GGOV 600s

GGOV 600 Global Governance (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 013675
This course provides an overview of current scholarly debates relating to the interdisciplinary study of global governance in the context of globalization. It examines competing perspectives on globalization and global governance and explores the sources and consequences of global power and authority, as well as the key actors, institutions, regimes, and norms of global governance.
Prereq: Global Governance Grad Students only - All others require permission of department

GGOV 610 Governance of Global Economy (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 002468
(Cross-listed with PACS 630, PSCI 688)
A survey of the theoretical and public policy debates relating to regulation of the global economy, examined through case studies ranging from international banking an intellectual property rights, to labour and environmental standards and the control of illicit economic activity.
Prereq: Global Governance Grad Students only

GGOV 611 Emerging Economies in Global Governance (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 002466
(Cross-listed with PSCI 686)
Large developing countries like Brazil, Russia, India, and China stand at the centre of much of current international political economy. Their national development efforts profoundly shape their international participation and vice versa. This course will cover theoretical and conceptual debates about the roles of these "middle range" or "emerging" powers, then examine their national economies, before turning to see how they individually and collectively (with the other emerging powers) fit into current global governance.

GGOV 612 Theories of Globalization (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 002419
(Cross-listed with PACS 631, PSCI 612)
This course begins with examining discussions of the historical continuities and discontinuities in globalization, including the relationships between globalization, empires and imperialism. It then turns to focus on an interdisciplinary selection of theoretical writings on contemporary globalization. The course concludes with preliminary investigations of some particular topics in globalization studies: identity, gender and culture, structural adjustment and world economic institutions, global health, communal violence and gender, and resistance to globalization.

GGOV 613 The Politics of National Innovation Systems (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 002454
(Cross-listed with PSCI 668)
This course examines the global effort to develop new economies built around the commercialization of science and technology. This class, while covering Canadian developments in some detail, examines the broad international, theoretical and conceptual questions surrounding national innovation strategies and implementations and considers the role of national cultures and political environments in promoting new economies.

GGOV 614 Global Business and Development (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 013687
(Cross-listed with PSCI 614)
This course examines the impact of international business on development in the context of economic globalization. It explores contending perspectives on how international business, particularly multinational corporations, has affected the economic, social and political development in the host countries, the home countries, as well as the world in general.

GGOV 615 Global Poverty (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 013688
(Cross-listed with PSCI 615)
This course analyzes the extent and character of worldwide poverty today by adopting both a global and an historical perspective. The course examines the impact of industrialization and colonialism on poverty and the social and political economy of poverty in the contemporary world. The course examines the relationships between poverty and slums, poverty and underdevelopment, poverty and inequality, as well as poverty and hunger. The course considers various theories about causes of poverty and those public and private actions that seem most likely to reduce the extent of poverty.

GGOV 618 Special Topics in Global Political Economy (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 013692
Department Consent Required

GGOV 619 Readings in Global Political Economy (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 013697
Department Consent Required
1 Polit of the Glbl Fincl Crisis
2 Energy Frontiers & Prospects
3 Middle East Econ Dvlpmnt Impct
4 Latin American Political Econ
5 Politics of Global Finance
6 Pol. of International Trade
7 Sovereign Debt Governance
8 Political Economy of US-E.Asia
9 Political Econ of Int'l Energy

GGOV 620 Advanced Topics in Global Environmental Governance (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001205
(Cross-listed with ERS 604, PSCI 604)
This course examines the ways in which environmental challenges are being addressed by means of 'global governance' - that is, international organizations and institutions intended to deal with these environmental challenges. Concepts are investigated both to help analyze the relative strengths and weaknesses of existing structures and to suggest ways in which alternative forms of global governance might advance sustainability. Specific organizations and other actors presently active in global environmental governance are given particular attention, as is the management of selected global environmental challenges.

