@proceedings{28, keywords = {Microsatellite, smart sensor networks, water quality, water quantity}, author = {K. Zolfaghari and M. Hoekstra and C.R. Duguay and D. Rudolph and I. D\textquoterightSouza}, title = {Canadian water microsatellite mission - concept design}, abstract = {
Canada has vast water resources that span an enormous range in geography, climate, and ecosystems [1]. Water supply and water quality are the two critical issues relevant to water resources, not only in Canada but globally in a warming climate. The water microsatellite mission described here aims to better prepare end users to respond to the emerging spectrum of water futures issues by revolutionizing remote sensing of water quality and quantity parameters, and permitting unprecedented interconnection and data gathering from Canadian environmental monitoring networks.
}, year = {2019}, pages = {6926-6928}, month = {07/2019}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Yokohama, Japan}, }