Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association

WUSA represents undergrads at the University of Waterloo.

Our student-led organization provides the services and support you need to reach your academic goals and make the most of your university experience.

A simple, stylized icon of a bus in blue. The bus features a front view with a single line outlining its shape, and two dots representing headlights. The icon design is minimalistic with curved lines and a modern look.

We got you covered. Whether by bike or bus, learn about your options for getting around town.

A pink heart outline with a bold, dark checkmark embedded within it on a white background.

Details about your StudentCare extended Health and Dental plan.

An icon of two hands reaching towards each other with a heart shape floating above them. The outline and shapes are in dark blue, while one hand and part of the heart are highlighted with a light yellow color.

Join a club, attend events, access peer support, or volunteer with one of our 11 student-run services!

A minimalist icon depicting a plant sprouting from a rectangular base. The plant has two leaves and is drawn with simple, smooth lines. The base appears to be partially filled with a light green shade. The overall design is clean and modern.

Work with WUSA! Discover available part-time, full-time, external and volunteer opportunities.

A simple icon of a house with a blue outline, featuring a triangular roof, a rectangular door, and no windows. The house is filled with a light teal color, and the overall design is minimalist and stylized.

Learn more about housing and tenancy through the Housing Playbook.

Discover Events

Whether you are a new or returning student we have plenty of events planned for you. Engage with your Waterloo student community, learn about our exciting offerings and win prizes along the way!

Update your calendar with the events you want to attend.

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