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 Graduate Studies Academic Calendar
Winter 2007

Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering


Master of Applied Science
Candidates for the Master of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering have the option to conduct their studies on a full-time or part-time basis.
Admission Requirements

Admission requirements for students admitted to the Masters program are as follows:

  • an honours Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in an acceptable discipline from a university of recognized standing, with at least a B (75%) standing,
  • Two letters of reference, from professors
  • proof of competency in English (if applicable). A score of at least 550 is required in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), along with a minimum score of 4.0 in the Test of Written English (TWE). A score of at least 213 is required on the computer version of the TOEFL. (See Academic Regulations - English Language Proficiency Certification for other acceptable tests of English).
  • Personal Information Form (downloaded from the Department Website)

Information on research activities and other information is given on the departmental graduate web-site.

Application Deadlines

Accepted candidates can enter the program at the start of any one of our academic terms Fall(beginning of September), Winter (beginning of January) or Spring (beginning of May). To be admitted at the start of  any one of these terms, the prospective student must have submitted his/her complete application package by the following cut-off dates. 

Below is a chart which lists the deadlines for admission to the MASc program.  Please note, these deadlines are the date by which your application must be complete, not merely submitted.

Desired Date of Admission

International Student:

Complete Application Due By:

Canadian/Permanent Resident: Complete Application Due by:

Fall Term(September)

January 1st

(same year as admission date)

Two weeks before starting term.

Winter Term (January)

May 1st

(year prior to admission date)

December 1st

(year prior to admission date)

Spring Term (May)

September 1st

(year prior to admission date)

Two weeks before starting term.

Degree Requirements

The MASc program emphasizes high level independent research by candidates. The topic of the thesis and the choice of courses are decided by the student and their supervisor(s). Each student's program is subject to the approval of the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies. Candidates will participate in a research program generally involving either theory or experimentation, or both.

Degree requirements are as follows:

  • Four one-term (.50 unit weight) graduate level courses (or courses acceptable for graduate credit). [A maximum of one 500-level course may be counted for credit.]
  • Master's research seminar
  • MASc thesis
Additional Regulations:

Additional Faculty regulations concerning Master's degree requirements are

  • at least two-thirds of the courses used for credit in a candidate's program must be taken from the 600 and 700 series,
  • no more than half of the courses used for credit may be taught by the candidate's supervisor,
  • the candidate must obtain a pass in all courses credited to his or her program, with a minimum overall average of 70% (a grade of less than 65% in any course counts as a failure (F)), and
  • at least half of the courses used for credit must normally be Faculty of Engineering courses.

Candidates registered for a Master's degree are requested to give advance notice of their intention to submit a thesis approximately three months prior to submission. In the case of candidates in the thesis program, two assessors will then be appointed to aid each candidate's supervisor(s) in evaluating the thesis. Normally, the assessors will be members of the Mechanical Engineering Department, one being external to the supervisor's research group.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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