@inproceedings{75, author = {Lyndia Stacey and Andrew Trivett and Jen Rathlin and Kyu Choi}, title = {Implementation of a Case Study in an Engineering Science Course: A Pilot Project for Increasing Experiential Learning}, abstract = {

It is valuable for instructors to provide real-world connections in their curricula so that engineering students can appreciate and practice integration and application of knowledge. This is essential in both engineering science and design. A variety of mechanisms have been used to accomplish this, including guest speakers, field trips and company-sourced design projects. Another useful mechanism to achieve this objective is the case study.

}, year = {2015}, journal = {2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings}, pages = {1-26}, month = {jun}, publisher = {ASEE Conferences}, address = {Seattle, Washington}, url = {http://peer.asee.org/24239}, doi = {10.18260/p.24239}, }