MSCI 600s

MSCI 601 Research Methods in the Management Sciences (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001925
This course focuses on methods used in empirical research in the management sciences. It encompasses: stages in the research process, theory building, problem definition, research strategies and designs, measurement issues, sampling, ethical concerns, data analysis, and the communication of research results. These issues will be examined in published research and student proposals. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.

MSCI 602 Strategic Management of Technological Innovation (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001926
This course includes: integrating technology and business strategy; design and evolution of technology strategy; development of the firm's innovative capabilities; creating and implementing systems for innovation; innovation challenges in established firms. In addition to a textbook, cases are used to add realism and context to this course. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.

MSCI 603 Principles of Operations Research (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001927
This course surveys a spectrum of models and techniques in Operations Research, with emphasis on applications. It focuses on the development of modeling skills, the interpretation of results, sensitivity analysis and computer implementations of decision support systems. Topics include linear, integer and network optimization models. Simulation analysis and other topics in stochastic processes may also be covered. The use of quantitative models in different levels of the decision making hierarchy are illustrated through case studies and readings from the Management Sciences literature. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.

MSCI 605 Organizational Theory & Behaviour (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001929
Individuals in organizations; including personality perceptions, learning, and motivation; group processes, including work groups, leadership, communication, decision making, and the management of organizational change. Organizational theory, research and design; including overview of theories such as bureaucracy, open systems, organizational ecology. Issues of departmentation, differentiation, integration, power and politics; governance structures including agency and stakeholder theories. Interorganizational networks and organizational sets. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.

MSCI 606 Foundations of Senior Management (0.50) LECCourse ID: 011267
The course provides a comprehensive background in the management principles needed to effectively enhance interpersonal skills, evaluate organizational performance and apply organizational functioning. The subject areas that make up this course, in order to provide this broad background, include: Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Organizational Behaviour, Management, Information Systems, Production and Operations Management, and Marketing. Key objectives of the course include (1) to enable confident interactions with functional specialists, (2) to provide tools for the evaluation of organizational performance, and (3) to enhance appreciation for the contributions, and applications of management theories to organizations. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
Prerequisite: Open to MOT@distance students only.

MSCI 607 Applied Economics for Management (0.50) LECCourse ID: 011080
This course will examine economic concepts that are useful to management, from decisions about proposed investments in process changes or product modifications, to strategic considerations for the firm. Topics will include: techniques for financial evaluation of proposed investments; incorporating risk into evaluations; basic concepts from game theory; theory of demand; production functions; cost functions; competitive markets; other market structures. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.

MSCI 609 Quantitative Data Analysis for Management Sciences (0.50) LECCourse ID: 013147
Descriptive statistics and probability concepts; discrete and continuous probability distributions; sampling methods and the central limit theorem; estimation and confidence intervals; inference and hypothesis testing; linear regression and correlation; multiple regression and model building.

MSCI 620 Organizations & Technical Systems (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001934
This course concentrates on a macro view of organizations as dynamic systems. It emphasizes the principles of effective management of organizations and technology. Further, the course examines the conceptual foundations of organizational theory and design. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
Prerequisite: MSCI 605

MSCI 631 Probabilistic Models in Operations Research (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001937
The goal of this course is to enable students to think probabilistically. The modelling and analysis of uncertain systems in operations research is emphasized. Tools include renewal theory, Markov processes and queuing analysis, while application areas include production and inventory control, health-management, transportation, and other problems in probabilistic operations research. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
Instructor Consent Required

MSCI 632 Discrete Event Simulation (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001938
This course provides an introduction to Discrete Event Simulation. Topics covered include applications of discrete event simulation, simulation languages, data collection and input analysis, random number generation, validation, output analysis for a single system, comparison of several systems, variance reduction techniques and experimental design. Through a project, students will acquire the skills necessary to define a problem, develop and validate a conceptual and computer model, analyse the problem, and make recommendations. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
Instructor Consent Required

MSCI 633 Production and Inventory Management (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001939
The course emphasizes inventory control models with deterministic and stochastic demand, and supply chain management. Other areas which might be addressed are aggregate planning, machine scheduling, material requirements planning, and multi-echelon production and distribution systems. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
Instructor Consent Required

MSCI 638 Information Systems Analysis and Design (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012974
This course presents the foundations which underlie the development of management information systems. Emphasis is placed on the concepts, strategies, techniques and tools for identifying and specifying information systems requirements, and developing designs. Students are expected to complete an analysis and design project. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.

MSCI 646 Database Management Systems (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001950
The course is concerned with the design, management and use of databases. The course combines theoretical foundations of database organization and database design methodologies with the practical aspects of developing, implementing and managing databases. Some topics include: relational database design, entity modelling, SQL, and comparison of different types of databases.

MSCI 651 International Project Management (0.50) LECCourse ID: 014234
This course will provide students with an understanding of Project Management Fundamentals while allowing them to gain practical experience of International Project Management and Development in a live practical project. Topics covered include: Project Management Methodologies, Project Manager's Role, Managing Project Stakeholders, Scope, Quality and teams; Project Risk Management, Procurement, Leadership, and Ethics.

