We are committed to sharing our expertise with colleagues on- and off-campus, and we value the best practices, new perspectives, and innovative strategies our research, teaching, and service efforts afford.
Our staff members's educational research contributes to the evidence-based theories and practices that inform CTE's work. In 2016-2017, our staff received 5 research grants, published 3 articles and 4 book chapters, and delivered 30 presentations at peer-reviewed conferences.
Teaching culture indicators: Enhancing quality teaching
- Investigators: Kustra, E., Borin, P., Dawson, D., Ellis, D., Meadows, K., Taylor, L., Wolf, P., Beer, J., Goff, L., & Grose, J.
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Insight Development Grant
- Grant duration: 2016-2018
Using CBPR to examine technology-related distractions in the AHS Classroom
- Investigators: Neiterman, E., & Zaza, C.
- Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) Seed Grant,University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
- Grant duration: September 2016-August 2017
Longitudinal effects of supported learning groups in a first term Biology course: Did students learn how to learn?
- Investigators: Prier, A., McKellar E., Engelhardt, H. & Power, M.
- Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) Seed Grant,University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
- Grant duration: May 2016-April 2017
Evaluation of the impact of a peer review process on teaching practice and perception at the School of Pharmacy
- Investigators: Richard, C., Lillie, E., MacFarlane, T., & Power, M.
- Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) Seed Grant,University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
- Grant duration: September 2016-August 2017
Foundations for academic success: Innovative mobile learning to enhance academic integrity
- Investigators: Schmidt-Handbidge, A., McKenzie, A., Scholz, K.W., Furino, S., Sanderson, N., Tin, T., Devedzija, E., Carter, C., & Forstner, S.
- eCampus Ontario Research and Innovation Grant
- Grant duration: January 2017-April 2018
Peer-reviewed publications
- Graves, R., & White, S. (2016). Undergraduate assignments and essay exams. In K. Hyland & P. Shaw (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of English for academic purposes (pp. 297-308). London: Routledge.
Hosseini, H., & Hartt, M. (2016). Game-based learning in the university classroom. Teaching Innovation Projects, 6(1). Available at http://ir.lib.uwo.ca/tips/vol6/iss1/4/
McKay, K.N., Mohamed, S., & Stacey, L. (2016). Concepts only please! Innovating a first year Engineering course. Proceedingsof the Canadian Engineering Education Association. CEEA16; 008.
- Meyer, J.H.F., & Timmermans, J. (2016). Integrated Threshold Concept Knowledge (ITCK). In R. Land, J.H.F. Meyer, & M. Flanagan (Eds.), Threshold concepts in practice (pp. 25-38). Rotterdam: Sense.
- Schulze, M., & Scholz, K.W. (2016). CALL theory: Complex adaptive systems. In C. Caws & M.-J. Hamel (Eds.), Learner-computer interactions: New insights on CALL theories and applications (pp. 65-87). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Taraban-Gordon, S., & Page, E. (2016). Integrating intercultural competencies into the professional skills curriculum. In G.M. Garcia-Pérez & C. Rojas-Primus (Eds.), Promoting intercultural communication competencies in higher education (pp. 119-139). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Timmermans, J.A., & Ellis, D.E. (2016). Reconceptualizing the scholarship of teaching and learning at the University of Waterloo: An account of influences and impact. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 146,(Summer): 71-78.
Invited presentations and workshops
- Bruyere, L., Holmes, T., & Key, A. (2016, October). Making Indigenous Languages Official. Integrating Knowledges Summit, St. Paul’s University, Waterloo, ON.
- Campbell, L., Holmes, T. (Moderator), Smith, E., Smoke, A., & Wente, J. (2017, April). Inclusion for success. Panel at OHD Annual Staff Conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Holmes, T., & Mighty, J. (2017, February). So what? Now what? A critical conversation about educational development in Canada. Keynote at Educational Developers Caucus Annual Conference, Guelph, ON.
- Scholz, K.W. (2017, March). Digital game-based language learning: Encouraging free play. Guest lecture at York University, Toronto, ON.
- Timmermans, J.A. (2016, May). Visiting Professor, Pedagogy, Université de Toulon, La Garde, France.
