We are committed to sharing our expertise with colleagues on- and off-campus, and we value the best practices, new perspectives, and innovative strategies our research, teaching, and service efforts afford.
Our staff members's educational research contributes to the evidence-based theories and practices that inform CTE's work. In 2017-2018, our staff received 2 research grants, published 9 articles and 2 book chapters and 2 resource guides, and delivered 20 presentations at peer-reviewed conferences.
- Boghaert, E., Grove, J., Ioannidis, M., Pantazi, F., Power, M. (2017) Learner-content interaction as a key to the effectiveness of a blended-learning model incorporating open access online modules. LITE Seed Grant, May 2017- April 2018.
- Refling, E., Kampen Robinson, C., Riley, M., Michaud, J., Brown, K., Wagler, F.-A. (2017). Increasing the Visibility of Skills Development in Graduate Education: The Skills Awareness and Articulation (SKAATR) Module. LITE Seed Grant, May 1, 2017 – April 30, 2018.
- Athar, S. (2017). Sandford Fleming Foundation (SFF) Award for Teaching Assistantship Excellence.
- Lithgow, K. (2017). University of Waterloo Staff International Experience Award.
- Ruffell, S., Mayberry, T. (2018). The Science Library Project. Innovation in Education Award, Advisory Council on Instructional Excellence (ACIE) at the University of Pittsburgh, May 1, 2018 – April 30, 2019.
- Vesely, M. (2017). University of Waterloo Staff International Experience Award.
Courses developed and/or taught
- Brown, K.M., & Cole, A.G. HLTH 473: School/Campus Health Promotion. School of Public Health and Health Systems. Winter 2018.
- Holmes, T.WS 101: An Introduction to Women’s Studies. University of Waterloo. Fall 2017.
- Mugon, J. PSYCH 253R: Social Psychology. Renison University College. Winter 2018. Syllabus Development – Fall 2017.
- Mayberry, T. SCCOM 100: Communication in the Sciences. University of Waterloo. Development – Fall 2017.
- Mayberry, T. Communication in Engineering. University of Waterloo. Development – Fall 2017.
- Power, M. SCI 10: Communication Skills for Science, University of Waterloo. Fall 2017.
- Scholz, K.W. GER 101: Introductory German I, University of Waterloo. Fall 2017 (Online).
- Scholz, K.W. GER 102: Introductory German II, University of Waterloo. Fall 2017 (Online).
- Tse, C.T. PSYCH 101R: Introductory Psychology. Renison University College. Fall 2017.
- Boghaert, E., Grove J., Ioannidis M., Pantazi F., Power M. (2017). Student and faculty experience with blended learning in a first-year Chemistry for Engineers course. Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Conference- June 4-7, 2017, University of Toronto
- Brown, K. M., Elliott, S. J., Robertson-Wilson, J., Vine, M. M., Leatherdale, S.T. (2017). “Now what?” Perceived factors influencing knowledge exchange in school health research. Health Promotion Practice. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/1524839917732037
- Danckert, J., Mugon, J., Struk, A., & Eastwood. (in press). Boredom – what is it good for? In H. Lench (Ed). Functions of Emotion, Springer.
- Mayberry, T. (2017). Review of the book The Laughing Dead: The Horror-Comedy Film from Bride of Frankenstein to Zombieland, edited by C. J. Miller & A. B. Van Riper. Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, 28(2), 315-318.
- Mugon, J., Danckert, J., Eastwood, J. (in press). The costs and benefits of boredom in the classroom. In A. Renninger & S. Hidi (Eds). Cambridge Handbook on Motivation and Learning. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University press
- Penny Light, P., Lithgow, K., Hubert, D., Sutherland, S. (2017). On the Right Track: Using Eportfolios to Address Institutional Challenges. In T. Batson, K.S. Coleman, H.L. Chen, C.E.Watson, T.L. Rhodes, & A. Harver (Eds.), Field Guide to Eportfolio. Washington, D.C.: Association of American Colleges and Universities. Available at Using Eportfolios to Address Institutional Challenges
- Scholz, K.W. (2017). Encouraging free play: Extramural digital game-based language learning as a complex adaptive system.CALICO, 34(1).
- Scholz, K.W., and Schulze, M. (2017). Digital-gaming trajectories and second-language development. Language Learning & Technology, 21(1), 100-120. DOI: 10125/44597
- Scholz, K.W., Tse, C.T., &Lithgow, K.L. (2017). Unifiying experiences: Learner and instructor approaches and reactions to eportfolio usage in higher education. International Journal of ePortfolio, 7(2), 139-150.
