array c to will be used in the subsequent calls for rest of the data c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(i.EQ.1) THEN cycle= cycle + 1 IF(NPPFREE.GT.0) WRITE(6,600) DO idata= 1,NDATA DO nprm= 1,NPTOT DTIVE(idata,nprm)= 0.d0 ENDDO ENDDO nprm= 0 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c First copy current PV values onto internal potential and transition c moment function parameter arrays c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO ifs= 1,NFS DO n= 1,NFSPRM(ifs) IF(FSVAR(n,ifs).GT.0) THEN nprm= nprm + 1 FSPRM(n,ifs)= PV(nprm) IF(RMSR.GT.0.d0) THEN DELTAP(nprm)= DFACT*PS(nprm)*NPTOT/RMSR c 1 *DSQRT(DBLE(NDATA-NPTOT)/DBLE(NDATA))/RMSR ELSE DELTAP(nprm)= 0.0010d0*FSPRM(n,ifs) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c DELTAP - step size used to define derivatives-by-differences c----------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDIF WRITE(6,601) nprm, DELTAP(nprm) IF(LPDER.GT.0) WRITE(10,601) nprm, DELTAP(nprm) ENDIF ENDDO CALL GENFS(ifs) DO m= 0,OTMF(ifs) IF(TMFVAR(m,ifs).GT.0) THEN nprm= nprm + 1 TMFPRM(m,ifs)= PV(nprm) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO DO iset= 1,NSETS IF(SCALE(iset).EQ.1) THEN nprm= nprm + 1 SF(iset)= PV(nprm) ENDIF ENDDO RPD= 1 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c RPD is a flag that tells FORWARD whether or not to return transition c moment function partial derivatives (RPD= 1 to return derivatives) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FORWARD RPD= 0 IDATA= 0 DO iset= 1,NSETS IF(IFRPW(iset).EQ.0) UPPER(iset)= NVJ(iset) IF(IFRPW(iset).NE.0) UPPER(iset)= NFREQ(iset) DO ifr= 1,UPPER(iset) idata= idata + 1 YCALC(idata)= OUTPUT(ifr,iset) ENDDO ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c begin partial derivative calculation for final state potential c parameters here - do SYMMETRIC partial derivatives-by-differences c----------------------------------------------------------------------- nprm= 0 DO ifs= 1,NFS DO n= 1,NFSPRM(ifs) IF(FSVAR(n,ifs).GT.0) THEN nprm= nprm + 1 FSPRM(n,ifs)= PV(nprm) + DELTAP(nprm) CALL GENFS(ifs) CALL FORWARD idata= 0 DO iset= 1,NSETS DO ifr= 1, UPPER(iset) idata= idata + 1 DTIVE(idata,nprm)= (OUTPUT(ifr,iset)- 1 YCALC(idata))/DELTAP(nprm) ENDDO ENDDO FSPRM(n,ifs)= PV(nprm) - 2*DELTAP(nprm) CALL GENFS(ifs) CALL FORWARD idata= 0 DO iset= 1,NSETS DO ifr= 1, UPPER(iset) idata= idata + 1 DTIVE(idata,nprm)=0.5d0*(DTIVE(idata,nprm) 1 + (YCALC(idata)-OUTPUT(ifr,iset))/DELTAP(nprm)) ENDDO ENDDO FSPRM(n,ifs)= PV(nprm) ENDIF ENDDO CALL GENFS(ifs) DO m= 0,OTMF(ifs) IF(TMFVAR(m,ifs).GT.0) THEN nprm= nprm + 1 idata= 0 DO iset= 1,NSETS DO ifr= 1,UPPER(iset) idata= idata + 1 DTIVE(idata,nprm)= dIdT(m,ifr,ifs,iset) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO idata= 0 DO iset= 1,NSETS IF(SCALE(iset).EQ.0) THEN idata= idata + UPPER(iset) ELSE nprm= nprm + 1 DO ifr= 1,UPPER(iset) idata= idata + 1 DTIVE(idata,nprm)= OUTPUT(ifr,iset)/SF(iset) ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO IF(LPDER.GT.0) THEN WRITE(10,100) cycle DO idata= 1,NDATA WRITE(10,101) YCALC(idata),(DTIVE(idata,nprm), 1 nprm= 1,NPTOT) ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c For each datum i, collect yalculated values and partial derivatives c below c----------------------------------------------------------------------- YC= YCALC(i) DO nprm= 1,NPTOT PD(nprm)= DTIVE(i,nprm) ENDDO RETURN 600 FORMAT(/' Change in Potential Parameter Values (Derivatives-', 1 'by-Differences)') 601 FORMAT(1x,'DELTAP(',i2,')= ',f12.6) 100 FORMAT(/5x,'YCALC',10x,'Partial Derivatives for fitting cycle',i3) 101 FORMAT(1x,30(1PD14.6)) END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE OVRLAP(BFCT,DER,EFN,OVR,OVRCRT,PSI,RH,RMIN,TMFPRM,VJ, 1 VLIM,z,ifs,IWR,JP,NEND,OTMF,TMFTYP) c======================================================================= c Routine by R.J. Le Roy; Last Modified 19 August 2003 c======================================================================= c Calculate overlap integral Franck-Condon Moment FCM(i) array c between the given bound state wave function PSI(i) (which is zero c for i > NEND) and the J' = JP continuum final state wave function c (asymptotocally normalized to unit amplitude) at energy EFN on the c effective potential VJ(I) with asymptote VLIM, with input array c z(i). z(i) is the input (radial) array whose moments are being taken. c NOTE that z(i) = zin(i) = ztmf c c On entry, energy units for EFN and VLIM are (cm-1), while VJ(I) c incorporates the factor BFCT (i.e., VJ/BFCT has units cm-1). c c Convergence of asymptotic wave function normalization defined by c requirement that W.K.B. fits to 3 successive maxima must agree c relatively to within OVRCRT. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- ccc INCLUDE 'arrsizes.h' c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Utility routine to summarize dimensioning of arrays c----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER mxdata,mxisp,mxfsp,mxnj,mxnp,mxntp,mxprm,mxv,mxfs,mxisot, 1 mxsets,mxfreq REAL*8 CCM,PI c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c mxdata - maximum number of input data points c mxisp - maximum number of points for initial state potential array c (also used for number of points in transition moment array) c mxnj - maxiumum value of j quantum number allowed c mxfsp - maximum number of points for final state potential array c mxnp - maximum number of parameters total c mxntp - maximum number of turning points to be read in c mxprm - maximum number of parameters for final state pot'l or TMF c mxv - largest value for the v quantum number c mxfs - maximum number of final states allowed c mxisot - maximum number of isotopomers allowed c mxsets - maximum number of data sets allowed c mxfreq - maximum number of data points allowed in a given set c----------------------------------------------------------------------- PARAMETER (mxisp=16001) PARAMETER (mxnj=20) PARAMETER (mxfsp=16001) PARAMETER (mxntp=9999) PARAMETER (mxprm=6) PARAMETER (mxv=200) PARAMETER (mxfs=5) PARAMETER (mxisot=3) PARAMETER (mxsets=11) PARAMETER (mxfreq=501) PARAMETER (PI=3.141592653589793238d0) PARAMETER (mxnp=2*mxprm*mxfs+mxsets-1) PARAMETER (mxdata=mxfreq*mxsets) PARAMETER (CCM= 299792458d2) INTEGER i,ifs,MESH1,MESH2,MESH3,step,first,last,IWR,JP,TURNPT,m, 1 OTMF,NAMP,NEND,TMFTYP(mxfs) REAL*8 AMP1,AMP2,AMP3,AMP4,BFCT,DER(0:mxprm-1),DI,FCFACT, 1 EFN,ELIM,ER,FCM(0:MXPRM-1),EDIFF1,EDIFF2,EDIFFi,HALF,HARG, 2 NFACT, 2 RH,RMIN,OVR,OVRCRT,PSI(NEND),S0,S1,S2,SG1,SG2,SGi,Si, 3 SNARG,SQKINF, 3 THIRD,TMFPRM(0:mxprm-1,mxfs),VLIM,VJ(mxfsp),VV,XIITH,XX, 4 Y1,Y2,Y3,z(mxisp), 4 ZTST,ZZ0,ZZ1 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- HALF= 1.D0/2.D0 XIITH= 1.D0/12.D0 THIRD= 1.D0/3.D0 ER= EFN*BFCT ELIM= VLIM*BFCT SQKINF= DSQRT(ER-ELIM) AMP1= 1.D0 AMP2= 2.D0 AMP3= 0.D0 AMP4= 0.D0 DO m= 0,OTMF DER(m)= 0.D0 FCM(m)= 0.d0 ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** Locate first turning point and use Airy function to estimate c appropriate integration starting point such that PSI(1) .LE. 1.D-10 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- MESH1= 1 EDIFF1= VJ(MESH1)-ER step= DINT(0.05d0/RH) IF(step.LT.1) step= 1 first= step+1 DO i= first,mxfsp,step TURNPT= i EDIFF2= VJ(i)-ER IF(EDIFF2.LE. 0.D0) GOTO 4 MESH1= i EDIFF1= EDIFF2 ENDDO IF(IWR.NE.0) THEN WRITE(6,607) JP,EFN OVR= 0.d0 RETURN ENDIF 4 MESH2= TURNPT TURNPT= MESH1+(MESH2-MESH1)*EDIFF1/(EDIFF1-EDIFF2) IF(IABS(TURNPT-MESH2).LE.1) GOTO 6 IF((TURNPT.LE.0).OR.(TURNPT.GT.mxfsp)) THEN IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,601) JP,EFN OVR= 0.d0 RETURN ENDIF MESH1= MESH2 EDIFF1= EDIFF2 EDIFF2= VJ(TURNPT)-ER GOTO 4 6 DI= 10.D0/(VJ(TURNPT-1)-VJ(TURNPT))**THIRD step= DINT(DI) MESH1= MAX0(1,TURNPT-step) IF(MESH1.GE.NEND) THEN OVR= 0.D0 RETURN ENDIF 8 EDIFF1= VJ(MESH1)-ER IF(EDIFF1.LT.10.D0) GOTO 10 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** Adjust starting point outward to ensure integration scheme stability c----------------------------------------------------------------------- MESH1= MESH1+1 IF((MESH1-mxfsp).LT.0) GOTO 8 IF((MESH1-mxfsp).GE.0) THEN OVR= 0.D0 RETURN ENDIF 10 MESH2= MESH1+1 MESH3= MESH2+1 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** WKB starting condition for wave function c----------------------------------------------------------------------- S0= 1.D0 EDIFF1= VJ(MESH1)-ER EDIFFi= VJ(MESH2)-ER IF((EDIFF1.GT. 0.D0).AND.(EDIFFi.GT. 0.D0)) THEN SG1= DSQRT(EDIFF1) SGi= DSQRT(EDIFFi) Si= S0*DSQRT(SG1/SGi)*DEXP((SG1+SGi)/2.D0) IF(Si.LE.S0) S0= 0.D0 ELSE VV= VJ(MESH2)/BFCT IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,608) JP,EFN,VV,MESH2 S0= 0.D0 Si= 1.D0 ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c notationally speaking, all Yi's refer to values used in the Numerov c Algorithm for wavefunciont propagation. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- Y1= S0*(1.D0-XIITH*EDIFF1) Y2= Si*(1.D0-XIITH*EDIFFi) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Use trapezoid rule for numerical integration. Initialize FCM(m) c values using first section of area. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- ZZ0= 1.D0 ZZ1= 1.D0 DO m= 0,OTMF FCM(m)= HALF*S0*PSI(MESH1)*ZZ0 + Si*PSI(MESH2)*ZZ1 ZZ0= ZZ0*z(MESH1) ZZ1= ZZ1*z(MESH2) ENDDO S2= S0 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** Integrate outward to first turning point. NOTE that Airy-estimated c initialization minimizes need for renormalizations. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO 16 i= MESH3,TURNPT Y3= Y2+Y2-Y1+EDIFFi*Si Y1= Y2 Y2= Y3 EDIFFi= VJ(I)-ER S1= S2 S2= Si Si= Y3/(1.D0-XIITH*EDIFFi) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** If bound wavefx. non-negligible, accumulate overlap moments c NOTE that FCFACT is the Franck-Condon factor c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(I.LE.NEND) THEN FCFACT= Si*PSI(i) DO m= 0,OTMF FCM(m)= FCM(m) + FCFACT FCFACT= FCFACT*z(i) ENDDO ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** If wavefuntion too large in forbidden region, renormalize it ... c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF((Si.GE.1.D32).OR.(i.EQ.TURNPT)) THEN NFACT= 1.D0/Si Si= 1.D0 IF(S0.GT.1.D-30) S0= S0*NFACT DO m= 0,OTMF FCM(m)= FCM(m)*NFACT ENDDO Y1= Y1*NFACT Y2= Y2*NFACT ENDIF 16 CONTINUE IF((IWR.NE.0).AND.(S0/SI.GT.1.D-8)) 1 WRITE(6,602)JP,EFN,MESH1,S0/Si,TURNPT MESH2= TURNPT+1 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** If turning point NOT past end of range for bound state wavefx., then c integrate from turning point to end of bound-state wave function c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(TURNPT.LT.NEND) THEN DO i= MESH2,NEND Y3= Y2 + Y2 - Y1 + EDIFFi*Si Y1= Y2 Y2= Y3 EDIFFi= VJ(i)-ER S1= S2 S2= Si Si= Y3/(1.D0 - XIITH*EDIFFi) FCFACT= Si*PSI(i) DO m= 0,OTMF FCM(m)= FCM(m) + FCFACT FCFACT= FCFACT*z(i) ENDDO ENDDO MESH2= NEND+1 ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** Continue wave function propagation until amplitude converges c----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAMP= 0 DO 30 i= MESH2,mxfsp Y3= Y2 + Y2 - Y1 + EDIFFi*Si Y1= Y2 Y2= Y3 EDIFF2= EDIFFi EDIFFi= VJ(i)-ER S1= S2 S2= Si Si= Y3/(1.D0-XIITH*EDIFFi) IF((Si.GE.S2).OR.(S1.GT.S2)) GOTO 30 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** At successive maxima, fit solution to W.K.B. form to determine c apparent asymptotic amplitude. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- SG2= DSQRT(-EDIFF2) SGi= DSQRT(-EDIFFi) HARG= (SG2 + SGi)/2.D0 SNARG= 1.D0/DSQRT(1.D0 + ((DSQRT(SG2/SGi)*S2/Si- DCOS(HARG)) 1 /DSIN(HARG))**2) NAMP= NAMP+1 AMP4= AMP3 AMP3= AMP2 AMP2= AMP1 AMP1= Si*DSQRT(SGi/SQKINF)/SNARG XX= RMIN + (i-1)*RH IF(IWR.GE.3) WRITE(6,604) JP,EFN,XX,AMP1 last= i c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** Test successive amplitudes for convergence c----------------------------------------------------------------------- ZTST= OVRCRT*AMP1 IF((DABS(AMP1-AMP2).LT.ZTST).AND.(DABS(AMP2-AMP3).LT.ZTST)) 1 GOTO 35 30 CONTINUE IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,603) JP,EFN,AMP1,AMP2,AMP3,AMP4 35 OVR= 0.d0 DO m= 0,OTMF FCM(m)= FCM(m)*RH/AMP1 OVR= OVR + TMFPRM(m,ifs)*FCM(m) ENDDO IF(IWR.GE.1) WRITE(6,605) JP,EFN,last,XX,(m,FCM(m),m=0,OTMF) IF(IWR.GE.2) WRITE(6,606) S0,AMP1,AMP2,AMP3,AMP4 DO m= 0,OTMF DER(m)= 2.d0*OVR*FCM(m) ENDDO OVR= OVR*OVR RETURN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 601 FORMAT(' *** OVRLAP BOMBed *** For J = ',I3,' EFN = ', 1 F10.2,' never got to first turning point') 602 FORMAT(' ** WARNING ** For J = ', I3 ,' EFN = ',F10.2, 1 ' starting wavefunction is PSI(',I4,') = ',D10.3,' and I(turn.p 2t.) = ',I4) 603 FORMAT(' ** WARNING ** For J= ',I3,' EFN= ',F9.2,' amplitude not', 1 ' converged by end of range'/3x,'Last four values are ', 2 4(1PD14.6)) 604 FORMAT(' At J=',I3,' E=',F9.2,' R=',F6.3,' apparent asymptot 1ic amplitude',1PD14.6) 605 FORMAT(' At J=',I3,' E= ',F12.2,' R(end)= R(',I5,')=', 1 F7.4,' FCM(',I1,')=',F12.8:/ 2 (4x,3(5x,'FCM(',I1,')=',F12.8:))) 606 FORMAT(5X,'S0= ',1PD10.3,' & last 4 amplitudes are',2D14.6/ 1 45x,2D14.6) 607 FORMAT(' *** ERROR *** At J = ',I3,' EFN = ',F10.2, 1 ' have V .GT. E everywhere.' ) 608 FORMAT(' *** Caution *** For J = ',I3,' (EFN= ',F10.2, 1 ') .GE. (V = ',F10.2,') at I = ',I4,' ,so initialize with a n 2ode.') END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE OVRPD(BFCT,DER,EFN,OVR,OVRCRT,RAD,PSI,TMFPRM, 1 VJ,VLIM,FITIT,ifs,IWR,JP,LPTMF,NEND,OTMF,TMFVAR) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c ** USE THIS ROUTINE FOR TMFTYP < 0 c * TMFTYP = -1 for predisociation case where the TMF is not c a power series but an operator instead c P= -hbar^2/2*mu {dW/dR + 2W*d/dR} c where W(R)= a/{4a^2 + (R-Rc)^2} c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Calculate overlap integral, OVR, c between the given bound state wave function PSI(i) (which is zero c for i > NEND) and the J' = JP continuum final state wave function c (asymptotocally normalized to unit amplitude) at energy EFN on the c effective potential VJ(I) with asymptote VLIM, with input array c c On entry, energy units for EFN and VLIM are (cm-1), while VJ(I) c incorporates the factor BFCT (i.e., VJ/BFCT has units cm-1). c c Convergence of asymptotic wave function normalization defined by c requirement that W.K.B. fits to 3 successive maxima must agree c relatively to within OVRCRT. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Original routine by R.J. Le Roy; Modified by G.T. Kraemer; c Current version 29 April 2001 c ** updating to take 5 points of continuum wavefunction c for obtaining derivative, dPSIc/dR c----------------------------------------------------------------------- ccc INCLUDE 'arrsizes.h' c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Utility routine to summarize dimensioning of arrays c----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER mxdata,mxisp,mxfsp,mxnj,mxnp,mxntp,mxprm,mxv,mxfs,mxisot, 1 mxsets,mxfreq REAL*8 CCM,PI c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c mxdata - maximum number of input data points c mxisp - maximum number of points for initial state potential array c (also used for number of points in transition moment array) c mxnj - maxiumum value of j quantum number allowed c mxfsp - maximum number of points for final state potential array c mxnp - maximum number of parameters total c mxntp - maximum number of turning points to be read in c mxprm - maximum number of parameters for final state pot'l or TMF c mxv - largest value for the v quantum number c mxfs - maximum number of final states allowed c mxisot - maximum number of isotopomers allowed c mxsets - maximum number of data sets allowed c mxfreq - maximum number of data points allowed in a given set c----------------------------------------------------------------------- PARAMETER (mxisp=16001) PARAMETER (mxnj=20) PARAMETER (mxfsp=16001) PARAMETER (mxntp=9999) PARAMETER (mxprm=6) PARAMETER (mxv=200) PARAMETER (mxfs=5) PARAMETER (mxisot=3) PARAMETER (mxsets=11) PARAMETER (mxfreq=501) PARAMETER (PI=3.141592653589793238d0) PARAMETER (mxnp=2*mxprm*mxfs+mxsets-1) PARAMETER (mxdata=mxfreq*mxsets) PARAMETER (CCM= 299792458d2) INTEGER FITIT,i,ifs,j,m,MESH1,MESH2,MESH5,NL,step,first,last,IWR, 1 JP,LPTMF,TURNPT,OTMF,NAMP,NEND,NLORZ, 2 TMFVAR(0:mxprm-1,mxfs) REAL*8 ADD1,ADD2, 1 AI1(3,mxisp),AI2(3,mxisp),ACCUM1(mxisp),ACCUM2(mxisp), 2 AMP1,AMP2,AMP3,AMP4,AVAL(3),BFCT,DA(3),DRc(3), 1 DEN,DER(0:mxprm-1), 1 dIda1,dIda2,dIda3,dIda4,dIdRc1,dIdRc2,dIdRc3,DI,dSdR,EFN, 2 ELIM,ER,EDIFF(5),FACT1,FACT2,HALF,HARG,NFACT,OVR, 3 OVR1,OVR1a,OVR1b,OVR2,OVRCRT,OVRLAP(3),RAD(mxfsp),RC(3),RH, 4 RMIN,RR(mxfsp),PSI(NEND),PSIc(5),PSIc0,SIXTH,SG1,SG2,SNARG, 5 SQKINF,THIRD,TMFPRM(0:mxprm-1,mxfs), 6 TOT,VLIM,VJ(mxfsp),VV,XIIth,XX,Y1,Y2,Y3,W(mxisp),ZTST REAL*8 gtk,gtk1,gtk2,gtkfact,AIgtk(3,mxisp),ACCUMgtk(mxisp), 1 OVRgtk,gtkLAP(3) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c RAD(i) - radial distance array c NEND - last mesh point for bound state wavefunction NLORZ= (OTMF+1)/2 i= 0 DO NL= 1,NLORZ AVAL(NL)= TMFPRM(i,ifs) RC(NL)= TMFPRM(i+1,ifs) i= 2*NL ENDDO last= 0 HALF= 1.D0/2.D0 THIRD= 1.D0/3.D0 SIXTH= 1.D0/6.D0 XIIth= 1.D0/12.D0 RMIN= RAD(1) RH= RAD(2)-RAD(1) ER= EFN*BFCT ELIM= VLIM*BFCT SQKINF= DSQRT(ER-ELIM) AMP1= 1.D0 AMP2= 2.D0 AMP3= 0.D0 AMP4= 0.D0 DO m= 0,OTMF DER(m)= 0.D0 ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** Locate first turning point and use Airy function to estimate c appropriate integration starting point such that PSI(1) .LE. 1.D-10 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- MESH1= 1 EDIFF(1)= VJ(MESH1)-ER step= DINT(0.2/RH) IF(step.LT.1) step= 1 first= step+1 DO i= first,mxfsp,step TURNPT= i EDIFF(2)= VJ(i)-ER IF(EDIFF(2).LE. 0.D0) GOTO 4 MESH1= i EDIFF(1)= EDIFF(2) ENDDO IF(IWR.NE.0) THEN WRITE(6,607) JP,EFN OVR= 0.D0 RETURN ENDIF 4 MESH2= TURNPT TURNPT= MESH1+(MESH2-MESH1)*EDIFF(1)/(EDIFF(1)-EDIFF(2)) IF(IABS(TURNPT-MESH2).LE.1) GOTO 6 IF((TURNPT.LE.0).OR.(TURNPT.GT.mxfsp)) THEN IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,601) JP,EFN STOP ENDIF MESH1= MESH2 EDIFF(1)= EDIFF(2) EDIFF(2)= VJ(TURNPT)-ER GOTO 4 6 DI= 10.D0/(VJ(TURNPT-1)-VJ(TURNPT))**THIRD step= DINT(DI) MESH1= MAX0(1,TURNPT-step) IF(MESH1.GE.NEND) THEN OVR= 0.D0 RETURN ENDIF 8 EDIFF(1)= VJ(MESH1)-ER IF(EDIFF(1).LT.10.D0) GOTO 10 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** Adjust starting point outward to ensure integration scheme stability c----------------------------------------------------------------------- MESH1= MESH1+1 IF((MESH1-mxfsp).LT.0) GOTO 8 IF((MESH1-mxfsp).GE.0) THEN OVR= 0.D0 RETURN ENDIF 10 MESH2= MESH1+1 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** WKB starting condition for wave function c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO 100 NL= 1,NLORZ PSIc(1)= 1.D0 DO i= 1,4 EDIFF(i)= VJ(MESH1-1+i)-ER ENDDO IF((EDIFF(1).GT. 0.D0).AND.(EDIFF(2).GT. 0.D0)) THEN SG1= DSQRT(EDIFF(1)) SG2= DSQRT(EDIFF(2)) PSIc(2)= PSIc(1)*DSQRT(SG1/SG2)*DEXP((SG1+SG2)/2.D0) IF(PSIc(2).LE.PSIc(1)) PSIc(1)= 0.D0 ELSE VV= VJ(MESH2)/BFCT IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,608) JP,EFN,VV,MESH2 PSIc(1)= 0.D0 PSIc(2)= 1.D0 ENDIF PSIc0= PSIc(2) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c notationally speaking, all Yi's refer to values used in the Numerov c Algorithm for wavefunction propagation. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- Y1= PSIc(1)*(1.D0-XIIth*EDIFF(1)) Y2= PSIc(2)*(1.D0-XIIth*EDIFF(2)) DO i= 3,4 Y3= Y2 + Y2 - Y1 + EDIFF(i-1)*PSIc(i-1) PSIc(i)= Y3/(1.D0-XIIth*EDIFF(i)) Y1= Y2 Y2= Y3 ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Use trapezoid rule for numerical integration. Initialize OVR c values using first section of area. Note that intensity is c proportional to 2*PSIb*dW/dR*PSIc + 4*PSIb*W*dPSIc/dR c W= a/{4a^2 + (R-Rc)^2} c dW/da= W/a - 8W^2 c dW/dR= -2(R-Rc)W^2/a c use Lagrangian interpolation scheme for determining derivative at c mid-point of 5-equally-spaced wavefunction points... c dPSIc/dR= {PSIc(i-2) + 8[PSIc(i+1)-PSIc(i-1)] - PSIc(i+2)}/12*RH c assume dPSIc/dR = 0 for first and last mesh points (MESH1 & NEND) c assume dPSIc/dR = [PSIc(mesh3)-PSIc(mesh1)]/2RH @ MESH2 c assume dPSIc/dR = [PSIc(NEND)-PSIc(NEND-2)]/2RH @ NEND-1 c PSI(i) is the stored bound state wavefunction array c PSIc(i) is the stored continuum state wavefunction c c see end of program for multiplicative factors for integration c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Initialize overlap integrals c NOTE that the AIi arrays are cumulative integrands at a given mesh c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i= 1,NEND RR(i)= RAD(i)-RC(NL) DEN= 4*AVAL(NL)*AVAL(NL) + RR(i)*RR(i) W(i)= AVAL(NL)/DEN ENDDO OVR1a= HALF*PSI(MESH1)*RR(MESH1)*W(MESH1)*W(MESH1)*PSIc(1) OVR1b= PSI(MESH2)*RR(MESH2)*W(MESH2)*W(MESH2)*PSIc(2) gtk1= HALF*PSI(MESH1)*PSIc(1) gtk2= PSI(MESH2)*PSIc(2) gtk= gtk1 + gtk2 OVR1= OVR1a + OVR1b OVR2= PSI(MESH2)*W(MESH2)*6.d0*(PSIc(3)-PSIc(1)) c3pt OVR2= PSI(MESH2)*W(MESH2)*(PSIc(3)-PSIc(1)) AI1(NL,MESH1)= OVR1a AI1(NL,MESH2)= OVR1b AI2(NL,MESH1)= 0.d0 AI2(NL,MESH2)= OVR2 AIgtk(NL,MESH1)= gtk1 AIgtk(NL,MESH2)= gtk2 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c for portion of operator involving the derivative of final-state wave c function, assume dPSI/dR @ MESH1 = 0 c use dPSI/dR @ MESH2 = (PSI3-PSI1)/2RH... below as 6*(PSI3-PSI1) c since entire sum is (later) divided by 12 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(TMFVAR(2*NL-2,ifs).GT.0) THEN dIda2= OVR1a*W(MESH1) + OVR1b*W(MESH2) dIda4= OVR2*W(MESH2) ENDIF IF(TMFVAR(2*NL-1,ifs).GT.0) THEN dIdRc1= OVR1a/RR(MESH1) + OVR1b/RR(MESH2) dIdRc2= OVR1a*RR(MESH1)*W(MESH1) + OVR1b*RR(MESH2)*W(MESH2) dIdRc3= OVR2*RR(MESH2)*W(MESH2) ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Note that there is no contribution at mesh1 for dI/da(4) or dI/dRc(4) c since the derivative of the final state wave function is zero here c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** Integrate outward to first turning point. NOTE that Airy-estimated c initialization minimizes need for renormalizations. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- MESH5= MESH2 + 3 Y3= Y2 + Y2 - Y1 + EDIFF(4)*PSIc(4) DO 16 i= MESH5,TURNPT EDIFF(5)= VJ(i)-ER PSIc(5)= Y3/(1.D0-XIIth*EDIFF(5)) Y3= Y2 + Y2 - Y1 + EDIFF(5)*PSIc(5) Y1= Y2 Y2= Y3 c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c NOW, If bound wavefx. non-negligible, accumulate overlap integrals c **Do ALL integration calculations 2 steps behind the propagating front c of the wavefunction (since MUST do this for dPSIc/dR) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(i.LE.NEND) THEN ADD1= PSI(i-2)*RR(i-2)*W(i-2)*W(i-2)*PSIc(3) dSdR= PSIc(1) + 8.d0*(PSIc(4) - PSIc(2)) - PSIc(5) c3pt dSdR= PSIc(4) - PSIc(2) ADD2= PSI(i-2)*W(i-2)*dSdR OVR1= OVR1 + ADD1 OVR2= OVR2 + ADD2 gtk= gtk + PSI(i-2)*PSIc(3) AI1(NL,i-2)= OVR1 AI2(NL,i-2)= OVR2 AIgtk(NL,i-2)= gtk IF(TMFVAR(2*NL-2,ifs).GT.0) THEN dIda2= dIda2 + ADD1*W(i-2) dIda4= dIda4 + ADD2*W(i-2) ENDIF IF(TMFVAR(2*NL-1,ifs).GT.0) THEN dIdRc1= dIdRc1 + ADD1/RR(i-2) dIdRc2= dIdRc2 + ADD1*RR(i-2)*W(i-2) dIdRc3= dIdRc3 + ADD2*RR(i-2)*W(i-2) ENDIF ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c If wavefuntion too large in forbidden region, renormalize it ... c Also renormalize overlap integrals etc. here c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF((PSIc(5).GE.1.D32).OR.(i.EQ.TURNPT)) THEN NFACT= 1.D0/PSIc(5) PSIc(5)= 1.D0 DO j= 1,4 PSIc(j)= PSIc(j)*NFACT ENDDO IF(PSIc0.GT.1.D-30) PSIc0= PSIc0*NFACT OVR1= OVR1*NFACT OVR2= OVR2*NFACT gtk= gtk*NFACT DO j= MESH1,i-2 AI1(NL,j)= AI1(NL,j)*NFACT AI2(NL,j)= AI2(NL,j)*NFACT AIgtk(NL,j)= AIgtk(NL,j)*NFACT ENDDO Y1= Y1*NFACT Y2= Y2*NFACT Y3= Y3*NFACT IF(TMFVAR(2*NL-2,ifs).GT.0) THEN dIda2= dIda2*NFACT dIda4= dIda4*NFACT ENDIF IF(TMFVAR(2*NL-1,ifs).GT.0) THEN dIdRc1= dIdRc1*NFACT dIdRc2= dIdRc2*NFACT dIdRc3= dIdRc3*NFACT ENDIF ENDIF DO j= 1,4 PSIc(j)= PSIc(j+1) ENDDO 16 CONTINUE IF((IWR.NE.0).AND.