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 Graduate Studies Academic Calendar
Winter 2013

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Collaborative Program in Quantum Information

Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Quantum Information)

The University of Waterloo, home of the Institute for Quantum Computing, offers graduate students unique opportunities to learn about and engage in world-leading research in quantum information through a wide range of advanced research projects and advanced courses on the foundations, applications and implementation of quantum information processing.

In particular, the University of Waterloo offers a unique interdisciplinary graduate program in Quantum Information that leads to MMath, MSc, MASc, and PhD degrees. This program is a collaboration between the Institute for Quantum Computing and: 

  • The Departments of Applied Mathematics, Combinatorics and Optimization, and the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science in the Faculty of Mathematics 
  • The Departments of Chemistry and Physics and Astronomy in the Faculty of Science 
  • The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering 

These academic units are referred to hereinafter as the home units.

MMath, MSc, and MASc students will receive both strong and broad foundations in quantum information science, coupled with knowledge and expertise obtained within their home programs. This will prepare them for the workforce and/or further graduate studies and research leading towards a PhD degree.

PhD students will be especially well-prepared for careers as scholars and researchers, with advanced expertise in quantum information science, together with the focus of their home programs. This new program is designed to provide students with knowledge of quantum information, including both theory and its implementations, advanced expertise in quantum information science and in home program disciplines, as well as training in research.

Admission requirements are the same as those of the home programs. The home unit in which an applicant intends to pursue graduate study must approve the application. Interested students should apply directly to one of the following units via the regular university application process:

Department of Applied Mathematics
Department of Chemistry
Department of Combinatorics and Optimization
David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department of Physics and Astronomy

Information specific to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is given below.

Admission Requirements

Admission requirements are the same as those for PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Please refer to the following website:

Degree Requirements

Students must fulfill the general requirements for the Quantum Information Collaborative Program, as well as the minimum degree requirements of their home unit. It is possible that some students may need to take more courses than are prescribed by the home program in order to meet the specific course requirements of the quantum information program.

Doctoral Program:

From Electrical and Computer Engineering MASc with Quantum Information Specialization:

Students admitted to the ECE Quantum Information PhD program with an ECE MASc-QI from the University of Waterloo must complete the following:

  • at least 2 additional ECE courses (0.50 unit weight each) from the approved ECE list below:
    •  ECE 616 (Principles of Data Communication)
       ECE 671 (Microwave and RF Engineering)
       ECE 678 (Fourier Optics and Optical Signal Processing)
       ECE 730 Special Topics in Solid State Devices (13 Nanoelectronics, 19 Magnetism and Spintronics, 20 Physics of Nanodevices, 24 Fabrication of Nanoscale: Techniques & Applications)
       ECE 770 Special Topics in Antenna and Microwave Theory (5 App High Temp Superconduc, 17 Photonics)
    • One additional QIC course (core courses QIC 710 and QIC 750, and required ECE quantum information course QIC 885/ECE 770-T14 will have been met in the previous MASc-Quantum Information program)
  • PhD Comprehensive Examination Milestone (to be completed by the end of the 4th term of registration),
  • ECE PhD Seminar Milestone (scheduled with the ECE department),
  • Quantum Information PhD Seminar Milestone (scheduled with the Institute for Quantum Computing), and
  • an original ECE Research Thesis in Quantum Information and Oral Defense. For a list of approved Quantum Information thesis supervisors, see

Students admitted to the ECE Quantum Information PhD program with an appropriate honours bachelor's degree, or who transfer directly from an ongoing UW- master's program with a QI specialization, must complete the following: 