GGOV 621 Governing Global Food and Agriculture Systems (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 012738
(Cross-listed with ERS 606, PSCI 606)
This course examines the international rules and organizations that have emerged to govern the increasingly global system of food and agriculture. Specific themes to be covered include governance issues related to the rise of global food corporations, agricultural trade liberalization and the WTO, food aid distribution, international agricultural assistance, the global agro-chemical industry, and agricultural biotechnology.

GGOV 622 Complexity and Global Governance (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 014932
The course is an advanced seminar consisting of two major components: 1. An introduction to key concepts, theories, and empirical findings in complexity science, and 2. A review of the implications of our emerging knowledge abut complex systems in three governance domains - energy, climate, and security. The first component surveys the major branches of thought about complexity in physics, biology, ecology, geography, information theory, technology studies, and economics. The second component highlights practical applications of complexity science in global governance, emphasizing research findings with clear policy implications. The course includes some exposure to computational methods of modeling complex phenomena and visualizing complex data. Assignments include three short integrative reports and a major paper.
Instructor Consent Required

GGOV 628 Topics in Global Environment (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 013693
Department Consent Required

GGOV 629 Readings in Global Environment (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 013698
Department Consent Required
1 Complexity Science

GGOV 630 Security Ontology-Theory (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 002461
(Cross-listed with PACS 634, PSCI 678)
This is a seminar in the ontology of security. Security is a contested concept, and in this course we ask what it is and how best to pursue it. What do we mean by security? What are we trying to protect? From what? Why? How do we do it? We begin by considering the concept of security in the abstract, and we then proceed to explore various specific conceptions. Along the way we encounter both traditional and non-traditional approaches to security.

GGOV 631 Security Governance: Actors, Institutions, and Issues (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 013686
(Cross-listed with PACS 635, PSCI 679)
In this course we examine a range of "security" issues on the global agenda - both traditional and non-traditional - and examine recent and possible future institutional and policy responses. Issues examined include nuclear proliferation, terrorism, intrastate conflict, resource and territorial disputes, climate change, drugs, disease, and migration. Students will have an opportunity to research in depth a specific security issue of their choice.

GGOV 632 Post-War Reconstruction and State Building (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 002444
(Cross-listed with PACS 632, PSCI 654)
Rebuilding states in the aftermath of conflict and state failure represents one of the foremost challenges facing the international community. The post-Cold War era has shown that weak states represent as great a threat to international security and stability as strong ones. The transition from war to peace and state failure to stability in these states can be conceptualized as encompassing three separate but interrelated transitions, in the economic, political and security spheres. The course will deconstruct and analyze this triple transition, examine both its theoretical roots and practical application with reference to a number of recent case studies.

GGOV 633 Managing Nuclear Risk (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 013921
This seminar will begin with an examination of history's closest call to a major nuclear war: The Cuban missile crisis of October 1962 and research on the crisis over the past 25 years. Students will have online ccess to declassified documents, oral testimony and scholarly analysis of the crisis from all over the world. The seminar will then shift gears to an in-depth consideration of the degree to which the lessons of the missile crisis illuminate the evolving Iranian nuclear crisis. Each student will work with the insdtructors throughout the semester to identify a suitable topic for an original research paper which may be primarily historical, or policy oriented, or a hybrid of the two. The seminar is open to any student with a strong interest in these topics, regardless of departmental affiliation.
Department Consent Required

GGOV 634 Gender and Global Politics (0.50) LEC,SEMCourse ID: 014363
(Cross-listed with PSCI 620)
Does looking at the world through the lens of gender change how we see the state, sovereignty, diplomacy, security, trade, migration, globalization, governance, and other foundational concepts in global politics? We review feminist theories of politics, with a particular focus on international relations and global governance; examine how gender shapes the roles and experiences of women and men in global politics; and discuss how to do feminist research.
Department Consent Required

GGOV 638 Special Topics in Conflict and Security (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 013694
Department Consent Required
1 Managing Nuclear Risk

