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 Graduate Studies Academic Calendar
Fall 2009

Recreation and Leisure Studies


Doctor of Philosophy

The PhD program provides the opportunity for advanced study and research in the field of  Recreation and Leisure Studies. The degree culminates in the completion of a doctoral thesis, which is expected to make an original and substantial contribution to the field of  knowledge.  Students are also provided with opportunities for teaching and research assistantships, and are encouraged to participate in undergraduate teaching. The primary objectives of the program are to foster each student's ability to:

  • do quality research and to contribute to the growing body of knowledge in the field.
  • analyze and evaluate programs, policies and organizational structures aimed at understanding and improving the use of  free time and the quality of life.
  • apply and disseminate this knowledge to practitioners, policy makers and managers.

The doctoral program is designed for students who plan to teach and/or pursue research careers. It provides a training opportunity for students seeking careers as scholars, researchers, and policy analysts for government, private sector and university positions.

Admission Requirements

The requirements for admission to the PhD degree program include:

  • an MA degree, (or its equivalent) in Recreation and Leisure Studies or related field, with a minimum B average in master's level coursework.
  • completion of an MA thesis
  • proof of competency in English (if applicable), including a TOEFL score of 600 (250 in the computerized version) and TWE score of 4.0 for students required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language. (See Graduate Studies Calendar, Academic Regulations - English Language Proficiency Certification for other acceptable tests of English.)

Each applicant must submit a written statement outlining his or her research interests, and three letters of reference from academic sources and a curriculum vitae. In addition, students must submit a copy of  previous academic work, such as a term paper, published manuscript or master's thesis.

Deadline for applications to the Doctoral program is February 1st.

Degree Requirements

The Doctoral of Philosophy degree is awarded by the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences to candidates who have demonstrated a broad knowledge and have demonstrated a satisfactory level of achievement in research. The normal requirements for the Recreation and Leisure Studies PhD program include coursework, comprehensive examinations and a doctoral thesis. Students can also enrol in the doctoral program as part-time students. (See Graduate Studies Calendar, Academic Regulations - Regular Part-time Graduate Students)

Faculty Advisors/Supervisors

Students seeking admission to the PhD program should indicate in the letter of application who would be appropriate as a faculty advisor. Based on student and faculty research interests and availability, each student will be assigned an interim advisor when first admitted. This interim advisor,in consultation with the Graduate Officer, will assist in determining an individualized program of study for the student. The interim advisor may become the supervisor for the comprehensive examination and for the doctoral thesis.


Doctoral students are required to take a minimum of 9 graduate courses (0.5 unit weight) beyond the Honours BA level. These must include:

  • at least one course in each of the three areas of study (Administration and Management of  Services, Leisure Behaviour and Cultural Studies, and Recreation and Leisure Resources)
  • an advanced research methods course REC 792
  • the doctoral seminar REC 700 (The Interplay of  Behaviour, Resources, and Policy in Leisure Studies)

Students entering the PhD program following completion of the MA degree in the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies (University of Waterloo), or its equivalent, will usually have already completed 6 of the 9 required courses, and therefore will need a minimum of  4 additional (0.5 unit weight) graduate courses. Elective courses can be taken either within or outside the Department, and can be at either the 600 or 700 level.

PhD Comprehensive Examination

The comprehensive examination consists of two written and one oral examination. One of  the written examinations deals with the knowledge and approaches in the three areas of study  (Administrationand Management of Services, Leisure Behaviour and Cultural Studies, Recreation and Leisure Resources). The other written examination deals with research methods and data analysis in leisure studies. The oral examination focuses on the questions and answers provided in the two written examinations.

The comprehensive examination cannot be taken until all of the course requirements have been satisfied. The successful completion of this examination is required normally within 16 months, (4 terms) of admission and before submitting a thesis proposal. If the examination is failed it may be retaken once, and it must be retaken within three months of the first examination. A comprehensive examination committee is comprised of at least three faculty members selected by the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee in consultation with the candidate. (See Graduate Studies Calendar, Academic Regulations: Minimum Degree Requirements for the PhD)

PhD Thesis Examination

A PhD thesis proposal is required of all PhD students after passing the comprehensive examinations, and before proceeding to data collection. The proposal should contain a detailed statement of the research problem and its significance for a body of leisure-related theory, a precise account of the methodology or research techniques to be employed, plus a detailed outline of the proposed data analyses. The candidate will be required to present and defend this proposal before the thesis committee. The final thesis report based on the completed research must also be successfully defended to satisfy the thesis requirement. The PhD thesis advisory committee is comprised of the Supervisor and two committee members who normally will be drawn from faculty members of the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies. The proposal will be defended before the thesis committee; however, upon completion of the thesis, the final document will be defended before a five person Examination Board made up of the Supervisor, three other members of the University community (two of whom are normally the advisory committee members and one other individual from outside the home department), and an external examiner. (See Graduate Studies Calendar, Academic Regulations, Minimum Requirements for the PhD Degree) Normally the doctoral program will be 3-4 years (9-12 terms), which is consistent with other PhD programs in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences. The University time limit for completion is 4 years (12 terms). Students must obtain permission from the Department Graduate Committee and the Associate Dean, Graduate Studies, to continue registration beyond this 12 term limit.

Student Evaluation

A review of each student's progress takes place during the month of May each year. Students are evaluated on several criteria, i.e., coursework and resulting grades, progress with regard to the comprehensive examination and thesis work and, where appropriate, reports submitted by the students regarding their research and teaching assistantship activity. A grade average of at least 75% must be maintained.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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