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 Graduate Studies Academic Calendar
Winter 2016

Physics and Astronomy


Master of Science (MSc)
The Master of Science (MSc) degree in Physics may be pursued within one of two program options: the research or coursework option. Admission and degree requirements are outlined below. (Also see GWPI Red Book)

Admission Requirements

Admission requirements for students admitted to the Master of Science program at Waterloo are as follows:

  • An Honours Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in Science with at least a B standing (75%).
  • Three letters of reference, two of which normally are from academic sources.
  • Proof of competency in English (for applicants whose native language is other than English). A score of at least 550 (213 on the computerized versions) is required in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and 4.0 on the TWE. See the English Language Proficiency page for acceptable tests of English.
  • GRE Physics Subject test score for all applicants who have completed their post-secondary education outside of Canada.
Students who do not meet the requirements outlined above may be considered for admission to a transitional, probationary or qualifying program depending on their academic background. Additional information is available at the Categories of Admission page.

Degree Requirements

Academic Integrity Workshop

This is a milestone requirement for all full-time students. Part-time and Non-Degree students are NOT required to complete this workshop. This is a mandatory workshop on academic integrity and intellectual property which will be offered to all new incoming graduate students within the Faculty of Science during the first term of each Fall and Winter.
PLEASE NOTE: Students will be required to complete BOTH the Academic Integrity Module as a required course along with the Academic Integrity Workshop Milestone. The Module will appear on the student's transcript as a Course. The Workshop will appear on the student's transcript as a Milestone.

Students in the Master of Science program in Physics may choose either the master's research paper or coursework option. Degree requirements are as follows:

Master's Research Option

Four one-term courses* acceptable for graduate credit and a thesis based on some original research are required. The subject of research must be approved by the candidate's supervisor and the thesis must be read and approved by the supervisor and two other faculty members. Part of the research may be conducted off-campus at a collaborating laboratory. The supervisor based at that laboratory will be an associate member of the GWPI and there will also be an on-campus co-supervisor.

For all students one of the four courses must include at least one of PHYS 701 (Quantum Mechanics 1), PHYS 704 (Statistical Physics 1), PHYS 703 (Introduction to Quantum Field Theory), PHYS 706 (Electromagnetic Theory), PHYS 767 (Introduction to Quantum Information Processing) and PHYS 781 (Fundamentals of Astrophysics). One of the four courses may be an upper level undergraduate course.  The supervisor must submit a memo justifying why the undergraduate course is acceptable for graduate credit and approval must be received from the Physics and Astronomy Graduate Officer and the Associate Dean of Science for Graduate Studies prior to enrolment in the course.  

An acceptable thesis on a research topic must be submitted. Detailed specifications of the format of the thesis are available from the appropriate Graduate Office. Acceptance of the thesis requires the approval by an Examining Committee following an oral defence of the thesis.

A student in the Physics graduate program as a Master's candidate, who shows a particular aptitude for research, may be permitted under certain circumstances to transfer to the PhD program without writing an MSc thesis. (See the Graduate Coordinator for complete details)

Master's Coursework Option

Seven one-term courses (0.50 unit weight) acceptable for graduate credit and a Master's Research Paper milestone (see the Graduate Officer for details) are required. The research paper will have to be approved by the candidate's Supervisory Committee. Two of the courses may be upper level undergraduate courses.  The supervisor must submit a memo justifying why the undergraduate course(s) are acceptable for graduate credit, and approval must be received from the Physics and Astronomy Graduate Officer and the Associate Dean of Science for Graduate Studies prior to enrolment in the course.  

The above option is recommended for those planning careers requiring a broad non-specialized knowledge of physics (for example, high school teaching).

Course Requirements

An average of at least 70% must be obtained in the required courses. A minimum grade of 65% is required for a pass in each course. No more than two courses, of the first four taken, can have averages of less than 70%. If a student does not meet these minimum grade requirements, or receives a failing grade in any course, he/she may be required to withdraw from the program.

Supervisory Committee Meeting

It is required that the student meet formally with his/her Supervisory Committee within the first six months of registration (within first four months in the case of students doing the coursework option) and subsequently at least once every six months. While one meeting in a year must be a formal one, the other meeting may be held informally; in the latter case, the meeting may simply take the form of a brief discussion of the student's academic progress, but, apart from the student and the supervisor, the meeting must involve at least one other member of the Committee.

* A one-term course is defined as a graduate course of three lecture hours per week for one term with unit weight 0.5. Other graduate courses with two lecture hours per week for two terms, and certain undergraduate courses, are classed as equivalent to one-term courses. All programs must be approved by the Physics Graduate Studies Committee.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411

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