Title: Building Ecological Armor: Artificial Breakwaters and Coral Restoration in Jamaica
By: Mary McConnell
A knight without his armor, a turtle without its shell, a beach without a reef. These are all examples of individuals who are left vulnerable when their protection is absent. When coral reefs are degraded (whether by hurricane storm events or human induced problems), the adjacent beaches are left vulnerable to stronger, higher waves. This is Mary McConnell, from the University of Waterloo, bringing you a podcast on break waters and coral restoration in Jamaica. Beach erosion occurs when wave energy scoops up unprotected sand. Shortening beach size and creating a steep drop close to shore. It causes coral reef deterioration a complicated problem with many factors. Social and environmental. Which individually have minor impacts but collectively are quite damaging. The one definite conclusion is that coral degradation is bad news for the shoreline. Berg Kushner and Cooper's, two thousand and eleven paper examine how degraded coral reef can exasperate coastal erosion in Negril they project a hundred percent increase in shoreline erosion, the next ten years. In February some establishments along seven mile beach in Negril were already observed fighting beach erosion with temporary small scale break waters in front of their property. The paper also examined the economic impacts that erosion can influence projecting a possible five to ten million dollar loss in value in tourism for Negril alone. Peter Gail the principal science officer at discovery bay marine laboratory is among those who believe that some artificial break water structures while successful in reducing wave intensity are incompatible coral restoration. Partnering with coral restoration would add an aesthetically pleasing component to break waters which is desired by the tourism industry. Many beach dependent stakeholders in Jamaica do not plan far enough in the future to include the natural regeneration of coral and so coral restoration on breakwaters conserve as a short term and long term solution. In the short term wave energy is reduced so waves that reached the beach are not as strong in the long term these breakwaters can help support new coral growth increasing coral regeneration providing a future natural break water. But what may be in the best interest for the major beach side hotels may not be practical for the regeneration of reef structure fish stocks and may be detrimental for others who share the ecosystem. Break waters are an example of situations in Jamaica or environmental concerns are closely tied to social issues and conflicting stakeholders. To use. With coral restoration it will have future implications for both marine conservation. And economic stability for Jamaica. Thank you for listening this has been a podcast for Derek Armitage Steve Alexander and the coastal marine change in governance in Jamaica field course.