We are committed to sharing our expertise with colleagues on- and off-campus, and we value the best practices, new perspectives, and innovative strategies our research, teaching, and service efforts afford.
Our staff members's educational research contributes to the evidence-based theories and practices that inform CTE's work. In 2018-2019, our staff received 2 research grants, published 12 articles and 2 resource guides, and delivered 30 presentations at peer-reviewed conferences.
- Goff, L., Meadows, K.N., Dawson, D., Ellis, D., Borin, P., Beer, J., Taylor, L., Wolf, P. (2018) Cultivating an institutional culture that values teaching: Collecting and collating promising practices. Educational Developers Caucus grant, 2018-2019.
- Scholz, K., Komornicka, J. 2018. Gamifying history: Designing and implementing a game-based learning course design framework. LITE Seed grant, 2018-2019.
- Rollick, N. (2018). Pure Mathematics Graduate Teaching Award. University of Waterloo.
- Williams, L. (2018) Applied Health Sciences Teaching Assistant Award. University of Waterloo.
Courses developed and/or taught
Cousineau, L.S. REC 200: Play, Creativity, and Child Development. University of Waterloo. Spring 2018.
Cousineau, L.S. REC 280: Introduction to Tourism. University of Waterloo. Winter 2019.
Cousineau, L.S. REC 200: Play, Creativity, and Child Development. University of Waterloo. Spring 2019.
Holmes, T. WS 101: An Introduction to Women’s Studies. University of Waterloo. Fall 2018.
Long, L., & Griffeth-Wrubel, M. PD6: Problem Solving [WatPD Course]. Ontario, Waterloo. Winter 2018.
Long, L. (2018). Responding Effectively in Difficult Situations [CEL PD Course]. Ontario, Waterloo. June 2019.
Pellowe, M. MATH 117: Calculus 1 for Engineers. University of Waterloo. Fall 2018.
Rollick, N. PMATH 340: Elementary Number Theory. University of Waterloo. Spring 2018.
Scholz, K. GER101: Elementary German I. University of Waterloo. Fall 2018.
Scholz, K. GER102: Elementary German II. University of Waterloo. Fall 2018.
Brown, K.M., Elliott, S.E., Robertson-Wilson, J., Vine, M.M., & Leatherdale, S.T. (2018). Can knowledge exchange support the implementation of a health-promoting schools approach? Perceived outcomes of knowledge exchange in the COMPASS study. BMC Public Health: 18:351. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-5229-8
Brown, K.M., Elliott, S.E., & Leatherdale, S.T. (2018). Researchers supporting schools to improve health: Influential factors and outcomes of knowledge brokering in the COMPASS Study. Journal of School Health: 88(1): 54-64. https://doi.org/10.1111/josh.12578
Ellis, D.E. (2018). Changing the lens: The role of reframing in educational development. To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development, 37 (1), 142-150. DOI 10.1002/tia2.20067
Ellis, D.E., Chu, S.T.L., Popovic, C., Rolheiser, C., Le-May Sheffield, S., Wolf, P., & Wright, W.A. (2018). Educational Development Guide Series: No. 3. Centre Reviews: Strategies for Success. Ottawa, ON: Educational Developers Caucus.
Hulls, C., Rennick, C., Robinson, M., Mohamed, S. (2018). Effects of a Fall Reading break on First Year Students’ Course Performance in Programming. Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Conference- June 3-6, 2018 University of British Columbia
Ruffell, S. and Mayberry, T. (2018). The Science Library Project: Making children’s literature as a high impact practice (HIP) for promoting science communication, student engagement, and course content retention in non-majors introductory science courses. Journal of Biological Education. Under review.
Scholz, K.W. (2018). Memrise. Die Unterrichtspraxis, 51(1), 100–103.
Hanbidge, A.S., McMillan, C., & Scholz, K.W. (2018). Engaging with ePortfolios: Teaching Social Work competencies through a program-wide curriculum. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learnin, 9(3), 1-21.
Tomasson Goodwin, J., Goh, J., Verkoeyen, S., & Lithgow, K. (2019). "Can students be taught to articulate employability skills?", Education + Training, 61(4),445-460, https://doi.org/10.1108/ET-08-2018-0186
Timmermans, J., Bruni, C., Gorbet, R., Moffatt, B., Stubley, G., Williams, D., and Holmes, T (2018). The flourishing of care in a multidisciplinary Faculty Learning Community. International Journal for Academic Development 23(4): 367-373.
