Protecting Canadians from the Health Impacts of Climate Change

Thursday, March 17, 2016 10:00 am - 10:00 am UTC (GMT +00:00)

Climate change is increasing risks to the health of Canadians through impacts from indoor and outdoor air quality, extreme weather hazards, and changing patterns of disease-carrying pests. Peter Berry will share how Canadian health authorities are preparing for climate change risks to health by gaining new knowledge about climate-related hazards and vulnerable populations, and by supporting the capacity of individuals and organizations to take protective actions. Continued collaboration to integrate evidence-based research findings into health and emergency management decision-making is needed to help Canadians prepare for the health risks of climate change and reduce future impacts.

All are welcome.

Coffee, tea and muffins will be served starting at 9:45 a.m.

Peter Berry

Featured Speaker:

Peter Berry 

Senior Policy Analyst,
Climate Change and Health Office,
Health Canada