GGOV 639 Readings in Conflict and Security (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 013699
Department Consent Required
1 Cities & Critical Security
2 A Virtual Hiroshima
3 Iran & the West Since 1979
4 Political Formation
5 Complexity Science
6 Mideast Conflict&Negotiations

GGOV 640 Human Rights in the Globalized World (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 002448
(Cross-listed with PACS 633, PSCI 658)
The course is a study of international and local responses to human rights abuses in the contexts of economic globalization and proliferation of armed violence. It examines major debates on international human rights. It also deals with specific human rights situations in the developing/transitional countries. Topics include: universalism and cultural relativism, global economic justice, rights to food and health, women's and children's rights, the rights of displaced civilians, human rights and R2P, prospects for transitional justice.

GGOV 641 International Human Rights (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 013683
This interdisciplinary course will address issues in the study of the international legal regime of human rights, its history and evolution. The course will cover a number of debates in the literature, including but not limited to philosophical and regional/cultural/religiously - based objections to this international regime; human rights in international relations; and human rights and globalization.

GGOV 642 Global Social Governance (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 012553
(Cross-listed with PSCI 639)
This course examines the prospects for the supranational governance of social issues including the political and philosophical underpinnings of transnational social policy cooperation as well as examining specific issue areas such as global health policy and cross-national migration.

GGOV 643 Global Health Governance (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 013689
(Cross-listed with PSCI 616)
Health policy-making is changing to reflect a need for more coordination among nation-states and a rising number of international non-governmental organizations, leading to a more polycentric form of global governance. It begins with a review of theoretical texts on globalization and global public policy that assist in understanding changes in scale for policy-making and for policy coordination. It then looks at the historical development of global institutions, including the World Health Organization. Finally, it examines case studies of global health policy making, noting how these actions interface with nation-states' sovereignty and autonomy, and with other sites of global authority.

GGOV 644 International Migration: Practice, Theory & Regulation (0.50) LEC,SEMCourse ID: 014803
(Cross-listed with SOC 784)
This course explores theoretical perspectives on migration and critically examines how states deter or facilitate migration flows, including irregular immigration, refugees and asylum seekers, and low and high-skilled labourers. A multidisciplinary approach allows students to investigate the ubiquitous rise of border controls as a state tool to control migration, and how their implementation intersects with gender, race, class and nationality.

GGOV 648 Special Topics in Global Justice and Human Rights (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 013695
Department Consent Required

GGOV 649 Readings in Global Justice (0.50) PRJCourse ID: 013700
Department Consent Required
1 Global Justice & Human Rights
2 Stateless Palestinian Refugees

GGOV 650 International Organizations and Global Governance (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 002447
(Cross-listed with PSCI 657)
This course serves as a survey of the international relations (IR) subfield of international organizations (IO) but focuses principally on formal, inter-governmental organizations (IGOs). We examine the growing literature on international organizations and discuss their impact on global governance, considering their formation, design, relevance, impact and agency. We apply this knowledge to the study of several highly institutionalized issue areas.
1 China&the World Trade Org
2 Political Communications
3 Public Policy in the South
4 Cultural Explan of Politics
5 Brutal Politics
6 Power, States and NGOs
7 Central American Civil Wars
8 Regional Organizations
9 Civil Military Relations
10 Refugees and IDP
11 Free Trade Agricultural Sector
12 IMF Conditionality

GGOV 651 Unconventional Diplomacy (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 013684
(Cross-listed with PSCI 617)
This course stretches the definition of who are the actors that conduct the practice of diplomacy, where the sites of diplomacy are located, and what aims are privileged. Conventional diplomacy showcases state-centric activity with an emphasis on hierarchy, protocol, and closed negotiations. Unconventional diplomacy in contrast is open-ended with a focus on transparency, inclusiveness and the pursuit of global governance. The course begins with an overview of the pressures for change in diplomacy, and then moves to a detailed examination of specific areas where unconventional diplomacy has become prominent including think tank diplomacy, humanitarian diplomacy, 'pandemic' diplomacy, and celebrity diplomacy.