- Timmermans, J.A. (2016, September). Course design and teaching workshop. Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.
- Vesely, M.J. (2017, January). Instructional Skills Workshop. Conestoga College, Kitchener, ON.
Peer-reviewed conference presentations and posters
- Anderson, S., Anthony, K., Hrynchak, P., & De Carvalho, D. (2016, June). Making the case: Building capacity for case-based learning. Presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, London, ON.
- Boghaert, E., Grove, J., Ioannidis, M., Pantazi, F., & Power, M. (2017, April). Student and faculty experience with blended learning in a first-year Chemistry for Engineers course. Presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Brown, V.M., Ellis, D.E., & Power, M. (2016, November). So what do they really think? Uncovering our Centre’s reputation. Presented at the Professional and Organizational Development Network Conference, Louisville, KY.
- Brown, V.M., Kolomitro, K., Mueller, R., Tse, C., Ives, C., Braun, D., & Hoessler, C. (2017, February). Educational development evaluation: How do we use assessment evidence to inform our practice? Presented at the Educational Developers Caucus Conference, Guelph, ON.
- Dea, S., & Holmes, T. (2016, October). Supporting the evolution of assessment: Authentic assessment, accessibility, and deepened course alignment. Workshop presented at Learning Outcomes: The Evolution of Assessment Symposium, Toronto, ON.
- Elliot, T., & Power, M. (2017, April) Can treating students like experts, and giving them practice making holistic comparisons, improve their learning? Presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Ellis. D.E., Brown, K.M., & Meadows, K.N. (2017, April). Being curious about where we teach: Studying the teaching culture at the University of Waterloo. Presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Ellis, D.E., Brown, V.M., & Power, M. (2017, February). Uncovering reputation: Gathering feedback from our external stakeholders. Presented at the Educational Developers Caucus Conference, Guelph, ON.
- Ellis, D.E., Wolf, P., Chu, S., Le-May Sheffield, S., Popovic, C., Rolheiser, C., & Wright, A. (2016, June). Learning from external reviews: A lever for change in teaching centres. Presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, London, ON.
- Geobey, S., Humphreys, S., Boger, J., Wilson, W., & White, S. (2017, April). Joining the conversation: Written assignments across the curriculum. Presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Holmes, T., Ackerman, K., Blackwell, J., Bennett, B., Brierley, T., Lorentz, E., Shred, M., & Voll, M. (2016, August). “Trust a large intro class with archive materials? You bet!”. Presented at the Teaching and Learning National Institute, Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA.
- Kampen Robinson, C., Brown, K.M., Riley, M.K., Wagler, F.-A., & Refling, E. (2017, April). Increasing the visibility of skills development in graduate education: The Skills Awareness and Articulation (SKAATR) Module. Presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Lewitzky, R., Thomson, R., Scott, S., Kates, P., & Elliott, T. (2017, April). Möbius: a new and improved way to build online STEM courses. Poster presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Lithgow, K., Scholz, K., & Tse, C.T. (2016, June). Mythbusting ePortfolios: Instructor-specific factors leading to ePortfolio efficacy. Presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, London, ON.
- Lithgow, K., & Tomasson Goodwin, J. (2016, June). Empowering learners to bridge the ‘articulation of skills’ gap through ePortfolio reflections. Presented at the Centre for Recording Achievement/The Association of Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning International Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Marquis, E., Holmes, T., Apostolou, K., Centea, D., Cockcroft, R., Knorr, K., Maclachlan, J., & Monteiro, S. (2016, June). Effecting change through a SoTL Fellows program. Presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, London, ON.
- Marquis, E., Knorr, K., Holmes, T., Apostolou, K., Centea, D., Cockcroft, R., Maclachlan, J., & Monteiro, S. (2016, November). Intentional community and the formation of SoTL scholar identities. Presented at the International Consortium for Educational Development Conference, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Morton, M. (2017 February). The Instructional Skills Workshop: 38 years of faculty development. Poster presented at the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.
