Minor in a Language

After a Minor in Economics, the next most popular minor taken by ECE students is one in the languages.  You can review the possible minors by visiting the Arts Programs section of the Undergraduate Calendar.  Each of these Minors usually comprise of usually eight (8) courses; however, you should verify this by visiting the Undergraduate Calendar.  Through careful selection, it is possible to ensure that four of these count towards your Complementary Studies Electives (CSEs), thereby requiring only four (4) additional courses.

Note:  This page assumes the minor requires eight courses.  If a minor requires more courses, this will require more work than what is indicated.

Note that only one language-technique course (a course where you are learning to speak a language) may count as a List-D CSE, unless you have participated in an international exchange in which case two language-technique courses may be counted as List-D CSEs.

The additional courses can be taken either as additional courses over-and-above the required load in any Academic Term, they could be taken during Co-op Work Terms or, they can be taken in an additional non-degree Academic Term replacing a Co-op Work Term or after 4B.

The Faculty of Arts requires that any ECE student taking a Minor in Arts must take at least half of the courses as extra courses (not counting towards required electives) and triple counting is not allowed.  Consequently, if you count four courses towards CSEs, you cannot count any of these courses towards, for example, another option.

If you are a student has completed or nearly completed this Minor and would like to comment about scheduling your courses, work load, prerequisites you may have gotten waived, applications of the Minor, how it relates to the Electrical Engineering Program, etc., please contact the Webkeeper.