TS 600s

TS 600 Thinking Theologically (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012796
Consideration of the various disciplines, approaches, issues and methodologies that inform graduate theological studies.

TS 601 Special Topics in Theological Studies (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012797
Students may request permission to participate in a senior undergraduate course and complete graduate level requirements as specified in a separate syllabus. Students in the coursework and applied options may be given permission to take up to three courses in this way. Formerly MTS 601 A-Z.
Instructor Consent Required
1 Hebrew Language
2 Greek Language
3 Jesus: Life & Legacy
4 Women in Christian History

TS 603 Intermediate Biblical Hebrew (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012798
This course is intended for students whose major area of research will be Hebrew Scripture and who have at least two terms of Hebrew studies.
Instructor Consent Required

TS 607 Intermediate Biblical Greek (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012799
This course is intended for students whose major area of research will be Greek Scripture and who have successfully completed at least two terms of Greek Studies. Formerly MTS 521 New Testament Greek.
Instructor Consent Required

TS 610 Reading and Teaching the Old Testament (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012842
A study of the literary genres, the history of composition, and the canonization of the Old Testament texts. The course will examine various hemeneutical approaches to the Old Testament. The course will examine various hemeneutical approaches to the Old Testament, focusing on their implications for Christian theological interpretation. It will introduce some methods of teaching the Old Testament in various settings.

TS 611 Reading and Teaching the New Testament (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012843
A study of the literary genres, the history of compostion, and the canonization of the New Testament texts. The course will exame various hemeneutical approaches to the New Testament, focusing on their implications for Christian theological interpretation. It will introduce some methods of teaching the New Testament in various settings.

TS 613 Special Topics in Old Testament Themes (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012800
An analysis and discussion of selected ethical, ritual, sociological, or theological issues recurrent in Hebrew Scripture, with attention to their historical meanings and contemporary relevance. Formerly MTS 513 Old Testament Themes.
1 Wisdom Literature

TS 617 Unity and Diversity in the New Testament (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012801
A study of both distinctive and shared ways authors of the New Testament view Jesus, law, ministry, authority, worship, and Jewish and Gentile tradtions. Formerly MTS 517.

TS 619 The Bible and Peace (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012802
(Cross-listed with PACS 671)
An examination of diverse biblical views of peace in relation to war, justice, and salvation with attention to their relevance for the contemporary quest for peace. Formerly MTS 576.

TS 621 Special Topics: Pastor's Theology Seminar (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012803
This seminar is for pastors, graduate students and others interested in reading and dicussing theological texts relevant to understanding Christian faith and the church in the contemporary world. The focus varies annually. The class is normally held once a month from September to April. Students may be given permission to take the course more than once depending on their program and the focus of the course. Formerly 621 A-Z.
Department Consent Required
1 Mennonites & Politcl Theology
2 Mennonite Churches-Lat America
3 Job
4 Marg&Mnstrm Menno: Sep Anbptst
5 Rhetoricl ID & Christ Aplogtic
6 Communicating Our Message
7 The Skill & Soul of Education

TS 631 Contemporary Christian Theology (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012804
This is an examination of major theological movements of the 20th and 21st centuries. The focus in a year may be on one or more thinkers like Barth, Bonheffer, Grant, Gutierrez, Hauerwas, Kung, McFague, Motmann, Niebuhr, Pannenberg, Rahner, Ruether, Ramm, Tilich or Yoder. Formerly MTS 531

TS 632 Modern Christian Thought (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012805
A biographical and thematic approach to the study of the major nineteenth century thinkers who shaped modern theology, including Schleiermacher and liberalism, Kierkegaard and existentialism, Troeltsch and historicism. Formerly MTS 522.

TS 633 Comtemporary Mennonite Theology (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012806
The course will focus on some of the central themes of the Anabaptist-Mennonite theological tradition: adult baptism, separation from the world, biblical authority, peace and non-resistance, and dicipleship as a way of life. Formerly MTS 533.

TS 635 Christian Ethics (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012807
An examination of the basis, scope and dynamics of Christian ethics that includes such theological and philosophical topics as Scripture, natural moral law, conscience, reason, freedom, responsibility, obedience and discipleship. It addresses the interplay between individuals, communities of faith and their social contexts.

TS 636 Christian Approaches to Peacemaking (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012808
A study of the foundations, history, and practice of peacemaking within the Christian tradition, including an exploration of the roots of present practice and the ecumenical and practical diversity of contemporary peacemaking. Formerly MTS 526.

TS 637 War and Peace in Christian Theology (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012809
Christian teachings on war and peace from the early church to the present, including crusade, just war, and pacifist traditons, as well as twentieth century discussions of realism, just revolution, nuclear pacifism, and non-violent resistance. Fromerly MTS 527
Antirequisite: Students may not receive credit for both TS 670 and TS 637.

