Marie D'iorio
Senior Strategy Advisor, University of Ottawa
Marie D’Iorio is a Senior Strategy Advisor with the Office of the Vice President Research at the University of Ottawa and is President of NanoCanada. Prior to joining the University of Ottawa, she led the National Institute for Nanotechnology (2011-2016) and the Institute for Microstructural Sciences (2003-2011) at the National Research Council of Canada. She served as President of the Academy of Science of the Royal Society of Canada and President of the Canadian Association of Physicists.
Dr. D’Iorio obtained a Master’s and a Doctorate degree in Solid State Physics from the University of Toronto. After a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at IBM Zurich Research Laboratories, she joined the National Research Council in 1983, where she established the first very low temperature, high magnetic field laboratory in Canada to study low dimensional electron systems in semiconductor heterostructures. She also established NRC’s first Organic Photonics and Electronics Research Program, developing a number of highly efficient small molecule and polymer materials, processes and devices in collaboration with academic and industrial partners. She was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 2006 and received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012 for her service to the Canadian scientific community. She holds 3 patents, and has published 97 papers, book chapters, and conference proceedings in peer-reviewed journals. In her spare time, she plays the violin and practices fiber arts.
Email: mdiorio@uottawa.ca