MSCI 652 International Business Management (0.50) LECCourse ID: 014235
Companies today confront an increasing array of choices regarding markets, locations for key activities, organizational structures, and processes for managing across borders. This course provides students with the conceptual tools necessary to understand and work effectively in today's interconnected world by developing strategic perspectives that link the global environment and the capabilities and position of the firm. Topics include Globalization, International Strategy Development, Mode of Entry and Alliance Structures, Organizational Design, Structure and Control, Human Resources Management, Cross-cultural Issues, Ethics in International Business, International Marketing and Branding, International Operations, Exporting and Importing, and Global Corporate Sustainability.

MSCI 700s

MSCI 700 Topics in Operations Research and Management (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 010503
Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
Instructor Consent Required
1 Inventory Management
2 Hub and Spoke Systems' Design
3 Cooperation in Pharm. Industry
4 Lot-Sizing Algorithms
5 Design of Electricty Markets
6 Layout Optimization
7 Business Process Analysis
8 Decomposition
9 Electricity Markets
10 Semidef Prog: Models, Alg&Comp
11 Scheduling
12 Project Management
13 Elec Power Unit Commit Models
14 Pricing & Revenue Management
15 Fundamentals of Queuing Theory
16 Matrix Analytic Methods
17 Can Hlth Care - Wait List Opt
18 Network Models
19 Operat. and Supply Chain Mgmt.
20 Nurse Rostering and Scheduling
21 Process Improve. & Lean Man.
22 Scheduling: Theory & Practice
23 Facilitating Bible Study
24 Cost Based Opt. in Health Care
25 Foundations of Management
26 Stochastic Programming
27 Stochastic Dynamic Programming

MSCI 702 Linear Programming and Extensions (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001957
Introduction to selected applications of LP. The simplex method. Duality and sensitivity analysis. Computer solutions to LP. Network flow problems with applications and algorithms. Special topics such as revised simplex method, primal-dual method, decomposition principle, generalized upperbounding and ellipsoid methods. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
Prerequisite: MSCI 603.

MSCI 703 Applied Optimization (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001958
Nonlinear and combinatorial optimization problems with roughly equal emphasison model formulation and solution techniques. Modelling emphasis is primarily on deterministic formulation of management problems such as: inventory problems, equipment replacement, capital budgeting and production-inventory optimization. Selected techniques for each problem type are discussed. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
Prerequisite: MSCI 603.

MSCI 709 Logistics and Supply Chain Management (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001960
Modern supply chain management encompasses the logistics of inventory and transportation flows, whether within a given organization or between that firm and other companies (suppliers, customers) that are part of its business. This course thus deal with models and analyses of the inbound transportation of raw materials, manufactured components and sub-assemblies. Another emphasis is the (outbound) physical distribution of finished goods from factory to consumer: freight transportation (various modes, customer service, multi-location inventory management and distribution-centre site selection. Specialized topics (for term projects) may be chosen from among Logistics Information Systems; Global Supply Chain Management; Vehicle Routing; or the Logistics of e-Commerce. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.

MSCI 712 Decision Analysis Under Uncertainty (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001963
The course goal is to understand, model and improve decision making under uncertainty and complexity. Bayesian principles and expected utility theory are combined, their underlying assumptions critically reviewed, and alternative theories surveyed. Other issues addressed include decision with multiple attributes. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
Instructor Consent Required

MSCI 720 Topics in Information and Information Systems (0.50) LEC,RDGCourse ID: 009482
Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
Instructor Consent Required
1 Readings in E-Commerce
2 Computer Interface&Task Design
3 Requirements Prioritization
4 Decision Support Systems
5 Social Aspects of Computing
6 Electronic Commerce
7 Risk-Anal. in JIT & SC Mgmt.
8 Impact on Society
9 Readings on Re-usability
10 Impact of Technology
11 Information Retrieval Systems
12 Requirements Engineering
13 Enterprise Analysis
14 EO, Innovation & IS Strategy
15 Managing Software Development
16 Software Engineering Readings
17 IS Requirement's Proj Planning
18 Opt of Embedded-system Design
19 Information Technology Mgmt
20 Information Retrieval Systems
21 Cybernetics and IS Technology
22 Information Systems Evaluation
23 Quality Systems
24 Managing Software Projects
25 Database Management
26 Data Warehousing & Analysis
27 Serious and Persuasive Games
28 Solar Panel Data Analytics
29 Readings in Energy Systems

MSCI 721 Knowledge Engineering for Management (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 001971
This course provides the conceptual foundations for understanding knowledge management and the relevant techniques for build knowledge-based systems (KBS or expert systems). Topics include an overview of applications of knowledge management, artificial intelligence, rule-based systems and other common knowledge representation techiniques, knowledge acquistion methods, application of KBS in management. Students will practice designing KBS. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.

MSCI 730 Human Computer Interaction (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001978
This course concentrates on the theoretical and practical issues related to the design of human-computer interfaces. Aspects of human perception, cognition and various models of task analysis are discussed. Further, the course examines the principles of interface design and the related empirical evidence. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
Prerequisite: MSCI 605, Antirequisite: CS 689.

MSCI 740 Topics in Management of Technology (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 009483
Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
Instructor Consent Required
1 Readings in Risk Management
2 Knowledge Transfer/Flow of Inn
3 Distributed Project Management
4 Theory of High Tech. Clusters
5 New Product Development
6 Readings on Technology Mngmt
7 Employee Training&Productivity
8 Global E-Business Marketing
9 Biotech & Strategic Partnering
10 Strategy & Tech Clusters
11 Internationalization Strategy
12 High Tech Clusters in Waterloo
13 Advanced Research Methodology
14 Biotech Startup Performance
15 Competitive Strategy
16 Inventor Decision Making
17 Business Research Methods
18 Strategy in Software Firms
19 Proj Mgmt & Software Eng'g
20 Management & Marketing of Tech
21 Survey of Health Informatics
22 Marketing in Tech-based Firms
23 Electronic Auctions
24 Strat. Mgmt of Medical Tech.
25 Toward Technology Transfer
26 Lean Manufacturing
27 Emerging Theories in MOT Inno
28 Int. Technology Transfer
29 Transfer Pricing&Firms' Strat.
30 MOT Strategies of IC Firms
31 Issues in Technolgl Management
32 Economic Foundations of Strat
33 New Tech Diffusion Models
34 Best Practices - Manufacturing
35 Models Entre. For Dev. Econ.
36 Int'l Project Mngmnt & Dvlpmnt
37 Organizational Communication
38 Intermediaries of Commercliztn
39 MOT: Creating Social Value
40 High Growth New Ventures
41 Social Response v Shared Value
42 Scans of Business Intelligence

MSCI 741 Economics of Technological Change (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001986
This is an applied course in industrial organization economics. It deals with productivity, the relationship between productivity and technological change, the determinants to firms' investments in research, development and innovation, the diffusion of innovations, entrepreneurship, and technology policy. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
Prereq: MSCI 607

MSCI 750 Topics in Organizational Analysis and Behaviour (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 001991
Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
Instructor Consent Required
1 Strategy & Entrep. Orientation
2 Adv. Studies in Org. Design
3 Adv. Organizational Theory
4 Social Psychology of Groups
5 Social Network Analysis
6 Theory Development in Research
7 Adoption of OR:Beh&Tech issues
8 Group Dynamics
9 Knowledge in Org. & Groups
10 Management of Change
11 Employee/EmployerRelationships
12 Group Problem Solving
13 Employee Motivation
14 Issues in Knowledge Management
15 Network Models
16 Cognitive Processes
17 Leadership and Influence

MSCI 751 Knowledge Management (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012975
This course is designed to provide the student with up-to-date understanding of the developments, issues and current research in the topics associated with knowledge as an asset in organizations. Topics include: knowledge and economic growth and change: the global knowledge-based economy; consequences of the increasing role of the knowledge worker; strategic and organizational roles of intellectual capital; monitoring, and valuing and reporting intellectual capital. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.

MSCI 753 Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship: Managing New Technology-based Firms (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001995
An overview of the process of initiating startups, spin-outs or new ventures within an existing company. Ventures based on new technologies are a focus. Topics include extrpreneurship and organizational culture, opportunity identification and assessment, business plans and new venture diagnostics, protecting intellectual property, finance, marketing and the entrpreneurial team.

MSCI 760 Topics in Other Areas of Management Sciences (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 001999
Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
Instructor Consent Required
1 Intn'l Software Marketing
2 Network Economics:Models&Appl
3 Pricing Issues in Pharma. Ind.
4 Venture Capital DecisionMaking
5 Venture Capital Investment
6 The Economic Analysis of IP
7 Project Management
8 Economic Equilibrium Models
9 Applied Semidefinite Optmizatn
10 Economics of Entrepreneurship
11 Manufacturing Systems
12 International Entrepreneurship
13 Quant Math for Mgmt Scientists
14 Quant Data Analysis/Mgmt Sci
15 Business to Business Mrktng
16 Energy Policies (Sustain Dev).
17 Data Analysis
18 Internat Project Mgmt and Dev
19 International Business
20 Intrn'l Business Management
21 Mngmnt of Deposit Insrnc Systm
22 Comm, Lead, & Soc. Innov.
23 Energy Models
24 Energy Policy
25 Strategic Information
26 Network Models
27 Lot Sizing & Routing Models
28 Inventory/Revenue Management
29 Stat. Cont. of Qual. & Process
30 Management Quality
31 Science & Technology Policy
32 Advncd Deterministic Optimiztn
33 Tech. Adoption & Mrkt Struct.
34 Entrep&Knowledge Mgmt in Dance
35 Information Mechanisms
36 Emission Trading Analysis
37 Data Warehousing and Mining

MSCI 770 Special Directed Readings (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 002006
Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
Instructor Consent Required
1 Inter-corporate Ownership
2 Readings in Knowledge Mgmt
3 Evaluation of IR Systems
4 ASP and SQL Web Programming
5 Software Quality Control
6 Particle Swarm & Applications
7 Model. Can. Public Health Sys.
8 Readings in Corporate Finance
9 Interactions - Work Environmnt