TS 638 Doing Development: Issues of Justice and Peace (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012810
This course focuses on current issues in international development, and examines how various interpretations of justice and peace help to understand these issues and to address the constraints to development in the global community. Formerly MTS 575.

TS 640 The Mennonite Tradition in Historical Context (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012811
This is an examination of the historical emergence and development of the Mennonite tradition within the larger context of the Church.

TS 642 The Radical Reformation (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012812
A study of Anabaptism and its place in the history of the Christian Church and of the Reformation period. Formerly MTS 542.

TS 645 Reformation History (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012813
A study of the major sixteenth-century reformers and their itellectual background in humanism and late medieval scholasticism. Special attention will be given to the Lutheran and Reformed traditions and their ideological, social, political expressions. Formerly MTS 545.

TS 647 Global Christianity (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012814
This course examines the scope and character of contemporary global Christianity, especially its diversity of expression and its varied interactions with culture.

TS 651 Christian Worship (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012815
This course examines the historical and theological dimensions of those symbols and rituals which relate to people's corporate experience of God. The relationship of Christian worship to ethics and inter-faith dilogue will also be examined. Formerly MTS 686.

TS 652 Christian Hymnody (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012816
The origins and development of the Christian hymn (including contemporary hymn styles) considered as theological, poetic, musical, cultural and spiritual expression, and the use of hymns in a variety of worship settings. Formerly MTS 558.

TS 653 Worship and Music (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012817
The nature of worship and music in historical, theological and cultural perspective. The course will include field trips to services of various traditions. Formerly MTS 559.

TS 662 Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Life and Thought (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012818
This course examines the theological writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer in the context of his life - his studies and teaching, and his involvement in the World Council of Churches, the Confessing Church movement, and the resistance to Hitler.

TS 670 War and Peace in Christian Thought (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012819
(Cross-listed with PACS 670)
An examination of Christian teaching on war and peace from the early Church to the present, including the "just war" theories of Augustine, Aquinas, the Reformers and recent Catholic statements, as well as the pacifist views of Quakers, Mennonites and Brethren.
Antirequisite: Students may not receive credit for both TS 670 and TS 637.

TS 674 Church Mission (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012820
This course examines the development and meaning of the "missional church" paradigm as a way of articulating the relationship between communities of faith and theircultural settings, in both contemporary and historical contexts.

TS 677 Church and Ministry (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012821
This course explores the development of a theology of ministry, which includes the church's mission and institutional life and the personal calling to a life of ministry. The Believers Church tradiiton provides the primary perspective, augmented by the experience of the global dn ecumencial church.

TS 678 The Minister in the Church: Supervised Experience in Ministry I (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 012822
This is a supervised program in ministry. Each student will require a congregational context for ministry, a negotiated supervisory contract with a pastor or comparable person, and approval of tradition. This course is normally taken after the student has completed TS 677 and at least two of the program core courses. Formerly MTS 578.
Prerequisite: TS 677 and at least two core courses.

TS 679 The Minister in the Church: Supervised Experience in Ministry II (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 012823
This is a supervised program in ministry. Each student will require a congregational context for ministry, a negotiated supervisory contract with a pastor or comparable person, and approval of the program director. This course blends the Supervised Education tradition with the academic tradition.
Prereq: TS 678

TS 681 Personal Spirituality: Practices for Daily Living (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012824
This course examines the theology and practice of personal sprituality, in the context of personal temperament, life situation and religious tradition.

TS 684 Pastoral Care (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012825
This course examines biblical and historical perspectives on pastoral care as a basis for articulating a theology of pastoral care and pastoral care skills, and for developing a model of pastoral care for congregations or fatih communities.

TS 689 Aging and the Spiritual Life (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012826
Through experiential, reflective and theorectial learning, this course will explore spirituality as a central aspect of growth and development in later life. The perspectives of various faith and humanistic traditions will be included. Topics will include: religious beliefs and spiritual concerns later in life; a theology of aging; ministry to persons in later life; spirituality and dementia; death and dying. Formerly MTS 584.

TS 690 Seminars in Theological Studies (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 012827
Course topics and instructors will be announced annually.
Department Consent Required
1 Holy Spirit
2 Spiritual Formatn in Cngregatn
3 Preaching
4 Violence of the Bible
5 Spir Format'n Midlife & Beyond
6 The Bible and Peace: Global