  • at least 7 half credit (0.50 unit weight) courses including two required core quantum information courses (QIC 710 and QIC 750), QIC 885/ECE 770-T14 (Quantum Electronics & Photonics), one additional QIC course and 4 courses from the approved lists below:
    • one of:
       ECE 612 (Information Theory)
       ECE 604 (Stochastic Process)
       ECE 672 (Optoelectronics)
       ECE 720-T2 (Cryptographic computation), and
    • three of:
       ECE 616 (Principles of Data Communication)
       ECE 671 (Microwave and RF Engineering)
       ECE 678 (Fourier Optics and Optical Signal Processing)
       ECE 730 Special Topics in Solid State Devices (13 Nanoelectronics, 19 Magnetism and Spintronics, 20 Physics of Nanodevices, 24 Fabrication of Nanoscale: Techniques & Applications)
       ECE 770 Special Topics in Antenna and Microwave Theory (5 App High Temp Superconduc, 17 Photonics)
  • a PhD Comprehensive Examination Milestone (to be completed by the end of the 4th term),
  • ECE PhD Seminar Milestone (scheduled with the ECE department),
  • Quantum Information PhD Seminar Milestone – Lecturing Requirement (scheduled with the Institute for Quantum Computing), and
  • an original ECE Research Thesis in Quantum Information and Oral Defense. For a list of approved Quantum Information thesis supervisors, see:

From Master’s Program at another institution or Master’s program at Waterloo other than ECE QI:

Students admitted after completing other Master’s programs from another institution or a program other than the corresponding ECE QI Master’s, are also required to complete:

  • at least four quantum information (QIC) courses, including the two core courses QIC 710 and QIC 750 or their equivalents (note that jointly offered or cross-listed courses, like QIC 885/ECE 770-T14 are regarded as both ECE and QIC courses)
  • one of the [ECE 770 T-14 (Quantum Electronics & Photonics), ECE 612 (Information Theory), ECE 604 (Stochastic Process), ECE 672 (Optoelectronics), ECE 720-T2 (Cryptographic Computation)]
  • one of [ECE 616 Principles of Data Communication, ECE 671 Microwave and FR Engineering, ECE 678 Fourier Optics and Optical Signal Processing, ECE 730 Special Topics in Solid State Devices, 13 Nanoelectronics, 19 Magnetism and Spintronics, 20 Physics of Nanodevices, 24 Fabricatio of Nanoscale: Techniques & Applications, ECE 770 Special Topics in Antenna and Microwave Theory, 5 App High Temp Superconduc, 17 Photonics]
  • A PhD Comprehensive Milestone (to be completed by the end of the 4th term)
  • ECE PhD Seminar Milestone, (scheduled with the ECE department) 
  • Quantum Information PhD Seminar Milestone (scheduled with the Institute for Quantum Computing), and 
  • an original ECE Research Thesis in Quantum Information and Oral Defense. For a list of approved Quantum Information thesis supervisors, see:

Core Courses

Quantum Information core courses are interdisciplinary courses designed to provide students with the foundations and applications of quantum information processing, and implementations of quantum information processing. Students in the Quantum Information program are required to take both courses.

The required QIC core courses for ECE students are:

  • QIC 710 - Quantum Information Processing 
  • QIC 750 - Implementation of Quantum Information Processing
  • QIC 885/ECE 770-T14 (Quantum Electronics & Photonics)

In addition to the core courses, students may take advanced courses in quantum information which are offered on a regular basis.

  • QIC 820 Theory of Quantum Information
  • QIC 823 Quantum Algorithms
  • QIC 845 Open Quantum Systems
  • QIC 880 Nanoelectronics for Quantum Information Processing
  • QIC 890 Topics in Quantum Information (Lecture)
  • QIC 891 Topics in Quantum Information (Lecture 0.25)
  • QIC 895 Topics in Quantum Information (Reading) 

An updated list of Quantum Information courses can be found at the following link:

Quantum Information Seminar Milestone

PhD students must fulfill a quantum information seminar milestone consisting of one IQC seminar, and one seminar on a quantum information topic aimed at members of the home unit. One or both of these lectures may simultaneously count towards the lecturing and/or seminar requirement of the home program.
For more information, please contact the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Studies Office:


Monica Dey
Institute for Quantum Computing
University of Waterloo
Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. 38702

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411

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