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 Graduate Studies Academic Calendar
Winter 2007

Management Sciences


MASc and MMSc Degree Requirements
The MASc and MMSc programs are available in the areas of applied operations research, informations systems or management of technology.
Degree Requirements

All students in the Department of Management Sciences must demonstrate competency in the material covered by the following three courses:

  • M SCI 603 Principles of Operations Research,
  • M SCI 605 Organizational Theory and Behaviour,
  • M SCI 607 Economic Concepts for Management.

Competency can be established in any General Requirement course either by taking the course or by passing a written exam, administered by the instructor assigned to teach the General Requirements course in that year.

Additional degree requirements for the specific master's programs (MASc, MMSc, MMSc MOT@Distance) are listed under the appropriate program headings.

Master of Applied Science (MASc)

In addition to the three General Requirement courses (MSci 603, MSci 605, MSci 607), students in the Master of Applied Sciences program must take at least five additional courses, totaling a minimum requirement of eight courses overall (.50 unit weight per course/4 units). These courses must be at the 600 and 700- level with an overall average of at least 73%, and a maximum of one course grade under 70%.

MSci 601 Research Methods in the Management Sciences is strongly recommended for all master's students.

Students in the Master of Applied Science program complete a thesis which contains some elements of original work. (The thesis is supervised by a faculty advisor, examined by a committee including two or more other members, and placed on display in the Faculty of Engineering Graduate Office).

Master of Management Sciences (MMSc)

In addition to the three General Requirement courses (MSci 603, MSci 605, MSci 607), students in the Master of Management Sciences program must take at least five additional courses, totaling a minimum requirement of eight courses overall (.50 unit weight per course/4 units). These courses must be at the 600 and 700- level with an overall average of at least 73%, and a maximum of one course grade under 70%.

MSci 601 Research Methods in the Management Sciences is strongly recommended for all master's students.

Co-operative Master's Program

Students in the Master of Applied Science program or the Master of Management Sciences program, who qualify, may choose a co-operative program of study. For a co-operative program of study a student must complete two work-terms and must complete the MASc or MMSc program during an academic term. undefinedThe co-operative placements must relate to the program of study. Enrolment in the co-operative program must be approved by the student's supervisor and the Associate Chair Graduate Studies.

See Degree Requirements for Master of Applied Science (MASc) program or Master of Management Sciences (MMSc) program.

Co-op students are responsible for following the regulations and procedures of Co-op Education and Career Services.

Master of Management Sciences (MMSc) Online - Management of Technology(MOT@D)

All students in the Management of Technology Master of Management Sciences program must demonstrate competency in the material covered by the following six courses:

  • M Sci 601 Research Methods in the Management Sciences,
  • M Sci 602 Principles of Management of Technology
  • M SCI 603 Principles of Operations Research,
  • M SCI 605 Organizational Theory and Behaviour,
  • M SCI 606 Foundations of Senior Management
  • M SCI 607 Economic Concepts for Management

Competency can be established in any General Requirement course either by taking the course or by passing a written exam, administered by the instructor assigned to teach the General Requirements course in that year.

Students in the MSciOnline MMSc program (M SCI 601, 602, 603, 605, 606, 607) must take at least two additional courses, totaling a minimum requirement of eight courses overall (.50 unit weight per course/5 units of credit). These courses must be at the 600 and 700- level with an overall average of at least 73%, and a maximum of one course grade under 70%.


Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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