Myth: Pink Himalayan sea salt is better for you than table salt

Truth: This trendy gourmet salt derived from ancient sea beds is everywhere. And so is the hype about its benefits, including that it is rich in health-promoting trace minerals and "vibrational energy."  Despite its inviting signature pale pink-coral colour that is the result of a smidgeon of trace minerals (and possible contaminants), there is no truth to any of the pseudoscience claiming it is a healthier seasoning option. Pink Himalayan sea salt contains the same amount of sodium as any other type of salt and has no special properties that make it better. Too much sodium from any source is linked to high blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease and other health problems. The average daily Canadian intake of sodium is 3400 mg per day, already much higher than the recommended intake of 1500 mg per day for adults. Using the pink Himalayan variety adds to your total sodium intake like any other salt, so use salt sparingly whatever its source is.