simulation modeling

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Baddeck Hotel Development results

I’ve been putting together some sample results using the Baddeck Hotel Development scenario. I ran the model with the default range of accommodations, and then re-ran it with the “Add Hotel at Baddeck” button selected. You can experiment with this same scenario under the Tourism Scenarios tab. Below I’ve added a chart that shows the percentage change in tourist visitation per day (blue bar) and percentage change in income per day (green bar) at select destinations. This shows the difference between the base scenario and the add hotel scenario.

Tourism is an important contributor to the Nova Scotian economy. Estimates put the number of jobs created by tourism at around 33,000, and the dollar value to be over $1.3 billion in 2004.

Developing new tourism attractions and accommodations is a process that can involve benefits and risks. One way to reduce these risks to tourism development is through planning and anticipating certain scenarios.