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 Graduate Studies Academic Calendar
Winter 2016

Electrical and Computer Engineering


About Electrical and Computer Engineering

Programs Offered by Electrical and Computer Engineering

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers graduate programs at the Master's and Doctoral levels. In addition, the Department offers a Graduate Diploma (GDip) and Certificates of Completion in Electric Power Engineering. Following is a list of graduate programs available in Electrical and Computer Engineering: 

Course Offerings

A faculty supervisor is appointed to supervise the program of study of each graduate student. New students must meet with their supervisor prior to graduate course registration to arrange a coursework program and discuss research interests. Student progress is reviewed at least once each term by their supervisor. Any change in either coursework or research program must be specifically approved prior to registration in the subsequent term. 

At any time a student in a Master's level program, may be required to withdraw from the program if their cumulative average grade in the approved study program falls below 70%. The passing mark in any individual course is 65%. The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering does not permit students to retake graduate level courses.

Similarly, at any time a student in a Doctoral program may be required to withdraw from the program if their cumulative average grade in the approved study program falls below 78%. The passing mark in any individual course is 75%. The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering does not permit students to retake graduate level courses. 

Graduate programs in this department cover the following areas of Electrical Engineering and include course offerings at the 600 and 700 level. A '6' (e.g., 600) in the first digit represents a regularly scheduled course; a '7' (e.g., 700) in the first digit represents an advanced graduate course offered when there is sufficient demand. The middle digit in the course number represents the general area (see table below). 

Course Offerings - General Area
Course Number - Middle Digit
General 0
Communications and Information Systems 1
Computers 2 - 5
Silicon Devices and Integrated Circuits (SiDIC) 3
Circuits and systems including Computer Aided Design 4
Power Engineering 6
Antennas and Microwaves 7
Systems and Control 8

Course Unit Weight: A one-term (0.50 unit weight) course at the graduate level counts as one course/unit. Two units/courses are given to graduate courses extending over two terms (certain Mathematics and Science courses).

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411

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