Spring 2022 Activity Report

I am a
Student General Information
Each Graduate student must complete this report by September 9, 2022. The report serves to provide a record of program planning and progress and to promote communication among the student, supervisor, and department. **Please ensure that you and your supervisor have reviewed your transcript online ** You Do NOT have to provide a copy. By submitting this form you agree that you have reviewed your transcript in Quest. Once you submit this form your supervisor will get a copy of it and will complete their portion of the activity report and will provide you with feedback. If you click that you are having issues progressing with your degree a copy of this report will go to the Associate Chair of Graduate Studies. The Associate Chair will review the file and take the necessary steps to rectify your situation.
Term number most recently completed.
What program are you in?
PHD Milestones
Please select the items you have completed to date.
MASc Milestones
Please select the items you have completed to date.
In previous term
Are you having Issues progressing with your degree
Student's Issues Progressing
Please describe in detail any issues you are having with degree progression. (ie. my supervisor is not available, equipment issues, unrealistic expectations, etc.)
General Information Faculty Notes
Each Faculty Supervisor is to complete this form by September 30, 2022. The report serves to provide a record of program planning and progress and to promote communication among the student, supervisor, and department. **Please ensure that you and your student have reviewed your transcript online Your student will receive a copy of your completed form. If you identify that there is an issue in student progression the Associate Chair of Graduate Studies will be notified and will work towards a resolution. Please provide beneficial feedback to your student.
Supervisor Having Issues with Student
Are you having issues with your student's progress?
Please describe the issues you are having with your student