Waterloo Civic Map Lab https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/ en Crowdsourcing the Disaster Management Cycle https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/crowdsourcing-disaster-management-cycle <img loading="lazy" src="/civic-map-lab/sites/default/files/styles/thumbnail/public/uploads/images/hurricane-irma.png?itok=nDLBdAVb" width="100" height="75" alt="Hurricane Irma" typeof="Image" class="image-style-thumbnail" /> <p>In the wake of <a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/national/harvey-fraught-recovery/">Hurricane Harvey</a>, <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/11/us/hurricane-irma-florida.html">Hurricane Irma</a>, and recent record <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/voluntary-sector-network/2017/sep/12/bangladesh-severe-disaster-flooding">flooding in Bangladesh</a>, I was reminded of the foundational role of mobile communications technology in the response to 2005’s <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/08/26/us/ten-years-after-katrina.html">Hurricane Katrina</a>.</p> Tags: geoweb, publications, research, crowdsourcing, disaster, hurricane, management Wed, 13 Sep 2017 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/crowdsourcing-disaster-management-cycle Capturing balloon airphotos with Waterloo Collegiate Institute (WCI) Geotech Magnet Program https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/capturing-balloon-airphotos-waterloo-collegiate-institute <p>We are fortunate here in Waterloo Region to have access to a unique high school-level program focused on geospatial technologies. The <a href="https://twitter.com/wrdsb">Waterloo Region District School Board</a> offers a <a href="https://www.wrdsb.ca/learning/programs/secondary-school-information/magnet-programs/geotech-studies/">Geotechnology magnet program</a> at <a href="https://twitter.com/WCIinfo">Waterloo Collegiate Institute (WCI)</a> high school.</p> Tags: education, geoweb, balloon, high school, remote sensing, youth Tue, 20 Jun 2017 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/capturing-balloon-airphotos-waterloo-collegiate-institute Volunteered Drone Imagery: Challenges and constraints to the development of an open shared image repository https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/volunteered-drone-imagery-challenges-and-constraints <p>I recently had the pleasure of working on a new project called “Volunteered Drone Imagery: Challenges and constraints to the development of an open shared image repository”, with <a href="https://faculty.washington.edu/bricker0/">Dr. Britta Ricker</a>, University of Washington-Tacoma, and <a href="https://ca.linkedin.com/in/harrisonsara">Sara Harrison</a>, a recently-graduated MES student from Waterloo.</p> Tags: conferences, geoweb, publications, tools, drone, hicss, oam, osm Mon, 13 Mar 2017 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/volunteered-drone-imagery-challenges-and-constraints New publication: Evolving relationships in community participatory geoweb projects https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/new-publication-evolving-relationships-community <p>At long last, a team publication from the GEOIDE grant The Participatory Geoweb has been published in ACME journal.</p> Tags: academic, geothink, geoweb, publications Fri, 16 Oct 2015 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/new-publication-evolving-relationships-community Esri Canada Centres of Excellence (ECCE) App Challenge 2015 https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/esri-canada-centres-excellence-ecce-app-challenge-2015 <p>This is a guest post by graduate student Qing (Lucy) Liu about her team’s experience at the Esri Canada App Challenge:</p> <p><a href="https://ecce.esri.ca/app-challenge/">The ECCE App Challenge</a> is a coding completion held by Esri Canada. Started in February 27, 2015, teams of participants were given one week to develop an innovative app using open data and Esri software. The apps to be developed should be on some aspect of government services in Canada, for any of the following themes:</p> Tags: education, geoweb, giscience, gis, hackathon Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:00:00 +0000 Qing (Lucy) Lu https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/esri-canada-centres-excellence-ecce-app-challenge-2015 Fulcrum – using mobile devices to collect field data https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/fulcrum-using-mobile-devices-collect-field-data <p>As part of Geography 187: Problem Solving in Geomatics, I’ve started using <a href="https://www.fulcrumapp.com/">Fulcrum</a> as a tool for students to gain experience collecting in-situ field data. Fulcrum is both a mobile app (for iOS and Android) and a data management/survey design backend.</p> Tags: education, geoweb, giscience, academic, fulcrum, gis, mobile, students, waterloo Fri, 21 Nov 2014 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/fulcrum-using-mobile-devices-collect-field-data ParCA team travels to Nova Scotia https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/parca-team-travels-nova-scotia <p>From June 4th to June 18th, 2014, a team from the Partnership for Canada-Caribbean Community Climate Change Adaptation (ParCA) travelled to Shelburne County and the Region of Queens Municipality in Nova Scotia. The team was primarily composed of 4 Master’s candidates from the University of Waterloo: Shandel Brown, Saveena Patara, Maliha Majeed and Andrea Minano. Other associates from ParCA were able to attend for parts of the trip, including Dr. Carolyn Brown (University of Prince Edward Island) and Dr. Ahmed Khan (St. Mary’s University).</p> Tags: education, geoweb, nova scotia tourism, tools Thu, 10 Jul 2014 12:00:00 +0000 Andrea Minano https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/parca-team-travels-nova-scotia Escape the winter blahs in sunny Tampa: Looking forwards to the AAG meeting https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/escape-winter-blahs-sunny-tampa-looking-forwards-aag-meeting <p>Yes indeed, after one of the longest, snowiest winters in recent memory, I’m eagerly anticipating the upcoming <a href="https://www.aag.org/events/2022-aag-annual-meeting/">Association of American Geographers meeting</a> in sunny Tampa, Florida. I’m going to be presenting in two venues, first the alt.conference on Big Data where I will be discussing (quickly – like lightning) different models of government adoption of crowdsourced data. Second, I’m doing a more conventional presentation on the challenges of jurisdictionality in government adoption of the Geoweb. See a trend here?</p> Tags: conferences, geoweb, giscience Sun, 16 Mar 2014 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/escape-winter-blahs-sunny-tampa-looking-forwards-aag-meeting Geothink.ca: How the Geospatial Web 2.0 is reshaping government-citizen interactions https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/geothinkca-how-geospatial-web-20-reshaping-government <p>Recently I’ve been fortunate enough to be part of a team that has been awarded a <a href="https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/about-au_sujet/partnerships-partenariats/partnership_grants-bourses_partenariats-eng.aspx">SSHRC Partnership Grant</a> for a 5-year study of “How the Geospatial Web 2.0 is reshaping government-citizen interactions”, also called <a href="http://geothink.ca">Geothink</a>.</p> Tags: geothink, geoweb, giscience, open data, academic, government, neogeography, participation, user generated content, vgi Mon, 08 Jul 2013 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/geothinkca-how-geospatial-web-20-reshaping-government Tweet-mapping American TV ratings https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/tweet-mapping-american-tv-ratings <p>This past winter semester I launched a new course at the University of Waterloo called "<a href="http://uwaterloo.ca/geography-environmental-management/sites/ca.geography-environmental-management/files/uploads/files/GEOG%20475-002%20Outline%20W2013.pdf">The Geoweb and Location-Based Services (PDF)</a>". This 4th-year course introduced senior undergraduate students to the theoretical concepts and practical techniques of Web 2.0, Volunteered Geographic Information, Open Data, the Geoweb, and location-based services using mobile phones.</p> Tags: education, geoweb, results, internet, research, students, technology, tv, twitter Tue, 23 Apr 2013 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/tweet-mapping-american-tv-ratings