Tse, C. T., Scholz, K. W., & Lithgow, K. (2018). Beliefs or Intentionality? Instructor Approaches to ePortfolio Pedagogy. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 9(3), 10.
Zaza, C. & McKenzie, A. (2018). Turnitin Use at a Canadian University. Canadian Journal for the Scholarhip of Teaching and Learning, 9(2). Retrieved from https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/cjsotl_rcacea/vol9/iss2/4.
Invited presentations/workshops
- Frake-Mistak, M. and Vesely, M.J. (2018, November 30 Pain Points and Solutions. Session Co-facilitator at the Ontario ISW Community of Practice Annual Gathering. York University, Toronto, Ontario.
- Holmes, T. (2018, May). Beyond Inclusion: Challenging Surface Approaches to Diversity. Presented at the Spring Perspectives on Western University Teaching Conference, London, ON.
- Holmes, T. (2018, November). Panel on the history and future of COED. Presented at the annual Council of Ontario Educational Developers meeting, Waterloo, ON.
- Lithgow, K., Vanscoy, I., & Collins, J. (2019, January). Preparing Students for 21st-Century Employment: Developing Essential Skills and Competencies at the AAC&U 10th Annual ePortfolio Forum, Atlanta, GA.
- Scholz, K.W. (2018, November). Game-based learning. Here, there, everywhere. Presented at the Games and Simulations in the Classroom Community of Practice, Waterloo, ON.
- Zaza, C. (2018, October). Designing Effective Tests. Presented as a Waterloo Region District School Board Professional Development session at Eastwood Collegiate, Kitchener, ON
- Vesely, M. (2018, November 26) Staff International Experience Fund. Presentation for Waterloo International event, Waterloo, Ontario.
- Vesely, M. J. (2018, November 30). ISW History: Who is in the room today? Session Facilitator at the Ontario ISW Community of Practice Annual Gathering. York University, Toronto, Ontario.
- Vesely, M. J. (2019, March 18-20) Facilitator for the Instructional Skills Workshop, Mohawk College, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Peer-reviewed conference presentations & posters
- Al-Hammoud, R., & Mohamed, S. (May, 2019). Multi-modal teaching and learning – An engineering experience. Poster presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Blackwell, J. & Holmes, T. Material Learning: Students Working with Feminist Archives in a Large Introductory Lecture Class (2019, April). Poster presented at the University of Guelph annual teaching conference, Guelph, ON.
- Brown, V., Hoessler, C. & Richards, J. (2019, February). ED and Faculty Resilience on the Long Winding Road of Curriculum Projects. Presented at the annual Educational Developers Caucus conference, online.
- Brown, K.M., Ellis, D.E., & Meadows, K.N. (2019, April). Exploring Waterloo’s teaching culture: What instructors, staff, and students don’t know. Workshop presented at University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Campbell, L. & Holmes, T. (2018, October). Aligning Outcomes and Experiences in a new Indigenous Studies Minor. Presented at Educating for the Future: Learning Outcomes and Experiential Learning Symposium, Toronto, ON.
- Case, L., Steffler, J. & Brown, V. (2018, October). Setting the Foundation: Developing Co-operative Education Outcomes for Undergraduate Mathematics’ Programs. Workshop presented at the Educating for the Future: Learning Outcomes and Experiential Learning Symposium, Toronto, ON.
- Cousineau, L.S. & Johnson, C.W. (2019, February). Sink or Swim: Immersive Assignments for Social Justice. The Academy of Leisure Sciences Research and Teaching Institute. Greenville, SC.
- Cousineau, L.S., Johnson, C.W., Anthony, K., & Patel, F. (2019, May). Oh the humanity! The challenges of immersive assignment integration
- course. University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference: Teaching and Designing for Diverse Learners. Waterloo, ON.
- Cousineau, L.S. & Rollick, N. (2019, April) Reflecting on Reflection: When a well-worn hat becomes new again. 26th Graduate Association of Recreation and Leisure Studies (GARLS) Research Symposium, Waterloo, ON.
- Ellis, D.E., Chu, S., & Rolheiser, C. (2018, November). Assessing our teaching centre work: Planning a successful external review. Presented at the Professional and Organizational Development Network conference, Portland, OR.