(PSIc0/PSIc(5).GT.1.D-8)) 1 WRITE(6,602)JP,EFN,MESH1,PSIc0/PSIc(5),TURNPT c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c If turning point NOT past end of range for bound state wavefx., then c integrate from turning point to end of bound-state wave function c NOTE that summations will cease at mesh NEND-2 because of the 2-step c lag in the calculation. This should have essentially no effect on c integration total c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(TURNPT.LT.NEND) THEN DO i= TURNPT+1,NEND EDIFF(5)= VJ(i)-ER PSIc(5)= Y3/(1.D0-XIIth*EDIFF(5)) Y3= Y2 + Y2 - Y1 + EDIFF(5)*PSIc(5) Y1= Y2 Y2= Y3 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c NOTE that the derivative term is lagging two steps behind the counter c----------------------------------------------------------------------- ADD1= PSI(i-2)*RR(i-2)*W(i-2)*W(i-2)*PSIc(3) dSdR= PSIc(1) + 8.d0*(PSIc(4) - PSIc(2)) - PSIc(5) c3pt dSdR= PSIc(4) - PSIc(2) ADD2= PSI(i-2)*W(i-2)*dSdR OVR1= OVR1 + ADD1 OVR2= OVR2 + ADD2 gtk= gtk + PSI(i-2)*PSIc(3) AI1(NL,i-2)= OVR1 AI2(NL,i-2)= OVR2 AIgtk(NL,i-2)= gtk IF(TMFVAR(2*NL-2,ifs).GT.0) THEN dIda2= dIda2 + ADD1*W(i-2) dIda4= dIda4 + ADD2*W(i-2) ENDIF IF(TMFVAR(2*NL-1,ifs).GT.0) THEN dIdRc1= dIdRc1 + ADD1/RR(i-2) dIdRc2= dIdRc2 + ADD1*RR(i-2)*W(i-2) dIdRc3= dIdRc3 + ADD2*RR(i-2)*W(i-2) ENDIF DO j= 1,4 PSIc(j)= PSIc(j+1) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Continue wave function propagation until amplitude converges, no c longer integrating since past the end of bound state range c----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAMP= 0 DO i= NEND+1,mxfsp EDIFF(4)= EDIFF(5) EDIFF(5)= VJ(i)-ER PSIc(5)= Y3/(1.D0-XIIth*EDIFF(5)) Y3= Y2 + Y2 - Y1 + EDIFF(5)*PSIc(5) Y1= Y2 Y2= Y3 IF((PSIc(5).LT.PSIc(4)).AND.(PSIc(3).LT.PSIc(4))) THEN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c At successive maxima, fit solution to W.K.B. form to determine c apparent asymptotic amplitude. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- SG1= DSQRT(-EDIFF(4)) SG2= DSQRT(-EDIFF(5)) HARG= HALF*(SG1+SG2) SNARG= 1.D0/DSQRT(1.D0+((DSQRT(SG1/SG2)*PSIc(4)/PSIc(5) - 1 DCOS(HARG))/DSIN(HARG))**2) NAMP= NAMP+1 AMP4= AMP3 AMP3= AMP2 AMP2= AMP1 AMP1= PSIc(5)*DSQRT(SG2/SQKINF)/SNARG XX= RMIN + (i-1)*RH IF(IWR.GT.1) WRITE(6,604) JP,EFN,XX,AMP1 last= i c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Test successive amplitudes for convergence c----------------------------------------------------------------------- ZTST= OVRCRT*AMP1 IF((DABS(AMP1-AMP2).LT.ZTST).AND. 1 (DABS(AMP2-AMP3).LT.ZTST)) GOTO 35 ENDIF DO j= 1,4 PSIc(j)= PSIc(j+1) ENDDO ENDDO IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,603) JP,EFN,AMP1,AMP2,AMP3,AMP4 35 FACT1= 2.D0*RH*RH*RH/(AVAL(NL)*BFCT) FACT2= -SIXTH*RH*RH/BFCT c3pt FACT2= -*RH*RH/BFCT OVR1= OVR1*FACT1 OVR2= OVR2*FACT2 gtkfact= 1.d0 gtk= gtk*gtkfact DO i= 1,NEND AI1(NL,i)= AI1(NL,i)*FACT1/AMP1 AI2(NL,i)= AI2(NL,i)*FACT2/AMP1 AIgtk(NL,i)= AIgtk(NL,i)*gtkfact/AMP1 ENDDO OVRLAP(NL)= (OVR1 + OVR2)/AMP1 gtkLAP(NL)= gtk/AMP1 IF(TMFVAR(2*NL-2,ifs).GT.0) THEN dIda1= OVR1/AVAL(NL) dIda2= -16.d0*FACT1*dIda2 dIda3= OVR2/AVAL(NL) dIda4= -8.d0*FACT2*dIda4 DA(NL)= dIda1 + dIda2 + dIda3 + dIda4 ENDIF IF(TMFVAR(2*NL-1,ifs).GT.0) THEN dIdRc1= -FACT1*dIdRc1 dIdRc2= 4.d0*FACT1*dIdRc2/AVAL(NL) dIdRc3= 2.d0*FACT2*dIdRc3/AVAL(NL) DRc(NL)= dIdRc1 + dIdRc2 + dIdRc3 ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c note that total intensity is the square of the overlap integral c and for total derivative need 2*(overlap integral)*(dI/dp). c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 CONTINUE OVR= 0.d0 OVRgtk= 0.d0 DO i= 1,NEND ACCUM1(i)= 0.d0 ACCUM2(i)= 0.d0 ACCUMgtk(i)= 0.d0 ENDDO DO NL= 1,NLORZ OVR= OVR + OVRLAP(NL) OVRgtk= OVRgtk + gtkLAP(NL) DO i= 1,NEND-2 ACCUM1(i)= ACCUM1(i) + AI1(NL,i) ACCUM2(i)= ACCUM2(i) + AI2(NL,i) ACCUMgtk(i)= ACCUMgtk(i) + AIgtk(NL,i) ENDDO ENDDO IF(IWR.GE.1) WRITE(6,605) JP,EFN,last,XX,OVR IF(IWR.GE.2) WRITE(6,606) PSIc0,AMP1,AMP2,AMP3,AMP4 NL= 1 DO m= 0,OTMF-1,2 DER(m)= 2.d0*OVR*DA(NL) DER(m+1)= 2.d0*OVR*DRc(NL) NL= NL+1 ENDDO OVR= OVR*OVR OVRgtk= OVRgtk*OVRgtk IF(LPTMF.GT.0) THEN WRITE(10,1000) DO i= 1,NEND-2,LPTMF TOT= ACCUM1(i) + ACCUM2(i) WRITE(10,1001) RAD(i),ACCUM1(i),ACCUM2(i),TOT,ACCUMgtk(i) ENDDO ENDIF RETURN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 601 FORMAT(' *** OVRLAP BOMBed *** '/ 'For J = ',I3,' EFN = ', 1 F10.2,' never got to first turning point') 602 FORMAT(' ** WARNING ** For J = ', I3 ,' EFN = ',F10.2, 1 ' starting wavefunction is PSI(',I4,') = ',D10.3,' and I(turn.p 2t.) = ',I4) 603 FORMAT(' ** WARNING ** For J= ',I3,' EFN= ',F9.2,' amplitude not', 1 ' converged by end of range'/3x,'Last four values are ', 2 4(1PD14.6)) 604 FORMAT(' At J =',I3,' EFN = ',F10.2,' R = ',F7.4, 1 ', apparent asymptotic amplitude is',G15.8) 605 FORMAT(/' At JP=',I3,' EFN= ',F9.2,' Range to R(',I4,')=', 1 F7.4/' OVRPD gives overlap integral= ',F12.8) 606 FORMAT(5x,'where PSIc(initial)= ',D10.3,' & last 4 amplitudes', 1 ' are',1P4D15.7) 607 FORMAT(' *** ERROR *** At J = ',I3,' EFN = ',F10.2, 1 ' have V .GT. E everywhere.' ) 608 FORMAT(' *** Caution *** For J = ',I3,' (EFN= ',F10.2, 1 ') .GE. (V = ',F10.2,') at I = ',I4,' ,so initialize with a n 2ode.') cgtk0 FORMAT(' Accumulated Integral Lorentzian type TMF'// cgtk 1 ' RAD dW/dR term dPSIc/dR term TOTAL') 1000 FORMAT(' Accumulated Integral Lorentzian type TMF'// 1 ' RAD dW/dR term dPSIc/dR term TOTAL PSIb*PSIc') cgtk0 FORMAT((F7.3,3(1PD14.6))) 1001 FORMAT((F7.3,4(1PD14.6))) END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE HONL(HLFACT,JPP,JP,OMEGA,PQR,ifs) c======================================================================= c Routine to calculate Honl-London factors (HLFACT) c Last modified 9 April 2007 to take account of Hansson & Watson(2005) c======================================================================= ccc INCLUDE 'arrsizes.h' c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Utility routine to summarize dimensioning of arrays c----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER mxdata,mxisp,mxfsp,mxnj,mxnp,mxntp,mxprm,mxv,mxfs,mxisot, 1 mxsets,mxfreq REAL*8 CCM,PI c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c mxdata - maximum number of input data points c mxisp - maximum number of points for initial state potential array c (also used for number of points in transition moment array) c mxnj - maxiumum value of j quantum number allowed c mxfsp - maximum number of points for final state potential array c mxnp - maximum number of parameters total c mxntp - maximum number of turning points to be read in c mxprm - maximum number of parameters for final state pot'l or TMF c mxv - largest value for the v quantum number c mxfs - maximum number of final states allowed c mxisot - maximum number of isotopomers allowed c mxsets - maximum number of data sets allowed c mxfreq - maximum number of data points allowed in a given set c----------------------------------------------------------------------- PARAMETER (mxisp=16001) PARAMETER (mxnj=20) PARAMETER (mxfsp=16001) PARAMETER (mxntp=9999) PARAMETER (mxprm=6) PARAMETER (mxv=200) PARAMETER (mxfs=5) PARAMETER (mxisot=3) PARAMETER (mxsets=11) PARAMETER (mxfreq=501) PARAMETER (PI=3.141592653589793238d0) PARAMETER (mxnp=2*mxprm*mxfs+mxsets-1) PARAMETER (mxdata=mxfreq*mxsets) PARAMETER (CCM= 299792458d2) c======================================================================= INTEGER DOMEGA,ifs,JPP,JP,OMEGA(0:mxfs),PQR REAL*8 HLFACT,J,L c HLFACT= 1.d0 IF(PQR.LE.0) GOTO 100 HLFACT= 0.d0 IF(JP.LT.0) GOTO 100 IF((JP.EQ.JPP).AND.(JP.EQ.0)) GOTO 100 J= DBLE(JPP) L= DBLE(OMEGA(0)) DOMEGA= OMEGA(ifs) - OMEGA(0) IF(DOMEGA.EQ.0) THEN IF(JP.EQ.JPP+1) HLFACT= (J+1.d0+L)*(J+1.d0-L)/(J+1.d0) IF(JP.EQ.JPP) HLFACT= (2.d0*J+1.d0)*L*L/(J*(J+1.d0)) IF(JP.EQ.JPP-1) HLFACT= (J+L)*(J-L)/J ELSEIF(DOMEGA.EQ.1) THEN IF(JP.EQ.JPP+1) HLFACT= (J+2.d0+L)*(J+1.d0+L)/(2.d0*(J+1.d0)) IF(JP.EQ.JPP) HLFACT= (J+1.d0+L)*(J-L)*(2.d0*J+1.d0)/ 1 (2.d0*J*(J+1.d0)) IF(JP.EQ.JPP-1) HLFACT= (J-1.d0-L)*(J-L)/(2.d0*J) IF(MIN(OMEGA(0),OMEGA(ifs)).EQ.0) HLFACT= HLFACT + HLFACT ELSEIF(DOMEGA.EQ.-1) THEN IF(JP.EQ.JPP+1) HLFACT= (J+2.d0-L)*(J+1.d0-L)/(2.d0*(J+1.d0)) IF(JP.EQ.JPP) HLFACT= (J+1.d0-L)*(J+L)*(2.d0*J+1.d0)/ 1 (2.d0*J*(J+1.d0)) IF(JP.EQ.JPP-1) HLFACT= (J-1.d0+L)*(J+L)/(2.d0*J) IF(MIN(OMEGA(0),OMEGA(ifs)).EQ.0) HLFACT= HLFACT + HLFACT ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c output HLFACT divided by (2J+1) of its actual value in order to keep c proper population cutoff intact (see POPF in forward.f) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- HLFACT= HLFACT/(2.d0*J+1.d0) 100 RETURN END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE JAVGE(KV,NJ,JM,BV,TCM) c======================================================================= c This subroutine calculates JM(M), the average J for each of the NJ c equally weighted segments of the rotational population for c vibrational level whose rotational constant is Bv, all at c temperature TCM (in cm-1). c c JM(NJ,M)=-0.5+FJ1(M)*(8*DSQRT(K*T/Bv)+DSQRT(Bv/K*T))-FJ2(M)* ... c c Taken from Eq.(21) of Le Roy et al. (J.Chem.Phys. 65, 1485 (1976)) c----------------- Last updated 23 February 2001 --------------------- c======================================================================= INTEGER I,IFIRST,JM(20),KV,M,NJ,NJ1 REAL*8 A1,A2,BV,DERF,E1,E2,F1,F2,FJ1(20),FJ2(20),TCM,TWR,X,ZN DATA IFIRST/-1/ SAVE FJ2,FJ1,IFIRST DERF(X) = 1.D0 - (1.D0 + X*(.278393D0 + X*(.230389D0 + X*(.972D-3 1 + X*.078108D0))))**(-4) c======================================================================= IF (NJ.NE.IFIRST) THEN IF (NJ.LE.0) THEN FJ1(1) = 0.d0 FJ2(1) = 0.d0 IFIRST= NJ cc WRITE(6,600) GOTO 100 ENDIF ZN = NJ F1 = ZN*0.2215567314D0 A1 = 0.D0 E1 = 0.D0 IF (NJ.GT.1) THEN NJ1 = NJ - 1 DO M=1,NJ1 A2 = A1 A1 = DSQRT(DLOG(ZN/DFLOAT(NJ-M))) E2 = E1 E1 = DERF(A1) FJ2(M) = -(NJ-M)*A1+(NJ-M+1)*A2 FJ1(M) = F1*(E1-E2) ENDDO ENDIF A2 = A1 E2 = E1 FJ2(NJ) = A2 FJ1(NJ) = F1*(1.D0-E2) cc WRITE(6,601) NJ,(I,FJ1(I),I,FJ2(I),I=1,NJ) IFIRST= NJ ENDIF 100 IF (TCM.LE. 0.D0) NJ = 0 IF (NJ.GT.0) THEN F2 = DSQRT(TCM/BV) F1 = 4.D0*F2+1.D0/F2 DO M=1,NJ JM(M)=F1*FJ1(M)+F2*FJ2(M) ENDDO TWR = TCM/.6950387d0 cc WRITE(6,603) KV,BV,TWR,NJ,(JM(I),I=1,NJ) ELSE JM(1) = 0 ENDIF RETURN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- cc600 FORMAT(/' Fix J=0 rather than sum over a rotational distribution') cc601 FORMAT(/' Divide rotational distbn for each vib. level into',I3, cc 1 ' equally weighted segments.'/ cc 2 (2(4x:'FJ1(',I2,')=',F8.5,' FJ2(',I2,')=',F8.5))) cc603 FORMAT(/' For v =',I2,' with Bv =',F9.6,' at T =', cc 1 F7.1,' the',I3,' equally weighted J-s are'/(16I5)) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE MASSES(IAN,IMN,NAME,GELGS,GNS,MASS,ABUND) c*********************************************************************** c** For isotope with (input) atomic number IAN and mass number IMN, c return (output): (i) as the right-adjusted 2-character variable NAME c the alphabetic symbol for that element, (ii) the ground state c electronic degeneracy GELGS, (iii) the nuclear spin degeneracy GNS, c (iv) the atomic mass MASS [amu], and (v) the natural isotopic c abundance ABUND [in percent]. GELGS values based on atomic states c in Moore's "Atomic Energy Level" tables, the isotope masses are taken c from the 2003 mass table [Audi, Wapstra & Thibault, Nucl.Phys. A729, c 337-676 (2003)] and other quantities from Tables 6.2 and 6.3 of c "Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry", by Mills et c al. (Blackwell, 2'nd Edition, Oxford, 1993). c** If the input value of IMN does not equal one of the tabulated values c for atomic species IAN, return the abundance-averaged standard atomic c weight of that atom and set GNS=-1 and ABUND=-1. c COPYRIGHT 2005 c** By R.J. Le Roy (with assistance from G.T. Kraemer & J.Y. Seto). c Last modified 1 June 2005 c*********************************************************************** REAL*8 zm(123,0:10),mass,ab(123,10),abund INTEGER i,ian,imn,gel(123),nmn(123),mn(123,10),ns2(123,10), 1 gelgs, gns CHARACTER*2 NAME,AT(123) c DATA at(1),gel(1),nmn(1),(mn(1,i),i=1,3)/' H',2,3,1,2,3/ DATA (zm(1,i),i=0,3)/1.00794d0, 1.00782503207d0, 2.0141017778d0, 1 3.0160492777d0/ DATA (ns2(1,i),i=1,3)/1,2,1/ DATA (ab(1,i),i=1,3)/99.985d0,0.015d0,0.d0/ c DATA at(2),gel(2),nmn(2),(mn(2,i),i=1,2)/'He',1,2,3,4/ DATA (zm(2,i),i=0,2)/4.002602d0, 3.0160293191d0, 4.00260325415d0/ DATA (ns2(2,i),i=1,2)/1,0/ DATA (ab(2,i),i=1,2)/0.000137d0,99.999863d0/ c DATA at(3),gel(3),nmn(3),(mn(3,i),i=1,2)/'Li',2,2,6,7/ DATA (zm(3,i),i=0,2)/6.941d0, 6.015122795d0, 7.01600455d0/ DATA (ns2(3,i),i=1,2)/2,3/ DATA (ab(3,i),i=1,2)/7.5d0,92.5d0/ c DATA at(4),gel(4),nmn(4),(mn(4,i),i=1,1)/'Be',1,1,9/ DATA (zm(4,i),i=0,1)/9.012182d0, 9.0121822d0/ DATA (ns2(4,i),i=1,1)/3/ DATA (ab(4,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(5),gel(5),nmn(5),(mn(5,i),i=1,2)/' B',2,2,10,11/ DATA (zm(5,i),i=0,2)/10.811d0, 10.0129370d0, 11.0093054d0/ DATA (ns2(5,i),i=1,2)/6,3/ DATA (ab(5,i),i=1,2)/19.9d0,80.1d0/ c DATA at(6),gel(6),nmn(6),(mn(6,i),i=1,3)/' C',1,3,12,13,14/ DATA (zm(6,i),i=0,3)/12.011d0, 12.d0, 13.0033548378d0, 1 14.003241989d0/ DATA (ns2(6,i),i=1,3)/0,1,0/ DATA (ab(6,i),i=1,3)/98.90d0,1.10d0, 0.d0/ c DATA at(7),gel(7),nmn(7),(mn(7,i),i=1,2)/' N',4,2,14,15/ DATA (zm(7,i),i=0,2)/14.00674d0, 14.0030740048d0, 15.0001088982d0/ DATA (ns2(7,i),i=1,2)/2,1/ DATA (ab(7,i),i=1,2)/99.634d0,0.366d0/ c DATA at(8),gel(8),nmn(8),(mn(8,i),i=1,3)/' O',5,3,16,17,18/ DATA (zm(8,i),i=0,3)/15.9994d0, 15.99491461956d0, 16.99913170d0, 1 17.9991610d0/ DATA (ns2(8,i),i=1,3)/0,5,0/ DATA (ab(8,i),i=1,3)/99.762d0, 0.038d0, 0.200d0/ c DATA at(9),gel(9),nmn(9),(mn(9,i),i=1,1)/' F',4,1,19/ DATA (zm(9,i),i=0,1)/18.9984032d0, 18.99840322d0/ DATA (ns2(9,i),i=1,1)/1/ DATA (ab(9,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(10),gel(10),nmn(10),(mn(10,i),i=1,3)/'Ne',1,3,20,21,22/ DATA (zm(10,i),i=0,3)/20.1797d0, 19.9924401754d0, 20.99384668d0, 1 21.991385114d0/ DATA (ns2(10,i),i=1,3)/0,3,0/ DATA (ab(10,i),i=1,3)/90.48d0, 0.27d0, 9.25d0/ c DATA at(11),gel(11),nmn(11),(mn(11,i),i=1,1)/'Na',2,1,23/ DATA (zm(11,i),i=0,1)/22.989768d0, 22.9897692809d0/ DATA (ns2(11,i),i=1,1)/3/ DATA (ab(11,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(12),gel(12),nmn(12),(mn(12,i),i=1,3)/'Mg',1,3,24,25,26/ DATA (zm(12,i),i=0,3)/24.3050d0, 23.985041700d0, 24.98583692d0, 1 25.982592929d0/ DATA (ns2(12,i),i=1,3)/0,5,0/ DATA (ab(12,i),i=1,3)/78.99d0, 10.00d0, 11.01d0/ c DATA at(13),gel(13),nmn(13),(mn(13,i),i=1,1)/'Al',2,1,27/ DATA (zm(13,i),i=0,1)/26.981539d0, 26.98153863d0/ DATA (ns2(13,i),i=1,1)/5/ DATA (ab(13,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(14),gel(14),nmn(14),(mn(14,i),i=1,3)/'Si',1,3,28,29,30/ DATA (zm(14,i),i=0,3)/28.0855d0, 27.9769265325d0, 28.976494700d0, 1 29.97377017d0/ DATA (ns2(14,i),i=1,3)/0,1,0/ DATA (ab(14,i),i=1,3)/92.23d0, 4.67d0, 3.10d0/ DATA at(15),gel(15),nmn(15),(mn(15,i),i=1,1)/' P',4,1,31/ DATA (zm(15,i),i=0,1)/30.973762d0, 30.97376163d0/ DATA (ns2(15,i),i=1,1)/1/ DATA (ab(15,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(16),gel(16),nmn(16),(mn(16,i),i=1,4)/' S',5,4,32,33,34,36/ DATA (zm(16,i),i=0,4)/32.066d0, 31.97207100d0, 32.97145876d0, 1 33.96786690d0, 35.96708076d0/ DATA (ns2(16,i),i=1,4)/0,3,0,0/ DATA (ab(16,i),i=1,4)/95.02d0, 0.75d0, 4.21d0, 0.02d0/ c DATA at(17),gel(17),nmn(17),(mn(17,i),i=1,2)/'Cl',4,2,35,37/ DATA (zm(17,i),i=0,2)/35.4527d0, 34.96885268d0, 36.96590259d0/ DATA (ns2(17,i),i=1,2)/3,3/ DATA (ab(17,i),i=1,2)/75.77d0, 24.23d0/ c DATA at(18),gel(18),nmn(18),(mn(18,i),i=1,3)/'Ar',1,3,36,38,40/ DATA (zm(18,i),i=0,3)/39.948d0, 35.967545106d0, 37.9627324d0, 1 39.9623831225d0/ DATA (ns2(18,i),i=1,3)/0,0,0/ DATA (ab(18,i),i=1,3)/0.337d0, 0.063d0, 99.600d0/ c DATA at(19),gel(19),nmn(19),(mn(19,i),i=1,3)/' K',2,3,39,40,41/ DATA (zm(19,i),i=0,3)/39.0983d0, 38.96370668d0, 39.96399848d0, 1 40.96182576d0/ DATA (ns2(19,i),i=1,3)/3,8,3/ DATA (ab(19,i),i=1,3)/93.2581d0, 0.0117d0, 6.7302d0/ DATA at(20),gel(20),nmn(20),(mn(20,i),i=1,6)/'Ca',1,6,40,42,43,44, 1 46,48/ DATA (zm(20,i),i=0,6)/40.078d0, 39.96259098d0, 41.95861801d0, 1 42.9587666d0, 43.9554818d0, 45.9536926d0, 47.952534d0/ DATA (ns2(20,i),i=1,6)/0,0,7,0,0,0/ DATA (ab(20,i),i=1,6)/96.941d0, 0.647d0, 0.135d0, 2.086d0, 1 0.004d0, 0.187d0/ c DATA at(21),gel(21),nmn(21),(mn(21,i),i=1,1)/'Sc',4,1,45/ DATA (zm(21,i),i=0,1)/44.955910d0, 44.9559119d0/ DATA (ns2(21,i),i=1,1)/7/ DATA (ab(21,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(22),gel(22),nmn(22),(mn(22,i),i=1,5)/'Ti',5,5,46,47,48,49, 1 50/ DATA (zm(22,i),i=0,5)/47.88d0, 45.9526316d0, 46.9517631d0, 1 47.9479463d0, 48.9478700d0, 49.9447912d0/ DATA (ns2(22,i),i=1,5)/0,5,0,7,0/ DATA (ab(22,i),i=1,5)/8.0d0, 7.3d0, 73.8d0, 5.5d0, 5.4d0/ c DATA at(23),gel(23),nmn(23),(mn(23,i),i=1,2)/' V',4,2,50,51/ DATA (zm(23,i),i=0,2)/50.9415d0, 49.9471585d0, 50.9439595d0/ DATA (ns2(23,i),i=1,2)/12,7/ DATA (ab(23,i),i=1,2)/0.250d0, 99.750d0/ c DATA at(24),gel(24),nmn(24),(mn(24,i),i=1,4)/'Cr',7,4,50,52,53,54/ DATA (zm(24,i),i=0,4)/51.9961d0, 49.9460442d0, 51.9405075d0, 1 52.9406494d0, 53.9388804d0/ DATA (ns2(24,i),i=1,4)/0,0,3,0/ DATA (ab(24,i),i=1,4)/4.345d0, 83.789d0, 9.501d0, 2.365d0/ c DATA at(25),gel(25),nmn(25),(mn(25,i),i=1,1)/'Mn',6,1,55/ DATA (zm(25,i),i=0,1)/54.93805d0, 54.9380451d0/ DATA (ns2(25,i),i=1,1)/5/ DATA (ab(25,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(26),gel(26),nmn(26),(mn(26,i),i=1,4)/'Fe',9,4,54,56,57,58/ DATA (zm(26,i),i=0,4)/55.847d0, 53.9396105d0, 55.9349375d0, 1 56.9353940d0, 57.9332756d0/ DATA (ns2(26,i),i=1,4)/0,0,1,0/ DATA (ab(26,i),i=1,4)/5.8d0, 91.72d0, 2.2d0, 0.28d0/ c DATA at(27),gel(27),nmn(27),(mn(27,i),i=1,1)/'Co',10,1,59/ DATA (zm(27,i),i=0,1)/58.93320d0, 58.9331950d0/ DATA (ns2(27,i),i=1,1)/7/ DATA (ab(27,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(28),gel(28),nmn(28),(mn(28,i),i=1,5)/'Ni',9,5,58,60,61,62, 1 64/ DATA (zm(28,i),i=0,5)/58.69d0, 57.9353429d0, 59.9307864d0, 1 60.9310560d0, 61.9283451d0, 63.9279660d0/ DATA (ns2(28,i),i=1,5)/0,0,3,0,0/ DATA (ab(28,i),i=1,5)/68.077d0,26.223d0,1.140d0,3.634d0,0.926d0/ c DATA at(29),gel(29),nmn(29),(mn(29,i),i=1,2)/'Cu',2,2,63,65/ DATA (zm(29,i),i=0,2)/63.546d0, 62.9295975d0,64.9277895d0/ DATA (ns2(29,i),i=1,2)/3,3/ DATA (ab(29,i),i=1,2)/69.17d0, 30.83d0/ c DATA at(30),gel(30),nmn(30),(mn(30,i),i=1,5)/'Zn',1,5,64,66,67,68, 1 70/ DATA (zm(30,i),i=0,5)/65.40d0, 63.9291422d0, 65.9260334d0, 1 66.9271273d0, 67.9248442d0, 69.9253193d0/ DATA (ns2(30,i),i=1,5)/0,0,5,0,0/ DATA (ab(30,i),i=1,5)/48.6d0, 27.9d0, 4.1d0, 18.8d0, 0.6d0/ c DATA at(31),gel(31),nmn(31),(mn(31,i),i=1,2)/'Ga',2,2,69,71/ DATA (zm(31,i),i=0,2)/69.723d0, 68.9255736d0, 70.9247013d0/ DATA (ns2(31,i),i=1,2)/3,3/ DATA (ab(31,i),i=1,2)/60.108d0, 39.892d0/ c DATA at(32),gel(32),nmn(32),(mn(32,i),i=1,5)/'Ge',1,5,70,72,73,74, 1 76/ DATA (zm(32,i),i=0,5)/72.61d0, 69.9242474d0, 71.9220758d0, 1 72.9234589d0, 73.9211778d0, 75.9214026d0/ DATA (ns2(32,i),i=1,5)/0,0,9,0,0/ DATA (ab(32,i),i=1,5)/21.23d0, 27.66d0, 7.73d0, 35.94d0, 7.44d0/ c DATA at(33),gel(33),nmn(33),(mn(33,i),i=1,1)/'As',4,1,75/ DATA (zm(33,i),i=0,1)/74.92159d0, 74.9215965d0/ DATA (ns2(33,i),i=1,1)/3/ DATA (ab(33,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(34),gel(34),nmn(34),(mn(34,i),i=1,6)/'Se',5,6,74,76,77,78, 1 80,82/ DATA (zm(34,i),i=0,6)/78.96d0, 73.9224764d0, 75.9192136d0, 1 76.9199140d0, 77.9173091d0, 79.9165213d0, 81.9166994d0/ DATA (ns2(34,i),i=1,6)/0,0,1,0,0,0/ DATA (ab(34,i),i=1,6)/0.89d0, 9.36d0, 7.63d0, 23.78d0, 49.61d0, 1 8.73d0/ c DATA at(35),gel(35),nmn(35),(mn(35,i),i=1,2)/'Br',4,2,79,81/ DATA (zm(35,i),i=0,2)/79.904d0, 78.9183371d0, 80.9162906d0/ DATA (ns2(35,i),i=1,2)/3,3/ DATA (ab(35,i),i=1,2)/50.69d0, 49.31d0/ c DATA at(36),gel(36),nmn(36),(mn(36,i),i=1,6)/'Kr',1,6,78,80,82,83, 1 84,86/ DATA (zm(36,i),i=0,6)/83.80d0, 77.9203648d0, 79.9163790d0, 1 81.9134836d0, 82.914136d0, 83.911507d0, 85.91061073d0/ DATA (ns2(36,i),i=1,6)/0,0,0,9,0,0/ DATA (ab(36,i),i=1,6)/0.35d0, 2.25d0, 11.6d0, 11.5d0, 57.0d0, 1 17.3d0/ c DATA at(37),gel(37),nmn(37),(mn(37,i),i=1,2)/'Rb',2,2,85,87/ DATA (zm(37,i),i=0,2)/85.4678d0, 84.911789738d0, 86.909180527d0/ DATA (ns2(37,i),i=1,2)/5,3/ DATA (ab(37,i),i=1,2)/72.165d0, 27.835d0/ c DATA at(38),gel(38),nmn(38),(mn(38,i),i=1,4)/'Sr',1,4,84,86,87,88/ DATA (zm(38,i),i=0,4)/87.62d0, 83.913425d0, 85.9092602d0, 1 86.9088771d0, 87.9056121d0/ DATA (ns2(38,i),i=1,4)/0,0,9,0/ DATA (ab(38,i),i=1,4)/0.56d0, 9.86d0, 7.00d0, 82.58d0/ c DATA at(39),gel(39),nmn(39),(mn(39,i),i=1,1)/' Y',4,1,89/ DATA (zm(39,i),i=0,1)/88.90585d0, 88.9058483d0/ DATA (ns2(39,i),i=1,1)/1/ DATA (ab(39,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(40),gel(40),nmn(40),(mn(40,i),i=1,5)/'Zr',5,5,90,91,92,94, 1 96/ DATA (zm(40,i),i=0,5)/91.224d0, 89.9047044d0, 90.9056458d0, 1 91.9050408d0, 93.9063152d0, 95.9082734d0/ DATA (ns2(40,i),i=1,5)/0,5,0,0,0/ DATA (ab(40,i),i=1,5)/51.45d0, 11.22d0, 17.15d0, 17.38d0, 2.80d0/ c DATA at(41),gel(41),nmn(41),(mn(41,i),i=1,1)/'Nb',2,1,93/ DATA (zm(41,i),i=0,1)/92.90638d0, 92.9063781d0/ DATA (ns2(41,i),i=1,1)/9/ DATA (ab(41,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(42),gel(42),nmn(42),(mn(42,i),i=1,7)/'Mo',7,7,92,94,95,96, 1 97,98,100/ DATA (zm(42,i),i=0,7)/95.94d0, 91.906811d0, 93.9050883d0, 1 94.9058421d0, 95.9046795d0, 96.9060215d0, 97.9054082d0, 2 99.907477d0/ DATA (ns2(42,i),i=1,7)/0,0,5,0,5,0,0/ DATA (ab(42,i),i=1,7)/14.84d0, 9.25d0, 15.92d0, 16.68d0, 9.55d0, 1 24.13d0, 9.63d0/ c DATA at(43),gel(43),nmn(43),(mn(43,i),i=1,1)/'Tc',6,1,98/ DATA (zm(43,i),i=0,1)/97.907215d0, 97.907216d0/ DATA (ns2(43,i),i=1,1)/12/ DATA (ab(43,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(44),gel(44),nmn(44),(mn(44,i),i=1,7)/'Ru',11,7,96,98,99, 1 100,101,102,104/ DATA (zm(44,i),i=0,7)/101.07d0, 95.907598d0, 97.905287d0, 1 98.9059393d0, 99.9042195d0, 100.9055821d0, 101.9043493d0, 2 103.905433d0/ DATA (ns2(44,i),i=1,7)/0,0,5,0,5,0,0/ DATA (ab(44,i),i=1,7)/5.52d0, 1.88d0, 12.7d0, 12.6d0, 17.0d0, 1 31.6d0, 18.7d0/ c DATA at(45),gel(45),nmn(45),(mn(45,i),i=1,1)/'Rh',10,1,103/ DATA (zm(45,i),i=0,1)/102.90550d0, 102.905504d0/ DATA (ns2(45,i),i=1,1)/1/ DATA (ab(45,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(46),gel(46),nmn(46),(mn(46,i),i=1,6)/'Pd',1,6,102,104,105, 1 106,108,110/ DATA (zm(46,i),i=0,6)/106.42d0, 101.905609d0, 103.904036d0, 1 104.905085d0, 105.903486d0, 107.903892d0, 109.905153d0/ DATA (ns2(46,i),i=1,6)/0,0,5,0,0,0/ DATA (ab(46,i),i=1,6)/1.02d0, 11.14d0, 22.33d0, 27.33d0, 26.46d0, 1 11.72d0/ c DATA at(47),gel(47),nmn(47),(mn(47,i),i=1,2)/'Ag',2,2,107,109/ DATA (zm(47,i),i=0,2)/107.8682d0, 106.905097d0, 108.904752d0/ DATA (ns2(47,i),i=1,2)/1,1/ DATA (ab(47,i),i=1,2)/51.839d0, 48.161d0/ c DATA at(48),gel(48),nmn(48),(mn(48,i),i=1,8)/'Cd',1,8,106,108,110, 1 111,112,113,114,116/ DATA (zm(48,i),i=0,8)/112.411d0, 105.906459d0, 107.904184d0, 1 109.9030021d0, 110.9041781d0, 111.9027578d0, 112.9044017d0, 2 113.9033585d0, 115.904756d0/ DATA (ns2(48,i),i=1,8)/0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0/ DATA (ab(48,i),i=1,8)/1.25d0, 0.89d0, 12.49d0, 12.80d0, 24.13d0, 1 12.22d0, 28.73d0, 7.49d0/ c DATA at(49),gel(49),nmn(49),(mn(49,i),i=1,2)/'In',2,2,113,115/ DATA (zm(49,i),i=0,2)/114.818d0, 112.904058d0, 114.903878d0/ DATA (ns2(49,i),i=1,2)/9,9/ DATA (ab(49,i),i=1,2)/4.3d0, 95.7d0/ c DATA at(50),gel(50),nmn(50),(mn(50,i),i=1,10)/'Sn',1,10,112,114, 1 115,116,117,118,119,120,122,124/ DATA (zm(50,i),i=0,10)/118.710d0, 111.904818d0, 113.902779d0, 1 114.903342d0, 115.901741d0, 116.902952d0, 117.901603d0, 2 118.903308d0, 119.9021947d0, 121.9034390d0, 123.9052739d0/ DATA (ns2(50,i),i=1,10)/0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0/ DATA (ab(50,i),i=1,10)/0.97d0, 0.65d0, 0.34d0, 14.53d0, 7.68d0, 1 24.23d0, 8.59d0, 32.59d0, 4.63d0, 5.79d0/ c DATA at(51),gel(51),nmn(51),(mn(51,i),i=1,2)/'Sb',4,2,121,123/ DATA (zm(51,i),i=0,2)/121.757d0, 120.9038157d0, 122.9042140d0/ DATA (ns2(51,i),i=1,2)/5,7/ DATA (ab(51,i),i=1,2)/57.36d0, 42.64d0/ c DATA at(52),gel(52),nmn(52),(mn(52,i),i=1,8)/'Te',5,8,120,122,123, 1 124,125,126,128,130/ DATA (zm(52,i),i=0,8)/127.60d0, 119.904020d0, 121.9030439d0, 1 122.9042700d0, 123.9028179d0, 124.9044307d0, 125.9033117d0, 2 127.9044631d0, 129.9062244d0/ DATA (ns2(52,i),i=1,8)/0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0/ DATA (ab(52,i),i=1,8)/0.096d0, 2.603d0, 0.908d0, 4.816d0, 1 7.139d0, 18.95d0, 31.69d0, 33.80d0/ c DATA at(53),gel(53),nmn(53),(mn(53,i),i=1,2)/' I',4,2,127,129/ DATA (zm(53,i),i=0,2)/126.90447d0, 126.904473d0, 128.904988d0/ DATA (ns2(53,i),i=1,2)/5,7/ DATA (ab(53,i),i=1,2)/100.d0,0.d0/ c DATA