- Riley, M.K., Mayberry, T., Chaudet, M., Orr, L., & MacEachern, O. (2017, April). Cultivating curiosity in women’s, gender, and transgender studies across disciplines. Presented at the annual University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Scholz, K.W. (2016, June). Digital game-based language learning: Disintermediation in the extramural learning environment. Presented at CAUCE-CNIE Conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Timmermans, J.A., & Meyer, J.H.F. (2016, June). Facilitating the creation and integration of “Integrated Threshold Concept Knowledge” (ITCK). Presented at the Sixth Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference, Halifax, NS.
- Tomasson Goodwin, J., Lithgow, K., & Goh, J. (2016, June). Empowering learners to bridge the ‘articulation of skills’ gap through ePortfolio reflections. Presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, London, ON.
- Verkoeyen, S., Roberts-Smith, J., Lithgow, K., & Tomasson Goodwin, J. (2017, April). Are you curious about which professional skills you already have embedded into your courses? Presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Vesely, M.J. (2016, May). Teaching Squares: Exploring today’s classrooms. Presented at the Great Lakes Conference on Teaching and Learning, Mount Pleasant, MI.
- West, K., Hoessler, C., Ellis, D.E., Beaudoin, JP, Wilson, M., Kenny., N., & Brown, V.M. (2017, February). Reflecting on & rethinking our approach to rapport building in educational development. Presented at the Educational Developers Caucus conference, Guelph, ON.
- White, S. (2016, June). New audience, new approach: Findings from a qualitative study of a community-engaged Engineering Communications course. Presented at the International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Winer, L., & Ellis, D.E. (2016, November). Course evaluations as organizational levers: Changing the conversation. Presented at the Professional and Organizational Development Network Conference, Louisville, KY.
- Zaza, C., & Holbrook, J. (2016, June). Decreasing social distance in online courses and large classes. Presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, London, ON.
- Zaza, C., & Holbrook, J. (2016, June). Using technology to increase social presence in the virtual and physical classroom. Presented at CAUCE-CNIE Conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Zaza, C., & Neiterman, E. (2017, April). What should we do about laptops in classroom? A survey of behaviours and attitudes in AHS. Presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON.
Courses taught
- Devries, S. PHIL 110B: Philosophy: Ethics and Values. University of Waterloo. Winter 2017.
- Holmes, T. WS 101: An Introduction to Women’s Studies. University of Waterloo. Winter 2017.
- Mayberry, T.R.ENGL 101B: Introduction to Rhetorical Studies. University of Waterloo. Winter 2017.
Taraban-Gordon, S. PD8: Intercultural Skills. University of Waterloo. Spring 2016.
Taraban-Gordon, S. PD8: Intercultural Skills. University of Waterloo. Winter 2017.
- Timmermans, J. PSYCH 212R: Educational Psychology. University of Waterloo. Fall 2016.
- Tse, C.T. PSYCH 101R: Introductory Psychology. University of Waterloo. Fall 2016.
- Zhang, S. ACTSC 232: Life Contingencies 1. University of Waterloo. Winter 2017.