- Ellis, D.E., Kustra, E., Goff, L. (2018, June). Understanding and changing institutional teaching culture: Cultivating effective practices. Presented at the biennial International Consortium for Educational Development conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Ellis, D.E., & Iuzzini, J. (2018, June). Cultivating excellence as we lead from the middle. Pre-conference workshop presented at the biennial International Consortium for Educational Development conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Hoessler, C., Ives, C., & Tse, C.T. (2018, June). Hands-on workshop: Making sense of your evaluation data in teaching and learning centres. Workshop presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, Sherbooke, QC.
- Komornicka, J., Moore. A., & Scholz, K. (2019, May). You all have the plague: Gamification design and practice. Presentation presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Lamont, N., & Brown, K. (2019, May). Beyond accommodation: Supporting inclusive learning for disable students. Presentation presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON.
- McDonald Ewing, N.; Troop, M. & Vesely, M. (2018, June). Forging Opportunities and Intersections: Participant Perspectives from the Facilitator Development Workshop Experience. Cracker Barrel Session facilitated at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, Sherbrooke, QC.
- Morton, M. (2019, February). Open Education in Canada. Accepted for presentation at the 2019 ELI Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
- Murray, S., Weaver, K., & Zaza, C. (2019, May). Applying universal design: Small changes, big impact. Workshop presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Power, M., Morton, M., Ellis, D. (2018). Uncovering our learning technology ecosystem. Poster presented at the annual Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, Sherbrooke, QC.
- Rennick, C., Hurst, A., Grove J., Mohamed, S. (2018). Developing and Assessing Teamwork Skills in Undergraduate Students. Presented at the Educating for the Future: Learning Outcomes and Experiential Learning Symposium, October 11 & 12, Toronto, ON.
- Robinson, M., Hulls, C., & Mohamed, S. (2019, May). Fall break intervention: Turkey, studying, and avoiding the side of regret. Presentation presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Schmidt-Hanbidge, A., McMillan, C., & Scholz, K.W. (2018, June). Program-wide curriculum transformation: Embracing ePortfolios to support competency development. Presentation presented at The Teaching Professor Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Shaw, L., Brown, K., Ellis, D.E., Wolf, P., Dawson, D., Taylor, L., Kustra, E. (2018, June). From perception to practice: A qualitative exploration into institutional teaching culture. Poster presented at the annual Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education conference, Sherbrooke, QC.
- Shanbhag, G. (2019, May). “Fair for all?” Rethinking traditional assessments to promote inclusivity in STEM. Workshop presented at the Univeristy of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Tapp, S., Pinder-Grover, T., Craig, J., Ellis, D.E., Lohe, D., Little, D., & Berg, J. (2018, November). Getting Started. Pre-conference workshop presented at the Professional and Organizational Development Network Conference, Portland, OR.
- Tse, C.T. (2018, June). Inclusive educational practices: Using social psychology to address the diversity of learners in our classrooms. Workshop presented at the International Consortium for Educational Development Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Vesely, M., Zaza, C., & Tse, C.T. (2018, June). Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn: Embedding metacognitive strategies in the classroom. Workshop presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, Sherbrooke, QC.
- White, S. (2019, March). How do you improvise a WAC program where there is no WAC program?” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Pittsburgh, PA.
- Wuetherick, B., Ellis, D.E., Hum, G., & Turner, N. (2019, April). Exploring the Contested Narratives of the Value of Student Evaluations of Teaching. Symposium participant delivered presentation on “Focusing on the process of change: SETs and the role of
- campus engagement” at the American Educational Research Association conference, Toronto, ON.
- Zaza, C. & Cameron, M. (2018). A Communty-Based, Blended Transition to Post-Secondary School Program for Students with Disabilities. Presented at the Accessibility Conference, University of Guelph, May 28 & 29, Guelph, ON.
