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 Graduate Studies Academic Calendar
Winter 2008

Calendar - General Information & Regulations

Awards & Financial Aid

Government Assistance Programs (OSAP)
Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)

For up-to-date information on OSAP, visit their website.

The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) provides various types of assistance based on financial need to eligible students. This assistance is intended to supplement, not to replace, the resources of students and their families. Although assistance is not based on academic standing, students are expected to make satisfactory progress in their studies.

OSAP includes the following plans:

  • The Canada-Ontario Integrated Student Loan provides assistance in the form of interest-free loans to students who wish to pursue full-time post-secondary studies. All applicants to OSAP must apply no later than June 15, to be notified of their awards before classes start in the Fall term; October 15 for classes that start in the Winter term; and February 15 for classes that start in the Spring term. Students may apply for OSAP on-line through the OSAP website.
  • The Child-Care Bursary is available to sole-support parents or married students who have three or more children and who have applied for and qualified for OSAP funding and who will incur child-care expenses during the student's study period.
  • The Bursary for Students with Disabilities is available to students who have applied for and qualified for OSAP funding and who will incur disability-related educational expenses. Applications are available in the Office for Persons with Disabilities.
  • The Ontario Work-Study Plan provides a means whereby students can actively finance the cost of their education through part-time employment on campus. Students whose educational needs have not been fully met by OSAP are eligible to apply. Further information is available at the Student Awards and Financial Aid Office or on their website.
  • The Canada Student Loans Program also offers Special Opportunity Grants for female doctoral students. Students interested in this program must submit the application to the Student Awards and Financial Aid Office. Applications are online.
  • The Part-Time Canada Student Loan Program provides assistance for part-time students (taking less than 60% course load) with the direct educational costs of tuition, compulsory fees, a book allowance and a small weekly miscellaneous allowance. Under this program interest payments begin approximately one month after the loan is negotiated at the bank. Applications are available at the Student Awards and Financial Aid Office.
Note: Students from provinces other than Ontario should approach the provincial assistance authority in their home provinces concerning the possibility of assistance from that source. Applications and/or addresses are available on the Student Awards and Financial Aid Office website or at the office, second floor, Needles Hall.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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