at(54),gel(54),nmn(54),(mn(54,i),i=1,9)/'Xe',1,9,124,126,128, 1 129,130,131,132,134,136/ DATA (zm(54,i),i=0,9)/131.29d0, 123.9058930d0, 125.904274d0, 1 127.9035313d0, 128.9047794d0, 129.9035080d0, 130.9050824d0, 2 131.9041535d0, 133.9053945d0, 135.907219d0/ DATA (ns2(54,i),i=1,9)/0,0,0,1,0,3,0,0,0/ DATA (ab(54,i),i=1,9)/0.10d0, 0.09d0, 1.91d0, 26.4d0, 4.1d0, 1 21.2d0, 26.9d0, 10.4d0, 8.9d0/ c DATA at(55),gel(55),nmn(55),(mn(55,i),i=1,1)/'Cs',2,1,133/ DATA (zm(55,i),i=0,1)/132.90543d0, 132.905451933d0/ DATA (ns2(55,i),i=1,1)/7/ DATA (ab(55,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(56),gel(56),nmn(56),(mn(56,i),i=1,7)/'Ba',1,7,130,132,134, 1 135,136,137,138/ DATA (zm(56,i),i=0,7)/137.327d0, 129.9063208d0, 131.9050613d0, 1 133.9045084d0, 134.9056886d0, 135.9045759d0, 136.9058274d0, 2 137.9052472d0/ DATA (ns2(56,i),i=1,7)/0,0,0,3,0,3,0/ DATA (ab(56,i),i=1,7)/0.106d0, 0.101d0, 2.417d0, 6.592d0, 1 7.854d0, 11.23d0, 71.70d0/ c DATA at(57),gel(57),nmn(57),(mn(57,i),i=1,2)/'La',4,2,138,139/ DATA (zm(57,i),i=0,2)/138.9055d0, 137.907112d0, 138.9063533d0/ DATA (ns2(57,i),i=1,2)/10,7/ DATA (ab(57,i),i=1,2)/0.0902d0, 99.9098d0/ c DATA at(58),gel(58),nmn(58),(mn(58,i),i=1,4)/'Ce',9,4,136,138,140, 1 142/ DATA (zm(58,i),i=0,4)/140.115d0, 135.907172d0, 137.905991d0, 1 139.9054387d0, 141.909244d0/ DATA (ns2(58,i),i=1,4)/0,0,0,0/ DATA (ab(58,i),i=1,4)/0.19d0, 0.25d0, 88.48d0, 11.08d0/ c DATA at(59),gel(59),nmn(59),(mn(59,i),i=1,1)/'Pr',10,1,141/ DATA (zm(59,i),i=0,1)/140.90765d0, 140.9076528d0/ DATA (ns2(59,i),i=1,1)/5/ DATA (ab(59,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(60),gel(60),nmn(60),(mn(60,i),i=1,7)/'Nd',9,7,142,143,144, 1 145,146,148,150/ DATA (zm(60,i),i=0,7)/144.24d0, 141.9077233d0, 142.9098143d0, 1 143.9100873d0, 144.9125736d0, 145.9131169d0, 147.916893d0, 2 149.920891d0/ DATA (ns2(60,i),i=1,7)/0,7,0,7,0,0,0/ DATA (ab(60,i),i=1,7)/27.13d0, 12.18d0, 23.80d0, 8.30d0, 17.19d0, 1 5.76d0, 5.64d0/ c DATA at(61),gel(61),nmn(61),(mn(61,i),i=1,1)/'Pm',6,1,145/ DATA (zm(61,i),i=0,1)/144.912743d0, 144.912749d0/ DATA (ns2(61,i),i=1,1)/5/ DATA (ab(61,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(62),gel(62),nmn(62),(mn(62,i),i=1,7)/'Sm',1,7,144,147,148, 1 149,150,152,154/ DATA (zm(62,i),i=0,7)/150.36d0, 143.911999d0, 146.9148979d0, 1 147.9148227d0, 148.9171847d0, 149.9172755d0, 151.9197324d0, 2 153.9222093d0/ DATA (ns2(62,i),i=1,7)/0,7,0,7,0,0,0/ DATA (ab(62,i),i=1,7)/3.1d0, 15.0d0, 11.3d0, 13.8d0, 7.4d0, 1 26.7d0, 22.7d0/ c DATA at(63),gel(63),nmn(63),(mn(63,i),i=1,2)/'Eu',8,2,151,153/ DATA (zm(63,i),i=0,2)/151.965d0, 150.9198502d0, 152.9212303d0/ DATA (ns2(63,i),i=1,2)/5,5/ DATA (ab(63,i),i=1,2)/47.8d0, 52.2d0/ c DATA at(64),gel(64),nmn(64),(mn(64,i),i=1,7)/'Gd',5,7,152,154,155, 1 156,157,158,160/ DATA (zm(64,i),i=0,7)/157.25d0, 151.9197910d0, 153.92086560, 1 154.9226220d0, 155.9221227d0, 156.9239601d0, 157.9241039d0, 2 159.9270541d0/ DATA (ns2(64,i),i=1,7)/0,0,3,0,3,0,0/ DATA (ab(64,i),i=1,7)/0.20d0, 2.18d0, 14.80d0, 20.47d0, 15.65d0, 1 24.84d0, 21.86d0/ c DATA at(65),gel(65),nmn(65),(mn(65,i),i=1,1)/'Tb',16,1,159/ DATA (zm(65,i),i=0,1)/158.92534d0, 158.9253468d0/ DATA (ns2(65,i),i=1,1)/3/ DATA (ab(65,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(66),gel(66),nmn(66),(mn(66,i),i=1,7)/'Dy',17,7,156,158, 1 160,161,162,163,164/ DATA (zm(66,i),i=0,7)/162.50d0, 155.924283d0, 157.924409d0, 1 159.9251975d0, 160.9269334d0, 161.9267984d0, 162.9287312d0, 2 163.9291748d0/ DATA (ns2(66,i),i=1,7)/0,0,0,5,0,5,0/ DATA (ab(66,i),i=1,7)/0.06d0, 0.10d0, 2.34d0, 18.9d0, 25.5d0, 1 24.9d0, 28.2d0/ c DATA at(67),gel(67),nmn(67),(mn(67,i),i=1,1)/'Ho',16,1,165/ DATA (zm(67,i),i=0,1)/164.93032d0, 164.9303221d0/ DATA (ns2(67,i),i=1,1)/7/ DATA (ab(67,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ DATA at(68),gel(68),nmn(68),(mn(68,i),i=1,6)/'Er',13,6,162,164, 1 166,167,168,170/ DATA (zm(68,i),i=0,6)/167.26d0, 161.928778d0, 163.929200d0, 1 165.9302931d0, 166.9320482d0, 167.9323702d0, 169.9354643d0/ DATA (ns2(68,i),i=1,6)/0,0,0,7,0,0/ DATA (ab(68,i),i=1,6)/0.14d0, 1.61d0, 33.6d0, 22.95d0, 26.8d0, 1 14.9d0/ c DATA at(69),gel(69),nmn(69),(mn(69,i),i=1,1)/'Tm',8,1,169/ DATA (zm(69,i),i=0,1)/168.93421d0, 168.9342133d0/ DATA (ns2(69,i),i=1,1)/1/ DATA (ab(69,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(70),gel(70),nmn(70),(mn(70,i),i=1,7)/'Yb',1,7,168,170,171, 1 172,173,174,176/ DATA (zm(70,i),i=0,7)/173.04d0, 167.933897d0, 169.9347618d0, 1 170.936323580, 171.9363815d0, 172.9382108d0, 173.9388621d0, 2 175.9425717d0/ DATA (ns2(70,i),i=1,7)/0,0,1,0,5,0,0/ DATA (ab(70,i),i=1,7)/0.13d0, 3.05d0, 14.3d0, 21.9d0, 16.12d0, 1 31.8d0, 12.7d0/ c DATA at(71),gel(71),nmn(71),(mn(71,i),i=1,2)/'Lu',4,2,175,176/ DATA (zm(71,i),i=0,2)/174.967d0, 174.9407718d0, 175.9426863d0/ DATA (ns2(71,i),i=1,2)/7,14/ DATA (ab(71,i),i=1,2)/97.41d0, 2.59d0/ c DATA at(72),gel(72),nmn(72),(mn(72,i),i=1,6)/'Hf',5,6,174,176,177, 1 178,179,180/ DATA (zm(72,i),i=0,6)/178.49d0, 173.940046d0, 175.9414086d0, 1 176.9432207d0, 177.9436988d0, 178.9458161d0, 179.9465500d0/ DATA (ns2(72,i),i=1,6)/0,0,7,0,9,0/ DATA (ab(72,i),i=1,6)/0.162d0, 5.206d0, 18.606d0, 27.297d0, 1 13.629d0, 35.100d0/ c DATA at(73),gel(73),nmn(73),(mn(73,i),i=1,2)/'Ta',4,2,180,181/ DATA (zm(73,i),i=0,2)/180.9479d0, 179.9474648d0, 180.9479958d0/ DATA (ns2(73,i),i=1,2)/16,7/ DATA (ab(73,i),i=1,2)/0.012d0, 99.988d0/ c DATA at(74),gel(74),nmn(74),(mn(74,i),i=1,5)/' W',1,5,180,182,183, 1 184,186/ DATA (zm(74,i),i=0,5)/183.84d0, 179.946704d0, 181.9482042d0, 1 182.9502230d0, 183.9509312d0, 185.9543641d0/ DATA (ns2(74,i),i=1,5)/0,0,1,0,0/ DATA (ab(74,i),i=1,5)/0.13d0, 26.3d0, 14.3d0, 30.67d0, 28.6d0/ c DATA at(75),gel(75),nmn(75),(mn(75,i),i=1,2)/'Re',6,2,185,187/ DATA (zm(75,i),i=0,2)/186.207d0, 184.9529550d0, 186.9557531d0/ DATA (ns2(75,i),i=1,2)/5,5/ DATA (ab(75,i),i=1,2)/37.40d0, 62.60d0/ c DATA at(76),gel(76),nmn(76),(mn(76,i),i=1,7)/'Os',9,7,184,186,187, 1 188,189,190,192/ DATA (zm(76,i),i=0,7)/190.23d0, 183.9524891d0, 185.9538382d0, 1 186.9557505d0, 187.9558382d0, 188.9581475d0, 189.9584470d0, 2 191.9614807d0/ DATA (ns2(76,i),i=1,7)/0,0,1,0,3,0,0/ DATA (ab(76,i),i=1,7)/0.02d0, 1.58d0, 1.6d0, 13.3d0, 16.1d0, 1 26.4d0, 41.0d0/ c DATA at(77),gel(77),nmn(77),(mn(77,i),i=1,2)/'Ir',10,2,191,193/ DATA (zm(77,i),i=0,2)/192.22d0, 190.9605940d0, 192.9629264d0/ DATA (ns2(77,i),i=1,2)/3,3/ DATA (ab(77,i),i=1,2)/37.3d0, 62.7d0/ c c DATA at(78),gel(78),nmn(78),(mn(78,i),i=1,6)/'Pt',7,6,190,192,194, 1 195,196,198/ DATA (zm(78,i),i=0,6)/195.08d0, 189.959932d0, 191.9610380d0, 1 193.9626803d0, 194.9647911d0, 195.9649515d0, 197.967893d0/ DATA (ns2(78,i),i=1,6)/0,0,0,1,0,0/ DATA (ab(78,i),i=1,6)/0.01d0,0.79d0,32.9d0,33.8d0,25.3d0,7.2d0/ c DATA at(79),gel(79),nmn(79),(mn(79,i),i=1,1)/'Au',2,1,197/ DATA (zm(79,i),i=0,1)/196.96654d0, 196.9665687d0/ DATA (ns2(79,i),i=1,1)/3/ DATA (ab(79,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(80),gel(80),nmn(80),(mn(80,i),i=1,7)/'Hg',1,7,196,198,199, 1 200,201,202,204/ DATA (zm(80,i),i=0,7)/200.59d0, 195.965833d0, 197.9667690d0, 1 198.9682799d0, 199.9683260d0, 200.9703023d0, 201.9706430d0, 2 203.9734939d0/ DATA (ns2(80,i),i=1,7)/0,0,1,0,3,0,0/ DATA (ab(80,i),i=1,7)/0.15d0, 9.97d0, 16.87d0, 23.10d0, 13.18d0, 1 29.86d0, 6.87d0/ c DATA at(81),gel(81),nmn(81),(mn(81,i),i=1,2)/'Tl',2,2,203,205/ DATA (zm(81,i),i=0,2)/204.3833d0, 202.9723442d0, 204.9744275d0/ DATA (ns2(81,i),i=1,2)/1,1/ DATA (ab(81,i),i=1,2)/29.524d0, 70.476d0/ c DATA at(82),gel(82),nmn(82),(mn(82,i),i=1,4)/'Pb',1,4,204,206,207, 1 208/ DATA (zm(82,i),i=0,4)/207.2d0, 203.9730436d0, 205.9744653d0, 1 206.9758969d0, 207.9766521d0/ DATA (ns2(82,i),i=1,4)/0,0,1,0/ DATA (ab(82,i),i=1,4)/1.4d0, 24.1d0, 22.1d0, 52.4d0/ c DATA at(83),gel(83),nmn(83),(mn(83,i),i=1,1)/'Bi',4,1,209/ DATA (zm(83,i),i=0,1)/208.98037d0, 208.9803987d0/ DATA (ns2(83,i),i=1,1)/9/ DATA (ab(83,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(84),gel(84),nmn(84),(mn(84,i),i=1,1)/'Po',5,1,209/ DATA (zm(84,i),i=0,1)/208.982404d0, 208.9824304d0/ DATA (ns2(84,i),i=1,1)/1/ DATA (ab(84,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(85),gel(85),nmn(85),(mn(85,i),i=1,1)/'At',-1,1,210/ DATA (zm(85,i),i=0,1)/209.987126d0, 209.987148d0/ DATA (ns2(85,i),i=1,1)/10/ DATA (ab(85,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(86),gel(86),nmn(86),(mn(86,i),i=1,1)/'Rn',1,1,222/ DATA (zm(86,i),i=0,1)/222.017571d0, 222.0175777d0/ DATA (ns2(86,i),i=1,1)/0/ DATA (ab(86,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(87),gel(87),nmn(87),(mn(87,i),i=1,1)/'Fr',-1,1,223/ DATA (zm(87,i),i=0,1)/223.019733d0, 223.0197359d0/ DATA (ns2(87,i),i=1,1)/3/ DATA (ab(87,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(88),gel(88),nmn(88),(mn(88,i),i=1,1)/'Ra',1,1,226/ DATA (zm(88,i),i=0,1)/226.025403d0, 226.0254098d0/ DATA (ns2(88,i),i=1,1)/0/ DATA (ab(88,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(89),gel(89),nmn(89),(mn(89,i),i=1,1)/'Ac',4,1,227/ DATA (zm(89,i),i=0,1)/227.027750d0, 227.0277521d0/ DATA (ns2(89,i),i=1,1)/3/ DATA (ab(89,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(90),gel(90),nmn(90),(mn(90,i),i=1,1)/'Th',-1,1,232/ DATA (zm(90,i),i=0,1)/232.038d0, 232.0380553d0/ DATA (ns2(90,i),i=1,1)/0/ DATA (ab(90,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(91),gel(91),nmn(91),(mn(91,i),i=1,1)/'Pa',-1,1,231/ DATA (zm(91,i),i=0,1)/231.03588d0, 231.0358840d0/ DATA (ns2(91,i),i=1,1)/3/ DATA (ab(91,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(92),gel(92),nmn(92),(mn(92,i),i=1,4)/' U',-1,4,233,234, 1 235,238/ DATA (zm(92,i),i=0,4)/238.0289d0, 233.0396352d0, 234.0409521d0, 1 235.0439299d0, 238.0507882d0/ DATA (ns2(92,i),i=1,4)/5,0,7,0/ DATA (ab(92,i),i=1,4)/0.d0, 0.0055d0, 0.7200d0, 99.2745d0/ c DATA at(93),gel(93),nmn(93),(mn(93,i),i=1,1)/'Np',-1,1,237/ DATA (zm(93,i),i=0,1)/237.0481678d0, 237.0481734d0/ DATA (ns2(93,i),i=1,1)/5/ DATA (ab(93,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(94),gel(94),nmn(94),(mn(94,i),i=1,1)/'Pu',-1,1,244/ DATA (zm(94,i),i=0,1)/244.064199d0, 244.064204d0/ DATA (ns2(94,i),i=1,1)/0/ DATA (ab(94,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(95),gel(95),nmn(95),(mn(95,i),i=1,1)/'Am',-1,1,243/ DATA (zm(95,i),i=0,1)/243.061375d0, 243.0613811d0/ DATA (ns2(95,i),i=1,1)/5/ DATA (ab(95,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(96),gel(96),nmn(96),(mn(96,i),i=1,1)/'Cm',-1,1,247/ DATA (zm(96,i),i=0,1)/247.070347d0, 247.070354d0/ DATA (ns2(96,i),i=1,1)/9/ DATA (ab(96,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(97),gel(97),nmn(97),(mn(97,i),i=1,1)/'Bk',-1,1,247/ DATA (zm(97,i),i=0,1)/247.070300d0, 247.070307d0/ DATA (ns2(97,i),i=1,1)/3/ DATA (ab(97,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(98),gel(98),nmn(98),(mn(98,i),i=1,1)/'Cf',-1,1,251/ DATA (zm(98,i),i=0,1)/251.079580d0, 251.079587d0/ DATA (ns2(98,i),i=1,1)/1/ DATA (ab(98,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(99),gel(99),nmn(99),(mn(99,i),i=1,1)/'Es',-1,1,252/ DATA (zm(99,i),i=0,1)/252.082944d0, 252.082980d0/ DATA (ns2(99,i),i=1,1)/10/ DATA (ab(99,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(100),gel(100),nmn(100),(mn(100,i),i=1,1)/'Fm',-1,1,257/ DATA (zm(100,i),i=0,1)/257.095099d0, 257.095105d0/ DATA (ns2(100,i),i=1,1)/9/ DATA (ab(100,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(101),gel(101),nmn(101),(mn(101,i),i=1,1)/'Md',-1,1,258/ DATA (zm(101,i),i=0,1)/258.09857d0, 258.098431d0/ DATA (ns2(101,i),i=1,1)/16/ DATA (ab(101,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(102),gel(102),nmn(102),(mn(102,i),i=1,1)/'No',-1,1,259/ DATA (zm(102,i),i=0,1)/259.100931d0, 259.101030d0/ DATA (ns2(102,i),i=1,1)/9/ DATA (ab(102,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(103),gel(103),nmn(103),(mn(103,i),i=1,1)/'Lr',-1,1,260/ DATA (zm(103,i),i=0,1)/260.105320d0, 260.105500d0/ DATA (ns2(103,i),i=1,1)/-1/ DATA (ab(103,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(104),gel(104),nmn(104),(mn(104,i),i=1,1)/'Rf',-1,1,261/ DATA (zm(104,i),i=0,1)/261.10869d0, 261.108770d0/ DATA (ns2(104,i),i=1,1)/-1/ DATA (ab(104,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(105),gel(105),nmn(105),(mn(105,i),i=1,1)/'Db',-1,1,262/ DATA (zm(105,i),i=0,1)/262.11376d0, 262.114080d0/ DATA (ns2(105,i),i=1,1)/-1/ DATA (ab(105,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(106),gel(106),nmn(106),(mn(106,i),i=1,1)/'Sg',-1,1,263/ DATA (zm(106,i),i=0,1)/263.11822d0, 263.118320d0/ DATA (ns2(106,i),i=1,1)/-1/ DATA (ab(106,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(107),gel(107),nmn(107),(mn(107,i),i=1,1)/'Bh',-1,1,262/ DATA (zm(107,i),i=0,1)/262.12293d0, 262.122890d0/ DATA (ns2(107,i),i=1,1)/-1/ DATA (ab(107,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(108),gel(108),nmn(108),(mn(108,i),i=1,1)/'Hs',-1,1,265/ DATA (zm(108,i),i=0,1)/265.13016d0, 265.130090d0/ DATA (ns2(108,i),i=1,1)/-1/ DATA (ab(108,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c DATA at(109),gel(109),nmn(109),(mn(109,i),i=1,1)/'Mt',-1,1,266/ DATA (zm(109,i),i=0,1)/266.13764d0, 266.137300d0/ DATA (ns2(109,i),i=1,1)/-1/ DATA (ab(109,i),i=1,1)/100.d0/ c IF((IAN.LE.0).OR.(IAN.GT.109)) THEN MASS= 0.d0 NAME= 'XX' IMN= 0 WRITE(6,601) IAN RETURN ELSE NAME= AT(IAN) ENDIF IF((IAN.EQ.1).AND.(IMN.NE.1)) THEN c** Special case: insert common name for deuterium or tritium IF(IMN.EQ.2) NAME=' D' IF(IMN.EQ.3) NAME=' T' ENDIF GELGS= GEL(IAN) MASS= -1.d0 GNS= -1 ABUND = -1.d0 DO I= 1,NMN(IAN) if(i.gt.10) write(6,606) ian,imn,nmn(ian) 606 format(3i9) IF(IMN.EQ.MN(IAN,I)) THEN MASS= ZM(IAN,I) GNS= NS2(IAN,I)+1 ABUND = AB(IAN,I) ENDIF ENDDO IF(MASS.LT.0.d0) THEN MASS= ZM(IAN,0) IF(IMN.NE.0) WRITE(6,602) AT(IAN),IMN IMN= 0 ENDIF RETURN 601 FORMAT(' *** MASSES Data base does not include Atomic Number=',i4) 602 FORMAT(' *** MASSES Data base does not include ',A2,'(',i3, 1 '), so use average atomic mass.') END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE PREPOT(LNPT,IAN1,IAN2,IMN1,IMN2,NPP,OMEGA,RR,RM2,VLIM, 1 VV,NCN) c** Driver subroutine of package to read parameters and/or generate c values of a potential V(I) at the NPP input distances RR(I). c=================== Version of 9 February 2004 ======================= c**** Subroutine Input: c---------------------- c LNPT is an integer specifying the operational mode: c * LNPT > 0 : for a new case for which all potential-defining c parameters are read in & a description printed c * LNPT.le.0 : if potential points are to be generated in exactly c the same manner as on preceding call, but at c different distances RR(I) (no reads or writes) c IAN1 & IAN2 are the atomic numbers and IMN1 & IMN2 the mass numbers c of atoms #1 & 2, used (if needed) to specify isotope masses for c calculating adiabatic and/or non-adiabatic B-O-B correction fx. c NPP (integer) is the number of input distances RR(i) (in Angstroms) c at which potential values VV(i) (in cm-1) are to be generated c RR (real array) is set of NPP distances where potential calculated c RM2 (real array) on input is the (centrifugal) array of 1/RR(i)**2 c---------------------- c**** Subroutine Output: c---------------------- c OMEGA the (integer) elelectronic angular momentum projection q.no. c VLIM (cm-1) is the absolute energy at the potential asymptote c VV (real array) is the set of function values generated (in cm-1) c RM2 values returned may (if appropriate) be modified to include B-O-B c corrections to the (centrifugal) potential 1/RR(i)**2 c NCN is an integer power defining the asymptotically-dominant c inverse-power long-range potential tail: CNN/R**NCN c++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c+ Calls GENINT (which calls PLYINTRP, SPLINT & SPLINE) , or POTGEN ++ c++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** Set maximum array dimension for the input function values to be c interpolated over & extrapolated beyong INTEGER NTPMX PARAMETER (NTPMX= 1600) INTEGER I,J,IAN1,IAN2,IMN1,IMN2,INPTS,ILR,IR2,JWR,LNPT,LPPOT,LWR, 1 NCN,NLIN,NPP,NROW,NTP,NUSE,NPRS,NPRF, OMEGA REAL*8 RFACT,EFACT,RH,RMIN,VLIM,VSHIFT,VV(NPP),RR(NPP),RM2(NPP), 1 XI(NTPMX),YI(NTPMX),RWR(20),VWR(20),VWRB(3),D1V(3),D1VB(3), 2 D2V(3),CNN c c** Save variables needed for 'subsequent' LNPT.le.0 calls SAVE ILR,IR2,LPPOT,NTP,NUSE SAVE CNN,VSHIFT,XI,YI c DATA VWRB/3*0.D0/,D1VB/3*0.D0/ LPPOT= 0 NPRS= 1 NPRF= NPP c IF(LNPT.GT.0) THEN c** If NTP > 0 : define potential by interpolation over & extrapolation c beyond the NTP read-in turning points using subroutine GENINT. c If NTP.le.0 : generate a (fully analytic) potential in POTGEN. c** If LPPOT > 0 : at every |LPPOT|-th point, print potential and c derivatives-by-differences. *** If LPPOT < 0 write potential c at every |LPPOT|-th point to channel-8 in a compact format ** c OMEGA the (integer) total elextronic angular momentum projection c quantum number (required for proper rotational intensities) c** VLIM (cm-1) is the energy associated with the potential asymptote. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- READ(5,*) NTP, LPPOT, OMEGA, VLIM c----------------------------------------------------------------------- WRITE(6,600) OMEGA,VLIM IF(NTP.GT.0) THEN c** For a pointwise potential (NTP > 0), now read points & parameters c controlling how the interpolation/extrapolation is to be done. c++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** NTP (read above) is number of turning points (XI,YI) to be read in. c** If NUSE > 0 interpolate with NUSE-point piecewise polynomials c (usually choose NUSE even, say, = 6, 8 or 10). *** If(NUSE.LE.0) c interpolate with cubic spline instead of local polynomials. c** If IR2 > 0 , interpolate over YI*XI**2 ; otherwise on YI itself c This may help if interpolation has trouble on steep repulsive wall. c** ILR specifies how to extrapolate beyond largest input distance XI(i) c If ILR < 0 , fit last 3 points to: VLIM - A*exp(-b*(R-R0)**2) c If ILR = 0 , fit last 3 points to: VLIM - A*R**p *exp(-b*R) c If ILR = 1 : fit last two points to: VLIM - A/R**B . c** If(ILR > 1) fit last turning points to: VLIM - sum{of ILR c inverse-power terms beginning with 1/R**NCN}. *** If CNN.ne.0 , c leading coefficient fixed at CNN ; otherwise get it from points too. c* Assume read-in CNN value has units: [(cm-1)(Angstroms)**'NCN']. c* If ILR = 2 or 3 , successive higher power terms differ by 1/R**2 c* If ILR > 3 : successive higher power terms differ by factor 1/R c----------------------------------------------------------------------- READ(5,*) NUSE, IR2, ILR, NCN, CNN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(NTP.GT.NTPMX) THEN WRITE(6,602) NTP,NTPMX STOP ENDIF IF(NUSE.GT.0) WRITE(6,604) NUSE,NTP IF(NUSE.LE.0) WRITE(6,606) NTP IF(IR2.GT.0) WRITE(6,608) IF((ILR.GT.1).AND.(DABS(CNN).GT.0.D0))WRITE(6,610)CNN,NCN c** Read in turning points to be interpolated over c** RFACT & EFACT are factors required to convert units of input turning c points (XI,YI) to Angstroms & cm-1, respectively (may = 1.d0) c** Turning points (XI,YI) must be ordered with increasing XI(I) c** Energy VSHIFT (cm-1) is added to the input potential points to c make their absolute energy consistent with VLIM (often VSHIFT=Te). c----------------------------------------------------------------------- READ(5,*) RFACT, EFACT, VSHIFT READ(5,*) (XI(I), YI(I), I= 1,NTP) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- WRITE(6,612) VSHIFT, RFACT, EFACT NROW= (NTP+2)/3 DO J= 1,NROW IF(EFACT.LE.10.D0) THEN WRITE(6,614) (XI(I),YI(I),I= J,NTP,NROW) ELSE WRITE(6,616) (XI(I),YI(I),I= J,NTP,NROW) ENDIF ENDDO WRITE(6,624) DO I= 1,NTP YI(I)= YI(I)*EFACT+ VSHIFT XI(I)= XI(I)*RFACT ENDDO IF(IR2.GT.0) THEN DO I= 1,NTP YI(I)= YI(I)*XI(I)**2 ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IF(NTP.GT.0) THEN CALL GENINT(LNPT,NPP,RR,VV,NUSE,IR2,NTP,XI,YI,VLIM,ILR, 1 NCN,CNN,NPRS,NPRF) ELSE c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** Generate a fully analytic potential in subroutine POTGEN *********** c* Potentials generated in cm-1 with potential asymptote at energy VLIM c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** IPOTL specifies the type of potential function to be generated. c** MPAR & NPAR are integers for specifying potential types. c** NVARB is number of (real*8) potential parameters read in. c** IBOB specifies whether (if > 0) or not (if .le. 0) atomic mass c dependent Born-Oppenheimer breakdown corrections will be included c** For all functions considered, well depth and equilibrium distance c are read as DSCM (cm-1) and REQ (Angstroms), respectively. c* [Most read-in parameters are dimensionless (scaled by DSCM & REQ).] c- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c** If IPOTL=1 generate an L.J.(MPAR,NPAR) potential. c** If IPOTL=2 generate an MLJ(NPAR) potential [JCP 112, 3949 (2000)] c If MPAR > 0 exponent parameter is polynomial of order (NVARB-1) c in y_{MPAR}= (R**MPAR - Re**MPAR)/(R**MPAR + Re**MPAR), c with the NVARB coefficients PARM(j) c If MPAR.le.0 exponent polynomial in y_{1} of order (NVARB-4) with c coefficients PARM(i) (i= 1,NVARB-3), & includes a switching c function with exponent coefficient ALPHA= PARM(NVARB) and c RSW= PARM(NVARB-1), defined to yield limiting inverse-power c potential coefficient Cn= PARM(NVARB-2). c** If IPOTL=3 generate a Morse or Extended Morse Oscillator potential c with exponent factor "beta" defined as a power series of order c (NVARB-1) in y_{MPAR}= (R**MPAR - Re**MPAR)/(R**MPAR + Re**MPAR) c with NVARB coefficients PARM(i). [!! MPAR .ge.1 !!] c * For conventional "simple" Morse potential, NVARB=1 & MPAR dummy c* Special option #1: set MPAR= -1 to produce Wei Hua's 4-parameter c modified Morse function with b= PARM(1) and C= PARM(2). c* Special option #2: set MPAR= -2 to produce Coxon's "Generalized c Morse Oscillator" potential with exponent expansion in (R-Re)] c ... otherwise, set MPAR.ge.0 c** If IPOTL=4 use Seto's modification of Surkus' GPEF expansion in c z = [R^NPAR - Re^NPAR]/[a*R^NPAR + b*Re^NPAR] where c a=PARM(NVARB-1) & b=PARM(NVARB), which incorporates Dunham, SPF, c O-T and other forms: V(z) = c_0 z^2 [1 + c_1 z + c_2 z^2 + ...] c where c_0 [cm-1] is read in as DSCM, and the first (NVARB-2) c PARM(i)'s are the c_i (i > 0). [MPAR is dummy parameter here] c * For Dunham case: NPAR=1, PARM(NVARB-1)= 0.0, PARM(NVARB)= 1.0 c * For SPF case: NPAR=1, PARM(NVARB-1)= 1.0, PARM(NVARB)= 0.0 c * For Ogilvie-Tipping: NPAR=1, PARM(NVARB-1)= 0.5 = PARM(NVARB) c * NOTE that for Surkus NPAR < 0 case: z(NPAR,a,b)= z(|NPAR|,-b,-a) c Generate & return the D_e value implied by these coefficients. c * NPAR= 0 generates potential as power series of order-NVARB in R c with constant term = (read-in VLIM) & NVARB read-in coefficients c** If IPOTL=5 generate generalized HFD(NPAR,6,8,10,12,14) potential. c PARM(1-3) are the parameters defining the HFD damping function c D(x)=exp[-pparm(1)*(PARM(2)/x - 1)**PARM(3)] {for x < PARM(2)} c PARM(4) the quadratic coefficient in the exponent, and c PARM(5) is the power of x=R/Req multiplying the repulsive term c AREP*x**PARM(5) *exp[-beta*x - PARM(4)*x**2] ; c PARM(6-11) are the reduced C_NPAR, C_6, C_8, C_10, C_12 and C14 c parameters (NPAR < 6), while AREP and beta are defined c by having the potential minimum at x=1. For NVARB < 11, higher c C_m coefficients automatically zero; necessarily NVARB.ge.7 . c- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c** IBOB > 0, add atomic-mass-dependent Born-Openheimer breakdown c correction functions to rotationless and/or centrifugal potential(s). c Both expressed as power series in z= (R-Re)/(R+Re) starting with the c constant term, using the mass shift convention of Le Roy [J.Mol.Spec. c 194, 189 (1999)]. Adiabatic B-O-B potential correction fx. defined c by polynomials of order NC1 with (NC1+1) coefficients {CA1(i)} for c atom-1 and order NC2 with (NC2+1) coefficients {CA2(i)} for atom-2, c while centrifugal correction fx. defined polynomial of order NG1 with c (NG1+1) coefficients {GA1(i)} for atom-1 and order NG2 with (NG2+1) c coefficients {GA2(i)} for atom-2. c** Input parameters IANi & IMNi are the atomic & mass number of atom-i c (i=1,2), while integers RMN1 & RMN2 read here are the mass numbers of c the reference isotopes defining the B-O-B correction functions. c** NC1 & NC2 are orders of polynomials DELTA(V,atom-i) defining c 'adiabatic' corrections to the rotationless potential for atoms 1 & 2 c