GEMCC 600s

GEMCC 601 Climate Change: Physical Science Basis (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 010625
(Cross-listed with GEOG 641)
The course examines the interactive physical, biological and geochemical processes responsible for and resulting from climate change, including anthropogenic influences on these processes. *eligible for MES.

GEMCC 602 Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 009423
(Cross-listed with GEOG 676)
This course examines the impacts of changing climate on natural and human systems and focuses on the capacity of societies to adjust to, plan for and cope with changing climate and environmental conditions. *eligible for MES

GEMCC 603 Climate Change Mitigation (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 014507
(Cross-listed with GEOG 679)
This course examines the anthropogenic sources of greenhouse gas emissions and the range of strategies to reduce these emissions and to enhance carbon sequestration. The policy frameworks governing climate change mitigation are critically appraised from geopolitical, economic and ethics perspectives. This course also considers the potential role of climate remediation strategies.

GEMCC 610 Climate Prediction, Modeling and Scenarios (0.50) LAB,SEMCourse ID: 014506
(Cross-listed with GEOG 652)
Computer models of the physical climate system are essential tools for investigating future climate change. This course will introduce students to the basic formulation of these models, and their strengths and limitations. Inter-linkages between climate modeling and mitigation and adaptation policy agendas is reviewed and critiqued. The types of climate modeling experiments peformed with such models and scenarios will be reviewed. The latest projections of future climate on a variety of temporal and spatial scales will be presented and evaluated. *eligible for MES
Prereq: GEMCC 601

GEMCC 620 Climate and Society (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 014508
(Cross-listed with GEOG 674)
This course examines how weather and climate influence human systems, and the international trend twoard improved climate information. The emphasis is on developing competence in using analytical tools to understand the direct and indirect impatcts of weather and climate on human activities and economic sectors. *eligible for MES.
Prereq: GEMCC 602

GEMCC 621 Advanced Climate Change Adaptation (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 014502
Advanced study of adaptation to climate change, which encompasses both adjustments to changing conditions and planning for uncertain projections of future climatic conditions. Topics covered include typologies of adaptation, possible adaptation strategies for major economic sectors, limits to adaptation, maladaptation, approaches to adaptation planning, and adaptation economics and governance. Although examples will be drawn from both developed and developing nations, the emphasis of this course is on adaptation in industrialised and transnational economics.
Prereq: GEMCC 602

GEMCC 622 Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 014509
(Cross-listed with GEOG 677)
This course explores the complex links between climate change and natural hazards, and related disasters, including disaster risk reduction as an adaptation strategy. Emphasis is placed on examining these concepts in a developing country context. *eligible for
Prereq: GEMCC 602

GEMCC 630 Land Use and the Carbon Cycle (0.50) LAB,SEMCourse ID: 014510
(Cross-listed with GEOG 653)
This course examines contemporary theories, approaches, and technologies used to study coupled natural-human systems at the intersection of land-use and land-cover change, land management, and the carbon cycle. Topics covered include measurement and modelling techniques to improve carbon accounting, the effects of land use and land management on carbon storage and flux, and international and national policy frameworkds influencing carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation. *eligible for MES
Prereq: GEMCC 601, 603

GEMCC 640 Climate Change Governance: From Global Treaties to Local Innovation (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 014511
(Cross-listed with GEOG 678)
This course explores the theories behind, and practical approaches to, the multi-level governance of climate change. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol, national climate action plans and local innovation are viewed through the lenses of legitimacy, effectiveness, and participation. Finally, we consider the challenge of transformative change, and the possibility of finding synergies among climate change responses and other pressing social and environmental priorities.
Prereq: GEMCC 602, 603, MCC Grad Students

GEMCC 642 Climate Compatible Development (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 014504
Climate compatible development moves beyond the traditional separation of adaptation, mitigation and development strategies to foster development that simultaneously minimizes the harm caused by climate impacts and minimizes greenhouse emissions without compromising development goals. This course examines successful local, sectoral, national and international case studies of policy and practice within this emerging development paradigm from both developing and developed countries.
Prereq: GEMCC 602, 603