Sit to Stand Job Rotation for Wellness and MSD Prevention

October 3, 2016
Hilton Toronto Airport Hotel & Suites, Mississauga


Research presentations:

Case study presentations:

Industry panel presentations:

Practitioner panel presentations:


Research panel videos:

Case study videos:

Industry panel videos:

Practitioner panel videos:


This was one of CRE-MSD's largest conferences to date, with over 150 participants from a diverse group of stakeholders in attendance.

Foundational research knowledge was provided by Drs David Rempel, Professor Emeritus of Medicine, University of California San Francisco, Michelle Robertson, CPE, Research Scientist, Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety, and Jack Callaghan, Director of CRE-MSD and Canada Research Chair in Spine Biomechanics and Injury Prevention. These presentations were well received as evidenced in the following participant quote:

This was one of the best sessions I have attended in several years. Having the scientific research presented in such a clear and concise manner was incredibly helpful."

Case studies from Belair Office Products, BlackBerry, and Dell, along with industry and practitioner panels engaged the audience in dynamic dialogue sessions as demonstrated by another participant comment:

Excellent! Nice to hear how employers are implementing sit/stand desks into their workplaces.”

At the closing of the conference many participants expressed an interest in CRE-MSD hosting ongoing dialogue of current research and employer practices regarding sedentary work. CRE-MSD will explore the implementation of a series of webinars to support this request.