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 Graduate Studies Academic Calendar
Fall 2006



Master of Applied Science

Admission Requirements

See General Requirements for Admission in the Master of Arts section. See in the Master of Arts section.

Degree Requirements

The Psychology Department offers a program of study leading to the degree of Master of Applied Science (MASc). Graduates are prepared for careers in applied psychology in a variety of areas: e.g., industrial/organizational psychology and health psychology. Currently most enrolled MASc students are in the I/O division (industrial/organizational).

Recent graduates of the program have obtained employment in a variety of settings: boards of education; schools for the blind, deaf and developmentally challenged; management consultant firms; psychological services in hospitals; community health centres; rehabilitation centres; research units in universities and other agencies. Moreover, as the MASc program prepares the student for doctoral studies, many graduates have pursued advanced studies at the doctoral level.


The program provides students with training in Quantitative (Statistics/Measurement) Skills, Applied Skills (e.g., Assessment, Interviewing, Program Evaluation), and in a Content Specialty (e.g., Behavioural Neuroscience, Cognitive, Developmental, Educational, Health, Industrial/Organizational, etc.). In addition, students must complete a Research Paper as well as an Internship or Field Placement. The internship may be completed by working full-time for four continuous months or by working part-time for eight months. Settings in which students have completed internships include: addiction centres, boards of education, industries, governmental ministries, mental health clinics, management consultant firms, psychological services in hospitals.

Course Requirements

Students are required to complete a minimum of 8 one-term (0.5 unit) courses including the master's research paper, (which counts as 1.0 unit), four of which must be taken for letter grades, plus a four-month MASc internship.

[Note: These are minimum requirements only. Students may be required to take more courses in order to meet the prerequisites for some courses. Completion of the degree is expected to take approximately five terms on average.] The minimum requirements are listed below:


Two statistics courses

Applied Skills

2 of the following:

Content Specialty

2 courses from a specific content area, for example:

Research Paper

MASc research paper (counts as 2 course units)


MASc Internship (does not count as part of the 8 required courses)

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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