Request for participants to support graduate research

Use this form if you are a graduate student looking for participants to complete a study to support your research.

  • Information gathered on this form will be used to create a web page outlining the details of your study and the participant requirements.
  • A link to your web page will be hosted on the GSPA Call for study participants webpage.
  • Your study may also be advertised in the Graduate Student e-news.
  • Only studies that have received ethics clearance through the Office of Research Ethics at the University of Waterloo will be published.

Information and privacy: questions regarding the collection of information on this form can be directed to the form administrator.

Researcher information
e.g. English Language and Literature, School of Accounting and Finance
e.g. Master of Arts, MA, PhD
Study information
The title must be 150 characters (including spaces) or less. This may be a summarized version rather than the official title.
Study method * (required)
E.g. Questionnaire and a reaction time task
e.g. must have 20/20 vision, must be 18 years or older etc.
e.g. 2 hours, 15 minutes etc.
Indicate remuneration for participants (e.g., $5, $10 gift card, etc.). If there will be no remuneration, please indicate N/A.
* (required)
This letter should match what has been submitted and approved by the Office of Research Ethics.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.
* (required)
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg txt html pdf doc docx xml.
Use this field for any additional comments/questions you would like to share.