Waterloo Civic Map Lab https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/ en Group members at AAG 2016: San Francisco https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/group-members-aag-2016-san-francisco <p>Looking forward to some sun (or fog) in California! Myself and two group members, Sara Harrison and Qing Lu are off to present at the Association of American Geographers annual conference in San Francisco.</p> Tags: conferences, geothink, aag, academic, research Sun, 27 Mar 2016 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/group-members-aag-2016-san-francisco Measuring the value and impact of open data: Recruiting doctoral students https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/measuring-value-and-impact-open-data-recruiting-doctoral <p>I’ve recently been successful with obtaining five years of funding from the <a href="https://uwaterloo.ca/environment/news/open-data-and-greenhouse-gas-measurement-projects-get">Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation’s Early Researcher Award (ERA</a>). This generous funding will allow me to measure the value and impact of open data initiatives, assessing how open data is accessed, used, and exploited.</p> Tags: education, geothink, open data, research, academic, funding, giscience, opportunities Sat, 09 Jan 2016 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/measuring-value-and-impact-open-data-recruiting-doctoral New publication: Evolving relationships in community participatory geoweb projects https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/new-publication-evolving-relationships-community <p>At long last, a team publication from the GEOIDE grant The Participatory Geoweb has been published in ACME journal.</p> Tags: academic, geothink, geoweb, publications Fri, 16 Oct 2015 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/new-publication-evolving-relationships-community The Canadian Water Network conference: “from knowledge to action” https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/canadian-water-network-conference-knowledge-action <p>This post is by PhD student <a href="https://twitter.com/simonephilpot">Simone Philpot</a> on her recent experience attending the <a href="https://www.cwn-rce.ca/">Canadian Water Network Conference 2015</a>.</p> Tags: conferences, education, academic, water Tue, 24 Mar 2015 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/canadian-water-network-conference-knowledge-action Fulcrum – using mobile devices to collect field data https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/fulcrum-using-mobile-devices-collect-field-data <p>As part of Geography 187: Problem Solving in Geomatics, I’ve started using <a href="https://www.fulcrumapp.com/">Fulcrum</a> as a tool for students to gain experience collecting in-situ field data. Fulcrum is both a mobile app (for iOS and Android) and a data management/survey design backend.</p> Tags: education, geoweb, giscience, academic, fulcrum, gis, mobile, students, waterloo Fri, 21 Nov 2014 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/fulcrum-using-mobile-devices-collect-field-data A comparison of traditional and experiential approaches to first-year geomatics instruction https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/comparison-traditional-and-experiential-approaches-first <p>I'm currently leading a research project that looks to compare two first-year Geomatics courses (GEOG 181 and the new GEOG 187).</p> Tags: development, education, giscience, tools, academic, geomatics, grant, teaching Mon, 10 Nov 2014 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/comparison-traditional-and-experiential-approaches-first Geopatial Mobility Lab – Launched with support from CFI and ORF https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/geopatial-mobility-lab-launched-support-cfi-and-orf <p>I’ve recently been awarded funding from the <a href="https://www.innovation.ca/">Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI)</a> and the <a href="https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-research-fund">Ontario Research Fund (ORF)</a>. I’d like to thank both of these government funding agencies for their support of a new research and training initiative that I call the ‘Geospatial Mobility Lab’. This effort is also co-sponsored through direct contributions of equipment and services from <a href="https://esri.ca/en">Esri Canada</a> and <a href="https://www.dell.com/en-ca">Dell Computer</a>.</p> Tags: education, giscience, tools, academic, geomatics, mobile, opportunities, research, technology Thu, 14 Aug 2014 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/geopatial-mobility-lab-launched-support-cfi-and-orf Civic Hackathons: Innovation, Procurement, or Civic Engagement? https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/civic-hackathons-innovation-procurement-or-civic-engagement <p>I’ve recently published a jointly-authored viewpoint piece with <a href="https://www.torontomu.ca/school-of-urban-and-regional-planning/about/people/faculty/pamela-robinson/">Dr. Pamela Robinson</a> from Ryerson University in <a href="https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/15411338/31/4">Review of Policy Research</a>.</p> Tags: geothink, hackathon, open data, academic, publications Thu, 24 Jul 2014 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/civic-hackathons-innovation-procurement-or-civic-engagement Graduate student opportunities https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/graduate-student-opportunities <p>I am currently recruiting graduate students to start in September 2014. I place a priority on graduate student supervision and try to support all my students as best I can, through providing timely feedback on written work, facilitating networking within academia and industry, and supporting student travel to conferences when possible. The position outlines and instructions are listed below.</p> Tags: academic, graduate students, opportunities Fri, 03 Jan 2014 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/graduate-student-opportunities Geothink.ca: How the Geospatial Web 2.0 is reshaping government-citizen interactions https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/geothinkca-how-geospatial-web-20-reshaping-government <p>Recently I’ve been fortunate enough to be part of a team that has been awarded a <a href="https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/about-au_sujet/partnerships-partenariats/partnership_grants-bourses_partenariats-eng.aspx">SSHRC Partnership Grant</a> for a 5-year study of “How the Geospatial Web 2.0 is reshaping government-citizen interactions”, also called <a href="http://geothink.ca">Geothink</a>.</p> Tags: geothink, geoweb, giscience, open data, academic, government, neogeography, participation, user generated content, vgi Mon, 08 Jul 2013 12:00:00 +0000 Peter Johnson https://uwaterloo.ca/civic-map-lab/blog/geothinkca-how-geospatial-web-20-reshaping-government