PhD completion timeline

August 31, 2017 completion deadline for fall 2017 convocation

Steps Deadlines and details for fall 2016 program completions Paperwork and contact links
Submit Intention to Graduate/Program Completion form Submit to SCS Grad Office before arranging defense (fill out Intention to Graduate portion only). Intention to Graduate / Program Completion

Review PhD defense information and instructions.

Thesis Guidelines

Found on MGO website. Further details and CS requirements found on the CS Graduate web page. PhD thesis procedures and external examiner criteria
Submit Approval of PhD Defense Committee form Submit to Math Grad Office at least seven weeks before oral defense (no later than July 4 Thesis Submission / Committee Approval Request Form (PDF)
Submit one pdf electronic copy of PhD Thesis for display to MGO. To Math Grad office at least six weeks before oral defense (no later than July 10)
Post oral defense (contact Paula Roser well in advance to book room) Email with date, time, location, and copy of abstract Paula Roser
Oral defense Allow time for minor post defense revisions and formatting review before official deposit of thesis, (no later than August 14)  
MGO to submit PhD Thesis Examination Report and Acceptance Certificate To GSO no later than August 17 to allow time for formatting review/revisions  
Upload thesis to UWSpace for formatting review (GSO must receive Thesis Acceptance first to proceed with this) No later than August 21 or earlier if Thesis Acceptance has been submitted to GSO.  UWSpace
Electronic thesis deposited on UWSpace No later than August 31, 2017 UWSpace


1. The school no longer requires bound copies of theses for our library or for supervisors. All personal bound copies can be ordered through media.doc.

2. PhD defenses must not be arranged during the blackout period from August 21 to September 1, 2017.

September 22, 2017 - 100% tuition refund deadline

All degree requirements must be completed and paperwork must be submitted to GSO by this date. Students do NOT have to register (pay fees) for the FALL 2017 term. Students will attend Spring convocation in June 2018

October 25, 2017 - 50% tuition refund deadline

Students who cannot meet the 100% deadline can elect to change their status to part-time for fall term to reduce their fees and will also be eligible for a 50% fee refund if they meet this deadline. Students will attend Spring convocation in June 2018. Please note that students may forfeit funding if they elect to go part-time.

Helpful websites

Graduate Studies Office - forms

Thesis regulations and formatting review

Convocation information

Math Graduate Office