DELTA(V)= (1-M1ref/M1)*DELTA(V,atom-1) + (1-M2ref/M2)*DELTA(V,atom-2) c** NG1 & NG2 are orders of polynomials q1(z) & q2(z) defining B-O-B c correction to the centrifugal potential: c V(centrifugal)= [1 + (M1ref/M1)*q1(z) + (M2ref/M2)*q2(z)]/R**2 c ... to omit a particular correction set associated NCi or NGi .lt.0 c** RX > 0.0 invokes Coxon's (older) expansions in (R-Re) for potential c correction and in [(R-Rx)**j - (Re-Rx)**j] for centrifugal corrn. c ... OTHERWISE (to use Le Roy B-O-B formalism) set RX.le.0.d0 !! c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** Read inside subroutine POTGEN c IF(LNPT.GT.0) THEN c READ(5,*) IPOTL, MPAR, NPAR, NVARB, IBOB, DSCM, REQ c IF(NVARB.GT.0) READ(5,*) (PARM(I), I=1,NVARB) c IF(IBOB.GT.0) THEN c READ(5,*) RMN1, RMN2, NC1, NC2, NG1, NG2, RX c IF(NC1.GE.0) READ(5,*) (CA1(I), I=0,NC1) c IF(NC2.GE.0) READ(5,*) (CA2(I), I=0,NC2) c IF(NG1.GE.0) READ(5,*) (GA1(I), I=0,NG1) c IF(NG2.GE.0) READ(5,*) (GA2(I), I=0,NG2) c ENDIF c ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- NCN= 99 CALL POTGEN(LNPT,NPP,IAN1,IAN2,IMN1,IMN2,VLIM,RR,RM2,VV, 1 NCN,CNN) ENDIF IF(LPPOT.NE.0) THEN c** If desired, on the first pass (i.e. if LNPT > 0) print the potential RH= RR(2)-RR(1) INPTS= IABS(LPPOT) IF(LPPOT.LT.0) THEN c** Option to write resulting function compactly to channel-8. RMIN= RR(1) NLIN= NPP/INPTS+ 1 WRITE(8,800) NLIN,VLIM WRITE(8,802) (RR(I),VV(I),I= 1,NPP,INPTS) ELSE c** Option to print potential & its 1-st three derivatives, the latter c calculated by differences, assuming equally spaced RR(I) values. WRITE(6,620) NPRS= MAX(1,(NPRS- 15*INPTS)) NPRF= MIN(NPP,(NPRF+ 15*INPTS)) NLIN= (NPRF-NPRS+1)/(2*INPTS)+1 RH= INPTS*RH DO I= 1,NLIN LWR= NPRS+INPTS*(I-1) DO J= 1,2 JWR= LWR+(J-1)*NLIN*INPTS IF(JWR.LE.NPP) THEN RWR(J)= RR(JWR) VWR(J)= VV(JWR) D1V(J)= (VWR(J)-VWRB(J))/RH VWRB(J)= VWR(J) D2V(J)= (D1V(J)-D1VB(J))/RH D1VB(J)= D1V(J) ELSE RWR(J)= 0.d0 VWR(J)= 0.d0 ENDIF IF(I.LE.2) THEN D2V(J)= 0.d0 IF(I.EQ.1) D1V(J)= 0.d0 ENDIF ENDDO WRITE(6,622) (RWR(J),VWR(J),D1V(J),D2V(J),J= 1,2) ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF IF(LNPT.GT.0) WRITE(6,624) RETURN 600 FORMAT(' State has OMEGA=',i2, ' and energy asymptote: Y(lim) 1=',F12.4,'(cm-1)') 602 FORMAT(/' **** ERROR in dimensioning of arrays required' 1 ,' by GENINT; No. input points ',I5,' > NTPMX =',I4) 604 FORMAT('- Perform',I3,'-point piecewise polynomial interpolation o 1ver',I5,' input points' ) 606 FORMAT('- Perform cubic spline interpolation over the',I5, 1 ' input points' ) 608 FORMAT('- Interpolation actually performed over modified input arr 1ay: Y(I) * R(I)**2') 610 FORMAT('- Beyond read-in points extrapolate to limiting asymptotic 1 behaviour:'/20x,'Y(R) = Y(lim) - (',D16.7,')/R**',I2) 612 FORMAT('- To make input points Y(i) consistent with Y(lim), add' 1 ,' Y(shift)=',F12.4/'- Scale input points: (distance)*', 2 1PD16.9,' & (energy)*',D16.9/13x,'to get required internal unit 3s [Angstroms & cm-1 for potentials]'/ 4 3(' R(i) Y(i) ')/3(3X,11('--'))) 614 FORMAT((3(F13.8,F12.4))) 616 FORMAT((3(F12.6,F13.8))) 620 FORMAT(/' Function and first 2 derivatives by differences'/ 1 2(' R Y(R) d1Y/dR1 d2Y/dR2')/2(2X,19('--'))) 622 FORMAT(2(0PF8.3,F11.3,1PD11.3,D10.2)) 624 FORMAT(1x,38('--')) 800 FORMAT(I7,' function values with asymptotic value:',F14.6) 802 FORMAT((1X,3(F12.8,F14.6))) END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE GENINT(LNPT,NPP,XX,YY,NUSE,IR2,NTP,XI,YI,VLIM,ILR, 1 NCN,CNN,NPRS,NPRF) c** GENINT produces a smooth function YY(i) at the NPP input distances c XX(i) by performing numerical interpolation over the range of the c NTP input function values YI(j) at the distances XI(j), and using c analytic functions to extrapolate beyond their range to with an c exponential at short range and a form specified by ILR, NCN & CNN c** ILR specifies how to extrapolate beyond largest given turning pts c If ILR < 0 , fit last 3 points to: VLIM - A*exp(-b*(R-R0)**2) c If ILR = 0 , fit last 3 points to: VLIM - A*R**p *exp(-b*R) c If ILR = 1 : fit last two points to: VLIM - A/R**B . c* If(ILR.ge.2) fit last turning points to: VLIM - sum(of ILR c inverse-power terms beginning with 1/R**NCN). *** If CNN.ne.0 , c leading coefficient fixed at CNN ; otherwise get it from points too. c* Assume read-in CNN value has units: ((cm-1)(Angstroms)**'NCN'). c If ILR = 2 or 3 , successive higher power terms differ by 1/R**2 c If ILR > 3 : this factor is 1/R . c=== Calls subroutines PLYINTRP, SPLINT & SPLINE ================== c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INTEGER I,J,IFXCN,IDER,IR2,ILR,ISR,LNPT,MBEG,MFIN,MINNER, 1 NN,NPP,NUSE,NUST,NORD,NCN,NCN2,NCN4,NPRS,NPRF,NTP, 2 IMX1,NMX,JR2,JMAX,MI(10),MF(10) REAL*8 ASR,BSR,CSR,ALR,BLR,CLR,DCSR,ADCSR,PDCSR,VRAT, 1 DX1,DX2,DX3,EX1,EX2,EX3,CNN,VLIM,X1,X2,X3,Y1,Y2,Y3, 1 XX(NPP),YY(NPP),XI(NTP),YI(NTP),XJ(20),YJ(20),DUMM(20) c SAVE ASR,BSR,CSR,ISR,ALR,BLR,CLR,IMX1,NMX,JR2,JMAX c NUST= NUSE/2 IF(NUSE.LE.0) NUST= 2 IDER= 0 NPRS= 1 NPRF= NPP c** Determine if/where need to begin extrapolation beyond input data c XX(MI(J)) is the 1-st mesh point past turning point XI(J) . c XX(MF(J)) is the last mesh point before turning point XI(NTP+1-J) DO 6 J = 1,NUST MI(J)= 1 MF(J)= 0 DO I= 1,NPP IF(XX(I).LE.XI(J)) MI(J)= I+ 1 IF(XX(I).GE.XI(NTP+1-J)) GO TO 6 MF(J)= I ENDDO 6 CONTINUE IF(NUST.LT.2) THEN MFIN= MI(1)-1 ELSE MFIN= MI(2)-1 ENDIF IF(LNPT.GT.0) THEN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** For a new case determine analytic functions for extrapolating beyond c the range of the input points (if necessary) on this or later calls. c** Try to fit three innermost turning points to V(R)=A+B*DEXP(-C*R). c** If unsatisfactory, extrapolate inward with inverse power function IF(IR2.LE.0) THEN DO I= 1,4 YJ(I)= YI(I) ENDDO ELSE DO I= 1,4 YJ(I)= YI(I)/XI(I)**2 ENDDO ENDIF X1= XI(1) X2= XI(2) X3= XI(3) Y1= YJ(1) Y2= YJ(2) Y3= YJ(3) IF((Y1-Y2)*(Y2-Y3).LE.0.d0) THEN c** If 3 innermost points not monotonic, use A+B/X inward extrapoln. ISR= 0 WRITE(6,600) ELSE c** Use cubic through innermost points to get initial trial exponent c from ratio of derivatives, Y''/Y' IDER= 2 ISR= 4 CALL PLYINTRP(XI,YJ,ISR,X2,XJ,ISR,IDER) CSR= XJ(3)/XJ(2) DCSR= DABS(CSR*X2) IF(DCSR.GT.1.5D+2) THEN c** If exponential causes overflows, use inverse power inward extrapoln. ISR= 0 WRITE(6,602) CSR GO TO 20 ENDIF c** Prepare parameters for inward exponential extrapolation VRAT= (Y3- Y2)/(Y1- Y2) DX1= X1- X2 DX3= X3- X2 EX2= 1.D0 ADCSR= 1.d99 c** Now iterate (with actual point) to get exact exponent coefficient DO J= 1,15 PDCSR= ADCSR EX1= DEXP( CSR*DX1) EX3= DEXP( CSR*DX3) DCSR= (VRAT- (EX3- EX2)/(EX1- EX2)) / 1 ((X3*EX3- X2 - (X1*EX1- X2)*(EX3-EX2)/(EX1- EX2))/(EX1- EX2)) ADCSR= ABS(DCSR) IF((ADCSR.GT.PDCSR).AND.(ADCSR.LT.1.d-8)) GO TO 12 IF(ADCSR.LT.1.d-12) GO TO 12 CSR= CSR+ DCSR ENDDO WRITE(6,604) DCSR 12 BSR= (Y1-Y2)/(EX1-EX2) ASR= Y2-BSR*EX2 BSR= BSR*DEXP(-CSR*X2) WRITE(6,606) X2,ASR,BSR,CSR ENDIF 20 IF(ISR.LE.0) THEN IF((X1*X2).LE.0.d0) THEN c** If 1'st two mesh points of opposite sign, extrapolate linearly ISR= -1 ASR= Y2 BSR= (Y2- Y1)/(X2- X1) CSR= X2 WRITE(6,608) X2,ASR,BSR,CSR ELSE c** For inward extrapolation as inverse power through 1'st two points .. BSR= (Y1-Y2)* X1*X2/(X2- X1) ASR= Y1-BSR/X1 CSR= X2 WRITE(6,610) X2,ASR,BSR ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF 600 FORMAT(' ** CAUTION ** Exponential inward extrapolation fails'/ 1 16x,'since first 3 points not monotonic, ... so ...') 602 FORMAT(' *** CAUTION ** inward extrapolation exponent coefficient 1 C=',D12.4/10x,'could cause overflows, ... so ...') 604 FORMAT(' *** CAUTION ** after 15 tries inward extrap. exponent coe 1fft change is',1PD9.1) 606 FORMAT(' Extrapolate to X .le.',F7.4,' with'/' Y=',F13.3, 1 SP,1PD15.6,' * exp(',SS,D13.6,'*X)') 608 FORMAT(' Extrapolate to X .le.',F8.4,' with'/' Y=',F13.3, 1 SP,1PD16.7,' * [X - (',SS,F8.4,')]') 610 FORMAT(' Extrapolate to X .le.',F8.4,' with Y=',F12.3, 1 SP,1PD15.6,')/X**1') c IF(MFIN.GT.0) THEN c** If needed, calculate function in inner extrapolation region IF(ISR.GT.0) THEN c ... either as an exponential DO I= 1,MFIN EX1= CSR*XX(I) IF(DABS(EX1).GT.1.D+2) EX1= 1.D+2*DSIGN(1.d0,EX1) YY(I)= ASR+BSR*DEXP(EX1) ENDDO ELSEIF(ISR.EQ.0) THEN c ... or if that fails, as an inverse power DO I= 1,MFIN YY(I)= ASR+BSR/XX(I) ENDDO ELSEIF(ISR.LT.0) THEN c ... or if X changes sign, extrapolate inward linearly DO I= 1,MFIN YY(I)= ASR+ BSR*(XX(I)- CSR) ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF c** End of inward extrapolation procedure c----------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNER= MFIN IF(NUST.GT.2) THEN c** If(NUSE.gt.5) minimize spurious behaviour by interpolating with c order less than NUSE on intervals near inner end of range DO J= 3,NUST NORD= 2*(J-1) MBEG= MI(J-1) MFIN= MI(J)-1 IF(MFIN.GE.MBEG) THEN DO I= MBEG,MFIN CALL PLYINTRP(XI,YI,NTP,XX(I),DUMM,NORD,IDER) YY(I)= DUMM(1) ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF c** Main interpolation step begins here c======================================================================= MBEG= MI(NUST) MFIN= MF(NUST) IF(MFIN.GE.MBEG) THEN IF(NUSE.LE.0) THEN c** Either ... use cubic spline for main interpolation step CALL SPLINT(LNPT,NTP,XI,YI,MBEG,MFIN,XX,YY) ELSE c ... or use piecewise polynomials for main interpolation step DO I= MBEG,MFIN CALL PLYINTRP(XI,YI,NTP,XX(I),DUMM,NUSE,IDER) YY(I)= DUMM(1) ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF IF(MFIN.LT.NPP) THEN IF(NUST.LE.2) THEN c** If(NUSE.gt.5) minimize spurious behaviour by interpolating with c order less than NUSE on intervals near outer end of range MBEG= MF(NUST)+1 ELSE NN= NUST-2 DO J= 1,NN NORD= 2*(NUST-J) MBEG= MF(NUST-J+1)+1 MFIN= MF(NUST-J) IF(MFIN.GE.MBEG) THEN DO I= MBEG,MFIN CALL PLYINTRP(XI,YI,NTP,XX(I),DUMM,NORD,IDER) YY(I)= DUMM(1) ENDDO END IF ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF MBEG= MFIN+1 IF((MFIN.GT.MINNER).AND.(IR2.GT.0)) THEN c** In (IR2.gt.0) option, now remove X**2 from the interpolated function DO I= MINNER+1,MFIN YY(I)= YY(I)/XX(I)**2 ENDDO ENDIF c** Print test of smoothness at join with analytic inward extrapolation c IF(LNPT.GT.0) THEN c MST= MAX0(MINNER-4,1) c NPRS= MST c MFN= MST+8 c IF(MFN.GT.NPP) MFN= NPP c IF(MFN.GT.MFIN) MFN= MFIN c IF(MINNER.GT.0) WRITE(6,611) X2,((XX(I),YY(I),I= J,MFN,3), c 1 J= MST,MST+2) c 611 FORMAT(' Verify smoothness of inner join at X=',F9.5/ c 1 (3X,3(F10.5,G15.7))) c ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** To extrapolate potential beyond range of given turning points ... IF(LNPT.GT.0) THEN c** On first entry, calculate things needed for extrapolation constants Y1= YI(NTP) Y2= YI(NTP-1) Y3= YI(NTP-2) X1= XI(NTP) X2= XI(NTP-1) X3= XI(NTP-2) IF(IR2.GT.0) THEN Y1= Y1/X1**2 Y2= Y2/X2**2 Y3= Y3/X3**2 ENDIF ENDIF c** Check inverse-power tail power ... IF(NCN.LE.0) NCN= 6 IF(ILR.LT.0) THEN IF(LNPT.GT.0) THEN C** For ILR.lt.0 use Y = VLIM - ALR * exp[-CLR*(X - BLR)**2] EX1= DLOG((VLIM-Y1)/(VLIM-Y2))/(X1-X2) EX2= DLOG((VLIM-Y2)/(VLIM-Y3))/(X2-X3) BLR= (X1+X2 - (X2+X3)*EX1/EX2)/(2.d0- 2.d0*EX1/EX2) CLR= -EX1/(X1+X2-2.d0*BLR) ALR= (VLIM-Y1)*DEXP(CLR*(X1-BLR)**2) WRITE(6,614) X2,VLIM,ALR,CLR,BLR IF(CLR.LT.0.d0) THEN c ... but replace it by an inverse power of exponent constant negative WRITE(6,612) ILR= 1 GO TO 50 ENDIF ENDIF IF(MBEG.LE.NPP) THEN DO I= MBEG,NPP YY(I)= VLIM- ALR*DEXP(-CLR*(XX(I) - BLR)**2) ENDDO ENDIF GO TO 90 ENDIF IF(ILR.EQ.0) THEN c** For ILR.le.0 use Y = VLIM - ALR * X**p * exp(-CLR*X) IF(LNPT.GT.0) THEN EX1= DLOG((VLIM-Y1)/(VLIM-Y2))/(X1-X2) EX2= DLOG((VLIM-Y2)/(VLIM-Y3))/(X2-X3) DX1= DLOG(X1/X2)/(X1-X2) DX2= DLOG(X2/X3)/(X2-X3) BLR= (EX1-EX2)/(DX1-DX2) CLR= BLR*DX1- EX1 ALR= (VLIM-Y1)* DEXP(CLR*X1)/X1**BLR WRITE(6,616) X2,VLIM,ALR,BLR,CLR IF(CLR.LT.0.d0) THEN c ... but replace it by an inverse power of exponent constant negative WRITE(6,612) ILR= 1 GO TO 50 ENDIF ENDIF IF(MBEG.LE.NPP) THEN DO I= MBEG,NPP YY(I)= VLIM- ALR*XX(I)**BLR *DEXP(-CLR*XX(I)) ENDDO ENDIF GO TO 90 ENDIF 50 IF(ILR.EQ.1) THEN c** For ILR=1 , use Y = VLIM + ALR/X**BLR IF(LNPT.GT.0) THEN BLR= DLOG((VLIM-Y2)/(VLIM-Y1))/DLOG(X1/X2) ALR= (Y1- VLIM)*X1**BLR NCN= BLR WRITE(6,618) X2,VLIM,ALR,BLR,NCN ENDIF IF(MBEG.LE.NPP) THEN DO I= MBEG,NPP YY(I)= VLIM+ ALR/XX(I)**BLR ENDDO ENDIF GO TO 90 ENDIF c** Set constants for long-range extrapolation IFXCN= 0 IF((CNN.GT.0.d0).OR.(CNN.LT.0.d0)) IFXCN= 1 NCN2= NCN+2 IF(ILR.EQ.2) THEN c** For ILR=2 , use Y = VLIM - CNN/X**NCN - BSR/X**(NCN+2) c* If CNN held fixed need ILR > 2 to prevent discontinuity IF(LNPT.GT.0) THEN IF(IFXCN.LE.0) THEN CNN= ((VLIM-Y1)*X1**NCN2 - 1 (VLIM-Y2)*X2**NCN2)/(X1**2-X2**2) ENDIF ALR= CNN BLR= (VLIM-Y1)*X1**NCN2 - CNN*X1**2 WRITE(6,620) X2,VLIM,CNN,NCN,BLR,NCN2 ENDIF IF(MBEG.LE.NPP) THEN DO I= MBEG,NPP YY(I)= VLIM-(ALR+BLR/XX(I)**2)/XX(I)**NCN ENDDO ENDIF GO TO 90 ENDIF IF(ILR.EQ.3) THEN c** For ILR=3 , use Y = VLIM - (CN + CN2/X**2 + CN4/X**4)/X**NCN IF(LNPT.GT.0) THEN NCN4= NCN+4 IF(IFXCN.GT.0) THEN ALR= CNN BLR= (((VLIM-Y1)*X1**NCN-ALR)*X1**4-((VLIM-Y2) 1 *X2**NCN-ALR)*X2**4)/(X1**2-X2**2) CLR= ((VLIM-Y1)*X1**NCN-ALR-BLR/X1**2)*X1**4 ELSE EX1= X1**2 EX2= X2**2 EX3= X3**2 DX1= (VLIM-Y1)*X1**NCN4 DX2= (VLIM-Y2)*X2**NCN4 DX3= (VLIM-Y3)*X3**NCN4 BLR= (DX1-DX2)/(EX1-EX2) ALR= (BLR-(DX2-DX3)/(EX2-EX3))/(EX1-EX3) BLR= BLR-ALR*(EX1+EX2) CLR= DX1-(ALR*EX1+BLR)*EX1 ENDIF WRITE(6,622) X2,VLIM,ALR,NCN,BLR,NCN2,CLR,NCN4 ENDIF IF(MBEG.LE.NPP) THEN DO I= MBEG,NPP EX2= 1.d0/XX(I)**2 YY(I)= VLIM-(ALR+EX2*(BLR+EX2*CLR))/XX(I)**NCN ENDDO ENDIF GO TO 90 ENDIF IF(ILR.GE.4) THEN c** For ILR.ge.4, Y = VLIM-SUM(BB(K)/X**K) , (K=NCN,NMX=NCN+ILR-1) IF(LNPT.GT.0) THEN IF(NCN.LE.0) NCN= 1 IMX1= ILR-1 NMX= NCN+IMX1 JR2= 0 IF(IR2.GT.0) JR2= 2 IDER= 0 JMAX= ILR IF(IFXCN.GT.0) JMAX= IMX1 WRITE(6,624) X2,ILR,NCN,VLIM IF(IFXCN.GT.0) WRITE(6,626) NCN,CNN ENDIF c** Actually extrapolate with polynomial fitted to the last JMAX c values of (VLIM - YI(I))*XI(I)**NMX , & then convert back to YY(I). IF(MBEG.LE.NPP) THEN J= NTP- JMAX DO I= 1,JMAX J= J+1 XJ(I)= XI(J) YJ(I)= (VLIM-YI(J)/XI(J)**JR2)*XI(J)**NMX IF(IFXCN.GT.0) YJ(I)= YJ(I)- CNN*XI(J)**IMX1 ENDDO DO I= MBEG,NPP CALL PLYINTRP(XJ,YJ,JMAX,XX(I),DUMM,JMAX,IDER) YY(I)= DUMM(1) IF(IFXCN.GT.0) YY(I)= YY(I)+ CNN*XX(I)**IMX1 YY(I)= VLIM-YY(I)/XX(I)**NMX ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF c** Finished extrapolation section. 90 CONTINUE c** Test smoothness at outer join to analytic extrapolation function c IF((LNPT.GT.0).AND.(MBEG.LE.NPP)) THEN c MST= MBEG-5 c IF(MST.LT.1) MST= 1 c MFN= MST+8 c IF(MFN.GT.NPP) MFN= NPP c WRITE(6,627) X2,((XX(I),YY(I),I= J,MFN,3),J= MST,MST+2) c NPRF= MFN c ENDIF c 627 FORMAT(' Verify smoothness of outer join at X=',F9.5/ c 1 (3X,3(F10.5,G15.7))) RETURN 612 FORMAT(' *** BUT *** since exponent has positive coefficient, swi 1tch form ...') 614 FORMAT(' Function for X .GE.',F8.4,' generated as'/' Y=', 1 F12.4,' - (',1PD13.6,') * exp{-',0PF10.6,' * (R -',F9.6,')**2}') 616 FORMAT(' Function for X .GE.',F8.4,' generated as'/' Y=', 1 F12.4,' - (',1PD13.6,') * R**',0PF10.6,' * exp{-(',F11.6,'*R)}') 618 FORMAT(' Extrapolate to X .GE.',F8.4,' using'/' Y=', 1 F12.4,SP,1PD15.6,'/X**(',SS,D13.6,')] , yielding NCN=',I3) 620 FORMAT(' Extrapolate to X .GE.',F8.4,' using'/' Y=', 1 F12.4,' - [',1PD13.6,'/X**',I1,SP,D14.6,'/X**',SS,I1,']') 622 FORMAT(' Extrapolate to X .GE.',F8.4,' using'/ 1 ' Y=',F12.4,' - [',1PD13.6,'/X**',I1,SP,D14.6,'/X**', 2 SS,I1,SP,D14.6,'/X**',SS,I2,']') 624 FORMAT(' Function for X .GE.',F7.3,' generated by',I3, 1 '-point inverse-power interpolation'/' with leading term 1/R** 2',I1,' relative to dissociation limit YLIM=',F11.3) 626 FORMAT(' and (dimensionless) leading coefficient fixed as C', 1 I1,'=',G15.8) END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE PLYINTRP(XI,YI,NPT,RR,C,NCFT,IDER) c* From the NPT known mesh points (XI,YI) ,given in order of increasing c or decreasing XI(I), select the NCFT points (XJ,YJ) surrounding the c given point RR, and by fitting an (NCFT-1)-th degree polynomial through c them, interpolate to find the function CC(1) and its first IDER c derivatives (CC(I+1),I=1,IDER) evaluated at RR. c* Adapted by R.J. Le Roy from algorithm #416,Comm.A.C.M.; 27/02/1988 c======================================================================= INTEGER I,J,K,I1,I2,IFC,IM,IDER,J1,NH,NPT,NCFT REAL*8 RR,XX,XI(NPT),YI(NPT),C(NCFT),XJ(20),YJ(20) c IF((NCFT.GT.20).OR.(NCFT.GT.NPT)) GO TO 101 NH= NCFT/2 c** First locate the known mesh points (XJ,YJ) bracketing RR I1= 1 I2= NCFT IF(NCFT.NE.NPT) THEN IF(XI(NPT).LE.XI(1)) THEN DO I= 1,NPT IM= I IF(XI(I).LT.RR) GO TO 20 ENDDO ELSE DO I= 1,NPT IM= I IF(XI(I).GT.RR) GO TO 20 ENDDO ENDIF 20 I1= IM-NH IF(I1.LE.0) I1= 1 I2= I1+NCFT-1 IF(I2.GT.NPT) THEN I2= NPT I1= I2-NCFT+1 ENDIF ENDIF J= 0 DO I= I1,I2 J= J+1 XJ(J)= XI(I)-RR YJ(J)= YI(I) ENDDO c** Now determine polynomial coefficients C(I). DO I= 2,NCFT I1= I-1 K= I1+1 DO J= 1,I1 K= K-1 YJ(K)= (YJ(K+1)-YJ(K))/(XJ(I)-XJ(K)) ENDDO ENDDO C(1)= YJ(1) DO I= 2,NCFT XX= XJ(I) C(I)= C(I-1) IF(I.NE.2) THEN I1= I-1 K= I1+1 DO J= 2,I1 K= K-1 C(K)= -XX*C(K)+C(K-1) ENDDO ENDIF C(1)= YJ(I)-XX*C(1) ENDDO c** Finally, convert polynomial coefficients to derivatives at RR. IFC= 1 IF(IDER.GE.NCFT) IDER= NCFT-1 IF(IDER.LE.1) GO TO 99 DO I= 2,IDER J= I+1 IFC= IFC*I C(J)= C(J)*IFC ENDDO IF(J.LT.NCFT) THEN J1= J+1 DO I= J1,NCFT C(I)= 0.D+0 ENDDO ENDIF 99 RETURN 101 WRITE(6,601) NCFT,NCFT,NPT STOP 601 FORMAT(/' *** Dimensioning ERROR in PLYINTRP : either (NCFT=', 1 I2,' .GT. 20) or (NCFT=',I2,' .GT. NPT=',I3,')') END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE SPLINT(LNPT,NTP,R1,V1,MBEG,MEND,XX,YY) c** Subroutine to generate (if LNPT.ge.0) 4*NTP coefficients CSP(J) c of a cubic spline passing through the NTP points (R1(J),V1(J)) c and to then calculate values of the resulting function YY(I) at the c entering abscissae values XX(I) for I=MBEG to MEND. c** If LNPT < 0 , generate function values at the given XX(I) using c the coefficients CSP(J) obtained and SAVEd on a preceding call. c** Assumes both R1(J) & XX(I) are monotonic increasing. c+++++ Calls only subroutine SPLINE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c====================================================================== INTEGER MAXSP PARAMETER (MAXSP=6400) INTEGER I,IER,I1ST,IDER,JK,K,KK,LNPT,N2,N3,NIPT,NTP,MBEG,MEND REAL*8 EPS,R2,RI,RRR,TTMP,R1(NTP),V1(NTP),CSP(MAXSP), 1 YY(MEND),XX(MEND) SAVE CSP c IF(4*NTP.GT.MAXSP) THEN WRITE(6,602) MAXSP,NTP STOP ENDIF EPS= 1.D-6*(R1(2)-R1(1)) N2= 2*NTP N3= 3*NTP IF(LNPT.GT.0) THEN c** On first pass for a given data set, generate spline function c coefficients in subroutine SPLINE c** Start by using a cubic polynomial at each end of the range to get c the first derivative at each end for use in defining the spline. IDER= 1 NIPT= 4 I1ST= NTP-3 CALL PLYINTRP(R1(I1ST),V1(I1ST),NIPT,R1(NTP),CSP,NIPT,IDER) TTMP= CSP(2) CALL PLYINTRP(R1,V1,NIPT,R1(1),CSP,NIPT,IDER) CSP(1)= CSP(2) CSP(2)= TTMP c** Now call routine to actually generate spline coefficients CALL SPLINE(R1,V1,NTP,3,CSP,MAXSP,IER) IF(IER .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(6,604) STOP ENDIF ENDIF IF(MEND.LT.MBEG) GO TO 99 c** Now, use spline to generate function at desired points XX(I) DO I= MBEG,MEND RI= XX(I) RRR= RI-EPS KK= 1 c** For a monotonic increasing distance array XX(I), this statement c speeds up the search for which set of cubic coefficients to use. IF(I.GT.MBEG) THEN IF(XX(I).GT.XX(I-1)) KK= JK ENDIF DO K= KK,NTP JK= K IF(R1(K).GE.RRR) GO TO 64 ENDDO 64 CONTINUE JK= JK-1 IF(JK.LT.1) JK= 1 R2= RI-R1(JK) YY(I)= CSP(JK)+R2*(CSP(NTP+JK)+R2*(CSP(N2+JK)+R2*CSP(N3+JK))) ENDDO 99 RETURN 602 FORMAT(' *** ERROR in SPLINT *** Array dimension MAXSP=',I4, 1 ' cannot contain spline coefficients for NTP=',I4) 604 FORMAT(' *** ERROR in generating spline coefficients in SPLINE') END c********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE SPLINE(X,Y,N,IOPT,C,N4,IER) c** Subroutine for generating cubic spline coefficients c C(J), (J=1,N4=4*N) through the N points X(I), Y(I). c** C(I+M*N), M=0-3 are the coefficients of order 0-3 of cubic c polynomial expanded about X(I) so as to describe the interval: c - X(I) to X(I+1) , if X(I) in increasing order c - X(I-1) to X(I) , if X(I) in decreasing order. c** IOPT indicates boundary conditions used in creating the spline . c* If (IOPT=0) second derivatives = zero at both ends of range. c* If (IOPT=1) 1st derivative at first point X(1) fixed at C(1), c and 2nd derivative at X(N) = zero. c* If (IOPT=2) 1st derivative at last point X(N) fixed at C(2), c and 2nd derivative at X(1) = zero. c* If (IOPT=3) constrain first derivatives at end points to have c (read in) values C(1) at X(1) & C(2) at X(N) c** IER is the error flag. IER=0 on return if routine successful. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER I,II,IER,IOH,IOL,IOPT,J,J1,J2,J3,NER,N,N4,JMP REAL*8 A,H,R,DY2,DYA,DYB,XB,XC,YA,YB, X(N),Y(N),C(N4) c JMP= 1 NER= 1000 IF(N.LE.1) GO TO 250 c** Initialization XC= X(1) YB= Y(1) H= 0.D0 A= 0.D0 R= 0.D0 DYB= 0.D0 NER= 2000 c c IOL=0 - given derivative at firstpoint c IOH=0 - given derivative at last point c IOL= IOPT-1 IOH= IOPT-2 IF(IOH.EQ.1) THEN IOL= 0 IOH= 0 ENDIF DY2= C(2) c c Form the system of linear equations c and eliminate subsequentially c J= 1 DO I= 1,N J2= N+I J3= J2+N A= H*(2.D0-A) DYA= DYB+H*R IF(I.GE.N) THEN c c set derivative dy2 at last point c DYB= DY2 H= 0.D0 IF(IOH.EQ.0) GOTO 200 DYB= DYA GOTO 220 ENDIF J= J+JMP XB= XC XC= X(J) H= XC-XB c c II= 0 - increasing abscissae c II= 1 - decreasing abscissae c II= 0 IF(H.LT.0) II= 1 IF(H.EQ.0) GO TO 250 YA= YB YB= Y(J) DYB= (YB-YA)/H IF(I.LE.1) THEN J1= II IF(IOL.NE.0) GO TO 220 DYA= C(1) ENDIF 200 IF(J1.NE.II) GO TO 250 A= 1.D0/(H+H+A) 220 R= A*(DYB-DYA) C(J3)= R A= H*A C(J2)= A C(I)= DYB ENDDO c c back substitution of the system of linear equations c and computation of the other coefficients c A= 1.D0 J1= J3+N+II-II*N I= N DO IOL= 1,N XB= X(J) H= XC-XB XC= XB A= A+H YB= R R= C(J3)-R*C(J2) YA= R+R C(J3)= YA+R C(J2)= C(I)-H*(YA+YB) C(J1)= (YB-R)/A C(I)= Y(J) A= 0.D0 J= J-JMP I= I-1 J2= J2-1 J3= J3-1 J1= J3+N+II ENDDO IER= 0 RETURN 250 IER= NER RETURN END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE POTGEN(LNPT,NPP,IAN1,IAN2,IMN1,IMN2,VLIM,XO,RM2,VV, 1 NCN,CNN) c** Generate analytic potential VV(i) as specified by the choice c of parameter IPOTL (see comments in PREPOT (& in main program)) c** All potentials generated in units cm-1 with absolute asymptote at c (input) energy VLIM for distance array X0(i) Angstroms. c** Return with NCN equal to power of asymptotically dominant inverse c power term in long range part of potential c** Born-Oppenheimer correction functions in IPOTL=3 option may have up c to NBOB+1 terms. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER NBOB PARAMETER (NBOB=20) INTEGER I,J,M,IBOB,IAN1,IAN2,IMN1,IMN2,RMN1,RMN2,IORD,IPOTL, 1 NC1,NC2,NG1,NG2,NCMAX,NPAR,MPAR,NVARB,NPP,LNPT,NCN,GNS,GEL CHARACTER*2 NAME1,NAME2 REAL*8 A0,A1,A2,A3,ALFA,BETA,BINF,B1,B2,CSAV, 1 ABUND,CNN,DSCM,DX,DX1,FCT, 2 FC1,FC2,MASS1,MASS2,RMASS1,RMASS2,RC6,RC8,RC10,RC12,RC14, 3 RCNPAR,RD,RDIF,REQ,RPOW,RX,SC1,SC2,SG1,SG2,VLIM,VMIN, 4 XDF,X1,XM,XN,XM2C,XP1,ZZ,ZP, CA1(0:NBOB),CA2(0:NBOB), 5 GA1(0:NBOB),GA2(0:NBOB),PARM(20),XO(NPP),VV(NPP),RM2(NPP) c SAVE IBOB,IPOTL,IORD,MPAR,NPAR,NVARB,DSCM,REQ,PARM,CA1,CA2,GA1, 1 GA2,RX,CSAV c IF(LNPT.GT.0) THEN c** Parameter definitions listed preceeding CALL in subroutine PREPOT c----------------------------------------------------------------------- READ(5,*) IPOTL, MPAR, NPAR, NVARB, IBOB, DSCM, REQ IF(IPOTL.EQ.1) NVARB= 0 IF((IPOTL.EQ.3).AND.(NPAR.EQ.