@article{246, keywords = {Barlow, Davies, Devine, Flowers, Flynn-Guglietti, Greater Toronto Homebuilders Association, Inglis, Jeanrie, Ketcheson, Kintork (Ontario) Limited and Nuko Investments Limited, LaCaprara, Leibel, Michael Gregg for Preserve Archaeological Sites of Toronto, Myers, Pier 27 Toronto Inc., Queen\textquoterights Quay Investments Inc. and A Small Street in Toronto Inc., Royal Canadian Yacht Club Castan Waterfront Developments Inc. Home Depot of Canada Limited Ontario Power Generation Canadian Pacific Express \& Transport Ltd., Shapcott, Sliwa, Stewart, Tate and Lyle Canada Ltd. and NRI Industries Inc., Toronto Disaster Relief Committee, Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corp. Toronto Economic Development Corporation, Urban Development Institute and Canadian Tire Real Estate Ltd., Williams, Zakem}, author = {Granger}, title = {Case Law, Archaeology - A. O. TO. 2006.11.28}, year = {2006}, journal = {Unknown}, month = {11/28/2006}, publisher = {OMB - Ontario Municipal Board}, }