TS 691 Selected Special Topics in Theological Studies (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 012788
The scope, focus and requirements of a reading course are determined by the professor in consultation with the student. Permission for a reading course must be obtained at the time of registration, prior to the term in which the course will be conducted. (Formerly MTS 590-593, MTS 690-693)
Department Consent Required
1 Celebrating the Christian Year
2 Theol of Euch/Lord's Supper
3 Contemporary Christian Thought
4 War & Peace in Christn Thought
5 Jesus and Peace
6 History of Interpretation
7 Widsom Literature
8 Healing: Christian Tradition
9 Contextual Ministry I
10 Sermon Methodology
11 Litratr & Histry of OT:Dvlpmnt
12 Eastern Thght,Dctrn & Theology
13 Trinitarian Thought
14 Spirituality and Suffering
15 Cross/Multi Cultural Ministry
16 Mnstry:Dying&Grieving Persons
17 Spirituality:Hlth Care Setting
18 2nd Samuel
19 Spcl Tpcs:Systematic Theology
20 Spiritual Guidance
21 Gender and War
22 Modern Cont. Theology
23 Biblcl Eschatology/Human Work
24 Theology & Lbrl Arts Education
25 The Ethics of John Paul II
26 Worship & Idolatry in the OT
27 The Aging Process
28 Royal Drama
29 Spirituality in Healthcare
30 The Bible and Suffering
31 Holy Spirit
32 Bonhoeffer
33 Paul
34 Post-Colonial Hermeneutics
35 Sugirtharajah and the Bible
36 Counsl'g in Multifaith Society
37 Theology and Education
38 Formation of Pauline Churches
39 Theology of Culture
40 Addictn: Cnslng & Spirituality
41 Hebrews
42 Church Dogmatics
43 Mysticism East and West
44 Greek II
45 Spiritual Formation
46 Intermediate Biblical Greek
47 Spirituality & Human Dvlpment
48 Healing: Christian Tradition
49 Family of Origins
50 Christian Theologies of Art
51 Trinity and Scripture
52 God, One and Triune
53 Discplshp Mennonite Yth Mnstry
54 Material Theology
55 Couple and Family Dynamics
56 Bcmng Intrcultural Communities
57 Sexuality and Ethics
58 Tchng Mthds for Bible Studies
59 Contextual Ministry III
60 The Drama of Christian Ethics
61 Matthew
62 Early Christian Spiritualit
63 Book of Psalms
64 Canadian Political Theologies
65 Celtic Christianity
66 OT Theme of Mission
67 Strytllrs: Blendng God's Story
68 Bible Theology 19-20th Century
69 Exec Managmnt for Church Leade
70 Marriage and Family Counsellin
71 Human Finitude & Resurrection
72 Reenginrng the Estblshd Church
73 Mennonite History & Thought
74 Anabptist-Menno Hist & Thought
75 Film, Prophecy and Culture
76 Intro to New Testament Greek 1
77 Anbptst-Mennonite Hist & Thght
78 Mennonite Responses to Islam
79 Political Theology
80 Worship Ritual and Ministry
81 Facilitating Bible Study
82 Creation Mat Apclyps in NT pt1
83 Creation Mat Apclyps in NT pt2
84 Ministry and Technology
85 Hebrew Grammar I
86 Hebrew Grammar II
87 Pastoral Counsel Anger Anxiety
88 Pastoral Counsel Dying Grievin
89 Exegesis: Gospel of Luke
90 Gospel of Luke
91 Investigatg Athiesm
92 Spirit Intgrtd Psychothrpy
93 Aboriginal Theology
94 Shattered Lives
95 Living the Beatitudes
96 Play Therapy
97 Difficult Church
98 Scriptural Biography
99 Spirituality of Children
100 Anabaptist Ecclesiology
101 Understanding Suffering
102 Develop. Of Doctrine
103 Idolatry
104 Religion & Culture
105 Feminist Theology
106 Abrahamic Faith
107 Eco-Theology
108 Pre-Practicum
109 16th Cent Reform
110 Early Christianity
111 New Testament Ethics
112 Reformation History
113 Iconography
114 Isaiah
115 Early Modern Religion, part 1
116 Early Modern Religion, part 2
117 Social Justc & Develp - Malawi
118 Suprvs'd Exp In Ministry, pt 3
119 Christian Apocrypha
120 Com. Ministry & Homeless.
121 Traditions - Catholic Epistles
122 Theology of Place - Part 1
123 Land, Bible, and Environment
124 Theology of Place - Part 2
125 Context, Culture, Land & Bible
126 People, Land, Bible
127 Cross-Culture Experience
128 Advocating for Peace
129 Spirit'l & Psych'l Form'tn
130 Theology & WW II
131 Spirit & Christian Life, NT
132 Modern Atheism
133 Intro to Spiritual Care
134 Restorative Justice
135 Works of Thomas Berry
136 Exp. World Religions
137 Formation of Pauline Churches
138 New Testament I
139 Spirit'ly Integrt'd Psych'thpy
140 Gospel of John
141 Spiritual Care - Instit/Commty

TS 692 Workshops in Theological Studies (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012828
This course provides a framework for students to pursue specialized topics by completing intensive courses which may be available off-campus or on-line. The maximum total credit for this course will be the normal credit for a one term course.
Department Consent Required
Prerequisite: TS 677. Consult with Ministry Option Supervisor.

