The Faculty of Science Foundation presents:
Tim Caulfield
Professor of Health Law and Science Policy | Bestselling Author
Infodemic! Is Misinformation Killing Us?
The spread of misinformation seems to intensify with each passing week. Indeed, it is a defining characteristic of our time! And research tells us that misinformation is doing tangible harm — to public health, mental health, public discourse, personal relationships, and public trust. How did we get here, why do people believe, and what can we do about it?
In this presentation Professor Timothy Caulfield explores what the most recent evidence tells us about the nature and source of the current infodemic. He will also provide science-informed recommendations about how best to engage individuals and communities.
University of Waterloo students can attend the event for free.
A select number of tickets are also available for General Admission.
General Admission, use this link to purchase tickets →
Ticket price includes food and drinks at the event!
5:30pm – Doors Open
6pm – Talk begins
7pm – Q&A
7:30pm – Reception, book sale and the chance to speak directly with Tim!
Students can attend for free - Register now!
Professor Timothy Caulfield is an unrivalled communicator who debunks myths and assumptions about innovation in the health sector — from research on stem cells to diets and alternative medicine — for the benefit of the public and decision-makers. He is a Canada Research Chair in Health Law and Policy, a professor in the Faculty of Law and the School of Public Health, and the Research Director of the Health Law Institute at the University of Alberta. Over the past several years, Caulfield has been involved in a variety of interdisciplinary research endeavours that have led him to publish more than 350 academic articles. His research focuses on topics like stem cells, genetics, research ethics, and the public representations of science and health policy issues. Caulfield has won numerous academic, science communication, and writing awards, and is a Member of the Order of Canada and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. Caulfield also writes frequently for the popular press and is the author of several bestselling books, including The Cure for Everything: Untangling the Twisted Messages about Health, Fitness and Happiness; Is Gwyneth Paltrow Wrong About Everything?: When Celebrity Culture and Science Clash; and, most recently, Relax, Dammit!: A User’s Guide to the Age of Anxiety. In addition, Caulfield is the co-founder of the science engagement initiative, #ScienceUpFirst. He is also the host and co-producer of the award-winning documentary TV show, A User’s Guide to Cheating Death, which aired in over 60 countries and is currently streaming on Netflix in North America.