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 Graduate Studies Academic Calendar
Spring 2009

Political Science


About Political Science
The Department of Political Science offers a program leading to the degree of Master of Arts (MA) which is specifically designed to encourage and accommodate the individual research interests of students in the following areas:
  • Canadian state and society (where the Department's Centre for Election Studies provides unique resources for research in federal and provincial voting behaviour)
  • conflict and conflict resolution
  • political economy
  • contemporary political theory
Graduate seminars and individual reading and research courses permit students to pursue various topics in these areas of interest.

Students are allowed to pursue a degree on either a full-time or a part-time basis. Because of course requirements, the Department offers admission to the MA program only in the fall term.

Preparation of a thesis or a master's research paper is supervised by a committee of faculty members, selected to give students access to a wide range of resources. Opportunities are generally available to work with particular faculty members on topics of mutual interest.

Further details of the program are available on request.

Administration of the Program:

The MA program in Political Science is under the direction of the Department's Graduate Affairs Committee, which is composed of the Graduate Officer, two faculty members and two graduate students chosen at the beginning of the Fall term by all graduate students registered in the program.

The Graduate Affairs Committee approves all thesis and master's research paper topics, the composition of the committees supervising them, all curriculum changes, and is generally responsible for all aspects of policy related to the MA program in Political Science.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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