Waterloo Civic Map Lab https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/ en New paper: Strategic analysis of a water rights conflict in the south western United States https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/new-paper-strategic-analysis-water-rights-conflict-south <p>A new paper by PhD Candidate <a href="https://simonephilpot.com/">Simone Philpot</a> has just been published in the <a href="https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-environmental-management/vol/165">Journal of Environmental Management</a>!</p> Tags: publications, simulation modeling, model, research, students Tue, 21 Jun 2016 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/new-paper-strategic-analysis-water-rights-conflict-south The impact of climate change on winter ski tourism in the Pyrenees https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/impact-climate-change-winter-ski-tourism-pyrenees <p>We all know that climate change is having a major impact on weather patterns around the globe. One industry that is particularly exposed to these changes is the ski industry. Though large mountain/high elevation ski resorts may remain insulated from the impacts of shorter ski seasons and more erratic weather, those ski resorts at low altitude are particularly vulnerable to a changing climate. As a mid-latitude, lower elevation (comparatively) ski region, the Pyrenees are one area where the impacts of a changing climate are pronounced.</p> Tags: giscience, publications, results, simulation modeling, academic, climate, environment, science, simulation, tourism Mon, 20 Aug 2012 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/impact-climate-change-winter-ski-tourism-pyrenees Why technology adoption constraint research is important https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/why-technology-adoption-constraint-research-important <p>A chapter from my dissertation has been recently published in <a href="https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=13273&amp;tip=sid">Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design</a>. This paper, titled “<strong><a href="http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1068/b36109">Negotiating constraints to the adoption of agent-based modeling in tourism planning (PDF)</a></strong>” presents material from a series of interviews that I conducted with tourism planners in Nova Scotia.</p> Tags: publications, results, simulation modeling, tools, academic, adoption constraints, geodesign, model, planning, policy, simulation Tue, 10 May 2011 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/why-technology-adoption-constraint-research-important The desire for a simple model, made with simple tools https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/desire-simple-model-made-simple-tools <p>The most popular post (by far) on this blog is one where I present a simple version of Butler’s Tourism Area Lifecycle (TALC), done up in Excel: <a href="/civic-map-lab/node/20">A Simple Tourism Model with Excel</a></p> Tags: simulation modeling, tools, tourism, butler&#039;s curve, excel, model, spreadsheet, tourism area life cycle Thu, 20 May 2010 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/desire-simple-model-made-simple-tools Tourism chapter published in Planning Support Systems volume https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/tourism-chapter-published-planning-support-systems-volume <p>I’m pleased to announce that a chapter describing the development of TourSim, including a scenario on shifting tourist port of entry and identification of adoption constraints, is in the final stages of preparation for publication. This chapter is part of a new book "<a href="https://www.springer.com/us/book/9781402089510">Planning Support Systems Best Practice and New Methods</a>" published by Springer and edited by Stan Geertman and John Stillwell.</p> Tags: simulation modeling, tourism, butler, modeling, planning, publications, scenario, simulation, talc Thu, 07 Aug 2008 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/tourism-chapter-published-planning-support-systems-volume New data sources and experimental options https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/new-data-sources-and-experimental-options <p>I’ve made some major alterations to TourSim, both in the data that it relies on, and the types of experimentation it supports. I’m thinking that this is going to make TourSim much more usable for tourism planning, and begins to incorporate many of the ideas of complexity science (such as adaptation) into TourSim.</p> Tags: nova scotia tourism, simulation modeling, tourism, adaptation, agent, butler&#039;s curve, complexity, lifecycle, model, research, simulation, talc Thu, 01 May 2008 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/new-data-sources-and-experimental-options A simple tourism model with Excel https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/simple-tourism-model-excel <p>While there is quite a bit of interest in several fields in agent-based models (ABMs) as an approach to studying issues such as resilience, and thresholds, their complexity and technical nature is a significant barrier to their use. I’ve had a number of discussions with McGill professor <a href="https://www.mcgill.ca/science/events/mini/2008/faculty#PETERSON">Dr. Garry Peterson</a> about alternate modeling approaches. One technology that he uses in both classes and in his publications is a simple Excel spreadsheet.</p> Tags: simulation modeling, excel, lifecycle, model, tourism Thu, 17 Apr 2008 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/simple-tourism-model-excel Adaptative destination model https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/adaptative-destination-model <p>For quite a while now I’ve been trying to expand the types of <a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC128585/">adaptive behaviour </a>included in TourSim. Currently the tourists display a type of adaptive behaviour, as they move to destinations that satisfy their preferences. In the Baddeck Hotel Development model, tourists would adapt to the development of a new hotel, as more tourists visited Baddeck because of this new type of accommodation.</p> Tags: nova scotia tourism, simulation modeling, adaptive behaviour, agent, capacity Sun, 13 Apr 2008 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/adaptative-destination-model Baddeck Hotel Development results https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/baddeck-hotel-development-results <img loading="lazy" src="/civic-map-lab/sites/default/files/styles/thumbnail/public/uploads/images/chart.jpg?itok=TuCl1RNc" width="100" height="75" alt="A bar graph of the effects of hotel development at Baddeck." typeof="Image" class="image-style-thumbnail" /> <p>I’ve been putting together some sample results using the Baddeck Hotel Development scenario. I ran the model with the default range of accommodations, and then re-ran it with the “Add Hotel at Baddeck” button selected. You can experiment with this same scenario under the Tourism Scenarios tab. Below I’ve added a chart that shows the percentage change in tourist visitation per day (blue bar) and percentage change in income per day (green bar) at select destinations. This shows the difference between the base scenario and the add hotel scenario.</p> Tags: nova scotia tourism, results, simulation modeling, tourism Tue, 11 Mar 2008 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/baddeck-hotel-development-results Big improvements! https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/big-improvements <p>I’ve been hard at work adding more realistic element to TourSim.</p> Tags: new, nova scotia tourism, simulation modeling Tue, 05 Feb 2008 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/big-improvements