@inproceedings{67, author = {Daniel Pickel and Wayne Brodland and Rania Al-Hammoud}, title = {Hands-On Beam Models and Matching Spreadsheets Enhance Perceptual Learning of Beam Bending}, abstract = {

This evidence-based practice paper explores the use of a physical beam model and an accompanying spreadsheet that plots deflection, slope, shear, moment, and loading diagrams as teaching tools. These tools were used to reinforce engineering theory as part of a second year civil engineering statics and solid mechanics course.

}, year = {2016}, journal = {2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings}, month = {jun}, publisher = {ASEE Conferences}, address = {New Orleans, Louisiana}, url = {http://peer.asee.org/25431}, doi = {10.18260/p.25431}, }