- Schulze, M., & Scholz, K.W. (2017). Learning trajectories and the role of online courses in a language program. Computer-Assisted Language Learning, 31(3), 1-21.
- Schmidt Hanbidge, A., McKenzie, A., Sanderson, N, Scholz, K.W. & Tin, T. (2017). Academic success foundation: Enhancing academic integrity through mobile learning. In Sánchez, I.A. & Isaias, P. (Eds.) 13th International Conference on Mobile Learning (Budapest, April). Proceedings, pp. 135-138, International Association for Development of the Information Society.
- West, K., Hoessler, C., Bennetch, R., Ewert-Bauer, T., Wilson, M., Beaudoin, J.-P., Ellis, D. E.,Brown, V. M., Timmermans, J. A., Verwoord, R., & Kenny, N. A. (2017). Educational Development Guide Series: No. 2. Rapport-Building for Educational Developers. Ottawa, ON: Educational Developers Caucus.
- Zaza, C. & McKenzie, A. (In Press). Turnitin use at a Canadian university. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
Invited presentations/workshops
- Brown, K.M. & Refling, E. (2017, November 17). Increasing the visibility of skills development in graduate education: The Skills Awareness and Articulation Training (SKAATR) Module. Presented at the Council of Ontario Universities Experiential Learning Best Practices Exchange, Toronto, ON.
- Campbell, L., Condon, F.,Holmes, T.,Moll, S., Roy, S. (2018, April 6) Indigenization at UWaterloo. Panel organized by Lori Campbell at the Annual Staff Conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Ellis, D.E. & Bastress-Dukehart, E. (2017, June 20). Learning the culture of your institution. Workshop presented at the Institute for New Faculty Developers, Professional and Organizational Development Network, Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Ellis, D.E. & Iuzzini, J. (2017, June 22). Leading from the middle: Getting program buy-in and support from the faculty and administration. Workshop presented at the Institute for New Faculty Developers, Professional and Organizational Development Network, Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Ellis, D.E. & Iuzzini, J. (2017, June 22). Utilizing faculty fellows. Workshop presented at the Institute for New Faculty Developers, Professional and Organizational Development Network, Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Holmes, T.(2018, March 9).Settler and indigenous figures in the narrative production of Algonquin Park as Crown land. Presentation as part of “Unsettling Conversations”, Waterloo, ON.
- Holmes, T. & Taraban-Gordon, S. (2018, April 25) Intercultural communication in the advising encounter. Breakout session for the Academic Advisor conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Lithgow, K.(2018, February 6).EPortfolios and reflective practice.Presentation at the Australian Collaborative Education Network Victoria/Tasmania Chapter Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
- Lithgow, K. (2018, February 9). Bridging the ‘articulation of skills’ gap through WatCV: Career and competency ePortfolio. Presentation to University of New South Wales Network of Faculty Educational Developers (UNFED). University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
- Lithgow, K. (2018, February 12). Bridging the ‘Articulation of skills’ gap through WatCV: Career andcCompetency ePortfolio. Presentation to Professional and Community Engagement (PACE) community of practice. Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
- Lithgow, K. (2018, February 19). WatCV: Career and cmpetency ePortfolio. Presentation to Work Integrated Learning (WIL) community of practice. Queensland University, Brisbane, Australia.
- Morton, M. (May 12, 2017). Using Camtasia to create video tutorials. Presentation delivered at the Provincial AAC Clinic Biannual Rounds, Freeport Health Centre, Kitchener, ON.
- Scholz, K.W. (2017, May). Enhancing assessment: Encouraging learner autonomy through blended learning. Workshop. Waterloo-Wellington TESL Conference, Conestoga College, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.
- Scholz, K.W. (2017, October). How tech/AI is disrupting our approach to education and language learning. Panel. Educatech Hackathon. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Tse, C.T. (2017, July). Implicit bias. Workshop presented at the Women in Physics Canada Conference, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
- Vesely, M.J. (2018, January) Facilitator for the Instructional Skills Workshop, Conestoga College, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
- Vesely, M.J. (2018, March) New Faculty Orientation: Supporting Teaching Development for all New Faculty at the University of Waterloo. Invited talk for the University College London Arena Centre for Research-based Education, London School of Economics Teaching and Learning Centre and King’s College London King’s Learning Institute, London, United Kingdom.
- Vesely, M.J. (2018, April) Teacher Training Guided Discussions. Invited to participate in teacher training facilitated exchange with Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Education and Learning, TU Delft Teaching Academy and the Teaching Centre at the Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Peer-reviewed conference presentations & posters
- Boghaert, E., Grove, J., Ioannidis, M., Pantazi,F., Power, M.(2017, June). Student and faculty experience with blended learning in a first-year Chemistry for Engineers course. Presented at Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference, Toronto, ON.
- DeVidi, D., Engelhardt, H., Nespoli, O., O’Connell, E., Jobidon, E., McKellar, E., Tse, C.T.,Vesely, M., &Zaza, C. (2018, April). Learning to think, thinking to Learn: Embedding metacognitive strategies in the classroom. Presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, Ontario.
- Forsey, S., Lee, G., & Thompson, J. (2018, April). Motivating students with teaching resources. Presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, Ontario.
- Forsey, S. & Power, M. (2017, June) A personal journey of change: 20 years introducing technology inside and outside of the Organic Chemistry classroom. Western Conference on Science Education, London, ON.
- Hulls, C., Rennick, C., Robinson, M., Mohamed, S. (2018, April). Effects of a Fall reading break on first year students’ course performance. Presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, Ontario.
- McKenzie, A., Schmidt Hanbidge, A.,Tin, T., & Scholz, K.W. (2018, April). Integrating academic integrity education in the curriculum: Motivating students to learn with mobile technology. Presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, Ontario.
- Meadows, K.N., Taylor, L., Ellis, D.E., Kustra, E., & Wolf, P. (2017, October). Understanding the enablers and challenges to integrating the scholarship of teaching and learning in academic work. Presented at the annual International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Calgary, AB.
- Milner, R., & Zaza, C.(2018, April). Quiet (but engaged) participation. Presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, Ontario.
- Morton, M. (2018, January). Leveraging virtual assistants in the classroom. Annual Meeting of the Educause Learning Initiative (ELI). New Orleans, LA.
- Morton, M., & Power, M. (2017, November). Innovative instructional technologies inventory. WatITis Conference, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON.
- Nagge, J., Nespoli, O., Balaban, S., & Anderson, S.(2018, April). What is problem-based learning? Presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, Ontario.
- Neiterman, E., & Zaza, C. (2018, April). A mixed blessing? Students’ and instructors’ perspectives about off-task technology use in the academic classroom. Presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, Ontario.
- Richard, C.L., Lillie, E., Mathias, K.M., McFarlane, T., & Power, M. (2017, June). Does peer review of teaching impact teaching practice and perceptions in Pharmacy? Presented at the AFPC Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education and Research Conference. Quebec, QC.
- Roberts-Smith, J., Tomasson Goodwin, J., & Lithgow, K. (2017, October). The WatCV rubric: Scaffolding student learning, supporting inter-rater reliability, and improving marking efficiencies in large classes. Presented the IUPUI Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana USA.
- Ruffell, S. & Mayberry, T. (2018, January). Once upon a time in Pittsburgh: Children’s literature and science communication as a high impact practice (HIP). Presented at the University of Pittsburgh’s 2018 Assessment and Teaching Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.
- Ruffell, S. & Mayberry, T. (2018, April). The Science Library Project; Making and using children’s literature as a high impact practice (HIP) for non-major STEM courses. Presented at the University of Waterloo’s Teaching and Learning (UWTL) conference. Waterloo, ON.
- Schmidt Hanbidge, A., Tin, T., Scholz, K.W., & McKenzie, A. (2017, October). Creating change to enhance academic integrity through an innovative partnership. Presented at the Asian Conference on Education (ACE), Kobe, Japan.
- Scholz, K.W. (2018, April). Improving learning or motivating learners? Game-based learning approaches and course design considerations. Presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, Ontario.
- Tomasson Goodwin, J., Lithgow, K.,& Goh, J. (2018, April). Bridging the “articulation of skills” gap through WatCV career and competency ePortfolios: a research study and a teaching and learning intervention. Presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, Ontario.
- Wolf, P., Ellis, D.E., & Kustra, E. (2017, October). Enhancing our understanding of institutional teaching culture. Presented at the annual Professional and Organizational Development Network conference, Montreal, QC.
Committee membership
Anderson, Scott
- Member, Learning Environment Operations Committee, University of Waterloo
- Resource Member, School of Accounting and Finance Problem-Based Learning Committee, University of Waterloo
- Resource Member, School of Accounting and Finance AFM Program Redesign Committee, University of Waterloo
Brown, Kristin
- Member, Community Research Ethics Board (Jan-Dec 2017)
Brown, Veronica
- Resource Member, Faculty of Engineering Outcomes-Based Assessment Group, University of Waterloo
- Member, POD Network Membership Committee
- Member, Educational Development Evaluation Action Group, Educational Developers Caucus
- Member, University of Waterloo Excellence Canada Planning Driver Working Group
- Member, Defining What Matters Working Group, POD Network Member, Co-op Research Certificate Capstone Project, University of Waterloo
Ellis, Donna
- Chair, Awards committee, POD Network (includes serving as a member of awards subcommittees)
- Member, Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee for POD Network
- Member, University-wide Teaching and Learning Spaces Committee
- Member, University-wide Task Force on Course Evaluations
Holmes, Trevor
- Member and rotating meeting Chair, EDC Indigenization Action Group
- Member, SCELCI subcommittee for Science communications course design, University of Waterloo
- Member, SCELCI subcommittee for Engineering communications course design (ECE and Management Sciences), University of Waterloo
- Member, Complementary Teaching Assessment Project Team, University of Waterloo
Kabesh, Lisa
- Member, Communications Working Group
Kates, Paul
- Member, Mobius Advisory Group
Lithgow, Katherine
- Member, Arts First Advisory Committee, University of Waterloo
- Member, Arts 130 Working Group, University of Waterloo
- Member, Learning Environment Operations Committee, University of Waterloo
- Resource Member, Next Generation Digital Learning Environment Working Group
- Associate Member, Waterloo Centre for the Advancement of Co-operative Education
- Member, Co-op Research Certificate Capstone Project, University of Waterloo
Mayberry, Tommy
- Judge, Poetry Category, HeForShe Writing Contest, Writing and Communication Centre, University of Waterloo
Power, Mary
- Member, Learning Environment Operations Committee, University of Waterloo
- Member, Open Access Working Group, University of Waterloo
- Member, University of Waterloo Online Course Evaluation Advisory Group
- Member, Syllabus Repository Working Group, University of Waterloo
- Member, Copyright Advisory Committee Steering Group, University of Waterloo
Tse, Crystal
- Member, Canadian Engineering Education Association conference extended committee, University of Waterloo
- Member, Educational Development Evaluation Action Group, Educational Developers Caucus
Mohamed, Samar
- Member, Canadian Engineering Education Association conference extended committee, University of Waterloo
- Member, IDEAS Clinic Steering Committee
- Member, IDEAS Clinic Team Work Committee
- Member, IDEAS Clinic, Engineering Days Committee
- Member, Biomedical Engineering Curriculum Committee
- Member, Engineering Graduate Attributes Specific Meetings (Accreditation)
Vesely, Monica
- Member, ISW Facilitator Spring Institute Planning Committee, Paris, Ontario
- Member, Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) Handbook Working Group, ISW Network
- Member, ISW Task Group for International Certificates / Equivalencies, ISW Network
- Chair, New Faculty Planning Committee
- Member, Orientation and Training Community of Practice
Zaza, Christine
- Member, Arts 140 Working Group
Editorial and reviewing contributions
Brown, Veronica
- Proposal reviewer, POD Network annual conference
Ellis, Donna
- Editorial Board Member, To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development
- Editorial Review Board, Innovative Higher Education
- Proposal reviewer, POD Network annual conference
Holmes, Trevor
- Proposal reviewer, University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference 2018
- Reviewer, Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) Grants (Seed and Full)
Kabesh, Lisa
- Proposal reviewer, University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference 2018
- Copy editor, International Journal for Students as Partners
Keller, Verna
- Proposal reviewer, University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference 2018
Lithgow, Katherine
- Reviewer, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
- Reviewer, Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) Grants
Morton, Mark
- Reviewer, Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) Seed Grants
- Manuscript reviewer, Advances in Physiology Education
Power, Mary
- Proposal reviewer, Society for Teaching and Learning annual conference
- Proposal reviewer, Western Conference for Science Education
- Proposal reviewer, University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference 2018
Scholz, Kyle
- Proposal reviewer, University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference 2018
- Manuscript reviewer, CALICO Journal
- Manuscript Reviewer, Language Learning & Technology
- Manuscript Reviewer, Computers & Technology
- Reviewer, Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) Seed Grants
Taraban-Gordon, Svitlana
- Proposal reviewer, University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference 2018
Tse, Crystal
- Proposal reviewer, Educational Developers Caucus annual conference
- Proposal reviewer, International Consortium of Educational Development annual conference
- Proposal reviewer, Professional and Organizational Development Network annual conference
Mayberry, Tommy
- Proposal reviewer, University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference 2018
Mohamed, Samar
- Proposal reviewer, University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference 2018
- Proposal reviewer, Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference, 2018
Zaza, Christine
- Proposal reviewer, University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference 2018 Staff