-1)) NVARB= 2 IF(NVARB.GT.0) READ(5,*) (PARM(I), I=1,NVARB) IF(IBOB.GT.0) THEN READ(5,*) RMN1, RMN2, NC1, NC2, NG1, NG2, RX c----------------------------------------------------------------------- NCMAX= MAX0(NC1,NC2,NG1,NG2) IF(NCMAX.LT.0) THEN IBOB= 0 ELSE c** If appropriate, read parameters & prepare to add mass-dep. BOB corrn CALL MASSES(IAN1,IMN1,NAME1,GEL,GNS,MASS1,ABUND) CALL MASSES(IAN1,RMN1,NAME1,GEL,GNS,RMASS1,ABUND) CALL MASSES(IAN2,IMN2,NAME2,GEL,GNS,MASS2,ABUND) CALL MASSES(IAN2,RMN2,NAME2,GEL,GNS,RMASS2,ABUND) WRITE(6,628) c For simplicity, first zero out all correction function coefficients DO I=0,NCMAX CA1(I)= 0.d0 CA2(I)= 0.d0 GA1(I)= 0.d0 GA2(I)= 0.d0 ENDDO FC1= 0.d0 FC2= 0.d0 c======================================================================= c** Read actual B-O-B polynomial expansion coefficients c======================================================================= IF(NC1.GE.0) THEN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- READ(5,*) (CA1(I), I=0,NC1) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(RX.LE.0.d0) THEN WRITE(6,630) 1,MASS1,NC1,NAME1,RMN1,NAME1, 1 IMN1,NC1+1,(CA1(I),I= 0,NC1) FC1= 1.d0 - RMASS1/MASS1 ELSE WRITE(6,632) 1,MASS1,NC1,NAME1,IMN1,NC1+1, 1 (CA1(I),I= 0,NC1) FC1= 1.d0/MASS1 ENDIF ENDIF IF(NC2.GE.0) THEN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- READ(5,*) (CA2(I), I=0,NC2) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(RX.LE.0.d0) THEN WRITE(6,630) 2,MASS2,NC2,NAME2,RMN2,NAME2, 1 IMN2,NC2+1,(CA2(I),I= 0,NC2) FC2= 1.d0 - RMASS2/MASS2 ELSE WRITE(6,632) 2,MASS2,NC2,NAME2,IMN2,NC2+1, 1 (CA2(I),I=0,NC2) FC2= 1.d0/MASS2 ENDIF ENDIF IF(NG1.GE.0) THEN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- READ(5,*) (GA1(I), I=0,NG1) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(RX.LE.0.d0) THEN WRITE(6,634) 1,MASS1,NG1,NAME1,RMN1,NAME1, 1 IMN1,NG1+1,(GA1(I),I= 0,NG1) ELSE WRITE(6,636) 1,MASS1,NG1,NAME1,IMN1,RX, 1 NG1+1,(GA1(I),I= 0,NG1) ENDIF ENDIF IF(NG2.GE.0) THEN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- READ(5,*) (GA2(I), I=0,NG2) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(RX.LE.0.d0) THEN WRITE(6,634) 2,MASS2,NG2,NAME2,RMN2,NAME2, 1 IMN2,NG2+1,(GA2(I),I= 0,NG2) ELSE WRITE(6,636) 2,MASS2,NG2,NAME2,IMN2,RX, 1 NG2+1,(GA2(I),I= 0,NG2) ENDIF ENDIF DO I=0,NCMAX CA1(I)= CA1(I)*FC1 CA2(I)= CA2(I)*FC2 IF(RX.LE.0.d0) THEN GA1(I)= GA1(I)*(1.d0-FC1) GA2(I)= GA2(I)*(1.d0-FC2) ELSE GA1(I)= GA1(I)*FC1 GA2(I)= GA2(I)*FC2 ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF IF(IPOTL.EQ.1) THEN c======================================================================= c** Generate a Lennard-Jones(MPAR,NPAR) potential here. c======================================================================= XM= MPAR XN= NPAR XDF= DSCM/(XM-XN) IF(LNPT.GE.0) WRITE(6,600) MPAR,NPAR,DSCM,REQ NCN= NPAR CNN= XM*XDF*REQ**NPAR DO I= 1,NPP VV(I)= (XN*(REQ/XO(I))**MPAR - XM*(REQ/XO(I))**NPAR)*XDF 1 +VLIM ENDDO ENDIF IF(IPOTL.EQ.2) THEN c======================================================================= c** Generate an MLJ potential [as per JCP 112, 3949 (2000)] here ... c======================================================================= NCN= NPAR IORD= NVARB-1 IF(MPAR.LE.0) THEN c If appropriate, prepare to calculate switching function IORD= IORD- 3 CNN= PARM(NVARB-2) BINF= DLOG(2.d0*DSCM*REQ**NPAR/CNN) ALFA= PARM(NVARB- 1) RX= PARM(NVARB) ELSE c Generate limiting Cn value for non-switching case from BINF BINF= 0.D0 DO I= 1,NVARB BINF= BINF+ PARM(I) ENDDO CNN= 2.d0*DSCM*REQ**NPAR *DEXP(-BINF) ENDIF IF(LNPT.GT.0) THEN WRITE(6,602) DSCM,REQ IF(MPAR.GT.0) WRITE(6,603) IORD,MPAR,MPAR,MPAR,MPAR, 1 IORD+1,(PARM(J),J= 1,IORD+1) IF(MPAR.LE.0) WRITE(6,603) IORD,1,1,1,1, 1 IORD+1,(PARM(J),J= 1,IORD+1) IF(MPAR.LE.0) WRITE(6,604) NPAR,NPAR,NPAR,PARM(NVARB-2), 1 PARM(NVARB-1),PARM(NVARB) ENDIF NCN= NPAR c Loop over distance array XO(I) DO I= 1,NPP ZZ= (XO(I)- REQ)/(XO(I)+ REQ) IF(MPAR.GT.1) ZZ= (XO(i)**MPAR - REQ**MPAR)/ 1 (XO(i)**MPAR + REQ**MPAR) BETA= 0.d0 DO J= IORD,0,-1 BETA= BETA*ZZ+ PARM(J+1) ENDDO c Calculate and apply switching function to MLJ exponent coefficient IF(MPAR.LE.0) BETA= BINF+ (BETA- BINF)/ 1 (1.d0+ DEXP(ALFA*(XO(I) - RX))) VV(I)= DSCM*(1.d0 - (REQ/XO(I))**NPAR *DEXP(-BETA*ZZ))**2 1 - DSCM+ VLIM ENDDO ENDIF IF(IPOTL.EQ.3) THEN c======================================================================= c** Generate a simple Morse, or Extended (EMO) Morse potential, or as c special cases, Coxon's GMO or Wei Hua's generalized Morse c======================================================================= BETA= PARM(1) NCN= 99 IF(LNPT.GE.0) THEN IF(MPAR.EQ.-1) THEN c** Option to generate Wei Hua's extended 4-parameter Morse-type potl. CSAV= PARM(2) WRITE(6,605) DSCM,REQ,CSAV,BETA ELSE IF(NVARB.LE.1) WRITE(6,606) DSCM,REQ,BETA IF(NVARB.GT.1) THEN IF(MPAR.GT.0) WRITE(6,608) DSCM,REQ,NVARB-1, 1 MPAR,MPAR,MPAR,MPAR,NVARB,(PARM(i),i= 1,NVARB) IF(MPAR.EQ.-2) WRITE(6,610) DSCM,REQ,NVARB-1, 1 (PARM(i),i= 1,NVARB) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF c Loop over distance array XO(I) DO I= 1,NPP c ... for Wei Hua's extended Morse function ... IF(MPAR.EQ.-1) THEN VV(I)= DSCM*((1.d0 - DEXP(-BETA*(XO(I)-REQ)))/(1.d0 1 - CSAV*DEXP(-BETA*(XO(I)-REQ))))**2 - DSCM+ VLIM ELSE IF(NVARB.GT.1) THEN ZZ= (XO(I)- REQ)/(XO(I)+ REQ) IF(MPAR.GT.1) ZZ= (XO(i)**MPAR - REQ**MPAR)/ 1 (XO(i)**MPAR + REQ**MPAR) c ... for Coxon-Hajigeorgiou "GMO" potential IF(MPAR.EQ.-2) ZZ= (XO(I)- REQ) BETA= 0.d0 DO J= NVARB,1,-1 BETA= BETA*ZZ+ PARM(J) ENDDO ENDIF VV(I)= DSCM*(1.d0 - DEXP(-BETA*(XO(I)-REQ)))**2 1 - DSCM+ VLIM ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF IF(IPOTL.EQ.4) THEN c======================================================================= c** Generate Seto-modified form of Surkus' GPEF function which includes c Dunham, SPF and OT forms as special cases. c======================================================================= VMIN= VLIM VLIM= 1.d9 A0= DSCM IORD= NVARB-2 X1= 1.d0 FCT= PARM(NVARB-1) IF((NPAR.NE.0).AND.(DABS(FCT).GT.0.d0)) THEN FCT= 1.d0/PARM(NVARB-1) DO J=1,IORD X1= X1+ PARM(J)*FCT**J ENDDO DSCM= DSCM*X1*FCT**2 + VMIN ENDIF IF(NPAR.EQ.1) THEN c Cases with power =1 (including Dunham, SPF & O-T expansions). IF(DABS(PARM(NVARB-1)).LE.0.d0) THEN c ... print for Dunham expansion ... WRITE(6,612) PARM(NVARB),REQ,VMIN,A0,NVARB-2, 1 (PARM(I),I= 1,NVARB-2) NCN= -99 CNN= 0.d0 ENDIF IF(DABS(PARM(NVARB)).LE.0.d0) THEN c ... print for Simons-Parr-Finlan expansion ... WRITE(6,614) PARM(NVARB-1),REQ,DSCM,A0,NVARB-2, 1 (PARM(I),I= 1,NVARB-2) NCN= 1 ENDIF IF(DABS(PARM(NVARB)-PARM(NVARB-1)).LE.0.d0) THEN c ... print for Ogilvie-Tipping expansion ... WRITE(6,616) PARM(NVARB),REQ,DSCM,A0,NVARB-2, 1 (PARM(I),I= 1,NVARB-2) NCN= 1 ENDIF ENDIF IF((NPAR.NE.0).AND.((NPAR.NE.1).OR. 1 ((DABS(PARM(NVARB)-PARM(NVARB-1)).GT.0.d0).AND. 2 (DABS(PARM(NVARB)*PARM(NVARB-1)).GT.0.d0)))) THEN c ... print for general GPEF expansion variable ... IF(NPAR.LT.0) THEN c ... for negative NPAR, convert to equivalent positive NPAR case NPAR= -NPAR A1= PARM(NVARB) PARM(NVARB)= -PARM(NVARB-1) PARM(NVARB-1)= -A1 ENDIF WRITE(6,618) NPAR,NPAR,PARM(NVARB-1),NPAR,PARM(NVARB), 1 NPAR,REQ,DSCM,A0,NVARB-2,(PARM(I),I= 1,NVARB-2) NCN= NPAR ENDIF IF(NPAR.EQ.0) THEN c** For case of simple power series in R itself WRITE(6,620) NVARB,(PARM(I),I= 1,NVARB) DO I= 1, NPP ZP= 1.d0 A1= 0.d0 DO J= 1,NVARB A1= A1+ PARM(J)*ZP ZP= ZP*XO(I) ENDDO VV(I)= A1+ VMIN ENDDO VLIM= VV(NPP) RETURN ENDIF c ... otherwise - generate potential as a GPEF-type expansion DO I= 1, NPP ZZ= (XO(I)**NPAR - REQ**NPAR)/(PARM(NVARB-1)*XO(I)**NPAR 1 + PARM(NVARB)*REQ**NPAR) A1= 1.d0 ZP= 1.d0 DO J=1, NVARB-2 ZP= ZP*ZZ A1= A1+ PARM(J)*ZP ENDDO VV(I)= A0*ZZ*ZZ*A1 + VMIN ENDDO ENDIF IF(IPOTL.EQ.5) THEN c======================================================================= c** For generalized H.F.D.(NPAR,6,8,10,12,14) potential with reduced c form VBAR = ALFA*x**PARM(5) * exp[-BETR*x - PARM(4)*x**2] - D(x)* c [PARM(6)/x**NPAR + PARM(7)/x**6 + PARM(8)/x**8 + PARM(9)/x**10 c + PARM(10)/X**12 + PARM(11)/X**14] where x=r/R_e , c VBAR= V/epsilon and D(x)= exp[-PARM(1)*(PARM(2)/x - 1)**PARM(3)] c for x < PARM(2) c======================================================================= A1= PARM(1) A2= PARM(2) A3= PARM(3) B2= PARM(4) RC8= 0.d0 RC10= 0.d0 RC12= 0.d0 RC14= 0.d0 RCNPAR= PARM(6) NCN= 6 IF(RCNPAR.GT.0.d0) NCN= NPAR RC6= PARM(7) IF(NVARB.ge.8) RC8= PARM(8) IF(NVARB.ge.9) RC10= PARM(9) IF(NVARB.ge.10) RC12= PARM(10) IF(NVARB.ge.11) RC14= PARM(11) DX= 1.d0 DX1= 0.d0 IF(A2.GT.1.d0) THEN DX= DEXP(-A1*(A2- 1.d0)**A3) DX1= A1*A2*A3*DX*(A2- 1.d0)**(A3- 1.d0) ENDIF ALFA= -1.D0+ (RCNPAR+ RC6+ RC8+ RC10+ RC12+ RC14)*DX IF(ALFA.LE.0.d0) THEN WRITE(6,622) RCNPAR,RC6,RC8,RC10,RC12,RC14,ALFA STOP ENDIF B1= ((NPAR*RCNPAR+6.D0*RC6+8.D0*RC8+10.D0*RC10+12.d0*RC12+ 1 14.d0*RC14)*DX - (RCNPAR+RC6+RC8+RC10+RC12+RC14)*DX1)/ALFA 2 + PARM(5) - 2.D0*B2 ALFA= ALFA*DEXP(B1+B2) IF(LNPT.GE.0) WRITE(6,624) NPAR,PARM(5),B1,B2,ALFA*DSCM, 1 RCNPAR,RC6,RC8,RC10,RC12,RC14,A1,A2,A3,DSCM,REQ DO I= 1,NPP X1= XO(I)/REQ XP1= 0.0D0 IF((B1*X1+ B2*X1**2).LT.170.D0) XP1= DEXP(-X1*(B1+ B2*X1)) XP1= XP1*X1**PARM(5) FC1= 1.D0 IF(A2.GT.X1) FC1= DEXP(-A1*(A2/X1- 1.d0)**A3) XM2C= (REQ/XO(I))**2 VV(I)= DSCM*(ALFA*XP1- FC1*(((((RC14*XM2C+RC12)*XM2C+RC10) 1 *XM2C+ RC8)*XM2C+ RC6)*XM2C**3 + RCNPAR/X1**NPAR)) + VLIM ENDDO ENDIF IF(IBOB.GT.0) THEN c======================================================================= c** If appropriate, generate Born-Oppenheimer breakdown correction c functions to rotationless and/or centrifugal potential(s). c [Special "Coxon" option: if RX > 0.0, expand as per older Coxon work] c======================================================================= IF(RX.GE.0.D0) RDIF= REQ-RX DO I=1,NPP IF(RX.LE.0.d0) THEN ZZ= (XO(I)-REQ)/(XO(I)+REQ) ELSE ZZ= XO(I)- REQ RD= XO(I)- RX ENDIF SC1= 0.d0 SC2= 0.d0 SG1= 0.d0 SG2= 0.d0 RPOW= 1.d0 DO J= 0,NCMAX SC1= SC1+ RPOW*CA1(J) SC2= SC2+ RPOW*CA2(J) IF(RX.LE.0.d0) THEN SG1= SG1+ RPOW*GA1(J) SG2= SG2+ RPOW*GA2(J) ELSE M= J-1 SG1= SG1+ (RD**J -RDIF**J)*GA1(J) SG2= SG2+ (RD**J -RDIF**J)*GA2(J) ENDIF RPOW= RPOW*ZZ ENDDO RM2(I)= (1.d0+ SG1+ SG2)/XO(i)**2 VV(I)= VV(I) + SC1 + SC2 ENDDO ENDIF RETURN 600 FORMAT(/' Lennard-Jones(',I2,',',I2,') potential with De=', 1 F10.3,'(cm-1) Re =',F10.6,'(A)') 602 FORMAT(/' Use an MLJ potential with De =',F10.3, 1 '(cm-1) Re =',F12.8,'(A)') 603 FORMAT(3x,'with parameter BETA an order-',i2,' polynomial in y = 1 (R^',i1,' - Re^',i1,')/(R^',i1,' + Re^',i1,')'/' with',i3, 2 ' coefficients:',1PD16.8,2D16.8:/(8x,4D16.8:)) 604 FORMAT(' & exponent switching function yielding limiting C',i1, 1 '/R^',i1,' with C_',i1,'=',1PD13.6/10x,'defined by ALPHA_s=', 2 0Pf9.6,' R_s=',f10.6) 605 FORMAT(/' Potential is a Hua-Wei 4-parameter Morse type function w 1ith De =',F11.4/11x,'Re =',F12.9,' C=',f7.4,' & beta=', 1 F13.10,' [1/Angstroms]') 606 FORMAT(/' Potential is a simple Morse function with De =',F11.4, 1 ' Re =',F12.9/39x,'and beta =',F13.10,' [1/Angstroms]') 608 FORMAT(/' Potential is Extended Morse Oscillator with De=', 1 F11.4,' Re=',F12.9/3x,'Exponent factor "beta" is order-',i2, 2 ' power series in y=(R^',i1,' -Re^',i1,')/(R^',i1,' +Re^',i1,')' 3 /' with',I3,' coefficients:',1x,1PD18.9,2D18.9:/(7X,4D18.9:)) 610 FORMAT(/' Potential is Generalized Morse Oscillator with De=', 1 F10.3,' Re=',F11.8/4x,'Exponent factor "beta" is',i3,' order po 2wer series in (R-Re) with coefficients:'/4x,1PD18.9,3D18.9:/ 3 (4X,4D18.9:)) 612 FORMAT(/' Potential is a Dunham expansion in (R-Re)/(',f5.2, 1 ' * Re) with Re=',f12.9/' V(Re)=',f12.4,' a0=',1PD16.9, 2 ' and',i3,' a_i coefficients:'/(5D16.8)) 614 FORMAT(/' Potential is an SPF expansion in (R-Re)/(',F5.2, 1 '* R) with Re=',f12.9/5x,'De=',g18.10,' b0=', 2 1PD16.9,' and',i3,' b_i coefficients:'/(5D16.8)) 616 FORMAT(/' Potential is an O-T expansion in (R-Re)/[',f5.2, 1 '*(R+Re)] with Re=',f12.9/5x,'De=',G18.10, 2 ' c0=',1PD16.9,' and',i3,' c_i coefficients:'/(5D16.8)) 618 FORMAT(/' Potential is a general GPEF expansion in (R^',i1, 1 ' - Re^',i1,')/(',SP,F5.2,'*R^',SS,i1,SP,F6.2,'*Re^',SS,i1,')'/ 2 5x,'with Re=',f12.9,' De=',g18.10,' g0=',1PD16.9/ 3 5x,'and',i3,' g_i coefficients: ',3D16.8/(5D16.8:)) 620 FORMAT(/' Potential is an',i3,'-term power series in R with coef 1ficients (starting from power=0):'/(5D16.8)) 622 FORMAT(/' *** ERROR in generating HFD potential *** C',i1, 1 ', C6, C8, C10, C12, C14 =',6G15.7/10X,'yield ALFA =',G15.7) 624 FORMAT(/' Potential is Generalized HFD(',i1,',6,8,10,12,14) with', 1 ' gamma=',f9.6/' beta1=',f12.8,' beta2=',f9.6,' A=', 2 1PD16.9/" reduced {Cn's}:",3D14.6/19x,3D14.6/' Damping func 3tion D(R)= exp[ -',0Pf6.4,'*(',f7.4,'/X -1.0)**',f5.2,']' / 4 ' & DSCM=',f10.4,'[cm-1] Re=',f9.6,'[Angst.]') 628 FORMAT(' ') 630 FORMAT(' B-O-B correction to rotationless potential for atom-', 1 I1,' of mass ',f14.10/5x,'is [order-',I2,' polynomial in {(R-R 2e)/(R+Re)}] * [1- MASS(',A2,i3,')/MASS(',A2,I3,')]'/5x,'with',i3, 3 ' coefficients:',3G18.10:/(8x,4G18.10:)) 632 FORMAT(' B-O-B correction to rotationless potential for atom-', 1 I1,' of mass ',f14.10/5x,'is [order-',I2,' polynomial in (R-Re) 2]/[MASS(',A2,I3,')] with',i3,' coefficients:'/(5x,4G18.10:)) 634 FORMAT(' B-O-Breakdown correction to centrifugal term for atom-', 1 I1,' of mass ',f14.10/5x,'is [order-',I2,' polynomial in {(R-Re 2/(R+Re)}] * [MASS(',A2,I3,')/MASS(',A2,I3,')]'/5x,'with',i3,' coef 3ficients:',3G18.10:/(8x,4G18.10:)) 636 FORMAT(' B-O-Breakdown correction to centrifugal term for atom-', 1 I1,' of mass ',f14.10/5x,'is [order-',I2,' polynomial in {(R-Rx 2)**i - (Re-Rx)**i}] / [MASS(',A2,I3,')]'/5x,'with Rx=',f6.3, 3 ' &',i3,' coefficients: ',1PD18.9,D18.9:/(5x,4D18.9:)) END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** c** Version 0.9s dated Mar 7, 2000. c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE ALF(NDP,RMIN,RH,V,SWF,VLIM,KVMAX,AFLAG,ZMU,EPS,NCN,GV, 1 INNR,IWR) c*********************************************************************** c** The subroutine ALF (Automatic vibrational Level Finder) will c automatically generate the eigenvalues from the first vibrational c level (v=0) to a user specified level (v=KVMAX) or the highest c allowed vibrational level of a given smooth single (or double) c minimum potential (V). These energies are stored and returned to the c calling program in the molecular constants array GV(v=0-KVMAX). c** For any errors that cannot be resolved within the subroutine, ALF c returns AFLAG with a value that defines which error had occured. c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c++ COPYRIGHT 1998 - 1999 by Jenning Seto and Robert J. Le Roy +++ c Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada + c This software may not be sold or any other commercial use made + c of it without the express written permission of the authors. + c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c+ Please inform me of any bugs, by phone at: (519)888-4567, ext. 4099 + c++++++++ by e-mail to: jyseto@uwaterloo.ca , or write me at: ++++++++++ c+++ Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 ++++ c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** Based on the automatic level finding routine found in LEVEL 6.0 c written by Robert J. Le Roy c** Uses the Schrodinger solver subroutine SCHRQ. c c** On entry: c NDP is the number of datapoints used for the potential. c RMIN is the inner radial distance of the potential (ang). c RH is the meshvalue (ang). c NDP, RMIN, and RH define the radial range over which the c potential is defined. c V(i) is the scaled input potential (cm-1). c The scaling factor BFCT is (2*mu/hbar^2)*RH^2. c VLIM is the potential asymptote (cm-1). c KVMAX is the maximum vibrational level for which we wish to find. c AFLAG is the rotational state of the potential. c ZMU is the reduced mass of the diatom (amu). c EPS is the energy convergence criterion (cm-1). c NCN is the near dissociation limit radial exponential. c IWR specifies the level of printing inside SCHRQ c <> 0 : print error & warning descriptions. c >= 1 : also print final eigenvalues & node count. c >= 2 : also show end-of-range wave function amplitudes. c >= 3 : print also intermediate trial eigenvalues, etc. c c** On exit: c KVMAX returns the highest allowed vibrational quantum number if c less than the inputed KVMAX. c AFLAG returns calculation outcome to calling program. c >= 0 : Subroutine has functioned normally. c = -1 : KVMAX larger than number of allowed levels. c = -2 : Initial trial energy is unusable. c = -3 : Calculated trial energy is unusable. c = -4 : Cannot find first vibrational level. c = -5 : Calculated trial energy too low. c = -6 : Calculated trial energy too high. c = -7 : An impossible situation occured. c = -8 : Potential found to have a second minimum. c GV(v) contains the vibrational energy level spacings and c rotational constants in cm-1 for each level. c INNR(v) labels each level as belonging to the inner (INNR = 1) or c outer (INNR = 0) well. c c** Flags: Modify only when debugging. c AWO specifies the level of printing inside ALF c <> 0 : print error & warning descriptions. c > 0 : also print intermediate ALF messages. c MCO specifies the level of printing of molecular constants. c > 0 : print out vibrational energies to channel-21. c INNER specifies wave function matching (& initiation) conditions. c = 0 : Match inward & outward solutions at outermost wave c function maximum c <>0 : Match at inner edge of classically allowed region. c < 0 : uses zero slope inner boundary condition. c For most normal cases set INNER = 0, but ...... c To find "inner-well-dominated" solutions of an asymmetric c double minimum potential, set INNER > 0. c To find symmetric eigenfunctions of a symmetric potential, c set INNER < 0 & start integration (set RMIN) at potential c mid point. c LPRWF specifies option of printing out generated wavefunction c > 0 : print wave function every LPRWF-th point. c < 0 : compactly write to channel-7 every |LPRWF|-th wave c function value. c A lead "card" identifies the level, gives the position of c 1-st point and radial mesh, & states No. of points. c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** The dimensioning parameters must be consistant with the sizes of the c arrays used in the calling program. c c NVIBMX is the maximum number of vibrational levels considered. c Note: NVIBMX should be larger than KVMAX. c INTEGER NVIBMX PARAMETER (NVIBMX = 400) c c** NF counts levels found in automatic search option c c** OWL holds the vibrational levels that are contained in the outer c well. c** IWL holds the vibrational levels that are contained in the inner c well (if present). c INTEGER NDP,KVMAX,NCN,KV,AFLAG,NF,NBEG,NEND,INNR(0:KVMAX),IWR, 1 I,IZPE,IVDIF,IVCOR,IQT,IEG,LTRY,AWO,MCO,INNER,LPRWF,JROT, 2 NPMIN, NPMAX, NIWL,IWL(0:NVIBMX),NOWL,OWL(0:NVIBMX) c REAL*8 RMIN,RMAX,RH,V(NDP),SWF(NDP),VLIM,EO,ZMU,EPS, 1 GV(0:KVMAX),BV(0:NVIBMX),BVDOUT,BVDIN,AO,VD, 2 BZ,BFCT,PW,PWI,GAMA,VMIN,VMAX,RE,PMAX,VDMV,VDL,VDU, 3 VPMIN(10), RPMIN(10), VPMAX(10), RPMAX(10), 3 ZQ, ZH, Z1, Z2 c DATA AWO/0/,MCO/0/,LPRWF/0/ c DATA ZQ/0.25D0/,ZH/0.5D0/,Z1/1.D0/,Z2/2.D0/ c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** Check if the dimensions are adequate. c IF (KVMAX.GT.NVIBMX) THEN WRITE(6,610) WRITE(6,613) KVMAX, NVIBMX STOP ENDIF c c** Initialize level counters for each well. c DO I = 0,KVMAX INNR(I) = 0 IWL(I) = 0 OWL(I) = 0 END DO c c** Initialize the remaining variables and flags. c NF = 0 NIWL = 0 NOWL = 0 KV = 0 INNER = 0 LTRY = 0 CALL INITVAL(IQT,IVDIF,IZPE,IEG,IVCOR) c c** Store rotational quantum number. c JROT = AFLAG c c** Numerical factor 16.85762908 based on 1998 physical constants. c BZ = ZMU/16.85762908d0 BFCT = BZ*RH*RH c c** RMAX is the outer radial distance over which the potential is c defined. c RMAX = RMIN + DBLE(NDP-1)*RH c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** Locate the potential minima. c NPMIN = 0 DO I = 2,NDP-1 IF ((V(I).LT.V(I-1)).AND.(V(I).LT.V(I+1))) THEN NPMIN = NPMIN + 1 RPMIN(NPMIN) = RMIN + DBLE(I-1)*RH VPMIN(NPMIN) = V(I) / BFCT IF (NPMIN.EQ.10) GOTO 100 END IF END DO c c** If a minimum cannot be found, then print a warning and exit. c 100 IF (NPMIN.EQ.0) THEN WRITE(6,610) WRITE(6,614) STOP END IF c c** If more than two minima are found, then print a warning and exit. c IF (NPMIN.GT.2) THEN WRITE(6,605) WRITE(6,615) NPMIN, 'minima' * STOP END IF c c** Locate the potential maxima (if it exists). c NPMAX = 0 DO I = 2,NDP-1 IF ((V(I).GT.V(I-1)).AND.(V(I).GT.V(I+1))) THEN NPMAX = NPMAX + 1 RPMAX(NPMAX) = RMIN + DBLE(I-1)*RH VPMAX(NPMAX) = V(I) / BFCT IF (NPMAX.EQ.10) GOTO 150 END IF END DO c c** If no maxima were found, then set the maximum to be the value at the c end of the range. c 150 IF (NPMAX.EQ.0) THEN NPMAX = 1 RPMAX(NPMAX) = RMAX VPMAX(NPMAX) = V(NDP) / BFCT END IF c c** If more than three maxima are found, then print a warning and exit. c IF (NPMAX.GT.3) THEN WRITE(6,605) WRITE(6,615) NPMAX, 'maxima' * STOP END IF c c** If there is no rotationless barrier to assiciation, then set the c final VPMAX to be the value at the end of the range. c IF (RPMAX(NPMAX).LT.RPMIN(NPMIN)) THEN NPMAX = NPMAX + 1 RPMAX(NPMAX) = RMAX VPMAX(NPMAX) = V(NDP) / BFCT END IF c c** If a maxima occurs before a minima, then the potential turns over in c short range region and should not be used. Print a warning and exit. c IF (RPMAX(1).LT.RPMIN(1)) THEN WRITE(6,610) WRITE(6,616) RPMAX(1) * STOP END IF c c** Now find the absolute potential minimum. c VMIN = VPMIN(1) RE = RPMIN(1) DO I = 2,NPMIN IF (VMIN.GT.VPMIN(I)) THEN VMIN = VPMIN(I) RE = RPMIN(I) END IF END DO c c** Now find the absolute potential minimum. c VMAX = VPMAX(1) DO I = 2,NPMAX IF (VMAX.LT.VPMAX(I)) VMAX = VPMAX(I) END DO c c** If the absolute potential maximum is lower than the absolute c potential minimum, then print out an error statement and quit. c IF (VMAX.LE.VMIN) THEN WRITE(6,610) WRITE(6,617) STOP END IF c c** Otherwise, print out the results if desired. c IF (AWO.GT.0) THEN WRITE(6,650) NPMIN, VMIN WRITE(6,651) NPMAX, VMAX END IF c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** Calculate 2*NCN/(NCN - 2) for use when calculating trial energies. c PW = 20.0d0 IF ((NCN.GT.0).AND.(NCN.NE.2)) PW = Z2*DBLE(NCN)/(DBLE(NCN)-Z2) IF (VMAX.GT.VLIM) PW = Z2 PWI = Z1/PW c c** Use Lennard-Jones estimation of zero point energy to determine the c initial trial energy. c _____________________________ c vD + 0.5 = ao \/ZMU * De * Re^2 / 16.85762908 c c De = A (vD - v)^3 = A (vD + 0.5)^3 c c E(v=0) = VMIN + A [(vD + 0.5)^3 - vD^3] c c** Choose AO to have a value of 0.25. c AO = ZQ VD = AO * DSQRT(BZ*(VMAX-VMIN)) * RE - ZH AO = (VMAX-VMIN)*(Z1 - (VD/(VD+ZH))**3) EO = VMIN + AO c c** If desired, write out energy level information. c IF (MCO.GE.1) THEN WRITE(21,2100) WRITE(21,2110) RMIN, RMAX, RH, BZ, ZMU WRITE(21,2111) EPS WRITE(21,2112) WRITE(21,2101) END IF c=========== Begin Actual Eigenvalue Calculation Loop Here ============= c** Compute eigenvalues ... etc up to the KVMAXth vibrational level. c** When attempts to find the next eigenvalue fails, then perhaps the c next level is located in a second (inner) well. If so, then the c subroutine will set INNER = 1, and attempt to find that level. c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** Call subroutine SCHRQ to find eigenvalue EO and eigenfunction SWF(I). c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 10 IF (AWO.GT.0) THEN WRITE(6,601) IF (INNER.EQ.0) WRITE(6,602) IF (INNER.EQ.1) WRITE(6,603) END IF CALL SCHRQ(KV,JROT,EO,GAMA,PMAX,VLIM,V,SWF,BFCT,EPS,RMIN,RH,NDP, 1 NBEG,NEND,INNER,IWR,LPRWF) c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** The SCHRQ error condition is KV < 0. c There are three possible situations to consider: c EO > VMAX : Trial energy greater than potential maximum c NF = 0 : Looking for the first vibrational level (v = 0) c NF > 0 : Looking for the other vibrational levels (v > 0) c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** For the case when the next trial energy is higher than the potential c maximum, try one last ditch attempt to find the highest bound level c (quasi or otherwise) in the potential. c IF ((KV.LT.0).AND.(EO.GT.VMAX)) THEN IF (LTRY.LT.1) THEN LTRY = 1 KV = 999 EO = VMAX - 1.0d-2 c c** If unsucessful, then print out a warning and exit. c ELSE IF (AWO.NE.0) THEN WRITE(6,605) WRITE(6,606) NF, EO, VMAX END IF AFLAG = -1 GOTO 200 END IF c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** If trying to find the first vibrational level (v=0), then double the c zero point energy estimation (AO). c c E(v=0) = VMIN + IQT*AO c ELSEIF ((KV.LT.0).AND.