Change Management Methodologies

Change is hard. Supporting individuals as they navigate their change journey helps to ensure people are prepared and equipped for the change (pre- and post- change implementation).

The application of a change methodology can assist the change leader to increase change initiative adoption rates. In addition, a change management methodology can:

  • Position employees to adopt new behaviours, skills, and values
  • Encourage innovation
  • Foster an environment of continuous improvement
  • Promote a shared common vision among employees

Examples of common Change Management Methodologies include:

The Change Curve

Developed in the 1960s by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, the Change Curve describes the 7 stages individuals go through when faced with change.

The stages are:

1. Shock

2. Denial

3. Anger or blame

4. Bargaining and self-blame

5. Depression and confusion

6. Acceptance

7. Problem-solving

This curve can be applied to any type of change: work or personal.

While the steps represent a natural human response for adapting to the change it is important to note that the journey through the stages is unique as individuals will react to change in varying ways.

This model can be used by managers to help predict how team members react to change and where they are along their respective change journey.

For information on a slightly modified version of the model and how you can help your team members accept change, please visit “The Change Curve” by MindToolsVideos

Bridges' stages of transition

Developed in the early 1990s by William Bridge’s and published in his book “Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change” this model describes three stages that need to be completed for individuals to move through change successfully.

The three stages being: Endings -> Neutral Zone -> New Beginnings

  • Endings = a period of time when individuals let go of the old way. It represents an ending and a time for change leaders and managers to support individuals with their losses.

  • Neutral Zone = a time when individuals find they have let go of the old way and are now preparing for the new way..

  • New Beginnings = the final process whereby individuals adopt the new way and the change begins to work.

Please review Bridges Transition Model for more information.