WCGS Reading Group: Töchter / Daughters by Lucy Fricke, translation by Sinéad Crowe

Tuesday, June 1, 2021 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

The WCGS German Reading Group has selected Töchter / Daughters by Lucy Fricke, translation by Sinéad Crowe as its next read.

What's the Book About?

Lucy Fricke's Daughters tells the story of two women either side of forty on a road trip across Europe, each of them dealing with difficult fathers along the way. A bestseller and booksellers' favourite in Germany, Daughters evokes laughter and tears by way of life and death, friendship and family.

Lucy Frickes Töchter erzählt die Geschichte von zwei Frauen um die vierzig, die sich auf einem Roadtrip durch Europa mit ihren jeweils ganz unterschiedlichschwierigen Vätern auseinandersetzen. Töchter bringt uns zum Lachen und zum Weinen — über das Leben und den Tod, über Freundschaft und Familie. Im deutschsprachigen Raum avancierte der Roman zum Buchhandelsliebling und Bestseller.

More Details About the Book

Töchter won the Bavarian Book Prize in 2018 and was chosen as a Book of the Month by the Goethe-Institut for March of this year. These links have more information:

Details About the Meeting

Because of the pandemic, the WCGS German Reading Group will meet virtually using Microsoft Teams. The software is free. Conversations are held in whatever language participants are comfortable using, so knowledge of German is not required.

Email Lori Straus, the group coordinator, by May 18th if you'd like to join us.