
  • Normally 'buyouts' should not entirely remove faculty from undergraduate teaching in any twelve month period.
  • 'Buyouts' are to be negotiated for a maximum of a three year period and are to be brought to faculty meetings by the chair/director for information and recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
  • In assigning teaching loads, the equivalent of four graduate or undergraduate half courses over a twelve month period will constitute the normal load, excluding senior honours essay or reading courses. Class size, lab/studio contact and the number of hours spent on graduate advising will also be taken into account by the chair/director.
  • 'Buyouts'are at the discretion of the chair/director.
  • 'Buyouts' will be considered only if the functioning of the department/school is not unduly affected and the chair/director has had sufficient time (at least 8 months) to adjust teaching loads.
  • 'Buyouts' by chairs/directors are at the discretion of the Dean and will be negotiated with the Dean. 'Buyout' arrangements for chairs/directors will be discussed in a departmental/school meeting before approval is given by the Dean.

Note: Effective January 1, 2023, the teaching buyout rate will increase to $18,000 per course.

Last updated in April 2022