
Earth and Environmental Sciences combines geology with studies in surface and groundwater, as well as the engineering properties of rocks and soils. We invite you to learn more about our internationally recognized research from helping communities protect groundwater resources to understanding the mysteries of geologic processes deep within the Earth.

As active researchers, we offer our students a hands-on learning experience in addition to innovative degrees and programs.

Our unique Earth Sciences Museum and its K-12 outreach program give us the chance to share our passion with the community.

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Over the past year, several faculty members in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences have transitioned into retirement. While they may not necessarily be stepping completely away from the grind, let’s hope they find time for some gneiss relaxation.

A paper entitled “The surficial geology record of ice stream catchment dynamics and ice-divide migration in the Quebec-Labrador sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet,” by Martin Ross, professor in the Earth and Environmental Science Department, and former PhD student Jessey Rice was chosen as one of the Editor’s Choice papers for the first half of 2024.