Committee membership
Veronica Brown
- Resource Member, Faculty of Engineering Outcomes-Based Assessment Group, University of Waterloo
- Resource Member, School of Accounting and Finance Learning Outcomes Committee, University of Waterloo
Donna Ellis
- Chair, Awards committee, Professional and Organizational (POD) Network
- Core Committee Member, Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network (2014-2017)
- Member, International Outreach subcommittee, POD Network
- External Examiner, Doctoral dissertation, McGill University
- External Reviewer, Teaching and Learning Centre, Simon Fraser University
- Member, Course Evaluation Project Team, University of Waterloo
- Member, Teaching and Learning Spaces Committee, University of Waterloo
Trevor Holmes
- Member, Indigenization Working Group, Educational Developers Caucus
Katherine Lithgow
- Associate Member, Waterloo Centre for the Advancement of Co-operative Education
- Member, Arts 130 Working Group, University of Waterloo
- Member, Arts First Advisory Committee, University of Waterloo
- Member, Learning Environment Operations Committee, University of Waterloo
- Resource Member, Next Generation Digital Learning Environment Working Group, University of Waterloo
Tommy Mayberry
- Co-coordinator, English Teaching Assistant and Graduate Instructor Support Network, University of Waterloo
Samar Mohamed
- Member, Faculty of Engineering IDEAS clinic Group, University of Waterloo
- Member, Faculty of Engineering Team Work subgroup, IDEAS clinic Group, University of Waterloo
- Member, Faculty of Engineering Assessments subgroup, IDEAS clinic Group, University of Waterloo
Mark Morton
- Member, Clicker Review Committee, University of Waterloo
Mary Power
- Member, Copyright Advisory Committee, University of Waterloo
- Member, Engineering Education Enhancement and Research (E3R) Asia Network, University of Hong Kong
- Member, Learning Environment Operations Committee, University of Waterloo
- Member, Next Generation Digital Learning Environment Working Group
- Member, Online Course Evaluation Advisory Group, University of Waterloo
- Member (ex officio), Science Teaching Fellows, University of Waterloo
- Member, Syllabus Repository Working Group, University of Waterloo
Svitlana Taraban-Gordon
- Internal external examiner, Sara Ghaffarian’s PhD defense. Department of Germanic & Slavic Studies, University of Waterloo
- Resource Member, Amit & Meena Chakma Award for Exceptional Teaching by a Student, University of Waterloo
- Member, Graduate Professional Skills working group, University of Waterloo
- Member, Program Accreditation Committee, Educational Developers Caucus (EDC)
Julie Timmermans
- Member, Seung Beom (Bill) Hamm’s M.Sc. thesis committee. Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo
- Program Co-Chair, Sixth Biennial International Threshold Concepts Conference, Dalhousie University, 2016
Crystal Tse
- Member, Educational Developers Caucus (EDC) action group on Educational Development Evaluation
Monica Vesely
- Member, Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) Facilitator Spring Institute Planning Committee, Tatamagouche, NS
- Member, ISW Task Group for International Certificates / Equivalencies (ISW Network)
- Member, Orientation and Training Community of Practice (University of Waterloo)
Stephanie White
- Member, Steering Committee, English Language Competency Initiative (SCELCI) Workshop Working Group, University of Waterloo
- Member, Steering Committee, English Language Competency Initiative (SCELCI) Assessment Working Group, University of Waterloo
Editorial, reviewing, and consulting contributions
Veronica Brown
- Proposal Reviewer, Educational Developers Caucus annual conference
- Proposal Reviewer, Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network annual conference
- Proposal Reviewer, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education annual conference
- Reviewer, The Christine A. Stanley Award for Diversity and Inclusion Research in Educational Development, Professional and Organizational Development Network
- Reviewer, Canadian Journal of Higher Education
- Reviewer, Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) Grants
Donna Ellis
- Editorial Review Board Member, Innovative Higher Education
- Editorial Board Member, To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development (2017 – 2019)
- Proposal Reviewer, Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network annual conference
- Proposal Reviewer, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education annual conference
Trevor Holmes
- Reviewer, International Journal for Academic Development
- Reviewer, The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Reviewer, Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) Grants
Verna Keller
- Proposal Reviewer, Threshold Concepts conference
Katherine Lithgow
- Reviewer, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
- Reviewer, Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) Grants
Mark Morton
- Reviewer, Advances in Physiology Education
Mary Power
- Proposal Reviewer, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education annual conference
- Proposal Reviewer, Western Conference for Science Education
- Proposal Reviewer, University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning conference
Julie Timmermans
- Co-ordinator, Educational Developers Caucus Resource Review
- Reviewer, Teaching and Learning Inquiry
Crystal Tse
- Proposal Reviewer, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education annual conference
- Proposal Reviewer, Threshold Concepts conference
- Reader, Fedoruk (2017), Ethics in the scholarship of teaching and learning: Key principles and strategies for ethical practice
Monica Vesely
- Proposal Reviewer, University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning conference
- Proposal Reviewer, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education annual conference
Stephanie White
- Proposal Reviewer, Canadian Association for Studies in Discourse and Writing (CASDW) annual conference
- Reviewer, the Canadian Association for Studies in Discourse and Writing (CASDW) annual research article award