Committee Membership
Anderson, Scott
- Member, Learning Environment Operations Committee, University of Waterloo
- Resource Member, School of Accounting and Finance Problem-Based Learning Committee, University of Waterloo
- Resource Member, School of Accounting and Finance AFM Program Redesign Committee, University of Waterloo
Brown, Kristin
- Member, Community Research Ethics Board (Jan-Dec 2017)
Brown, Veronica
- Executive Member, POD Network Membership Committee
- Member, 2020 Member Survey Tiger Team (working group), POD Network
- Member, External Review Waterloo Advisory Committee, Centre for Extended Learning, University of Waterloo
- Member, Defining What Matters Working Group, POD Network
- Member, Educational Development Evaluation Action Group, Educational Developers Caucus
- Member, Undergraduate Studies Implementation Working Group, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo
- Member, University of Waterloo Excellence Canada Planning Driver Working Group
- Resource Member, Faculty of Engineering Outcomes-Based Assessment Group, University of Waterloo
Ellis, Donna
- President-Elect, Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network
- Member, POD Network Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee
- Member, Advancing Undergraduate Learning Issue Paper Advisory Group
- Co-Chair, University-wide Teaching and Learning Spaces Committee
- Member, University-wide Task Force on Course Evaluations
Holmes, Trevor
- Chair, EDC Indigenous Knowledges Action Group/ Community of Practice
- Member, Complementary Teaching Assessment Project Team
- Member, Mental Health Literacy Training Steering Committee
- Member, Accessiblity Committee
Lithgow, Katherine
- Member, Arts First Advisory Committee, University of Waterloo
- Member, Arts 130 Working Group, University of Waterloo
- Member, Learning Environment Operations Committee, University of Waterloo
- Resource Member, Next Generation Digital Learning Environment Working Group
- Associate Member, Waterloo Centre for the Advancement of Co-operative Education
- Member, Co-op Research Certificate Capstone Project, University of Waterloo
Power, Mary
- Member, University-wide Teaching and Learning Spaces Committee
- Co-Chair, STLHE Science Teaching and Learning Network
- Member, Learning Environment Operations Group
- University of Waterloo Representative, Ontario University Consortium for e-Learning
- Member, Open Access Working Group, University of Waterloo
- Member, University of Waterloo Online Course Evaluation Advisory Group
- Member, Copyright Advisory Committee Steering Group
- Member, Dean's Undergraduate Teaching Initiative (Science) Committee (adjudication and implementation)
Mohamed, Samar
- Chair, EDC Indigenous Knowledges Action Group/ Community of Practice
- Member, Complementary Teaching Assessment Project Team
- Member, Mental Health Literacy Training Steering Committee
- Member, Accessiblity Committee
Vesely, Monica
- Member, ISW Facilitator Spring Institute Planning Committee, Paris, Ontario
- Member, Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) Handbook Working Group, ISW Network
- Member, ISW Task Group for International Certificates / Equivalencies, ISW Network
- Member, ISW 40th Anniversary Facilitator ISW Spring Institute
- Chair, New Faculty Planning Committee
- CTE PD Planning Committee (2019)
- Accessibility Working Group
- Process Working Group (until October 2018)
- Professional Service – Editorial and Reviewing Contributions
- Educational Developers Caucus (EDC) Grant Review (December 2018)
Stephanie White
- Member, Arts First Advisory Committee
- Chair, Canadian Association for the Study of Discourse and Writing Annual Award for Best Article or Chapter Committee
- Member, Association for Writing Across the Curriculum Research Working Group
Zaza, Christine
- Chair, Accessibility Working Group
- Member, Metacognition Community (Club Met)
Editorial and reviewing contributions
Brown, Veronica
Proposal reviewer, POD Network annual conference
Reviewer, Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) Full Grants
Ellis, Donna
Editorial Review Board member, Innovative Higher Education
Editorial Board Member, To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development
Proposal reviewer, POD Network annual conference
Feth, Victoria
- Proposal reviewer, University of Waterloo 2019 Teaching and Learning Conference
Holmes, Trevor
- Reviewer, International Journal for Academic Development (IJAD)
Lithgow, Katherine
- Reviewer, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
- Reviewer, Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) Grants
Morton, Mark
- Manuscript reviewer, Advances in Physiology Education
Reviewer, Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) Full Grants
Power, Mary
Proposal reviewer, STLHE annual conference
Proposal reviewer, Western Conference on Science Education
Proposal reviewer, Science Dean's Undergraduate Teaching Initiative
Scholz, Kyle
Manuscript reviewer, CALICO
Manuscript reviewer, Language Learning & Technology
Manuscript reviewer, Computers & Technology
Proposal reviewer, STLHE Annual Conference
Proposal reviewer, University of Windsor Teaching and Learning Conference
Sivak, Alisa
- Proposal reviewer, University of Waterloo 2019 Teaching and Learning Conference
Taraban-Gordon, Svitlana
Proposal reviewer, University of Waterloo 2019 Teaching and Learning Conference
Reviewer, Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) Full Grants
Mohamed, Samar
- Proposal reviewer, University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference
- Proposal reviewer, Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference
Zaza, Christine
- Proposal reviewer, University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference