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 Graduate Studies Academic Calendar
Spring 2013

Calendar - General Information & Regulations

Organization of Graduate Studies

Committees & Councils
Complete information on committee membership and terms of reference is available through the University Secretariat, Ira Needles Hall, Room 3060; telephone (519) 888-4567 extension 32749, e-mail:

Senate Graduate and Research Council (SGRC)

Council considers, reviews, and makes recommendations to the Senate on matters pertaining to graduate studies and research, including: (1) the government, direction and management of, or any changes in rules, regulations or policies; (2) financial; (3) new graduate programs, deletion of graduate programs, major changes to existing graduate programs; (4) new centres and institutes. On behalf of the Senate, Council considers and approves: all new graduate courses, deletion of graduate courses, and minor changes to existing graduate courses and programs; new graduate scholarships and awards; and renewals for centres and institutes. Council advises the Vice-President, Academic & Provost on matters relating to graduate studies and research. SGRC is co-chaired by the Associate Provost, Graduate Studies and the Vice-President, University Research.

Graduate Operations Committee (GOC)

The Graduate Operations Committee (GOC), consisting of the Associate Deans (Graduate Studies), the Director of Graduate Studies Academic Services and chaired by the Associate Provost, Graduate Studies, is the body concerned with developing and implementing efficient operating procedures.

Advisory Committee on Graduate Scholarships and Awards

The promotion of graduate level awards and the organization and review of award nominations on behalf of the University of Waterloo is within the mandate of the Graduate Studies Office.

The Advisory Committee on Graduate Scholarships and Awards was established in 1995. The Committee adjudicates internal and external award nominations on behalf of the Associate Provost, Graduate Studies and the University of Waterloo. The members of this committee will be appointed by the Faculty Associate Deans of Graduate Studies.  Normally, members will serve on the committee for three years. The Chair of this Committee will normally be either the Associate Provost, Graduate Studies or the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies. 

Graduate Student Relations Committee (GSRC)

The Graduate Student Relations Committee (GSRC) deals with all matters pertaining to the initiation and review of policies governing graduate student employment. It is chaired by the Associate Provost, Graduate Studies alternating with the President of the Graduate Student Association.

Graduate Student Support Advisory Committee (GSSAC)

The Graduate Student Support Advisory Committee (GSSAC) meets during the Winter term each year to prepare a recommendation to the Provost on increases in the Teaching Assistantship rate and graduate scholarship fund. The Advisory Committee is chaired by the Associate Provost, Academic Affairs; other members include graduate students and Associate Deans (Graduate Studies) normally chosen from those serving on the GSRC.

Faculty Graduate Studies Committee

The Faculty Graduate Studies Committee has responsibility for the academic quality of graduate studies in each Faculty. It represents Faculty-wide concerns about graduate studies to Senate Graduate and Research Council, and provides advice to the Faculty and Senate Graduate and Research Council on issues related to graduate studies.

Graduate Student Association (GSA)

The Graduate Student Association (GSA) represents and promotes the common interests of graduate students to the University, the Government and the community at large, represents student interests on a variety of University committees, and participates in local, provincial and national conferences. The GSA is governed by a Board of Directors and a Graduate Student Council which is open to all interested students and represents all departments. GSA committees are responsible for most aspects of day to day operations and activities and cover a broad range of interests (e.g. International Students, and Women's Issues). In addition, the GSA maintains communications via the WEB, news groups, and submissions to the campus papers. The offices of the GSA are located in the original Schneider farm house, the oldest building on campus now known as the Grad House.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411

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