(NF.EQ.0)) THEN IF (IQT.GT.1) THEN IF (AWO.NE.0) THEN WRITE(6,610) WRITE(6,611) WRITE(6,620) IQT, EO END IF c c** If this fails, then try changing the wavefunction matching c condition (INNER) to see if a possible second minimum contains the c zero point level. c IF (INNER.EQ.0) THEN INNER = 1 CALL INITVAL(IQT,IVDIF,IZPE,IEG,IVCOR) c c** If both attempts fail, then print out warning message and exit the c subroutine. c ELSE AFLAG = -2 GOTO 200 END IF END IF IQT = IQT + 1 EO = VMIN + DBLE(IQT)*AO c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** If trying to find other vibrational levels (v > 0) then switch to c use of differences for estimating spacing. c ELSEIF ((KV.LT.0).AND.(NF.GT.0)) THEN IF (IVDIF.GT.0) THEN IF (AWO.NE.0) THEN WRITE(6,610) WRITE(6,612) WRITE(6,621) NF,IVDIF END IF c c** If differences fails, then try changing the wavefunction matching c condition (INNER) to see if a possible second minimum contains the c zero point level. c IF (INNER.EQ.0) THEN INNER = 1 CALL INITVAL(IQT,IVDIF,IZPE,IEG,IVCOR) c c** If both attempts fail, then print out warning message and exit the c subroutine. c ELSE AFLAG = -3 GOTO 200 END IF END IF IVDIF = 1 IF (INNER.EQ.0) THEN CALL DTENG(IEG,NF,NOWL,OWL,NVIBMX,VMIN,GV,EO) ELSE CALL DTENG(IEG,NF,NIWL,IWL,NVIBMX,VMIN,GV,EO) END IF c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** If first level found isn't v=0, try up to 3 times to 'harmonically' c estimate improved trial ground state energy. c c E(v=0) = E(v=KV) - (E(v=KV) - VMIN)/(1 + KV/2) c ELSEIF ((KV.GT.0).AND.(NF.EQ.0)) THEN IF (IZPE.GT.3) THEN IF (AWO.NE.0) THEN WRITE(6,610) WRITE(6,611) WRITE(6,622) IZPE,GV(0),KV,EO END IF c c** If differences fails, then try changing the wavefunction matching c condition (INNER) to see if a possible second minimum contains the c zero point level. c IF (INNER.EQ.0) THEN INNER = 1 CALL INITVAL(IQT,IVDIF,IZPE,IEG,IVCOR) c c** If both attempts fail, then print out warning message and exit the c subroutine. c ELSE AFLAG = -4 GOTO 200 END IF END IF IZPE = IZPE + 1 EO = EO - (EO-VMIN)/(Z1+ZH/KV) c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** For the next three cases, KV >= 0 and NF > 0. c** If the calculated vibrational level is less than the next expected c level, then the estimated trial energy is too low. c** Perhaps the difference in energy between vibrational levels v and c v-1 is much greater than the energy between levels v-1 and v-2. c c E(v) - E(v-1) >> E(v-1) - E (v-2) c c In which case (most likely a potential with a shelf), try twice to c estimate a higher trial energy. c c E(v) = E(v-1) + (1+IEG/2) * (2*(E(v-1)-E(v-2)) - (E(v-2)-E(v-3))) c ELSEIF (KV.LT.NF) THEN IF (IEG.GT.1) THEN IF (AWO.NE.0) THEN WRITE(6,610) WRITE(6,612) WRITE(6,623) NF, KV END IF c c** If this fails, then try changing the wavefunction matching c condition (INNER) to see if a possible second minimum contains the c zero point level. c IF (INNER.EQ.0) THEN INNER = 1 CALL INITVAL(IQT,IVDIF,IZPE,IEG,IVCOR) c c** If both attempts fail, then print out warning message and exit the c subroutine. c ELSE AFLAG = -5 GOTO 200 END IF END IF IEG = IEG + 1 c c** If a second minimum is present, then the next vibrational level may c be in the inner well. If so, use the inner well vibrational levels c to estimate the next trial energy. c IF (INNER.EQ.0) THEN CALL DTENG(IEG,NF,NOWL,OWL,NVIBMX,VMIN,GV,EO) ELSE CALL DTENG(IEG,NF,NIWL,IWL,NVIBMX,VMIN,GV,EO) END IF c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** If the calculated vibrational level is the next expected level, then c continue. c ELSEIF (KV.EQ.NF) THEN NF = NF + 1 GV(KV) = EO INNR(KV) = INNER LTRY = 0 CALL INITVAL(IQT,IVDIF,IZPE,IEG,IVCOR) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** To ease confusion when using a potential with a second minimum, keep c track of levels that are in the outer well seperate from the levels c in the inner well. c** First, calculate the rotational constant for this level (Bv). c BV(KV) = ZH*((SWF(NBEG)/(RMIN+DBLE(NBEG-1)*RH))**2 1 + (SWF(NEND)/(RMIN+DBLE(NEND-1)*RH))**2) DO I = NBEG+1,NEND-1 BV(KV) = BV(KV) + (SWF(I)/(RMIN+DBLE(I-1)*RH))**2 END DO BV(KV) = BV(KV)*RH/BZ c c** Double check that the calculated level is in fact located in the c correct well. This can be done (for v <> 0) by comparing the Bv c value of the new level and with the Bv values in each well. If the c difference is greater than 1.5 times the difference in the other c well, then the calculated level is probably in the wrong well. c IF (NOWL.GT.0) THEN BVDOUT = DABS(BV(KV) - BV(OWL(NOWL-1))) ELSE BVDOUT = 9999.9d0 END IF IF (NIWL.GT.0) THEN BVDIN = DABS(BV(KV) - BV(IWL(NIWL-1))) ELSE BVDIN = 9999.9d0 END IF IF (INNER.EQ.0) THEN IF ((NOWL.GT.0).AND.(BVDOUT.GT.(1.5d0*BVDIN))) THEN IF (MCO.GE.1) THEN WRITE(21,2113) KV,'Inner',NIWL,GV(KV)-VMIN,BV(KV) END IF IWL(NIWL) = KV NIWL = NIWL + 1 ELSE IF (MCO.GE.1) THEN WRITE(21,2113) KV,'Outer',NOWL,GV(KV)-VMIN,BV(KV) END IF OWL(NOWL) = KV NOWL = NOWL + 1 END IF ELSE IF ((NIWL.GT.0).AND.(BVDIN.GT.(1.5d0*BVDOUT))) THEN IF (MCO.GE.1) THEN WRITE(21,2113) KV,'Outer',NOWL,GV(KV)-VMIN,BV(KV) END IF OWL(NOWL) = KV NOWL = NOWL + 1 ELSE IF (MCO.GE.1) THEN WRITE(21,2113) KV,'Inner',NIWL,GV(KV)-VMIN,BV(KV) END IF IWL(NIWL) = KV NIWL = NIWL + 1 END IF INNER = 0 END IF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c** Now estimate trial energy for next higher vibrational energy level c by using the Near-Dissociation Theory result that: c c (binding energy)**((NCN-2)/(2*NCN)) c c is (at least locally) linear in vibrational quantum number. c IF (NF.EQ.1) THEN VDMV = ZH/(((VMAX-VMIN)/(VMAX-GV(0)))**PWI - Z1) ELSE VDMV = Z1/(((VMAX-GV(NF-2))/(VMAX-GV(NF-1)))**PWI - Z1) END IF c c** If unable to calculate the next trial energy, see if all of the c desired levels have been calculated. If not then turn on the warning c flag and quit, otherwise print out success message and quit. c IF ((VDMV.LT.Z1).AND.(NCN.GT.2)) THEN IF (NF.LE.KVMAX) THEN AFLAG = -1 WRITE(6,640) JROT, KV + VDMV ELSEIF (AWO.GT.0) THEN WRITE(6,630) KVMAX END IF GOTO 200 END IF c c** Now calculate the next trial energy. c EO = VMAX - (VMAX-GV(NF-1))*(Z1-Z1/VDMV)**PW c c** However, if the level is above the dissociation limit (for c potentials with barriers) then use differences to calculate the c next trial energy. c IF (EO.GT.VMAX) CALL DTENG(IEG,NF,NOWL,OWL,NVIBMX,VMIN,GV,EO) c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** If the calculated vibrational level is higher then the next expected c level, then try thrice to interpolate harmonically for the missed c level. c c E(v) = E(v-1) + (E(KV) - E(v-1)) / 2 c ELSEIF (KV.GT.NF) THEN IF (IVCOR.GT.2) THEN IF (AWO.NE.0) THEN WRITE(6,610) WRITE(6,612) WRITE(6,624) IVCOR,KV,EO,(NF-1),GV(NF-1) END IF c c** If interpolation fails, then try changing the wavefunction matching c condition (INNER) to see if a possible second minimum contains the c missing level. c IF (INNER.EQ.0) THEN INNER = 1 CALL INITVAL(IQT,IVDIF,IZPE,IEG,IVCOR) c c** If both attempts fail, then print out warning message and exit the c subroutine. c ELSE AFLAG = -6 GOTO 200 END IF END IF IVCOR = IVCOR + 1 c c** Use NDE theory to determine the missing level. c IF (NPMIN.EQ.1) THEN VDU = (VPMAX(1)-EO)**PWI VDL = (VPMAX(1)-GV(OWL(NOWL-1)))**PWI EO = VPMAX(1) - (VDL + (VDU - VDL) / DBLE(KV - NF + 1))**PW ELSEIF (((INNER.EQ.1).AND.(NIWL.GT.0)).OR. 1 ((INNER.EQ.0).AND.(NOWL.EQ.0))) THEN VDU = (VPMAX(1)-EO)**PWI VDL = (VPMAX(1)-GV(IWL(NIWL-1)))**PWI EO = VPMAX(1) - (VDL + (VDU - VDL) / DBLE(KV - NF + 1))**PW ELSEIF (((INNER.EQ.0).AND.(NOWL.GT.0)).OR. 1 ((INNER.EQ.1).AND.(NIWL.EQ.0))) THEN VDU = (VPMAX(2)-EO)**PWI VDL = (VPMAX(2)-GV(OWL(NOWL-1)))**PWI EO = VPMAX(2) - (VDL + (VDU - VDL) / DBLE(KV - NF + 1))**PW END IF c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** If an unknown case occurs (quite impossible but don't quote me on c it) then write out an error message and exit. c ELSE IF (AWO.NE.0) THEN WRITE(6,610) WRITE(6,666) KV,NF END IF AFLAG = -7 GOTO 200 END IF c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** Set KV to the next vibrational level to be found unless looking for c the highest vibrational level. c IF (KV.NE.999) KV = NF c c** If still haven't found all of the vibrational levels then c look for the next vibrational level. c IF ((KV.LE.KVMAX).OR.(KV.EQ.999)) GOTO 10 c c** Otherwise, print out a message saying that all is well. c IF ((KV.GT.KVMAX).AND.(AWO.GT.0)) WRITE(6,630) KVMAX c c** If the potential has levels in a second minimum, then print out a c list of those levels to channel-21 if desired. c IF ((NIWL.GT.0).AND.(NOWL.GT.0)) THEN IF (MCO.GE.1) WRITE(21,2114) NIWL, NOWL IF (AWO.NE.0) THEN WRITE(6,605) WRITE(6,607) END IF AFLAG = -8 END IF c c** If an error has occured, then set KVMAX to the quantum number of the c highest vibrational level found and print out that quantum number c and the energy of that level. c 200 IF (AFLAG.LT.0) THEN KVMAX = NF - 1 IF (AWO.NE.0) WRITE(6,626) KVMAX, GV(KVMAX) END IF IF (MCO.GE.1) WRITE(21,2100) RETURN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 601 FORMAT(/' Solve by matching inward and outward solutions at') 602 FORMAT(' the outermost wave function maximum, S(max), where R = R 1R(M)') 603 FORMAT(' the innermost turning point R1 = R(M)') 605 FORMAT(/' *** ALF WARNING ***') 606 FORMAT(4X,'Next estimated trial energy E(v=',I3,') =',G15.8/4X, 1'is greater than the potential maximum VMAX =',G15.8) 607 FORMAT(4X,'Potential found to have a second minimum.') 610 FORMAT(/' *** ALF ERROR ***') 611 FORMAT(4X,'Attempt to find zero point level fails!') 612 FORMAT(4X,'Attempt to find next higher vibrational level fails!') 613 FORMAT(4X,'Number of vib levels requested=',i4,' exceeds internal 1ALF array dimension NVIBMX=',i4) 614 FORMAT(4X,'Unable to find a potential minimum.') 615 FORMAT(4X,'There are',I3,' potential ',A6,' in this potential.') 616 FORMAT(4X,'The potential turns over in the short range region at R 1 = ',G15.8) 617 FORMAT(4X,'VMAX =',G15.8,' found to be less than VMIN =',G15.8) 620 FORMAT(4X,'Use of energy ',I1,'0% up the potential well (E =', 1G15.8,')'/4X,' fails to produce a viable vibrational eigenstate.') 621 FORMAT(4X,'Use of differences to estimate the energy for the next' 1/4X,' vibrational level (v=',I3,') failed after',I3,' attempt.') 622 FORMAT(4X,'After',I3,' tries to harmonically estimate the zero-poi 1nt energy,'/4X,' initial trial energy',G15.8,' had yielded E(v 2=',I3,') =',G15.8) 623 FORMAT(4X,'Expecting to find level (v=',I3,') but found level (v=' 1,I3,')') 624 FORMAT(4X,'After',I3,' tries, failed to interpolate trial energy b 1etween'/4X,'E(v=',I3,') =',G15.8,' and E(v=',I3,') =',G15.8) 626 FORMAT(4X,'The highest calculated level is E(v=',I3,') =',G15.8) 630 FORMAT(/' ALF successfully finds all vibrational levels up to KVMA 1X=',I3) 640 FORMAT(/' ALF finds all J=',i3,' vib. levels below vD=',F7.3, 1 ' estimated by N-D theory') 650 FORMAT(/' There were',I3,' potential minima found with the absolu 1te minimum'/4X,'VMIN =',G15.8,' cm-1.') 651 FORMAT(/' There were',I3,' potential maxima found with the absolu 1te maximum'/4X,'VMAX =',G15.8,' cm-1.') 666 FORMAT(4X,'Undefined case for automatic search.'/,4X,'Values of KV 1 =',I3,' and NF =',I3) 2100 FORMAT(/1X,39('==')) 2101 FORMAT(/1X,39('--')) 2110 FORMAT(/' Limits and increment of integration (in Angstroms):' 1 /' RMIN =',F6.3,' RMAX =',F7.3,' RH =',F9.6, 2 //' Generate BZ =',G19.12,' ((1/cm-1)(1/Angstroms**2))' 3 /' from ZMU:',F15.11,' (amu)') 2111 FORMAT(/' Eigenvalue convergence criterion is EPS =',G11.4,'(cm- 11)') 2112 FORMAT(/' Calculating properties of the potential described above. 1 '/' Use Airy function at 3-rd turning point as outer boundary' 2 /' condition for quasibound levels.') 2113 FORMAT(' v=',I3,4X,'v(',A5,')=',I3,4X,'Gv=',F16.9,4X,'Bv=',F16.12) 2114 FORMAT(/' Found',I4,' level(s) in the inner well and',I4,' level(s 1) in the outer well.') END c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE INITVAL(IQT,IVDIF,IZPE,IEG,IVCOR) c*********************************************************************** c** This subroutine reinitializes the condition flags when considering a c new case (found next vibrational level or finding level in inner c well - INNER = 1). c c** On entry and exit: c IQT Case when KV < 0 and NF = 0 c determines the value used for the initial trial energy. c IVDIF Case when KV < 0 and NF > 0 c is the flag denoting the use of differences to calculate c trial energies. c IZPE Case when KV > 0 and NF = 0 c is the number of times the zero point energy (v = 0) has c been estimated harmonically. c IEG Case when KV < NF and NF > 0 c are the number of times that a larger trial energy is used c to find the next level. c IVCOR Case when KV > NF and NF > 0 c are the number of times that a smaller trial energy is used c to find the next level. c INTEGER IZPE,IVDIF,IVCOR,IQT,IEG c IQT = 1 IVDIF = 0 IZPE = 0 IEG = 0 IVCOR = 0 RETURN END c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE DTENG(IEG,NF,NVEL,VEL,NVIBMX,VMIN,GV,EO) c*********************************************************************** c** This subroutine calculates the next trial energy using differences. c c** On entry: c IEG factor by which a larger trial energy should be calculated: c NVEL = 2 : Increase correction by increments of 25% c NVEL > 2 : Increase correction by increments of 50% c NF is the highest calculated vibrational level. c NVEL is the number of levels found in the potential well. c VEL(v) keeps track of all levels in the potential well. c NVIBMX is the maximum number of vibrational levels (dimension). c VMIN is the absolute value of the potential minimum (cm-1). c GV(v) contains the vibrational energy level spacings c and rotational constants for each level (cm-1). c c** On exit: c EO is the calculated trial energy. c INTEGER IEG,NF,NVEL,NVIBMX,VEL(0:NVIBMX) c REAL*8 VMIN,GV(0:NVIBMX),EO,ZQ,ZH,Z1,Z2 c DATA ZQ/0.25D0/,ZH/0.5D0/,Z1/1.D0/,Z2/2.D0/ c c** If determining the first (non-zero point energy) level in the well, c then use the last determined level in the other well plus a larger c than harmonic correction that becomes smaller with each new c itteration. c c E(v=0) = E(v=NF-1) + (E(v=NF-1)-VMIN)/(NF-1+IEG/4) c IF (NVEL.EQ.0) THEN EO = GV(NF-1) + (GV(NF-1) - VMIN)/(NF - 1 + ZQ*DBLE(IEG)) c c** Try to get v = 1 using smaller-than-harmonic spacing. c c E(v=1) = E(v=0) + 1.3*(E(v=0)-VMIN) c ELSEIF (NVEL.EQ.1) THEN EO = GV(VEL(0)) + 1.3d0*(GV(VEL(0))-VMIN) c c** Try to get v = 2 using a sequentially increasing correction. c c E(v=2) = E(v=1) + (0.8+IEG/4)*(E(v=1)-E(v=0)) c ELSEIF (NVEL.EQ.2) THEN EO = GV(VEL(1)) + (0.8d0+DBLE(IEG)*ZQ)*(GV(VEL(1))-GV(VEL(0))) c c** Try to get v > 2 using a sequentially increasing correction. c c E(v) = E(v-1) + (1.0+IEG/2)*(2.0*E(v-1)-3.0*E(v-2)+E(v-3)) c ELSE EO = GV(VEL(NVEL-1)) + (Z1+DBLE(IEG)*ZH) 1 *(Z2*GV(VEL(NVEL-1))-3.0d0*GV(VEL(NVEL-2))+GV(VEL(NVEL-3))) END IF RETURN END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** c****** R.J. Le Roy subroutine SCHRQ, last updated 16 May 2000 ******* c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c COPYRIGHT 2000 by Robert J. Le Roy + c Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada + c This software may not be sold or any other commercial use made + c of it without the express written permission of the author. + c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** SCHRQ solves radial Schrodinger equation in dimensionless form c d2WF/dR2 = - (E-V(R))*WF(R) , where WF(I) is the wave function. c** Integrate by Numerov method over N mesh points with increment c H=RH across range beginning at RMIN . c** Input trial energy EO, eigenvalue convergence criterion EEPS c potential asymptote VLIM, and all returned energies (EO, GAMA & VMAX) c have units (cm-1). c** On entry, the input potential V(I) must include the centrifugal c term and the factor: 'BFCT'=2*mu*(2*pi*RH/hPLANCK)**2 (1/cm-1) , c which is also internally incorporated into EO, VLIM & EEPS. c* Note that these reduced quantities (& the internal eigenvalue E) c contain a factor of the squared integration increment RH**2 . c This saves arithmetic work in the innermost loop of the algorithm. c** For energy in (cm-1), BFCT=ZMU(u)*H(Angst)**2/16.85762908 (1/cm-1) c** INNER specifies wave function matching (& initiation) condition * c* For INNER = 0 , match inward & outward solutions at outermost c wave function maximum; otherwise match at inner edge of classically c allowed region. ** INNER<0 uses zero slope inner boundary condition. c** For most normal cases set INNER=0 , but ...... c* to find "inner-well-dominated" solutions of an asymmetric double c minimum potential, set INNER > 0 . c* To find symmetric eigenfunctions of a symmetric potential, set c INNER < 0 & start integration (set RMIN) at potential mid point. c---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE SCHRQ(KV,JROT,EO,GAMA,VMAX,VLIM,V,WF,BFCT,EEPS,RMIN, 1 RH,N,NBEG,NEND,INNER,IWR,LPRWF) c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c** Output vibrational quantum number KV, eigenvalue EO, normalized c wave function WF(I), and range, NBEG .le. I .le. NEND over c which WF(I) is defined. *** Have set WF(I)=0 outside this range. c* (NBEG,NEND), defined by requiring abs(WF(I)) < RATST=1.D-9 outside. c** If(LPRWF.gt.0) print wavefunction WF(I) every LPRWF-th point. c* If(LPRWF.lt.0) "punch" (i.e., WRITE(10,XXX)) every |LPRWF|-th point c of the wave function on disk starting at R(NBEG) with step size c of IPSIQ=|LPRWF|*RH. c** For energies above the potential asymptote VLIM, locate quasibound c levels using Airy function boundary condition and return the level c width GAMA and barrier height VMAX, as well as EO. c** ERROR condition on return is KV < 0 ; usually KV=-1, but return c KV=-2 if error appears to arise from too low trial energy. c** If(IWR.ne.0) print error & warning descriptions c If (IWR.gt.0) also print final eigenvalues & node count. c If (IWR.ge.2) also show end-of-range wave function amplitudes c If (IWR.ge.3) print also intermediate trial eigenvalues, etc. c** If input KV.ge.998 , tries to find highest bound level, and c trial energy should be only slightly less than VLIM. c** If input KV < -10 , use log-derivative outer boundary condition at c mesh point |KV| , based on incoming value of wave function WF(|KV|) c and of the wavefunction derivative at that point, SPNEND, which is c brought in as WF(|KV|-1). For a hard wall condition at mesh point c |KV|, set WF(|KV|)=0 and WF(|KV|-1)= -1 before entry. c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c++ "SCHRQ" calls subroutineas "QBOUND" and "WIDTH", and the latter c++ calls "LEVQAD" . c++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INTEGER I,IBEGIN,ICOR,IJ,IJK,INNER,IPSID,IQTST,IT,ITER,ITP1, 1 ITP1P,ITP3,IWR,J,JJ,J1,J2,JPSIQ,JQTST,JROT, 2 KKV,KV,KVIN,LPRWF,M,MS,MSAVE, 3 N,NBEG,NBEGB,NBEG2,NDN,NEND,NENDCH,NLINES,NPR REAL*8 BFCT,DE,DEP,DEPRN,DF,DOLD,DSOC, 2 E,EEPS,EO,EPS,F,FX,GAMA,GI,GN,H,H2,HT,PROD,PPROD, 3 RATIN,RATOUT,RATST,RH,RINC,RMIN,RMINN,RR,RSTT,RWR(20), 4 WF(N),SB,SI,SM,SN,SNEND,SPNEND,SRTGI,SRTGN,SWR(20), 5 V(N),VLIM,VMAX,VMX,VPR, 6 WKBTST,XEND,XPR,XPW,DXPW,Y1,Y2,Y3,YIN,YM,YOUT, 7 Z0,Z1,Z2,ZH DATA Z0/0.D0/,ZH/0.5D0/,Z1/1.D0/,Z2/2.D0/ DATA RATST/1.D-9/,XPW/20.72d0/ DATA NDN/15/ c++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DXPW= (XPW+ 2.30d0)/NDN KVIN= KV KV= -1 RMINN= RMIN-RH GAMA= Z0 VMAX= VLIM VMX= VMAX*BFCT H= RH H2= H*H HT= Z1/12.D+0 E= EO*BFCT EPS= EEPS*BFCT DSOC= VLIM*BFCT DE= Z0 RATIN= Z0 RATOUT= Z0 IF(IWR.GT.2) THEN IF(KVIN.GE.998) then WRITE(6,610) EO ELSE WRITE(6,601) KVIN,JROT,EO,INNER ENDIF WRITE(6,602) ENDIF NEND= N IF(KVIN.LT.-10) THEN NEND= -KVIN SNEND= WF(NEND) SPNEND= WF(NEND-1) ENDIF JQTST = 0 c** Start iterative loop; try to converge for up to 15 iterations. DO 90 IT= 1,15 ITER= IT IF(INNER.NE.0) GO TO 38 10 IF(KVIN.LT.-10) THEN c** If desired, (KVIN < -10) outer boundary set at NEND=|KVIN| and c initialize wavefunction with log-derivative condition based on value c WF(NEND) & derivative SPNEND at that mesh point (brought in in CALL) GN= V(NEND)-E GI= V(NEND-1)-E SB= SNEND SI= SB*(Z1+ ZH*GN)- RH*SPNEND GO TO 24 END IF IF(E.GE.DSOC) THEN c** For quasibound levels, initialize wave function in "QBOUND" CALL QBOUND(KVIN,JROT,E,EO,VMX,DSOC,V,RMIN,H,GN,GI, 1 SB,SI,N,ITP3,IWR,IQTST,BFCT,IT) NEND= ITP3 VMAX= VMX/BFCT IF(IQTST.GT.0) GO TO 24 IF(IQTST.LT.0) THEN JQTST = JQTST+IQTST IF((JQTST.LE.-2).OR.(VMAX.LT.VLIM)) GO TO 999 c** Try up to once to find level using trial value just below maximum EO = VMAX-0.1D0 E = EO*BFCT GO TO 90 ENDIF GO TO 20 ENDIF c** For E < DSOC begin inward integration by using JWKB to estimate c optimum (minimum) inward starting point which will still give c RATOUT < RATST = exp(-XPW) (ca. 1.d-9) [not needed after 1'st 2 ITER] IF(ITER.LE.2) THEN NEND= N c ... first do rough inward search for outermost turning point DO M= N,1,-NDN MS= M GI= V(M)- E IF(GI.LE.0.D0) GO TO 12 GN= GI ENDDO IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,611) GO TO 999 12 IF(MS.GE.N) GO TO 998 FX= GN/(GI-GN) SM= ZH*(Z1+ FX)*DSQRT(GN) MS= MS+ 2*NDN IF(MS.GE.N) GO TO 20 c ... now integrate exponent till JWKB wave fx. would be negligible DO M= MS,N,NDN NEND= M SM= SM+ DSQRT(V(M)- E) IF(SM.GT.DXPW) GO TO 18 ENDDO 18 IF(NEND.LT.N) NEND= NEND+ NDN ENDIF c** For truly bound state initialize wave function as 1-st order WKB c solution increasing inward 20 GN= V(NEND)- E GI= V(NEND-1)- E MS= NEND-1 IF(GI.LT.0.d0) GO TO 998 SRTGN= DSQRT(GN) SRTGI= DSQRT(GI) SB= Z1 SI= SB*DSQRT(SRTGN/SRTGI)*DEXP((SRTGN+SRTGI)/Z2) IF(SB.GT.SI) THEN c WOOPS - JWKB gives inward DEcreasing solution, so initialize with node IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,618) JROT,EO,SB/SI SI= Z1 SB= Z0 ENDIF 24 M= NEND-1 Y1= (Z1-HT*GN)*SB Y2= (Z1-HT*GI)*SI WF(NEND)= SB WF(NEND-1)= SI MS= NEND NENDCH= NEND IBEGIN= 3 IF(INNER.NE.0) IBEGIN= ITP1+2 c** Actual inward integration loop starts here DO I= IBEGIN,NEND M= M-1 Y3= Y2+Y2-Y1+GI*SI GI= V(M)-E SB= SI SI= Y3/(Z1-HT*GI) WF(M)= SI IF(DABS(SI).GE.1.D+17) THEN c** Renormalize to prevent overflow of WF(I) in classically c forbidden region where (V(I) .gt. E) SI= Z1/SI DO J= M,MS WF(J)= WF(J)*SI ENDDO NENDCH= MS MS= M Y2= Y2*SI Y3= Y3*SI SB= SB*SI SI= Z1 ENDIF Y1= Y2 Y2= Y3 c** Test for outermost maximum of wave function. cc IF((INNER.EQ.0).AND.(SI.LE.SB)) GO TO 32 c** Test for outer well turning point IF((INNER.EQ.0).AND.(GI.lt.0.d0)) GO TO 32 ENDDO IF(INNER.EQ.0) THEN c** Error mode ... find no wave function maximum. KV= -2 IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,616) KV,JROT,EO GO TO 999 ENDIF c** Scale outer part of wave function before proceding 32 SI= Z1/SI MSAVE= M RR= RMINN+MSAVE*H YIN= Y1*SI RATOUT= WF(NEND)*SI NEND= NENDCH DO J= MSAVE,NEND WF(J)= WF(J)*SI ENDDO IF(INNER.NE.0) GO TO 70 c------------------------------------------------------------------- c** Set up to prepare for outward integration ********************** 38 NBEG= 1 IF(INNER.LT.0) THEN c** Option to initialize with zero slope at beginning of the range SB= Z1 GN= V(1)-E Y1= SB*(Z1-HT*GN) Y2= Y1+GN*SB/Z2 GI= V(2)-E SI= Y2/(Z1-HT*GI) ELSE c** Initialize outward integration with a node at beginning of range 40 GN= V(NBEG)-E IF(GN.GT.10.D0) THEN c** If potential has [V(1)-E] so high that H is (locally) much too c large, then shift inner starting point outward. NBEG= NBEG+1 IF(NBEG.LT.N) GO TO 40 IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,613) GO TO 999 ENDIF IF((ITER.LE.1).AND.(IWR.NE.0)) THEN IF(NBEG.GT.1) WRITE(6,609) JROT,EO,NBEG IF(GN.LE.Z0) WRITE(6,604) JROT,EO,E,V(NBEG),NBEG ENDIF c** Initialize outward wave function with a node: WF(NBEG) = 0. SB= Z0 SI= Z1 GI= V(NBEG+1)-E Y1= SB*(Z1-HT*GN) Y2= SI*(Z1-HT*GI) ENDIF c WF(NBEG)= SB WF(NBEG+1)= SI NBEGB= NBEG NBEG2= NBEG+2 IF(INNER.NE.0) MSAVE= N c** Actual outward integration loops start here DO I= NBEG2,MSAVE Y3= Y2+Y2-Y1+GI*SI GI= V(I)-E SI= Y3/(Z1-HT*GI) WF(I)= SI IF(DABS(SI).GE.1.D+17) THEN c** Renormalize to prevent overflow of WF(I) in classically forbidden c region where V(I) .gt. E SI= Z1/SI NBEG= NBEGB DO J= NBEG,I WF(J)= WF(J)*SI ENDDO NBEGB= I Y2= Y2*SI Y3= Y3*SI SI= Z1 ENDIF Y1= Y2 Y2= Y3 ITP1= I c** Exit from this loop at onset of classically allowed region IF(GI.LE.Z0) GO TO 52 ENDDO MS= MSAVE IF((INNER.EQ.0).AND.