TS 699 Historical/Cultural Travel Courses (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012829
These courses are based on experiential learning focused on a specific historical-cultural setting. Students will complete readings prior to the tour, prepare a reflective journal during the tour, and write an analytical paper following the tour.

TS 700s

TS 715 Special Topics in Old Testament Exegesis (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 012771
This course will introduce students to methods of analysis and interpretation of biblical texts by means of a careful study of an Old Testament Book. Students may be given permission to take course repeatedly, given that focus and content changes each time offered.
Instructor Consent Required
2 Psalms
3 Isaiah

TS 718 Special Topics in New Testament Exegesis (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 012831
This course uses a variety of methods of analysis and interpretation of biblical texts to conduct a close reading of a selected New Testament book. The focus and content may change each time the course is offered. Formerly MTS 618 A-Z.
Instructor Consent Required
1 Ephesians
2 2 Corinthians
3 James
4 Mark
5 Pauline Texts
6 War, Peace&Christian Theology
7 Gospel of John

TS 724 Biblical Foundations of Peace (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012832
This course explores the various dimensions of peace in the Bible, including biblical depictions of God as judge and warrior, texts which reflect wholeness and security (shalom), texts which describe God's attemtps to make peace with humanity (salvation), and the role of Jesus as foudation of peace and model for peacemaking. Formerly MTS 624.

TS 731 Christianity's Encounter with Other Faiths (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 012833
(Cross-listed with PACS 672)
This course will examine several contemporary theological responses to the encounter of Christianity with other faiths. The meaning and dynamics of inter-religious dialogue and the resources within the Christian faith for such an encounter will be explored. Formerly MTS 657.

TS 735 Theological Perspectives on Peace Issues (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 012834
This is an advanced seminar on topics such as war in the Bible, ecology and peace theology, feminist and pacifist perspectives, and Anabaptist peace theologies. Formerly MTS 625.
Instructor Consent Required

TS 738 Systematic Theology (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 012835
A study of the basic categories of systematic theology, organized around three traditional foci: theology (God), Christology (Christ), and pneumatology (Spirit). These are examined from a Mennonite perspective within an ecumeical context and in light of contemporary issues. Formerly MTS 625.

TS 746 Anabaptist Spirituality in Historical Context (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012836
This is an examination of sixteenth-century Anabaptist spirituality and its historical development, particularly as it evolved in the Mennonite tradition in Europe and North America, and in the churches of the southern hemisphere. Formerly MTS 628.

TS 751 Worship Ritual and Ministry (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012837
This course examines the role of ritual in congregational life, develops a theological and pastoral understanding of congregational rituals, and equips students to carry out this aspect of worship. Formerly MTS 685.

TS 779 Specialized Supervised Experience. (0.25) SEMCourse ID: 012838
This is a supervised advanced training experience tailored for a specific student. Formerly MTS 695.
Instructor Consent Required

TS 783 Integration Seminar (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 012839
This seminar provides a setting for personal reflection and integration of academic courses with experience in ministry. It is a context in which to test vocational direction and to gift discernment, to develop self-awareness and its implications for ministry, and to augment faith formation. Formerly MTS 679.
Prereq: TS 679

TS 787 Spiritual Guidance Seminar (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 012840
This seminar analyzes the literature and research on spiritual guidance (direction) as a ministry in the Church and then examines the practice of spiritual guidance. Formerly MTS 687.

TS 792 Special Topics Seminars (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 012841
A reading seminar is a reading course for more than one student, which may be initiated either by student interest or by a professor's current research. Students and professor will normally meet on a semi-regular basis. Such a seminar will be announced along with other course offerings prior to each term. Formerly MTS 595-598, 696-698,

TS 796 Thesis Preparation (1.50) RDGCourse ID: 012937
Students are enrolled in full-time thesis research and writing. Students register for this stage of thesis preparation after their Thesis Proposal has been accepted by the Theological Studies department. Students continue to enroll in this course during full-time thesis preparation until completion of their thesis.
Department Consent Required
1 Term 1 Thesis Res & Writing
2 Term 2 Thesis Res & Writing
3 Term 3 Thesis Res & Writing
4 Term 4 Thesis Res & Writing
5 Term 5 Thesis Res & Writing

TS 798 Thesis Preparation (1.00) RDGCourse ID: 012938
Students are enrolled in part-time thesis research and writing. Students register for this stage of thesis preparation after their Thesis Proposal has been accepted by the Theological Studies department. Students continue to enroll in this course during part-time thesis preparation until completion of their thesis.
Department Consent Required
1 Term 1 Thesis Res & Writing
2 Term 2 Thesis Res & Writing
3 Term 3 Thesis Res & Writing
4 Term 4 Thesis Res & Writing
5 Term 5 Thesis Res & Writing