Central Stores Business Operations - Monday to Friday,  7:30 am to 4:00 pm


Web Based Shipping System

User application procedures and guidelines

The application form is intended to give shipping authorization to designated UW individuals.  The form requires the applicant’s information and the reviewer’s information.  The reviewer is generally the Administrative Assistant or the Financial Advisor.  Signatures on the form from the Applicant, Reviewer and Dean, Director, Chair or Supervisor are required before the application can be registered.  Once registered, the applicant is considered an “Office User”.  The overall process ensures that the Office User has been given the authority to use your departments’ accounting flex field (AFF) numbers to pay for the shipping charges.

Office Users are identified as full time and regular part-time faculty and staff only.  Specific personal system (password protected) access is not to be used by any other UW staff or any other individual.

Following the guidelines above and individual faculty and departmental administrative procedures, Office Users can be selected.  The result of this process is that the responsibility for any and all shipping charges, generated by the Office User, falls on the faculty or department who gave the authorization.