(GN.LE.Z0)) GO TO 60 IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,612) KVIN,JROT,EO,MSAVE GO TO 999 52 ITP1P= ITP1+1 MS= ITP1 IF(INNER.NE.0) GO TO 60 DO I= ITP1P,MSAVE Y3= Y2+Y2-Y1+GI*SI GI= V(I)-E SI= Y3/(Z1-HT*GI) WF(I)= SI IF(DABS(SI).GT.1.D+17) THEN c** Renormalize to prevent overflow of WF(I) , as needed. SI= Z1/SI NBEG= NBEGB DO J= NBEG,I WF(J)= WF(J)*SI ENDDO NBEGB= I Y2= Y2*SI Y3= Y3*SI SI= Z1 ENDIF Y1= Y2 Y2= Y3 ENDDO MS= MSAVE c** Finished outward integration. Normalize w.r.t. WF(MSAVE) 60 SI= Z1/SI YOUT= Y1*SI YM= Y2*SI RATIN= WF(NBEG+1)*SI DO I= NBEG,MS WF(I)= WF(I)*SI ENDDO IF(INNER.NE.0) GO TO 10 c----- Finished numerical integration ... now correct trial energy c** DF*H is the integral of (WF(I))**2 dR 70 DF= Z0 DO J= NBEG,NEND DF= DF+WF(J)**2 ENDDO c** Add edge correction to DF assuming wave function dies off as simple c exponential past R(NEND); matters only if WF(NEND) unusually large. IF((E.LE.DSOC).AND.(WF(NEND).NE.0)) THEN IF((KVIN.GE.-10).AND.(WF(NEND-1)/WF(NEND).GT.Z1)) 1 DF= DF+ WF(NEND)**2/(Z2*DLOG(WF(NEND-1)/WF(NEND))) ENDIF F= (-YOUT-YIN+Z2*YM+GI) DOLD= DE IF(DABS(F).LE.1.D+30) THEN DE= F/DF ELSE F= 9.9D+30 DF= F DE= DABS(0.01D+0 *(DSOC-E)) ENDIF IF(IWR.GT.2) THEN DEPRN = DE/BFCT XEND= RMINN+NEND*H c** RATIN & RATOUT are wave fx. amplitude at inner/outer ends of range c relative to its value at outermost extremum. WRITE(6,603) IT,EO,F,DF,DEPRN,MSAVE,RR,RATIN,RATOUT, 1 XEND,NBEG,ITP1 ENDIF c** Test trial eigenvalue for convergence IF(DABS(DE).LE.DABS(EPS)) GO TO 100 E= E+DE c** KV.ge.998 Option ... Search for highest bound level. Adjust new c trial energy downward if it would have been above dissociation. IF((KVIN.GE.998).AND.(E.GT.VMX)) E= VMX- 2.d0*(VMX-E+DE) EO= E/BFCT IF((IT.GT.4).AND.(DABS(DE).GE.DABS(DOLD)).AND. 1 ((DOLD*DE).LE.Z0)) THEN c** Adjust energy increment if having convergence difficulties. Not c usually needed except for some quasibounds extremely near VMAX . ICOR= ICOR+1 DEP= DE/BFCT IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,617) IT,DEP DE= ZH*DE E= E-DE EO= E/BFCT ENDIF 90 CONTINUE c** End of iterative loop which searches for eigenvalue ************ c-------------------------------------------------------------------* c** Convergence fails, so return in error condition E= E-DE EO= E/BFCT DEPRN= DE/BFCT IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,620) KVIN,JROT,ITER,DEPRN GO TO 999 100 IF(IWR.NE.0) THEN IF(IWR.GE.3) WRITE(6,619) IF((DABS(RATIN).GT.RATST).AND.(INNER.GE.0)) 1 WRITE(6,614) JROT,EO,RATIN IF((E.LT.DSOC).AND.(DABS(RATOUT).GT.RATST)) THEN WKBTST= ZH*DABS(V(NEND)-V(NEND-1))/DSQRT((V(NEND)-E)**3) IF(WKBTST.GT.1.d-3)WRITE(6,615)JROT,EO,RATOUT,RATST,WKBTST ENDIF ENDIF KKV = 0 c** Perform node count on converged solution PROD= WF(ITP1)*WF(ITP1-1) J1= ITP1+1 J2= NEND-1 DO J= J1, J2 PPROD= PROD PROD= WF(J)*WF(J-1) IF((PPROD.LE.Z0).AND.(PROD.GT.Z0)) KKV= KKV+1 ENDDO KV = KKV c** Normalize & find interval (NBEG,NEND) where WF(I) is non-negligible SN= Z1/DSQRT(H*DF) DO I= NBEG,NEND WF(I)= WF(I)*SN ENDDO IF(ITP1.LE.1) GO TO 122 J= ITP1P DO I= 1,ITP1 J= J-1 IF(DABS(WF(J)).LT.RATST) GO TO 119 ENDDO 119 NBEG= J IF(NBEG.LE.1) GO TO 122 J= J-1 DO I= 1,J WF(I)= Z0 ENDDO 122 IF(KVIN.GE.-10) THEN c** For "non-wall" cases, move NEND inward to where wavefunction c "non-negligible" J= NEND-1 DO I= NBEG,NEND IF(DABS(WF(J)).GT.RATST) GO TO 126 J= J-1 ENDDO 126 NEND= J+1 END IF IF(NEND.LT.N) THEN c** Zero out wavefunction array at distances past NEND DO I= NEND+1,N WF(I)= Z0 ENDDO ENDIF IF(LPRWF.LT.0) THEN c** If desired, write every |LPRWF|-th point of the wave function c to a file on channel-10, starting at the NBEG-th mesh point. JPSIQ= -LPRWF NPR= 1+(NEND-NBEG)/JPSIQ RINC= RH*JPSIQ RSTT= RMINN+NBEG*RH c** Write every JPSIQ-th point of the wave function for level v=KV c J=JROT , beginning at mesh point NBEG & distance RSTT where c the NPR values written separated by mesh step RINC=JPSIQ*RH WRITE(10,701) KV,JROT,EO,NPR,RSTT,RINC,NBEG,JPSIQ WRITE(10,702) (RMINN+I*RH,WF(I),I=NBEG,NEND,JPSIQ) GO TO 140 ENDIF c** Print solutions every LPRWF-th point, 6 to a line, in columns. IF(LPRWF.GT.0) THEN NLINES= ((1+(NEND-NBEG)/LPRWF)+3)/4 IPSID= LPRWF*NLINES WRITE(6,605) KV,JROT,EO DO J= 1,NLINES JJ= NBEG+(J-1)*LPRWF IJK= 0 DO IJ= JJ,NEND,IPSID IJK= IJK+1 RWR(IJK)= RMINN+IJ*H SWR(IJK)= WF(IJ) ENDDO WRITE(6,606) (RWR(I),SWR(I),I= 1,IJK) ENDDO ENDIF 140 IF(IWR.EQ.1) WRITE(6,607) KV,JROT,EO cc cc IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,699) rminn+itp1*rh,eO,rminn+msave*rh,eo cc699 format(' & turning points:',2(f8.5,f11.4)) cc IF(IWR.GE.2) WRITE(6,607) KV,JROT,EO,ITER,RR,RATIN,RATOUT c** For quasibound levels, calculate width in subroutine "WIDTH" IF((E.GT.DSOC).AND.(KVIN.GT.-10)) CALL WIDTH(KV,JROT,E,EO,DSOC, 1 V,WF,VMX,RMIN,H,BFCT,IWR,ITP1,ITP3,INNER,N,GAMA) RETURN c** ERROR condition if E.gt.V(R) at outer end of integration range. 998 XPR= RMINN+MS*H VPR= V(MS)/BFCT IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,608) EO,MS,VPR,XPR,IT c** Return in error mode 999 KV= -1 RETURN 601 FORMAT(/' Solve for v=',I3,' J=',I3,' ETRIAL=',1PD15.7, 1 ' INNER=',i2,' WF(1st) WF(NEND)' ) 602 FORMAT(' ITER ETRIAL',8X,'F(E) DF(E) D(E)', 1 5X,'M R(M) /WF(M) /WF(M) R(NEND) NBEG ITP1'/ 2 1X,96('-')) 603 FORMAT(I4,1PD15.7,3D10.2,I5,0PF7.3,1P2D9.1,0PF8.2,I4,I5) 604 FORMAT(' NOTE: for J =',I3,' EO =',F12.4,' E=',D13.6, 1 ' .ge. V(R)=',D13.6,' at initial mesh point',I6) 605 FORMAT(/' Solution of radial Schr. equation for E(v=',I3,',J=', 1 I3,') =',F15.7/2x,4(' R(I) WF(I) ')/2X,38('--') ) 606 FORMAT(2X,4(F8.3,F11.7)) 607 FORMAT('E(v=',I3,',J=',I3,')=',F11.4,1x,I3,' Iterations', 1 ' R(M)=',F6.3,' WF(NBEG)/WF(M)=',1PD8.1/ 2 57x,'WF(NEND)/WF(M)=',D8.1) 608 FORMAT(' *** SCHRQ Error: E=',F9.2,' > V(',I5,')=',F9.2, 1 ' at Rmax=',F6.2,' for IT=',I2) 609 FORMAT(' *** For J=',I3,' E=',1PD15.7," integration can't", 1 ' start till past mesh'/37x,'point',I5,', so RMIN smaller than n 2eeded') 610 FORMAT(/' Attempt to find the highest bound level starting from', 1 ' ETRIAL =',1PD9.2) 611 FORMAT(' *** SCHRQ Error: inward search at E=',f9.2, 1 ' finds no classical region') 612 FORMAT(/' *** ERROR *** for v =',I3,' J =',I3,' E =', 1 F12.4,' Innermost turning point not found by M = MSAVE =',I5) 613 FORMAT(/' *** ERROR in potential array ... V(I) everywhere', 1 ' too big to integrate with given increment') 614 FORMAT(' *** CAUTION *** For J=',I3,' E=',G15.8/16x, 1 'WF(first)/WF(Max)=',D9.2,' suggests RMIN may be too large') 615 FORMAT(' ** CAUTION ** For J=',I3,' E=',1PD13.6, 1 ' WF(NEND)/WF(Max)=',D8.1,' >',D8.1/4X,'& initialization ', 2 'quality test ',1PD8.1,' > 1.D-3 so RMAX may be too small') 616 FORMAT(' ** WARNING *** For v=',I2,', J=',I3,' at E=', 1 G14.7,' WF always has negative slope ... Energy too low or poten 2tial too weak' ) 617 FORMAT(' *** SCHRQ has a convergence problem, so for IT=',I2, 1 ' cut DE=',1PD10.2,' in HALF' ) 618 FORMAT(' *** For J=',I3,' E=',F9.2,' JWKB start gives SB/SI=', 1 1PD10.3,' so use a node.') 619 FORMAT(1X,96('-')) 620 FORMAT(' *** CAUTION for v=',I3,' J=',I3," SCHRQ doesn't conver 1ge by ITER=",I2,' DE=',1PD9.2) 701 FORMAT(/2x,'Level v=',I3,' J=',I3,' E=',F12.4,' , wave funct 1ion at',I6,' points.'/7x,'R(1-st)=',F12.8,' mesh=',F12.8, 2 ' NBEG=',I4,' |LPRWF|=',I3) 702 FORMAT((1X,4(f9.4,f10.6))) END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE QBOUND(KV,JROT,E,EO,VMX,DSOC,V,RMIN,H,GB,GI,SB,SI,N, 1 ITP3,IWR,IQTST,BFCT,IT) c******************************************************************* c** Subroutine to initialize quasibound level wave function as Airy c function at third turning point (if possible). For the relevant c theory see: Le Roy & Bernstein, J.Chem.Phys. 54, 5114 (1971) and c Le Roy & Liu, J.Chem.Phys.69,3622-31 (1978). c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c** IQTST is error flag. *** If (IQTST.lt.0) initialization fails c so eigenvalue calculation aborts *** (IQTST.gt.0) for successful c Airy function initialization. *** (IQTST=0) if Airy function c initialization prevented because 3-rd turning point beyond c range, so that WKB initialization is used. c---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER I,II,IQTST,IT,ITP3,IWR,J,JROT,K,KV,N REAL*8 A1,A2,A13,A23,BFCT, 1 C1A,C2A,DF,DSOC,E,EO,FBA,FIA,FJ,GB,GBA,GI,GIA,H, 2 RMIN,RMINN,SB,SI,SL,V(N),VMX,VMXPR,XJ1, Z1,Z3,Z6 DATA Z1/1.D0/,Z3/3.D0/ 1 Z6/6.D0/,C1A/0.355028053887817D0/,C2A/0.258819403792807D0/ c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IQTST=1 RMINN=RMIN-H c** Start by searching for third turning point. J=N IF(V(N).GT.E) GO TO 22 DO I=2,N J=J-1 IF(V(J).GT.E) GO TO 10 ENDDO GO TO 14 c** Check that there is a classically allowed region inside this point c and determine height of barrier maximum. 10 II=J VMX=DSOC DO I=2,J II=II-1 IF(V(II).LE.E) GO TO 16 IF(V(II).GT.VMX) VMX=V(II) ENDDO c** Energy too high ... find no more than one turning point. 14 XJ1=RMINN+J*H c ... Search outward for barrier height to facilitate energy correction IF(J.EQ.1) J= 2 K=J-1 DO I=J,N IF(V(I).GT.V(K)) GO TO 120 K=I ENDDO VMX=V(K) GO TO 130 120 K=K+2 J=K-1 DO I=K,N IF(V(I).LT.V(J)) GO TO 126 J=I ENDDO 126 VMX=V(J) 130 VMXPR=VMX/BFCT IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,608) JROT,EO,VMXPR,XJ1 ITP3= J IQTST=-1 GO TO 100 16 ITP3= J+1 c** ITP3 is the first mesh point outside classically forbidden region GB=V(ITP3)-E GI=V(ITP3-1)-E FJ=GI/(GI-GB) c** Treat quasibound levels as bound using outer boundary condition c of Airy function at third turning point ... as discussed by c R.J.Le Roy and R.B.Bernstein in J.Chem.Phys. 54,5114(1971). SL=(GI-GB)**(Z1/Z3)/H IF((SL*H).LT.Z1) THEN A1=GI/(SL*H)**2 A2=GB/(SL*H)**2 A13=A1*A1*A1 A23=A2*A2*A2 FIA=Z1+A13*(A13*(A13+72.D0)+2160.D0)/12960.D0 GIA=A1+A1*A13*(A13*(A13+90.D0)+3780.D0)/45360.D0 FBA=Z1+A23*(A23*(A23+72.D0)+2160.D0)/12960.D0 GBA=A2+A2*A23*(A23*(A23+90.D0)+3780.D0)/45360.D0 c** Airy function Bi(X) at points straddling 3-rd turning point SI=C1A*FIA+C2A*GIA SB=C1A*FBA+C2A*GBA GO TO 100 ENDIF c** If Airy function expansion unreliable, use zero slope at third c turning point as quasibound outer boundary condition. DF=GI-GB SI=Z1+DF*FJ**3/Z6 SB=Z1-DF*(Z1-FJ)**3/Z6 IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,606) KV,JROT,EO,IT GO TO 100 c** If 3-rd turning point beyond range start with WKB wave function c at end of range. 22 IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,607) JROT,EO ITP3= N IQTST=0 GB=V(ITP3)-E GI=V(ITP3-1)-E VMX=V(ITP3) II=ITP3 DO I=2,ITP3 II=II-1 IF(V(II).LT.VMX) GO TO 100 VMX=V(II) ENDDO IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,604) c** End of quasibound level initialization schemes. IQTST=-9 100 RETURN 604 FORMAT(" **** QBOUND doesn't work ... no classically allowed regio 1n accessible at this energy.") 606 FORMAT(' *** CAUTION *** v=',I3,' J=',I3,' E=',1PD13.6, 1 ' IT=',I2/5x,'Airy initialization unstable so use zero slope', 2 'at R(3-rd)' ) 607 FORMAT(' *** For J=',I3,' E=',F9.2, 1 ' R(3-rd) > RMAX & E < V(N) so try WKB B.C. @ RMAX') 608 FORMAT(' For J=',I3,' ETRY=',F11.4,' > VMAX=',F11.4, 1 ' find onee turn point: R=',F6.2) END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** c** Subroutine to calculates quasibound level tunneling lifetime/width c** For relevant theory see Le Roy & Liu [J.Chem.Phys.69,3622-31(1978)] c and Connor & Smith [Mol.Phys. 43, 397 (1981)]. c** Final level width calculation from Eq.(4.5) of Connor & Smith. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE WIDTH(KV,JROT,E,EO,DSOC,V,S,VMX,RMIN,H,BFCT,IWR,ITP1, 1 ITP3,INNER,N,GAMA) c++ "WIDTH" calls subroutine "LEVQAD" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INTEGER I,IMM,INNER,IRM,ITP1,ITP1P,ITP1P1,ITP2,ITP2M,ITP2M2, 1 ITP2P1,ITP2P2,ITP3,IWR,JROT,KV,KVI,KVO, 2 M,M2,N,NN,NST REAL*8 AA,ANS1,ANS2,ARG,BFCT,COR, 1 D1,D2,D3,DFI,DSGB,DSGN,DSOC,DWEB,OMEGJC, 2 E,EO,EMSC,EMV,FJNLC,G1,G2,G3,GA,GAMA,GAMALG, 3 H,H2,HBW,HBWB,PI,PMX,RMIN,RMINN,RMX,RT,RT1,RT2, 4 S(N),SM,TAU,TAULG,TI,TUN0,TNUM,U1,U2,V(N),VMAX,VMX, 7 XJ,XX,Z0,Z1,Z2,Z4,ZH CHARACTER*5 LWELL(2) DATA Z0/0.D0/,ZH/0.5D0/,Z1/1.D0/,Z2/2.D0/,Z4/4.D0/, 1 PI/3.141592653589793D0/ DATA LWELL/'INNER','OUTER'/ RMINN=RMIN-H H2=H*H c** ITP1 is first mesh point to right of innermost turning point. 40 ITP1P=ITP1+1 ITP1P1=ITP1P+1 IRM=ITP1-1 c** Calculate JWKB tunneling probability from quadrature over barrier c** First must locate 2-nd turning point. DO I=ITP1P1,ITP3 ITP2=I IF(V(I).GT.E) GO TO 202 ENDDO GAMA=Z0 GO TO 250 202 ITP2P1=ITP2+1 ITP2P2=ITP2+2 c** ITP2M is the last mesh point before the 2-nd turning point. ITP2M=ITP2-1 ITP2M2=ITP2-2 G1=V(ITP2M)-E G2=V(ITP2)-E GA=V(ITP2P1)-E c** Quadrature over barrier starts here. CALL LEVQAD(G1,G2,GA,H,RT,ANS1,ANS2) SM=ANS2/H IF(GA.LT.Z0) GO TO 218 SM=SM+ZH*DSQRT(GA) PMX=VMX M2=ITP2P2 204 DO I=M2,ITP3 M=I GA=V(I)-E IF(V(I).GT.PMX) PMX=V(I) IF(GA.LT.Z0) GO TO 210 SM=SM+DSQRT(GA) ENDDO IF(V(M).GT.V(M-1)) THEN IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,602) KV,JROT GO TO 250 ENDIF RMX=RMINN+M*H U1=DSQRT(GA/(V(M)-DSOC)) U2=DSQRT((E-DSOC)/(V(M)-DSOC)) SM=SM-ZH*DSQRT(GA) + (DLOG((Z1+U1)/U2)-U1)*RMX*DSQRT(V(M)-DSOC)/H XJ=(DSQRT(Z1+Z4*(V(M)-DSOC)*(RMX/H)**2)-Z1)/Z2 IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,603) JROT,EO,XJ,RMX GO TO 218 210 IF(M.LT.ITP3) THEN c** If encounter a double-humped barrier, take care here. IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,609) KV,JROT,EO,M KVO=0 DSGN=DSIGN(Z1,S(M-1)) c** Find the effective quantum number for the outer well DO I=M,ITP3 DSGB=DSGN DSGN=DSIGN(Z1,S(I)) IF((DSGN*DSGB).LT.Z0) KVO=KVO+1 ENDDO KVI=KV-KVO IF(INNER.EQ.0) THEN c** For levels of outer well, get correct width by changing ITP1 ITP1=M IF(IWR.GT.0) WRITE(6,610) KVO,LWELL(2) GO TO 40 ENDIF IF(IWR.GT.0) WRITE(6,610) KVI,LWELL(1) c** For "inner-well" levels, locate outer barrier DO I=M,ITP3 M2=I GA=V(I)-E IF(GA.GE.Z0) GO TO 204 ENDDO GO TO 218 ENDIF G3=V(M-2)-E G2=V(M-1)-E CALL LEVQAD(GA,G2,G3,H,RT,ANS1,ANS2) SM= SM- ZH*DSQRT(G3)-DSQRT(G2) + ANS2/H 218 EMSC= -SM/PI IF(INNER.NE.0) VMX= PMX VMAX= VMX/BFCT c** Tunneling factors calculated here ** TUN0 is simple WKB result c as in Child's eqs.(57c) & (59). TUN0= Z0 IF(DABS(EMSC).LT.25.D0) TUN0= ZH*DEXP(Z2*PI*EMSC) c ... for permeability calculate Connor-Smith's Eq.(3.7) \omega=OMEGJC FJNLC= DSQRT(Z1+ Z2*TUN0) OMEGJC= FJNLC- Z1 IF(TUN0.LT.1.D-6) OMEGJC= TUN0 OMEGJC= OMEGJC/(FJNLC+ 1.d0) c** Quadrature for JWKB calculation of vibrational spacing in well HBW D1=E-V(IRM) D2=E-V(ITP1) D3=E-V(ITP1P) CALL LEVQAD(D1,D2,D3,H,RT,ANS1,ANS2) RT1=RT SM=ANS1/H IF(D3.LT.Z0) GO TO 228 SM=SM+ZH/DSQRT(D3) DO I=ITP1P1,ITP2M2 IMM=I EMV=E-V(I) IF(EMV.LT.Z0) GO TO 222 SM=SM+Z1/DSQRT(EMV) ENDDO D3=E-V(ITP2M2) D2=E-V(ITP2M) D1=E-V(ITP2) GO TO 226 c** If encounter a double-minimum well, take care here. 222 D1=EMV D2=E-V(IMM-1) D3=E-V(IMM-2) IF(IWR.NE.0) WRITE(6,605) KV,JROT,EO 226 CALL LEVQAD(D1,D2,D3,H,RT,ANS1,ANS2) RT2=RT SM=SM-ZH/DSQRT(D3) + ANS1/H c** Get HBW in same energy units (1/cm) associated with BFCT 228 HBW=Z2*PI/(BFCT*SM) c** HBW fix up suggested by Child uses his eqs.(48)&(62) for HBW AA= DLOG(DABS(EMSC)) TNUM= Z1/EMSC c** Derivative of complex gamma function argument calculated as c per eq.(6.1.27) in Abramowitz and Stegun. ARG= Z2/((ZH/EMSC)**2+Z1) NST= DABS(EMSC)*1.D2 NST= MAX0(NST,4) DO I= 1,NST NN= I XX= (ZH+NN)/EMSC TI= TNUM/(XX*(XX**2+Z1)) ARG= ARG+TI IF(DABS(TI).LT.1.D-10) GO TO 233 ENDDO 233 COR= ZH*(EMSC/(NN+Z1))**2 ARG= ARG+COR-COR**2 DWEB= (EO-VMAX)*BFCT/(H2*EMSC) DFI= (AA + 1.96351002602134D0-ARG)*BFCT/(H2*DWEB) HBWB= Z1/(Z1/HBW + DFI/(Z2*PI)) c** Width from formula (4.5) of Connor & Smith, Mol.Phys.43,397(1981) c [neglect time delay integral past barrier in their Eq.(4.16)]. IF(EMSC.GT.-25.D0) THEN GAMA = (HBWB/(Z2*PI))*Z4*OMEGJC TAU= 0.D0 IF(GAMA.GT.1.D-60) TAU= 5.308837457D-12/GAMA c** GAM0 = TUN0*HBW/PI is the simple WKB width GAMMA(0) discussed by c Le Roy & Liu in J.C.P.69,3622(1978). IF(IWR.GT.0) WRITE(6,601) TAU,GAMA,HBWB,VMAX GO TO 250 ENDIF GAMALG= DLOG10(HBWB/(Z2*PI))+Z2*PI*EMSC/2.302585093D0 TAULG= DLOG10(5.308837457D-12)-GAMALG IF(IWR.GT.0) WRITE(6,611) TAULG,GAMALG,HBWB,VMAX 250 RETURN 601 FORMAT(' Lifetime=',1PD10.3,'(s) Width=',D10.3,' dG/dv=', 1 0PF7.2,' V(max)=',F9.2) 602 FORMAT(' *** WARNING *** For v =',I3,' J =',I3,' cannot cal 1culate width since barrier maximum beyond range') 603 FORMAT(' *** For J=',I3,' E=',F9.2,' R(3-rd) beyond range so tu 1nneling calculation uses'/8X,'pure centrifugal potential with J(a 2pp)=',F7.2,' for R > R(max)=',F7.2) 605 FORMAT(' **** CAUTION *** Width estimate only qualitative, as have 1 a double-minimum well for E(v=',I3,', J=',I3,')=',F15.7/15X, 2 'a more stable result may be obtained by searching for the quasib 3ound levels using option: INNER > 0 .') 609 FORMAT(' *** CAUTION - Permeability estimate not exact as have a d 1ouble-humped barrier: E(v=',I3,', J=',I3,') =',G15.8,I6) 610 FORMAT(16X,'(NOTE: this has the node count of a v=',I3,2X,A5, 1 '-well level') 611 FORMAT(12X,'Log10(lifetime/sec)=',F10.5,' ; Log10(width/cm-1)=', 1 F10.5,' Spacing=',G12.5,' V(max)=',G14.7,'(cm-1)') END c********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE LEVQAD(Y1,Y2,Y3,H,RT,ANS1,ANS2) c** Subroutine "LEVQAD" fits quadratic Y = A + B*X + C*X**2 through c function values Y1, Y2, Y3 at equally spaced points separated by c distance H, where Y1 < 0 and (Y2,Y3 .ge.0), locates the function c zero (at RT, relative to X1 < X2 = 0) between points X1 & X2, and c evaluates the integral from RT to R3 of 1/sqrt(Y) , called c ANS1, and the integral (same range) of sqrt(Y) , which is ANS2 c** Alternately, if Y1 & Y3 both < 0 and only the middle point c Y2.ge.0 , fit the points to: Y = A - B*(X-X0)**2 , locate the c turning points between which Y(X) > 0 and evaluate these integrals c on this interval. ************************************************* c---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL*8 A,ANS1,ANS2,B,C,CQ,H,HPI,R1,R2,RCQ,RR,RT,SL3,SLT, 1 X0,Y1,Y2,Y3,Z0,Z1,Z2,Z4,ZT c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IF((Y1.GE.0).OR.(Y2.LT.0)) GO TO 99 DATA Z0/0.D0/,Z1/1.D0/,Z2/2.D0/,Z4/4.D0/,HPI/1.570796326794896D0/ IF(Y3.LT.Z0) GO TO 50 c** Here treat case where both 'Y2' & 'Y3' are positive IF(DABS((Y2-Y1)/(Y3-Y2) -1.D0).LT.1.d-10) THEN c ... special case of true (to 1/10^10) linearity ... RT= -H*Y2/(Y2-Y1) ANS1= 2.d0*(H-RT)/DSQRT(Y3) ANS2= ANS1*Y3/3.D0 RETURN ENDIF C=(Y3-Z2*Y2+Y1)/(Z2*H*H) B=(Y3-Y2)/H-C*H A=Y2 CQ=B**2-Z4*A*C RCQ=DSQRT(CQ) R1=(-B-RCQ)/(Z2*C) R2=R1+RCQ/C IF((R2.LE.Z0).AND.(R2.GE.-H)) RT=R2 IF((R1.LE.Z0).AND.(R1.GE.-H)) RT=R1 SL3=Z2*C*H+B SLT=Z2*C*RT+B IF(C.LT.Z0) GO TO 10 ANS1=DLOG((Z2*DSQRT(C*Y3)+SL3)/SLT)/DSQRT(C) GO TO 20 10 ANS1=-(DASIN(SL3/RCQ)-DSIGN(HPI,SLT))/DSQRT(-C) 20 ANS2=(SL3*DSQRT(Y3)-CQ*ANS1/Z2)/(Z4*C) IF(RT.GE.H) WRITE(6,601) H,R1,R2 601 FORMAT(' *** CAUTION *** in LEVQAD, turning point not between poin 1ts 1 & 2. H =',F9.6,' R1 =',F9.6,' R2 =',F9.6) RETURN c** Here treat case when only 'Y2' is non-negative 50 RR=(Y2-Y1)/(Y2-Y3) X0=H*(RR-Z1)/((RR+Z1)*Z2) B=(Y2-Y1)/(H*(Z2*X0+H)) A=Y2+B*X0**2 ZT=DSQRT(A/B) RT=X0-ZT ANS1=Z2*HPI/DSQRT(B) ANS2=ANS1*A/Z2 RETURN 99 WRITE(6,602) Y1,Y2 602 FORMAT(' *** ERROR in LEVQAD *** No turning point between 1-st two 1 points as Y1=',D10.3,' Y2=',D10.3) ANS1=Z0 ANS2=Z0 RETURN END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE CDJOEL(EO,NBEG,NEND,BvWN,RH,WARN,V,WF0,RM2,RCNST) c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Subroutine solving the linear inhomogeneous differential equations c formulated by J.M. Hutson [J.Phys.B14, 851 (1982)] for treating c centrifugal distortion as a perturbation, to determine centrifugal c distortion constants of a diatomic molecule. Uses the algorithm of c J. Tellinghuisen [J.Mol.Spectrosc. 122, 455 (1987)]. The current c version calculates Bv, Dv, Hv, Lv, Mv, Nv and Ov and writes them out, c but does not return values to the calling program. c c** On entry: EO is the eigenvalue (in units [cm-1]) c NBEG & NEND the mesh point range over which the input c wavefunction WF0 (in units 1/sqrt(Ang)) has non-negligible values c BvWn is the numerical factor (hbar^2/2mu) [cm-1 Ang^2] c RH is the integration stepsize (in units [Ang]) c WARN is an integer flag: > 0 print internal warnings, c V(i) is the effective potential (including centrifugal c term if calculation performed at J > 0) in c 'internal' units, including the factor RH**2/BvWN c RM2(i) is the array 1/(distance**2) in units [1/Ang**2] c** On exit: RCNST(i) is the set of 7 rotational constants: Bv, -Dv, c Hv, Lv, Mv, Nv & Ov c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c COPYRIGHT 1994 by Robert J. Le Roy + c Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada + c This software may not be sold or any other commercial use made + c of it without the express written permission of the author. + c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Authors: R.J. Le Roy & J. Tellinghuisen Version of 30/09/1999 c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** Dimension: potential arrays and vib. level arrays. INTEGER NDMINT PARAMETER (NDMINT= 40001) INTEGER I,M,IPASS,M1,M2,NBEG,NEND,WARN REAL*8 V(NEND),WF0(NEND),RM2(NEND),P(NDMINT),WF1(NDMINT), 1 WF2(NDMINT),RCNST(7) REAL*8 BvWN,DV,DVV,HVV,HV2,LVV,LV2,MVV,MV2,NVV,OVV,EO,E,RH,RHSQ, 1 ZTW,AR,R2IN,G2,G3,P0,P1,P2,P3,PI,PIF,PRS,PRT,V1,V2,V3,Y1,Y2,Y3, 2 TSTHv,TSTLv,TSTMv,AMB,AMB1,AMB2, 3 OV,OV01,OV02,OV03,OV11,OV12,OV13,OV22,OV23,OV33, 4 PER01,PER02,PER03,PER11,PER12,PER13,PER22,PER23,PER33 c IF(NEND.GT.NDMINT) THEN WRITE(6,602) NEND,NDMINT RETURN ENDIF ZTW= 1.D0/12.d0 RHSQ = RH*RH DV = RHSQ/12.D0 E= EO*RHSQ/BvWN IPASS = 1 OV01 = 0.D0 OV02 = 0.D0 OV03 = 0.D0 OV11 = 0.D0 OV22 = 0.D0 OV12 = 0.D0 OV33 = 0.D0 OV23 = 0.D0 OV13 = 0.D0 PER01 = 0.D0 PER02 = 0.D0 PER03 = 0.D0 PER11 = 0.D0 PER12 = 0.D0 PER13 = 0.D0 PER22 = 0.D0 PER23 = 0.D0 PER33 = 0.D0 c** First, calculate the expectation value of 1/r**2 and hence Bv R2IN= 0.5D0*(RM2(NBEG)*WF0(NBEG)**2 + RM2(NEND)*WF0(NEND)**2) DO I= NBEG+1, NEND-1 R2IN= R2IN+ RM2(I)*WF0(I)**2 ENDDO R2IN = R2IN*RH RCNST(1)= R2IN*BvWN c c** On First pass IPASS=1 and calculate first-order wavefx., Dv & Hv c On second pass IPASS=2 and calculate second-order wavefx., Lv & Mv c On third pass IPASS=3 and calculate third-order wavefx., Nv & Ov c 10 P1= 0.D0 P2= 0.D0 c c P1= WF0(NEND) c P2= WF0(NEND-1) c P(NEND) = P1 P(NEND-1) = P2 V1 = V(NEND) - E V2 = V(NEND-1) - E IF(IPASS.EQ.1) THEN Y1 = P1*(1.D0 - ZTW*V1) - DV*(RM2(NEND) - R2IN)*WF0(NEND) G2 = (RM2(NEND-1) - R2IN)*WF0(NEND-1) ELSEIF(IPASS.EQ.2) THEN Y1 = P1*(1.D0 - ZTW*V1) - DV*((RM2(NEND) - R2IN)*WF1(NEND) 1 - DVV*WF0(NEND)) G2 = (RM2(NEND-1) - R2IN)*WF1(NEND-1) - DVV*WF0(NEND-1) ELSEIF(IPASS.EQ.3) THEN Y1 = P1*(1.D0 - ZTW*V1) - DV*((RM2(NEND) - R2IN)*WF2(NEND) 1 - DVV*WF1(NEND) - HVV*WF0(NEND)) G2 = (RM2(NEND-1) - R2IN)*WF2(NEND-1) - DVV*WF1(NEND-1) 1 - HVV*WF0(NEND-1) ENDIF Y2 = P2*(1.D0 - ZTW*V2) - DV*G2 M= NEND-1 c** Now - integrate inward from outer end of range DO I = NBEG+2,NEND M = M-1 Y3 = Y2 + Y2 - Y1 + RHSQ*G2 + V2*P2 IF(IPASS.EQ.1) G3 = (RM2(M) - R2IN)*WF0(M) IF(IPASS.EQ.2) G3 = (RM2(M) - R2IN)*WF1(M) - DVV*WF0(M) IF(IPASS.EQ.3) G3 = (RM2(M) - R2IN)*WF2(M) - DVV*WF1(M) 1 - HVV*WF0(M) V3 = V(M) - E P3 = (Y3 + DV*G3)/(1.D0 - ZTW*V3) IF(V3.LT.0.D0) GO TO 32 P(M) = P3 Y1 = Y2 Y2 = Y3 V2 = V3 P2 = P3 G2 = G3 ENDDO GO TO 90 c** Escaped loop at outer turning point: initialize outward integration 32 PRS = P3 PRT = P(M+1) P1 = 0.D0 P2 = 0.D0 c c P1 = WF0(NBEG) c P2 = WF0(NBEG+1) c P(NBEG) = P1 P(NBEG+1) = P2 V1 = V(NBEG) - E V2 = V(NBEG+1) - E IF(IPASS.EQ.1) THEN Y1 = P1*(1.D0 - ZTW*V1) - DV*(RM2(NBEG) - R2IN)*WF0(NBEG) G2 = (RM2(NBEG+1) - R2IN)*WF0(NBEG+1) ELSEIF(IPASS.EQ.2) THEN Y1 = P1*(1.D0 - ZTW*V1) - DV*((RM2(NBEG) - R2IN)*WF1(NBEG) 1 - DVV*WF0(NEND)) G2 = (RM2(NBEG+1) - R2IN)*WF1(NBEG+1) - DVV*WF0(NBEG+1) ELSEIF(IPASS.EQ.3) THEN Y1 = P1*(1.D0 - ZTW*V1) - DV*((RM2(NBEG) - R2IN)*WF2(NBEG) 1 - DVV*WF1(NEND) - HVV*WF0(NEND)) G2 = (RM2(NBEG+1) - R2IN)*WF2(NBEG+1) - DVV*WF1(NBEG+1) 2 - HVV*WF0(NBEG+1) ENDIF Y2 = P2*(1.D0 - ZTW*V2) - DV*G2 AR = 0.D0 M1 = M+1 c** Now ... integrate outward from inner end of range DO I = NBEG+2,M1 Y3 = Y2 + Y2 - Y1 + RHSQ*G2 + V2*P2 P0 = WF0(I) IF(IPASS.EQ.1) G3 = (RM2(I) - R2IN)*P0 IF(IPASS.EQ.2) G3 = (RM2(I)-R2IN)*WF1(I) - DVV*P0 IF(IPASS.EQ.3) G3 = (RM2(I)-R2IN)*WF2(I) - DVV*WF1(I) - HVV*P0 V3 = V(I) - E P3 = (Y3 + DV*G3)/(1.D0 - ZTW*V3) P(I) = P3 Y1 = Y2 Y2 = Y3 V2 = V3 P2 = P3 G2 = G3 AR = AR + P0*P3 ENDDO c** Average for 2 adjacent mesh points to get Joel's "(a-b)" AMB2 = (P3-PRT)/P0 AMB1 = (P(M)-PRS)/WF0(M) AMB = (AMB1+AMB2)*0.5D0 M2 = M+2 c** Find the rest of the overlap with zero-th order solution ... DO I = M2,NEND P0 = WF0(I) PI = P(I) + AMB*P0 P(I) = PI AR = AR + PI*P0 ENDDO OV = AR*RH DO I = NBEG,NEND P0 = WF0(I) c ... and project out contribution of zero'th-order part of solution PI = P(I) - OV*P0 PIF = PI*RM2(I) IF(IPASS.EQ.1) THEN c** Now - on first pass accumulate integrals for Dv and Hv WF1(I) = PI OV01 = OV01 + PI*P0 OV11 = OV11 + PI*PI PER01 = PER01 + PIF*P0 PER11 = PER11 + PI*PIF ELSEIF(IPASS.EQ.2) THEN c ... and on next pass, accumulate integrals for Lv and Mv WF2(I) = PI P1 = WF1(I) OV02 = OV02 + PI*P0 OV12 = OV12 + PI*P1 OV22 = OV22 + PI*PI PER02 = PER02 + PIF*P0 PER12 = PER12 + PIF*P1 PER22 = PER22 + PI*PIF ELSEIF(IPASS.EQ.3) THEN c ... and on next pass, accumulate integrals for Nv and Ov P1 = WF1(I) P2 = WF2(I) OV03 = OV03 + PI*P0 OV13 = OV13 + PI*P1 OV23 = OV23 + PI*P2 OV33 = OV33 + PI*PI PER03 = PER03 + PIF*P0 PER13 = PER13 + PIF*P1 PER23 = PER23 + PIF*P2 PER33 = PER33 + PIF*PI ENDIF ENDDO IF(IPASS.EQ.1) THEN DVV = RH*PER01 HVV = RH*(PER11 - R2IN*OV11) IPASS = 2 RCNST(2) = DVV*BvWN RCNST(3) = HVV*BvWn GO TO 10 ELSEIF(IPASS.EQ.2) THEN HV2 = RH*PER02*BvWN LVV = RH*(PER12 - R2IN*OV12 - DVV*OV11) MVV = RH*(PER22 - R2IN*OV22 - 2.D0*DVV*OV12 - HVV*OV11) IPASS = 3 RCNST(4) = LVV*BvWN RCNST(5) = MVV*BvWN GO TO 10 ELSEIF(IPASS.EQ.3) THEN LV2 = RH*PER03*BvWN MV2 = RH*(PER13 - R2IN*OV13 - DVV*OV12 - HVV*OV11)*BvWN NVV = RH*(PER23 - R2IN*OV23 - DVV*(OV13 + OV22) 1 - 2.D0*HVV*OV12 - LVV*OV11) OVV = RH*(PER33 - R2IN*OV33 - 2.D0*DVV*OV23 1 - HVV*(2.D0*OV13+ OV22) - 2.D0*LVV*OV12 - MVV*OV11) RCNST(6) = NVV*BvWN RCNST(7) = OVV*BvWN ENDIF IF(WARN.GT.0) THEN IF(DMAX1(DABS(OV01),DABS(OV02),DABS(OV01)).GT.1.D-9) 1 WRITE(6,604) OV01,OV02,OV03 TSTHV= dabs(RCNST(3)/HV2-1.D0) TSTLV= dabs(RCNST(4)/LV2-1.D0) TSTMV= dabs(RCNST(5)/MV2-1.D0) IF(DMAX1(TSTHV,TSTLV,TSTMV).GT.1.d-5) 1 WRITE(6,603) TSTHV,TSTLV,TSTMV ENDIF RETURN 90 WRITE(6,601) EO RETURN 601 FORMAT(' *** ERROR in CDJOEL *** for input energy E =',f12.4, 1 ' never reach outer turning point') 602 FORMAT(/' *** Dimensioning PROBLEM in CDJOEL *** NEND=',i6, 1 ' > NDMINT=',i6) 603 FORMAT(' ** CAUTION ** Comparison tests for Hv, Lv & Mv give:', 1 3(1Pd9.1)) 604 FORMAT(' ** CAUTION ** CDJOEL orthogonality tests OV01,OV02 & OV03 1:',3(1Pd9.1)) END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE NLLSSRR(NDATA,NPTOT,NPMAX,IROUND,NGPRND,LPRINT,YO,YU, 1 YD,PV,PU,PS,CM,TSTPS,TSTPU,DSE) c** Program for performing linear or non-linear least-squares fits and c (if desired) automatically using sequential rounding and refitting c to minimize the numbers of parameter digits which must be quoted [see c R.J. Le Roy, J.Mol.Spectrosc. 