SOCIN 600s

SOCIN 601 Social Innovations in Complex Systems (0.50) LAB,LEC,RDG,SEM,TUTCourse ID: 014007
This course explores theory, resilience theory and emerging theories of social innovation and their practical applications. It also considers the role of leadership and institutional, social and policy entrepreneurs in successful innovation.
Instructor Consent Required

SOCIN 602 Design Thinking for System Change (0.50) LAB,LEC,RDG,SEM,TUTCourse ID: 014008
This course covers the history of design thinking as a tool for supporting system change at local and broad scales - from designers like Bruce Mau, who uses this approach to describe what he calls "massive change", to complexity thinkers like Brian Arthur who explores the nature of technological innovation. The course also investigates the methodological implications of design thinking approaches to strategy development and implementation.
Instructor Consent Required

SOCIN 603 Team Process and Research Skills: Communication, Facilitation, Collaboration, Problem Solving (0.50) LEC,RDG,SEM,TUTCourse ID: 014075
This is a multi-modal, skill-based course designed to help students act effectively in complex social systems and institutions. Students will learn and practice strategies related to the management of diversity, conflict negotiation, and decision-makiing. Self-diagnostic exercises and structured reflection assist students in identifying and understanding their own preferences and the roles they might most naturally and successfully take in group processes.
Instructor Consent Required

SOCIN 604 Social Entrepreneurship and Scaling Social Innovation (0.50) LAB,LEC,SEM,TUTCourse ID: 014010
(Cross-listed with ENBUS 612)
This course explores different approaches that can be used to bring social innovations to scale so that they can have a broad, durable impact on a system. The role of social entrepreneurs and institutional entrepreneurs will be introduced and explored as being key to catalyzing changes in resource flows, the understanding of problems and in shifting laws and policies that govern the problem domain. New approaches to generating financing and revenue for social good, the governance and partnership structures these imply, and how they can enable or constrain systems change. Examples will be drawn from Canadian and international contexts form the perspectives of entrepreneurs, investors/donors, policymakers and beneficiaries
Instructor Consent Required

SOCIN 605 Social Innovation Project (0.50) LAB,LEC,RDG,SEM,TUTCourse ID: 014011
The social innovation project is an applied, action-learning opportunity and all modules will be structured to support the development of a team project. These projects entail collaborative research and the design of a strategy for social innovation. The strategies focus on specific problem domains and integrate cross-sectoral perspectives (private, public, not-for-profit). Expert panels will frame issues, offer insights, post challenges and review the final project presentations.
Instructor Consent Required