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 Graduate Studies Academic Calendar
Winter 2010

Faculty of Mathematics

About the Faculty of Mathematics

The Faculty of Mathematics offers degree programs leading to both the master's and doctoral degrees. Full details of admission and degree requirements are available in the subsequent sections of this Calendar describing each of the four Departments of the Faculty and the School of Computer Science (refer to first set of links noted above).
Master of Mathematics

Graduates of honours programs in an area related to their area of graduate study can generally proceed to this degree directly. Graduates of other programs may be required to take additional courses to strengthen their background; in these situations each case is considered individually. The MMath degree normally requires at least three terms for completion. For further information about requirements in the MMath program, please consult the appropriate Department/School section in this calendar (as noted above). A range of special MMath programs are also offered, e.g., collaborative programs, Co-op Master's degrees, etc.

Doctor of Philosophy

In proceeding towards a PhD the usual procedure is to take a Master's degree (MMath) first. It is also possible to enter an MMath program and to transfer to a PhD program before completion of the MMath. Under exceptional circumstances a student may be admitted to a PhD program with an Honours Bachelor's degree. The PhD thesis embodies the results of original research. Requirements for comprehensive examinations, as well as lecturing, language, and course requirements, vary among Departments/School. For further details, please consult the Department/School sections in this calendar. The normal period of registration for the PhD is nine terms after an Honours Bachelor's degree or six terms after a Master's degree. The minimum period of registration for the PhD is six terms after an Honours Bachelor's degree or four terms after a Master's degree; the time required depends strongly on individual students, their preparation and the research problems chosen.

  1. A PhD student who has not completed the program within four years will be required to submit a progress report at the end of the fourth year, and at least annually from then on, requesting extensions as needed.
    There is no guarantee that an extension will be authorized in every case (see Academic Regulations - Time Limits.)
  2. A person who has been admitted as a full-time graduate student in a PhD program, and who subsequently wishes to register either part-time or inactive, must submit a detailed request showing the reason for such a change of status and the expected date of graduation.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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