191, 223-231 (1998)]. 16/11/00 c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c COPYRIGHT 1998-2000 by Robert J. Le Roy + c Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada + c This software may not be sold or any other commercial use made + c of it without the express written permission of the author. + c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c** Program uses orthogonal decomposition of the "design" (partial c derivative) matrix for the core locally linear (steepest descent) c step, following a method introduced (to me) by Dr. Michael Dulick. c** If no parameters are free (NPTOT=0), simply return RMS(residuals) as c calculated from the input parameter values {PV(j)}. c** A user MUST SUPPLY subroutine DYIDPJ to generate the predicted c value of each datum and the partial derivatives of each datum w.r.t. c each parameter (see below) from the current trial parameters. c c** On entry: c NDATA is the number of data to be fitted c NPTOT the number of parameters to be varied (.le.NPMAX). c If NPTOT.le.0 , assume YD(i)=YO(i) and calculate the (RMS c dimensionless deviation)=DSE from them & YU(i) c NPMAX is the maximum number of free parameters allowed by current c external array sizes. Should set internal NPINTMX = NPMAX c (may be freely changed by the user). c IROUND .ne. 0 causes Sequential Rounding & Refitting to be c performed, with each parameter being rounded at the c |IROUND|'th sig. digit of its local incertainty. c > 0 rounding selects in turn remaining parameter with largest c relative uncertainy c < 0 round parameters sequentially from last to first c = 0 simply stops after full convergence (without rounding). c NGPRND in the unusual case when one has MANY parameters and wants c to round a number off all at once, setting NGPRDN > 1 causes c the last NGPRND parameters to be rounded in the initial step. c Use only if necessary: should NORMALLY set NGPRND.le.1 . c LPRINT specifies the level of printing inside NLLSSRR c if: = 0, no print except for failed convergence. c < 0 only converged, unrounded parameters, PU & PS's c >= 1 print converged parameters, PU & PS's c >= 2 also print parameter change each rounding step c >= 3 also indicate nature of convergence c >= 4 also print convergence tests on each cycle c >= 5 also parameters changes & uncertainties, each cycle c >= 6 also print correlation matrix on each cycle c YO(i) are the NDATA 'observed' data to be fitted c YU(i) are the uncertainties in these YO(i) values c PV(j) are initial trial parameter values (for non-linear fits); c should be set at zero for initially undefined parameters. c c** On Exit: c YD(i) is the array of differences [Ycalc(i) - YO(i)] c PV(j) are the final converged parameter values c PU(j) are 95% confidence limit uncertainties in the PV(j)'s c PS(j) are 'parameter sensitivities' for the PV(j)'s, defined such c that the RMS displacement of predicted data due to rounding c off parameter-j by PS(j) is .le. DSE/10*NPTOT c CM(j,k) is the correlation matrix obtained by normalizing variance c /covariance matrix: CM(j,k) = CM(j,k)/SQRT[CM(j,j)*CM(k,k)] c TSTPS = max{|delta[PV(j)]/PS(j)|} is the parameter sensitivity c convergence test: delta[PV(j)] is last change in parameter-j c TSTPU = max{|delta[PV(j)]/PU(j)|} is the parameter uncertainty c convergence test: delta[PV(j)] is last change in parameter-j c DSE is the predicted (dimensionless) standard error of the fit c c NOTE that the squared 95% confidence limit uncertainty in a property c F({PV(j)}) defined in terms of the fitted parameters {PV(j)} (where c the L.H.S. involves [row]*[matrix]*[column] multiplication) is: c [D(F)]^2 = [PU(1)*dF/dPV(1), PU(2)*dF/dPV(2), ...]*[CM(j,k)]* c [PU(2)*dF/dPV(1), PU(2)*dF/dPV(2), ...] c c** Externally dimension: YO, YU and YD .ge. NDATA c PV, PU and PS .ge. NPTOT (say as NPMAX), c CM as a square matrix with column & row length NPMAX c*********************************************************************** INTEGER NPINTMX PARAMETER (NPINTMX=2000) INTEGER I,J,K,L,IDF,ITER,NITER,IROUND,JROUND,LPRINT,NDATA, 1 NGPRND,NPTOT,NPARM,NPMAX,QUIT,KFIX,JFIX,IFXP(NPINTMX) REAL*8 YO(NDATA), YU(NDATA), YD(NDATA), PV(NPTOT), PU(NPTOT), 1 PS(NPTOT),PSS(NPINTMX),PC(NPINTMX),PX(NPINTMX),PY(NPINTMX), 2 CM(NPMAX,NPMAX), F95(10), 3 RMSR, RMSRB, DSE, TSTPS, TSTPSB, TSTPU, TFACT, S, UU DATA F95/12.7062D0,4.3027D0,3.1824D0,2.7764D0,2.5706D0,2.4469D0, 1 2.3646D0,2.3060D0,2.2622D0,2.2281D0/ c IF((NPTOT.GT.NPMAX).OR.(NPTOT.GT.NPINTMX) 1 .OR.(NPTOT.GT.NDATA)) THEN c** If array dimensioning inadequate, print warning & then STOP WRITE(6,602) NPTOT,NPINTMX,NPMAX,NDATA STOP ENDIF NPARM= NPTOT TSTPS= 0.d0 RMSR= 0.d0 NITER= 0 QUIT= 0 DO J= 1,NPTOT PS(J)= 0.d0 IFXP(J)= 0 ENDDO JROUND= IABS(IROUND) c======================================================================= c** Beginning of loop to perform rounding (if desired). NOTE that in c sequential rounding, NPARM is the current (iteratively shrinking) c number of free parameters. 6 IF(NPARM.GT.0) TSTPS= 9.d99 c** TFACT is 95% student t-value for (NDATA-NPARM) degrees of freedom. c [Approximate expression for (NDATA-NPARM).GT.10 accurate to ca. 0.002] TFACT= 0.D0 IF(NDATA.GT.NPARM) THEN IDF= NDATA-NPARM IF(IDF.GT.10) TFACT= 1.960D0*DEXP(1.265D0/DFLOAT(IDF)) IF(IDF.LE.10) TFACT= F95(IDF) ELSE TFACT= 0.D0 ENDIF c====================================================================== c** Begin iterative convergence loop: try for up to 20 cycles DO 50 ITER= 1,20 NITER= NITER+ 1 DSE= 0.d0 TSTPSB= TSTPS RMSRB= RMSR c** Zero out various arrays IF(NPARM.GT.0) THEN DO I = 1,NPARM c** PSS is the array of Saved Parameter Sensitivities from previous run c to be carried into dyidpj subroutine - used in predicting increment c for derivatives by differences. PSS(I)= PS(I) PS(I) = 0.D0 PU(I) = 0.D0 PX(I) = 0.D0 PY(I) = 0.D0 DO J = 1,NPARM CM(I,J) = 0.D0 ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF c c========Beginning of core linear least-squares step==================== c c** Begin by forming the Jacobian Matrix from partial derivative matrix DO I = 1,NDATA c** User-supplied subroutine DYIDPJ uses current (trial) parameter c values {PV} to generate predicted datum # I [y(calc;I)=UU] and its c partial derivatives w.r.t. each of the parameters, returning the c latter in 1-D array PC. See dummy sample version at end of listing. c* [NOTE: if desired, could write DYIDPJ such that the y(calc) values c and derivatives for all data are prepared at the same time (when c I=1), but only returned here one datum at a time (for I > 1). c However, this would be inappropriate for very large data sets.] CALL DYIDPJ(I,NDATA,NPTOT,UU,PV,PC,PSS,RMSR) IF((NPARM.LT.NPTOT).AND.(IROUND.GT.0)) THEN c** For sequential rounding, collapse partial derivative array here DO J= NPTOT,1,-1 IF((IFXP(J).GT.0).AND.(J.LT.NPTOT)) THEN DO K= J,NPTOT-1 PC(K)= PC(K+1) ENDDO PC(NPTOT)= 0.d0 ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF S = 1.D0 / YU(I) YD(I)= UU - YO(I) UU = - YD(I) * S DSE= DSE+ UU*UU IF(NPARM.GT.0) THEN DO J = 1,NPARM PC(J) = PC(J)*S PS(J) = PS(J)+ PC(J)**2 ENDDO CALL QROD(NPARM,NPMAX,NPMAX,CM,PC,PU,UU,PX,PY) ENDIF ENDDO RMSR= DSQRT(DSE/NDATA) IF(NPARM.LE.0) GO TO 60 c c** Compute the inverse of CM CM(1,1) = 1.D0 / CM(1,1) DO I = 2,NPARM L = I - 1 DO J = 1,L S = 0.D0 DO K = J,L S = S + CM(K,I) * CM(J,K) ENDDO CM(J,I) = -S / CM(I,I) ENDDO CM(I,I) = 1.D0 / CM(I,I) ENDDO c c** Solve for parameter changes PC(j) DO 26 I = 1,NPARM J = NPARM - I + 1 PC(J) = 0.D0 DO 24 K = J,NPARM 24 PC(J) = PC(J) + CM(J,K) * PU(K) 26 CONTINUE c c** Get (upper triangular) "dispersion Matrix" [variance-covarience c matrix without the sigma^2 factor]. DO 30 I = 1,NPARM DO 30 J = I,NPARM UU = 0.D0 DO 28 K = J,NPARM 28 UU = UU + CM(I,K) * CM(J,K) 30 CM(I,J) = UU c** Generate core of Parameter Uncertainties PU(j) and (symmetric) c correlation matrix CM DO 36 J = 1,NPARM PU(J) = DSQRT(CM(J,J)) DO 32 K= J,NPARM 32 CM(J,K)= CM(J,K)/PU(J) DO 34 K= 1,J CM(K,J)= CM(K,J)/PU(J) 34 CM(J,K)= CM(K,J) 36 CONTINUE c** Option to print correlation matrix on first cycle ... IF((ITER.EQ.1).AND.(LPRINT.GE.6)) THEN WRITE(6,693) CM(1,1) DO i= 2,NPTOT WRITE(6,694) i,(CM(i,k),k= 1,i) ENDDO ENDIF c c** Generate standard error DSE = sigma^2, and prepare to calculate c Parameter Sensitivities PS IF(NDATA.GT.NPARM) THEN DSE= DSQRT(DSE/(NDATA-NPARM)) ELSE DSE= 0.d0 ENDIF c** Use DSE to get final (95% confid. limit) parameter uncertainties PU c** Calculate 'parameter sensitivities', changes in PV(j) which would c change predictions of input data by an RMS average of DSE*0.1/NPARM UU= DSE*0.1d0/DFLOAT(NPARM) S= DSE*TFACT DO 40 J = 1,NPARM PU(J)= S* PU(J) 40 PS(J)= UU*DSQRT(NDATA/PS(J)) c========End of core linear least-squares step========================== c ... early exit if Rounding cycle finished ... IF(QUIT.GT.0) GO TO 60 c c** Next test for convergence TSTPS= 0.D0 TSTPU= 0.D0 DO J= 1,NPARM TSTPS= MAX(TSTPS,DABS(PC(J)/PS(J))) TSTPU= MAX(TSTPU,DABS(PC(J)/PU(J))) ENDDO IF(LPRINT.GE.4) WRITE(6,604) ITER,RMSR,TSTPS,TSTPU c** Now ... update parameters (careful about rounding) DO J= 1,NPTOT IF(IFXP(J).GT.0) THEN c** If parameter held fixed (by rounding process), shift values of c change, sensitivity & uncertainty to correct label. DO I= NPTOT,J+1,-1 PC(I)= PC(I-1) PS(I)= PS(I-1) PU(I)= PU(I-1) ENDDO PC(J)= 0.d0 PS(J)= 0.d0 PU(J)= 0.d0 ELSE PV(J)= PV(J)+ PC(J) ENDIF ENDDO IF(LPRINT.GE.5) WRITE(6,612) (J,PV(J),PU(J),PS(J),PC(J), 1 J=1,NPTOT) IF(NITER.GT.1) THEN c** Test for convergence: for every parameter desire: c |parameter change| < |parameter sensitivity| But STOP iterating c if Max{|change/sens.|} increases AND Max{|change/unc.|} < 0.01 IF(TSTPS.GT.1.d0) THEN IF((RMSR.GT.RMSRB).AND.(ITER.GT.5)) THEN IF((TSTPU.LT.1.d-2).OR.((TSTPU.LT.0.5d0).AND. 1 (ITER.GT.10))) THEN IF(LPRINT.GE.3) WRITE(6,606) ITER,TSTPU,RMSR GO TO 54 ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF(LPRINT.GE.3) WRITE(6,608) ITER,TSTPS,RMSR GO TO 54 ENDIF ENDIF ccc CALL FLUSH(6) 50 CONTINUE WRITE(6,610) NPARM,NDATA,ITER,RMSR,TSTPS,TSTPU c** End of iterative convergence loop for (in general) non-linear case. c====================================================================== c 54 IF(NPARM.EQ.NPTOT) THEN IF(LPRINT.NE.0) THEN c** If desired, print unrounded parameters and fit properties WRITE(6,616) NDATA,NPARM,RMSR WRITE(6,612) (J,PV(J),PU(J),PS(J),PC(J),J=1,NPARM) ENDIF IF(IROUND.EQ.0) RETURN IF(NGPRND.GT.1) THEN c** For special case when wish to round off the last NGPRND parameters c in a single step ... (sometimes feasible for linear parameters) IF(NGPRND.GE.NPTOT) NGPRND= NPTOT-1 CALL GPROUND(JROUND+1,NPTOT,NPARM,NPMAX,NGPRND,LPRINT, 1 IFXP,PV,PU) GO TO 6 ENDIF ENDIF c** Automated 'Sequential Rounding and Refitting' section: round c current last parameter, fix it, and return (above) to repeat fit. IF(IROUND.LT.0) THEN c ... if IROUND < 0, sequentially round off 'last' remaining parameter JFIX= NPARM ELSE c ... if IROUND > 0, sequentially round off remaining parameter with c largest relative uncertainty. c ... First, select parameter with the largest relative uncertainty K= 0 TSTPS= 0.d0 DO J= 1,NPTOT IF(IFXP(J).LE.0) THEN K= K+1 TSTPSB= DABS(PU(J)/PV(J)) IF(TSTPSB.GT.TSTPS) THEN JFIX= J KFIX= K TSTPS= TSTPSB ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO c** Now redistribute correlation matrix elements for use by ROUND DO J= 1,NPTOT IF(IFXP(J).GT.0) THEN DO I= NPTOT,J+1,-1 CM(KFIX,I)= CM(KFIX,I-1) ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF UU= PV(JFIX) CALL ROUND(JROUND,NPMAX,NPARM,NPTOT,JFIX,PV,PU,PS,CM) IFXP(JFIX)= 1 IF(LPRINT.GE.2) 1 WRITE(6,614) JFIX,UU,PU(JFIX),PS(JFIX),PV(JFIX),RMSR NPARM= NPARM-1 IF(NPARM.EQ.0) THEN c** After rounding complete, make one more pass with all parameters free c to get full correct corelation matrix, uncertainties & sensitivities NPARM= NPTOT QUIT= 1 DO J= 1,NPTOT IFXP(J)= 0 ENDDO c ... reinitialize for derivative-by-differences calculation RMSR= 0.d0 ENDIF GO TO 6 c c** If no parameters varied or sequential rounding completed - simply c calculate DSE from RMS residuals and return. 60 DSE= 0.d0 IF(NDATA.GT.NPTOT) THEN DSE= RMSR*DSQRT(DFLOAT(NDATA)/DFLOAT(NDATA-NPTOT)) ELSE DSE= 0.d0 ENDIF IF(NPTOT.GT.0) THEN IF(LPRINT.GT.0) THEN c** Print final rounded parameters with original Uncert. & Sensitivities WRITE(6,616) NDATA,NPTOT,RMSR WRITE(6,612) (J,PV(J),PU(J),PS(J),PC(J),J=1,NPTOT) ENDIF ENDIF RETURN c 602 FORMAT(/' *** NLLSSRR problem: [NPTOT=',i4,'] > min{NPINTMX=', 1 i4,' NPMAX=',i4,', NDATA=',i6,'}') 604 FORMAT(' After Cycle #',i2,': RMSR=',1PD10.3,' test(PS)=', 1 1PD8.1,' test(PU)=',D8.1) 606 FORMAT(' Effective',i3,'-cycle Cgce: MAX{|change/unc.|}=',1PD8.1, 1 ' < 0.01 RMSR=',D10.3) 608 FORMAT(' Full',i3,'- cycle convergence: Max{|change/sens.|}=', 1 1PD8.1,' < 1 RMSR=',D10.2) 610 FORMAT(' !! CAUTION !! fit of',i4,' parameters to',I6,' data not c 1onverged after',i3,' Cycles'/5x,'RMS(residuals)=',1PD10.3, 2 ' test(PS) =',D9.2,' test(PU) =',D9.2/1x,30('**')) 612 FORMAT((4x,'PV(',i4,') =',1PD22.14,' (+/-',D8.1,') PS=',d8.1, 1 ' PC=',d8.1)) 614 FORMAT(' =',39('==')/' Round Off PV(',i3,')=',1PD21.13,' (+/-', 1 D9.2,') PS=',d9.2/11x,'fix it as ',D21.13,' & refit: RMS(res 2iduals)=',D10.3) 616 FORMAT(/' Fit of',i6,' data to',i5,' parameters yields RMS(resid 1uals)=',G11.4) 693 FORMAT(/14x,'Correlation Matrix'/' 1',f7.3,4x,9('--')) 694 FORMAT(i3,20(f7.3)) END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE QROD(N,NR,NC,A,R,F,B,GC,GS) C** Performs ORTHOGONAL DECOMPOSITION OF THE LINEAR LEAST-SQUARES C EQUATION J * X = F TO A * X = B(TRANSPOSE) * F WHERE C J IS THE JACOBIAN IN WHICH THE FIRST N ROWS AND COLUMNS C ARE TRANSFORMED TO THE UPPER TRIANGULAR MATRIX A C (J = B * A), X IS THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE VECTOR, AND C F IS THE DEPENDENT VARIABLE VECTOR. THE TRANSFORMATION C IS APPLIED TO ONE ROW OF THE JACOBIAN MATRIX AT A TIME. C PARAMETERS : C N - (INTEGER) DIMENSION OF A TO BE TRANSFORMED. C NR - (INTEGER) ROW DIMENSION OF A DECLARED IN CALLING PROGRAM. C NC - (INTEGER) Column DIMENSION OF F DECLARED IN CALLING PROGRAM. C A - (REAL*8 ARRAY OF DIMENSIONS .GE. N*N) UPPER TRIANGULAR C TRANSFORMATION MATRIX. C R - (REAL*8 LINEAR ARRAY OF DIMENSION .GE. N) ROW OF C JACOBIAN TO BE ADDED. C F - (REAL*8 LINEAR ARRAY .GE. TO THE ROW DIMENSION OF THE C JACOBIAN) TRANSFORMED DEPENDENT VARIABLE MATRIX. C B - (REAL*8) VALUE OF F THAT CORRESPONDS TO THE ADDED C JACOBIAN ROW. C GC - (REAL*8 LINEAR ARRAY .GE. N) GIVENS COSINE TRANSFORMATIONS. C GS - (REAL*8 LINEAR ARRAY .GE. N) GIVENS SINE TRANSFORMATIONS. C-------------------------------------------------------------------- C AUTHOR : MICHAEL DULICK, Department of Chemistry, C UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO, WATERLOO, ONTARIO N2L 3G1 C-------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER I,J,K,N,NC,NR REAL*8 A(NR,NC), R(N), F(NR), GC(N), GS(N), B, Z(2) DO 10 I = 1,N Z(1) = R(I) J = I - 1 DO K = 1,J Z(2) = GC(K) * A(K,I) + GS(K) * Z(1) Z(1) = GC(K) * Z(1) - GS(K) * A(K,I) A(K,I) = Z(2) ENDDO GC(I) = 1.D0 GS(I) = 0.D0 IF(Z(1) .EQ. 0.D0) GOTO 10 IF(DABS(A(I,I)) .LT. DABS(Z(1))) THEN Z(2) = A(I,I) / Z(1) GS(I) = 1.D0 / DSQRT(1.D0 + Z(2) * Z(2)) GC(I) = Z(2) * GS(I) ELSE Z(2) = Z(1) / A(I,I) GC(I) = 1.D0 / DSQRT(1.D0 + Z(2) * Z(2)) GS(I) = Z(2) * GC(I) ENDIF A(I,I) = GC(I) * A(I,I) + GS(I) * Z(1) Z(2) = GC(I) * F(I) + GS(I) * B B = GC(I) * B - GS(I) * F(I) F(I) = Z(2) 10 CONTINUE RETURN END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE ROUND(IROUND,NPMAX,NPARM,NPTOT,IPAR,PV,PU,PS,CM) c** Subroutine to round off parameter # IPAR with value PV(IPAR) at the c |IROUND|'th significant digit of: [its uncertainty PU(IPAR)] . c** On return, the rounded value replaced the initial value PV(IPAR). c** Then ... use the correlation matrix CM and the uncertainties PU(I) c in the other (NPTOT-1) [or (NPARM-1) free] parameters to calculate c the optimum compensating changes PV(I) in their values. c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c COPYRIGHT 1998 by Robert J. Le Roy + c Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada + c This software may not be sold or any other commercial use made + c of it without the express written permission of the author. + c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INTEGER IROUND,NPMAX,NPARM,NPTOT,IPAR,I,IRND,KRND REAL*8 PU(NPMAX),PS(NPMAX),PV(NPMAX),CM(NPMAX,NPMAX),CNST, 1 CRND,XRND,FCT,Z0 DATA Z0/0.d0/ CNST= PV(IPAR) XRND= DLOG10(PU(IPAR)) c** If appropriate, base last rounding step on sensitivity (not uncert.) IF((NPARM.EQ.1).AND.(PS(IPAR).LT.PU(IPAR))) XRND= DLOG10(PS(IPAR)) c** First ... fiddle with log's to perform the rounding IRND= INT(XRND) IF(XRND.GT.0) IRND=IRND+1 IRND= IRND- IROUND FCT= 10.D0**IRND CRND= PV(IPAR)/FCT XRND= Z0 c ... if rounding goes past REAL*8 precision, retain unrounded constant IF(DABS(CRND).GE.1.D+16) THEN WRITE(6,601) IROUND,IPAR RETURN ENDIF IF(DABS(CRND).GE.1.D+8) THEN c ... to avoid problems from overflow of I*4 integers ... KRND= NINT(CRND/1.D+8) XRND= KRND*1.D+8 CRND= CRND-XRND XRND= XRND*FCT END IF IRND= NINT(CRND) CNST= IRND*FCT+ XRND c** Now ... combine rounding change in parameter # IPAR, together with c correlation matrix CM and parameter uncertainties PU to predict c changes in other parameters to optimally compensate for rounding off c of parameter-IPAR. Method pointed out by Mary Thompson (Dept. of c Statistics, UW), IF(IPAR.GT.1) THEN XRND= (CNST-PV(IPAR))/PU(IPAR) DO I= 1,NPTOT IF(I.NE.IPAR) THEN PV(I)= PV(I)+ CM(IPAR,I)*PU(I)*XRND ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF PV(IPAR)= CNST RETURN 601 FORMAT(' =',39('==')/' Caution:',i3,'-digit rounding of parameter- 1',i2,' would exceed (assumed) REAL*8'/' ******** precision overf 2low at 1.D+16, so keep unrounded constant') END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE GPROUND(IROUND,NPTOT,NPARM,NPMAX,NGPRND,LPRINT, 1 IFXP,PV,PU) c** Subroutine to round off the last NGPRND of the NPTOT parameters c PV(i) at the |IROUND|'th significant digit of the smallest of their c uncertainties min{U(i)}. This procedure does NOT attempt to correct c the remaining parameters to compensate for these changes (as ROUND c does) and so is not appropriate for nonlinear parameters. c** On return, the rounded values replaces the initial values of PV(i). c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c COPYRIGHT 2000 by Robert J. Le Roy + c Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada + c This software may not be sold or any other commercial use made + c of it without the express written permission of the author. + c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INTEGER I,IROUND,NGPRND,NPMAX,NPTOT,NPARM,IPAR,IRND,KRND,LPRINT INTEGER IFXP(NPTOT) REAL*8 PU(NPMAX),PV(NPMAX),CNST,CRND,XRND,FCT,XX,YY c c** Now, loop over & round off the last NGPRDN parameters, IF(LPRINT.GE.2) WRITE(6,602) NGPRND,NPTOT NPARM= NPTOT+ 1 DO I= 1,NGPRND NPARM= NPARM- 1 c** First ... fiddle with log's to perform the rounding XRND= DLOG10(PU(NPARM)) IRND= INT(XRND) IF(XRND.GT.0) IRND=IRND+1 IRND= IRND- IROUND FCT= 10.D0**IRND CNST= PV(NPARM) YY= CNST CRND= PV(NPARM)/FCT XRND= 0.d0 c ... if rounding goes past REAL*8 precision, retain unrounded constant IF(DABS(CRND).GE.1.D+16) THEN WRITE(6,600) IROUND,IPAR RETURN ENDIF IF(DABS(CRND).GE.1.D+8) THEN c ... to avoid problems from overflow of I*4 integers ... KRND= NINT(CRND/1.D+8) XRND= KRND*1.D+8 CRND= CRND-XRND XRND= XRND*FCT END IF IRND= NINT(CRND) CNST= IRND*FCT+ XRND PV(NPARM) = CNST IFXP(NPARM)= 1 IF(LPRINT.GE.2) WRITE(6,604) NPARM,YY,PV(NPARM) 604 FORMAT(5x,'Round parameter #',i4,' from',G20.12,' to',G20.12) ENDDO NPARM= NPARM- 1 RETURN 600 FORMAT(' =',39('==')/' Caution:',i3,'-digit rounding of parameter- 1',i2,' would exceed (assumed) REAL*8'/' ******** precision overf 2low at 1.D+16, so keep unrounded constant') 602 FORMAT(' Rounding off the last',i5,' of',i5,' parameters:') END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c*********************************************************************** c SUBROUTINE DYIDPJ(I,NDATA,NPTOT,UU,PV,PC,PS,RMSR) c** Illustrative dummy version of DYIDPJ for the case of a fit to a c power series of order (NPTOT-1) in X(i). *** For datum number-i, c calculate and return PD(j)=[partial derivatives of datum-i] w.r.t. c each of the free polynomial coefficients varied in the fit c (for j=1 to NPTOT). ** c* NOTE that NDATA, PS and RMSR are useful for cases in which c derivatives-by-differences are generated (as for BCONT). c===================================================================== c** Use COMMON block(s) to bring in values of the independent variable c [here XX(i)] and any other parameters or variables needeed to c calculate YC and the partial derivatives. c===================================================================== c INTEGER I,J,NDATA,NPTOT,MXDATA c PARAMETER (MXDATA= 501) c REAL*8 RMSR,YC,PV(NPTOT),PD(NPTOT),PS(NPTOT),POWER,XX(MXDATA) c COMMON /DATABLK/XX c===================================================================== c** NOTE BENE(!!) for non-linear fits, need to be sure that the c calculations of YC and PD(j) are based on the current UPDATED PV(j) c values. If other (than PV) parameter labels are used internally c in the calculations, UPDATE them whenever (say) I = 1 . c===================================================================== c POWER= 1.D0 c YC= PV(1) c PD(1)= POWER c DO 10 J= 2,NPTOT c POWER= POWER*XX(I) c YC= YC+ PV(J)*POWER c PD(J)= POWER c 10 CONTINUE c RETURN c END c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12