GGOV 652 Non-State Actors in Global Governance (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 013685
(Cross-listed with PSCI 618)
Non-state actors (NHOs, corporations, networks, etc.) play increasingly important roles in global governance, This course examines different theoretical arguments about their roles. Overarching questions include the extent to which they support or undermine states' purposes in global governance, what and how much they can contribute to global problem solving, and possible limits or critiques of their participation. It will draw on studies of non-state actors in many issue areas, venues, and parts of the world in an effort to understand what these have in common with each other, as well as possible lines of differentiation among them.

GGOV 653 International Organizations and Public Policy (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 013922
This course explores international organizations' contributions to transnational or "multilevel" governance and the instruments (both hard and soft) that they can wield. Students assess the role of international organizations in transnational policy diffusion by focusing first on major international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the OECD and then examine key policy areas such as the environment, food and development.
Department Consent Required

GGOV 658 Special Topics in Multilateral Institutions and Diplomacy (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 013696
Department Consent Required
1 Intrnl Orgztns & Public Policy
2 Arctic Governance
3 European Union Foreign Policy

GGOV 659 Readings in Multilateral Institutions and Diplomacy (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 013701
Department Consent Required
1 Arctic Law, Governce & Glblztn

GGOV 660 Public International Law (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 013690
This survey course will provide students with a systematic introduction to the international legal system. Topics to be covered include: the origins and nature of the international legal system; the formation, sources and application of international law; the law of treaties; international legal personality; the institutional framework of international law; the relationship between international law and municipal law; the relationship between states and territory; law of the sea; state jurisdiction; jurisdictional immunities of states; state responsibility; and a selection of substantive international legal topics including, as time permits, international trade, international investment, the use of force by states, and/or international humanitarian law.

GGOV 661 International Organizations Law (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 013691
This course introduces graduate students to the law of international organizations. It covers the rise of international organizations; the legal position of international organizations; the foundations of powers of organizations; international organizations and the law of treaties; issues of membership; financing; privileges and immunities; institutional structures; legal instruments; decision-making and judicial review; dispute settlement; treaty-making by international organizations; issues of responsibility and accountability; and dissolution and succession.

GGOV 662 Global Development Governance (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 014219
(Cross-listed with SOC 781)
The course explores theoretical perspectives on the global governance of development, with critical attention to how processes of global development shape local environments and their inhabitants, challenge notions of state sovereignty and territory, and engender diverse responses to regimes of control. Cross-disciplinary perspectives will enable students to engage with a wide range of sociological, ethnographic, and political analyses of development through case studies and themes.

GGOV 663 China and Global Governance (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 014301
(Cross-listed with PSCI 619)
This course examines the evolution of Chinese involvement in global governance across different issue areas. We discuss Chinese perspectives on the existing governance mechanisms, and China's role in preserving or changing these mechanisms. We will also explore how China's involvement in global governance has shaped its domestic institutions.

GGOV 668 Special Topics in Global Social Governance (0.50) LEC,SEMCourse ID: 014551
Department Consent Required

GGOV 669 Readings in Global Social Governance (0.50) LEC,RDG,SEMCourse ID: 014552
Department Consent Required
1 Ethnography and De-coloniality

GGOV 700s

GGOV 700 Global Governance (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 013677
This course provides an overview of current scholarly debates relating to the interdisciplinary study of global govemance in the context of globalization. It examines competing perspectives on globalization and global govemance, and explores the sources and consequences of global power and authority, as well as the key actors, institutions, regimes, and norms of global governance. This course is open only to students in the PhD program in Global Govemance.
Prereq: Global Governance Doctoral students only

GGOV 701 Research Methods (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 013678
The course exposes students to various methodological approaches and debates among them in order to help students develop the ability to professionally assess academic work as well as to prepare their own dissertation research. The course examines such topics as statistical methods for the social sciences, issues in methods and methodology, case selection, critical assessment and proposal writing.
Prereq: Global Governance Doctoral students only