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 Graduate Studies Academic Calendar
Winter 2010

Chemical Engineering


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The PhD degree is awarded primarily for the successful completion of original research of high calibre. Minimum Requirements for the PhD Degree are described under Academic Regulations. For further information on the Part-time and Co-op PhD programs, contact the Associate Chair of Graduate Studies.

Admission Requirements

Admission to a PhD program is made on the recommendation of the Engineering Graduate Studies Sub-Committee on the recommendation of the Department.

All applicants must meet the University of Waterloo minimum admission requirements and any additional admission requirements of the department.
Note: In the Department of Chemical Engineering, three (3) academic references in sealed envelopes are required for application to all graduate programs offered (MEng, MASc and PhD).

At the time of admission, each PhD student must have an approved PhD supervisor who has agreed in writing to supervise the academic program of a candidate; or co-supervisors, at least one of whom is an approved PhD supervisor. The Faculty of Engineering maintains a list of individually approved research supervisors ("LIARS," which is equivalent to the current UW designation of "ADDS" ( Approved Doctoral Dissertation Supervisors) and additions and deletions to this list are made by the Engineering Graduate Studies Sub-Committee upon the recommendation of the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies of the appropriate Department.

The principal criteria used to evaluate candidates for admission to the PhD program are:

Excellence of background preparation and academic achievement in prior degrees and usually the possession of a relevant, thesis-based Master's degree. In the Faculty of Engineering, a minimum "A-" standing in an applicant's appropriate Master's program is the usual requirement. A Master's degree obtained without a full research thesis is normally an inadequate qualification for admission to the PhD program. In exceptional cases, applicants may be considered for admission to a PhD program upon request from their Department with a minimum duration of three years from an appropriate Honours Bachelor's degree.

The opinions on academic preparation and research ability contained in the three completed Reference Forms for Admission to Graduate Studies requires demonstrated ability to formulate research problems and to execute the research required to solve problems (such as a MASc research thesis or published scientific/technical papers), and evidence of adequate English language skills which will allow a candidate to pursue a doctoral program with all of its requirements at the University of Waterloo.

Further details of this requirement are outlined below.

Engineering Graduate Studies Sub-Committee requires objective evidence of English language skills. Technical publications in refereed English language journals that have been written principally by a candidate and/or a thesis written in English, or a personal interview with the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies of the relevant department are also considered as evidence.

Applicants whose native language is not English are required to submit evidence of adequate English language skills, in the form of a TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), with a minimum score of 550 (213 on the computerized version) and a minimum TWE (Test of Written English) of 4.0, or an equivalent examination. The TOEFL score is valid for two years past the test date indicated on the report slip.

Transfer to the PhD Program Without Completion of the MASc Program

A student enrolled in a MASc program at the University of Waterloo may apply for transfer to the PhD program without completing a Master's degree. Transfer from a MASc program to a PhD program will normally be initiated at the Department level.

The supervisor shall prepare a memorandum for the Department Graduate Review Commitee which summarizes the candidate's qualifications for transfer. At least one additional written recommendation from a Faculty member of the same Department will facilitate a decision on the transfer request.

Degree Requirements

All full-time Chemical Engineering graduate students must attend a minimum of six ChE seminars per year.  Attendance will be taken.

1.  PhD Degree Requirements (for those with Chemical Engineering background):

Degree requirements:

A total of 3 graduate courses from the 600 or 700 level where:

  • At least two core courses (see list):  at least 1 core course from Group I Fundamentals (ChE 610, ChE 622 or ChE 630),
  • Comprehensive examination

PhD students must satisfactorily complete the required two courses during the first year of the degree with a passing grade of at least 70% in each course.  At least 50% of the final grade in these core courses will be detemined by a final written examination.

2.  Students applying to the Chemical Engineering PhD graduate program from other disciplines

Same degree requirements with the exception that

  • At least 2 core courses from Group I Fundamentals (ChE 610, ChE 622 or ChE 630), 
  • At least 1 core course from Group II Applications (ChE 640, ChE 660 or ChE 612),
  • Students will be advised to audit 3 or more undergraduate courses in preparation towards the successful completion of the core courses.  Audit requirements will be determined at the time of admission.

PhD students must satisfactorily complete the required three core course during the first year of the degree with a passing grade of at least 70% in each course.  At least 50% of the final grade in these core courses will be determined by a final written examination.

A PhD candidate possessing a recent MASc degree in an appropriate discipline is required to take three courses at the 600 or 700 level. The Department may require individual candidates to take more than three courses. In every case, a graduate course program is established by the supervisor(s) in consultation with the student, and if deemed necessary, with the Associate Chair Graduate Studies of the Department. Candidates may also be required to take additional courses as a result of a comprehensive examination.

Candidates admitted to the PhD program who do not possess a recent and relevant Master's degree, or have transferred directly to the PhD program without a Master's degree, are required to complete a minimum of seven courses, at least five of which must be at the 600 or 700 levels.

PhD Comprehensive Examination

The PhD Comprehensive Examination consists of an oral examination conducted at the University of Waterloo with the candidate and members of the Comprehensive Examining Committee present. The examination consists of the following two parts:

  • an examination of the research proposal that the candidate intends to develop into a successful PhD research thesis,
  • an examination of the breadth of the candidate's knowledge of the academic field of the thesis and the adequacy of the candidate's background preparation to pursue the proposed research.
PhD Research Thesis

Candidates registered for the research thesis are expected to maintain continuous registration until the thesis is submitted to the Graduate Studies Office. Under exceptional circumstances, inactive terms or a leave of absence may be requested for an a prior specified period with departmental approval.

The role of a supervisor is to assist a candidate in establishing a research problem with an appropriate scope, to suggest alternative general approaches to the solution of a problem, and to provide general advice on the structure and content of a thesis. It is imperative that the engineering code of ethics be strictly observed in the supervisor-candidate relationship.

Period of Registration

The minimum period of registration for a PhD degree is four terms. Degree requirements must be satisfied within four calendar years following the date of admission into the PhD program, unless extensions are approved by the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, Engineering. Requests for extension must be supported by a written departmental recommendation along with a realistic timetable for the completion of the degree, and evidence of adequate progress in research. Extensions are not granted automatically and will be refused in the case of inadequate progress. University of Waterloo regulations stipulate that approval of an extension past three extended terms is at the discretion of the Associate Provost, Graduate Studies.

Part-Time PhD Students

A minimum of two terms of full-time residence is expected from students who wish to proceed on a part-time basis, or who are planning to conduct research on a co-operative basis with an external agency. Full-time residency means that a candidate is present on campus for at least three days a week, or a sufficient period of time per week to satisfy the supervisor. The most appropriate time for this residence period will be established in consultation with the supervisor(s) and the Associate Chair Graduate Studies.

Part-time students should be advised that the Faculty of Engineering expects at least 20 hours per week to be devoted to advanced study and research. In the case of co-operative research conducted at an external location, special commitments must be made by the external agency, and the candidate should establish these requirements at the earliest possible time. The appropriate form may be obtained from the Graduate Studies Office or the Department.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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